Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 29 Mar 1923, p. 8

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OR SALEâ€"l range, coal or wood, ‘ high 9116.! and I-eservo‘r. Fur sulv comlp. Apply LIBERAL OFFICE. 38â€"40 SAWS FILEDâ€"Cross cut and cir- cular saws gummed and filed. Cut- ting box knives ground. In fact if it gdull we sharpen 1!. Also agent. for “Ion Mfg. 00., Guelph. (tome in and see their 21 Self sharpening step] chilled ploW‘share. A. ANDERSON. Ron of W. Vanderburg’s shop. Rich~ mond Hill ln-tf RESSMAKING â€"- \Vumeus and _ chlldlens dresses. MRS. WM. GOULD, Richmond Hill. 36:39 OTlCEâ€"E. Sliney l8 prepared to 1 do all kinds of trucking and eating in Richmond Hill and viuinity. Flu-onus lollIited. Phone Richmond 811198. 42 tf hm UR SALEâ€"l 5 piece parlor suite. l_good bod spring, Quantity wool carpet. Quantity rag carpet, 1 Imperial Oxford range. 1 self feeder,.l small heater, 2 let bedroom dishes. 2 wash- stnnds. Apply MRI. JOHN HART, Richmond St. \ 38-40 0318 OR FARMâ€"If you are think- ing of buying a home or furl“ it will he to your interest In first see \\ ISLEY BOYNTON. Phone 121 J, Rich- mund Hill. 38-41 OR SALEâ€" Holstein Cow. gmxd ‘ milker, and Gulf three weeks uld. (Pp-HILL. Ouk Ridges, P. 0. Phone King, 806. ,V 39 Q‘V FOR SALEâ€"Poll Angus cow, due to freshen the 29th of April, lot. 31. con. 3, Markham. A. NIGH. Phone 2515. 38-39 ANTED T0 RENTâ€"«Five or ten news of land 01- will lease. GEORGE TAYLOR. Richmnnd street, Richmond Hill. 39-41 OR SALEâ€"Single furrow Percival riding‘ 10w. used once. 1 spring wagon. an a ROM) heifer, 2 years. J. CHAPPLE. B. R. 2. Maple, 11 miles “‘ " an ,A, __L “OR SALE:A heavy set. brass mounted harnesu, new. J. E. Honqxss; Stnp 52. R. R. No. 1. 39-40 -:w;'e;t:Slnp 52 Yonge strebt. W “SKLTEIRepeater, lev rhction, cal. 25-20, uses highâ€"power cartridges, as new, in canvas case. $25.00. W. M. H .-\Y. 39 )R 0 LETâ€"Four room suit. over R SALEâ€"A modem n-W ‘six l'uomed house. hardwood fluur, fir ‘. B. SAL’DER, ;Baker Ava. Rich. d Hill. 38â€"41 store. T. H. HARD\\'ARE, Th'orn- \ 85 tf. kAINBOW SPECIALTY SHOPPE, Richmond Hill ROBINSON BLOCK want Ads‘ INCHES'L‘ER .R‘IFLE PTOR OOK ISTEN EARN K ETTY STYLES « RIC ES RIGHT New Silks and Tricotines r FEATURED IN Season’s Striking Fabrics, __ WITH m All New Spflring Dresses New Store in To-zm ri NOW OPEN - - FOR‘ BUSINESS COME RICK HOUSEâ€"Good six room Iolid brick house for sale on Church Itroet. Large lot, bath room, reception Hull etc. W. H. GRAHAM, Richmond Hill. 33%. l‘ \centrally located. Yongé sireefi, Richmond Hill. Apply box 95, Rich- mond Hill Post Office. 3“-tf OUSE FOR SALEâ€"\Vith two acres of land. Also H. uantity of out sheaws. D. H. SEA mass. Stop 48, Yongo Street. 38-319 0R SALEâ€"Business property \centrally lneated. Yonge streets. DB SALE â€"â€" Cosy 4 mnmed (3m- tage. largo barn, stablng for th horses. pnultrv house and poultry. good driving shed. good well, and two acre. of splendid garden soil. Smp 57 Yong" 513.. Schomherg Junrlion. Apâ€" ply ac LIBERAL Oflico, or R. Rankin. Richmond Hill P 0. 36â€"lf mus-mi}. Eléin Miué Ol SALEâ€"35 bushels of seed pens. , choice young cmv, fresh 25th. 1 swing wagon, good as new, 1500“). capacity. 1 Massey Han is spring tooth cultivator. 13 tooth. Indep Phone Itouffville 4004. LOUIS L. NICHOLS. 39 41 LFALFA SEEDâ€"A limited quantity of genuine. (irim’a alfalfa seed; Also a quantity of Timothy hay, Prices right. W. SCOTT, ['ninnville. Phone ltouffville 5208. 39-40 ‘ EMALE HELP WANTEDâ€"Waumi A girl for generul hone-Work. 11.0 a responsiblo party to look after child- ron. Apply after April 10th. 10 MRS. E. T.\STEPHENH, ‘s'LHp 47. Yonge St. The following were present: John L. McDunald. Hon. P1es.; B. Mc- Donald, Prem A. M. Rice, Munngm'; J. Brilliuger, Capt: (T. McDonald, R. Wesley. A. ()laphnm, C. Campbell, G. Fee, G. Tomllnson, B. Hooper. 'l‘uosdax evening, March 20, the Thornhill Midget Club weie given a banquet by Mr. Hurry Estes. The boys thoroughly enjoyed the gnud dinner given and shoWed thpir appreciation to Mr. Estes by a vote of thinks, moved by Bruce McDonald Prel. of the club. 7 r T.R.C. Canada's Standard Remedy” for Pa'm UR RENTâ€"‘â€" Fm-m in TownshiSDâ€"f Vaughgg,f¢u;fg_1nofyears. J. H. 9 llade to "Get" Rheumatism S Most other pains are easy. THORNHILL Sold at Sloan’s Drug Stores 39-41 The Ulnho,nf which he has been a reader for (n er (ii) yezns, I An interesting ceremony was per- ! formed at the diamond Wedding, when Mr. and Mrs. Gec‘s youngest grand- llthild, Donald Fotstvr Duffin. was buplizwl liv Rrw. Donald Stewmt n! Ui-umlin