Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 29 Mar 1923, p. 5

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A quuntity of clean seed peas At the Elevotor. _._______..__â€"â€" SCII‘OIV' close today to re-opcn on Monday. the ninth of April. To-mori-ow being Good Friday. all places of business will be closed. f.______._. Daylight Sn ing goes into effect in Toronto. on the 13th of Mary. to con- tinue until the 9th of September. A boy's boot was found in the Council Chamber sometime ago, and a left at The Liberal Office. \‘Vill the owner call for it. ' The Ladies' Aid of the Methodist Church will present "Aunt Susans Visit." in the Masonic Hall on the evenings of April 9 and II. See p. st in. At the um meeting of Richmond Lodge. W. Bro. G. B. Newbeiywas presented by the Lodge With. a Past Master's Jewel. The presentation Was nude by R. Wor. Bro. W. H. Legge. Undia‘r the auspices of the Girls and Junior Auxiliaries of St. Mary s (U. of E.)ii Bazaar and three .act comedy “A Pair of Spectacles" will be given in the Masonic Hull, Friday Apiil 13. Further notice later. Easter services. with appropriate music, will be held in the churches of the Richvule Circuit next Sunday. The so mans will he preached by Rev. Lloyd Smith of Toronto. There “’lll be special offerings in aid of Richvule (.‘huich. As It is neceesury that we take Flour to keep supplied with Bran and Shorts, we are making a s ecinl piice on best pusti y Hour at $6.“ 6 anl. and Purity, Royal Household. and Maple Leaf Floui in cotton at $7.50 a l.‘lll_ at [he Elevutoi'. A 24 lb. bag for 80c. The auction sale of Mrs. J. Murphy, Yoiige SL, VVecliiesthiymf‘ last ‘\\e‘(-’k, conducted by Messrs l’rynticc & Prentice, was most satisfactory. Homes, cattle and {aim implements brought high prices, and the bidding was brisk from beginning: to end. At n meeting of ratepayers in the Council Chamber Monday evening ’ueveral committees Were appointed in connection with the Old 3in and Giils Field Day to be held in August when the Memorial will be uni-riled. The question of Daylight Saving was taken up, but as there was such a diflerence of opinion in) rote was taken. ’ â€"â€"â€"â€"+â€".0.râ€".â€"vâ€"â€"-â€" MARRIAGES GLUVERâ€"EMPR-INGHAMâ€"â€"At the Parâ€" sonage itnhmomi Hill. by Rev. H. 5. Warren. \Vediiesday, March 28, Edna E. Enlptillzliflll), daughter of Mr. and Mrs. john Euipriiigliani, to Clarence N. Glovw', sum of Mr. and Mrs/Thomas Glover, both of Vic- miia Square. (1‘ LOVERâ€"U()UI’ER'I‘HWAITE â€"~ At the Parsonago, Richhiond Hill, by Rev. H. S. Warren, \\‘ednc~day, March 2", Norua L. I. C iipcrthivaite, ilaugqter of Mr. and Mrs. Jaiiii-s Coupeithwaite, to Roy 1'). (Hove: ~on of Mr. and Mrs, '] ho this Glover. both of Victiiriit Square. Grand Concert MASONIC HALLâ€"- RICHMOND HILL Sat. March 3i, ’23 The following professional artists of .Toronto will take part : MYRTLE \VEBBER, Pianist HFroui the Studio of \V. 0. Forsyth HAF. .(IET MAYBEE COOPER, Elocutionist â€"-i"roiii tiie Studio of Owen Slllllt‘y SADIE STEVENSON, :Soprano â€"'I“l'0ll| the Studio of \\'.G.Ariiistioiig AILEEN ATKINSON, Violinist “Tal‘iited Yo'ing Artist of Rich. iiiond Hill; Pupil of Frank Con- verse Smith. This will be one of the best Concerts ever given at Rich- mond Hill. TICKETS, 50 CTS. (Including War Tax) CHILDREN, 25 CENTS ’,._.._ r-_.__-.. Millineryfi DRY GOODS MRS. W. DAVIES, Richmond Hill Nothing Succeed: Like Success We are earning unanimous ap- proval and retaining the confidence of the buying public by introducing only first class and standardized vaâ€" rieties of merchandise. A special feature for next Satur- day will be it display of Crepe-de- Chene, Georgette, Voile, and Silk Waists, at quotations both tempting and attractive. Being well stocked and fully pre- pared for Easter requirements, we are anticipatiiiga record season, and the advanced orders we are now re- ceiving for Spring is indicative that. we have the right goods at the right price, and an expression of apprecia- tion of service hitherto given, for the continuance of which our best and. every effort will be extended. Mrs. W.». Davies rnoss 119 i ii, A. Nicholls The Rezil Estate Man HAS FOR SALE A iif‘y‘ foot Lot with comfortable small house, raspberries, strawberries, asparagus, small fruit. etc. on north sideof Richmond street, price $1500. about 31100 down . Brick clad house six rooms. electiic light, on south side Centre Street vast, llc'iilly new Fiame house ver tidy on north side Centre Street East. [:1 Acres, house and ham to rent on Mill Road. iniiiiediiite poSsession. IAcre, house, and hint house, on May Avnnue. at a bargain quick sale. Money to loan on First MortgHgI-‘S. ' Yonge St, RICHMOND HILL BUILDERS ATTENTION! We have just received a cai‘load of ' Ruberoid Roofing, Asphalt Shingles, Felts, Building l’upei‘, Etc. 0 which wastouglit, before the advance in price, and we are therefore able to‘ save y0i money. Ask us for samples and prices. 1â€".”- L. Innes & Sons Planing Mill and Lumber Yard Richmond St. Richmond Hill. 38â€"35! ELO C UTIO N Miss Marguerite Boyle Artisr, Teacher in Literature, Expression, Reading, Dram- atic and Humourous Sketches, ‘ Dialect Poems. Professional Graduate Owen A. Smiley Studio. Address Miss Marguerite Boyle. Studio ‘Homewood Hall,’ Thornhill, Ont 30 tf of Get Your Painting Done Now A. s. WHEELER First class Painter I Low Charges Stop 47, Richmond Hill FALL TERM OPE N ‘ NEVVMARKET i BI'SINESS COLLEGE i liNiiOLL ANY I‘IME ilndiVitIlllll Institiction. Night School ‘ Mondays and Thursdays Newuisrket. Blink of Toronto BIJJR OIWWELCMVA Gent’s Furnishings. Your Seed Grain N 0â€". 1 Now that l-Iasti-r lime and ilic spring season is so iicariy tore the men of the town will probably want ‘ a new hat to We liave‘ new spring hats :ii.(l caps here in latest. Colon: and s ylcs at: reasonable prices, home. socks, tics and also a good llll‘llily ol' nilll'lS. Ii coiiiplclc t'icii’ oiiiliiqii Rubbers for i-i'ciyonc lll'." \iiidiyi weather. Also rubber boots, Wril'k quits v overalls and numerous oilieh thing-s, among them spring oxi‘orth lil‘ ladies, and patent leather slippers in ii” latest styles. torn; and SL‘C yourself or ‘ Phone 80' j. TRAIN for SUCCESS Preplre for a business career at 12 Schools in Toronto insure individual instruction in all business subjects. It our Schools or by mail. Write for [H'IIS- pectus to P. MCINTOSH. Chief Principal _ -._m‘_~-..‘- “c. r a.-. No‘ilgfi‘lo cows in the Matter of the Estate of JOHN HENRI WA I‘EON a“. ..f [ho Township ( f Vaughan, iii the (Toiiiity of Yuik, l‘ai'iiig'r, llivi‘eawi'. NOTICE IS HEREBY GlVliN pur- suant to Section .36 of The l‘i-iis'ti-i- Act (H. S. U. lill-l, (‘liaptn-r li‘} lltzll nll creditors and oiheis having t‘l‘lllll.‘ or demands against the I‘lxlalc l‘l the will John Henry Watson, who died on (-r about the 2nd day oijaiiuary. A. l). [923, are. required on or livi’fii'e the '1er diiy of A[) II, A. I9. 1931’. li).\‘.’lltl by post prepaid or Ill‘ll\t'l' Io Maiy Elizabeth \Valtstill, Maple, Down in, lhc Adlllllllsll'itll'IX ivilh the will anin X'Hl of the. Estate of the said deceased, their Christian names and minnows, addresses and descriptiom, llw l'ull particulars of thvii claims. a ~i til lilt‘lil of their acmviinls, .‘lllll llll‘ naiiiieof [he sot-urilies, iii any liwlil liy llii-iii. AND TAKE NOl‘lt‘I-I iliai .ilier such lrisl. lllt‘lliltlll‘il (lilll'. tlii- said Adiiiinisti-ati-ix will [iirzcced to“ dis- tribute tlic assets of llit‘ Mlitl Ill i: -.-i.~id among the partirs t‘liilllt‘tl Ili~-ii~t.:. liifi‘iiig l'l‘gll‘tl only to Illl‘ Ll.iiiii:r.f Which she shall then li;.ve |I|‘llL'", :ii (i that the S‘llt] Adiiiiiii~ira'iix \\'lll not bu liable for I‘ll“ said JIS<PIS or : ii': p ii't thereof to any Ilt‘lSHIl Oi pi inn“. oi whose claims notice shall l.lil h it"- been received liy~|ii-i‘ at Illl' ll!ll*’('l such distribution. DATED il‘ 'I‘oionti', this “.21 March. A. ll. lH‘JIi‘. \\'ll.l.lA.\l§(‘()t>K. 3'; ltiL-liniiiiiil Hi. \\'i-sl' ’I‘oiiiiitri Solicitor ful‘ Illt‘ said iXtillllllls‘ll‘JlliY :h-ll .i:._\‘ of, ’ WA Higioneséiou Yongc and (‘liiiiles Strccb‘, Toronto.l OPEN ALI. YEAR Coursvs gi-‘vii: lill\lllt‘~\', Siennâ€" graphy, 'l')‘pv\\‘iiiig, Striv- Lai'iai, (ieiieial loipi-uveiiieiit etc. DEMAND l‘lllt Hi'lt Gimpi'. ATES‘ DURING 'l‘lli'l LAST SlX'l'l‘IlfiX Mox'i‘iis Hour: 'i‘ii.\.\' iiiii‘BiJ-j ui'ii >I'l'I’I.Y. LI‘Iiiici ln‘\\' l'aitn-nlars l'im. \V. .I,. E: (a cam Are You Going to Plant Trees this Spring .â€"_â€"â€"~‘ .l.1ii'l'l‘ l’i'iiicipul. 2’ Trees will to :l;:- limiur .' if )‘lJtll‘3l‘ir'Ili-IF' m- can .wil in iiibi-L‘lJn‘ souls. l’iw'r ti‘cc~', Hi‘iiniiicnzal trees and Sliriiblwry, from the Nihâ€" scry ol‘ l7. Il. Smit‘i & Sun. \\‘iiioiia,t,)iit. lieniciiilwr all trees that do not El‘ww are replaced. We can \Il; - ply you with one tree "I‘ hundreds. No order I m small. Our prices lllt‘hhlf‘ I I‘ dislix‘u-Ly to your l.- ll.‘“_ '. -,,- nu“ GEO. H. PRICE ' Representative Richmond Hill } câ€"z'l 'L ’.' f; TO obtain maximum yields you need to sow Test- , ed Seed Grain. To purchase good seed you may require finanCial asSistance Extending accommodation for such purposes is an important phase of Standard Service. Carnal! our late! Molnar STANDARD BAN 0" CANADA THE K 35' x TOTAL ASSETS OVER EIGHTY-THREE MILLIONS Richmond Hill Branch, \/ j. R. Herrington, Manager 9-... I, -this much r: solid ‘ ( rock \ ‘ T » i.iNNEs RIC OLID Gypsum Rock in sheets 3-8 inch thick and in the same convenient lengths of ordinary wallboardâ€"that’s what “Gyp- roc" is. Think of the extrat- ordinary advantages Cyproc wallboard has over other wall- boardsâ€"its wonderful fireproof qual- ities: its perfect insulating properties; the convenience of application: its low cost. ,. Is it any wonder that so many people are using it now instead of flim- sy inflammable paper or fibre boards? Gyproc \Vallboard will not shrink, crack. warp or burn. It can be cut. sawed and applied just the same as Ordinary wallboard and costs no more. " Just the material for new work. re- modeling or repair work. Write for Gyproc booklet and sample of Cyproc Fireproof Wallboard. THE ONTARIO GYPSUM C0., LIMITED PARIS ~ ONTARIO 21 82 50M, Dealers, IIMOND H ILL 1 Custom Hatching I Your Eggs hatched for you at i', v $5fld per“ 100 We new have a Capacityof ‘ 2440 Eggs BROOKLANDS Stop 51 1-2 J. W. BOWMAN P113113 4 4-11 ___-â€"-â€"â€"-â€"- .\l\' stack of spring suits has arrived, and having ordered same ' before the price of woollen lin advanced. I can sell suits from’SITJO up {no sliubby gods.) those who have bought suits already, pronounced Him“ the best for the money they have had for ii longtime. yoursci‘. i‘oiiic and etc for ladies uni Mni’s suits made right hcre by hand, S35 and up l.2iilie:' at‘ (1 reasonable prices. ’1‘) fl.t' l; diesâ€"Ii" you want a suit or coat not made to order, I can save you money by taking you to Jim. Norihway & S ns', factory and let you select one there. «II'ANING AND PRESSING NEA'I‘LY DONE E. R . FORTNER : Clothier and Tailor. .‘iltn's own clcth made and trimmed at very Arrival of Spring Suits

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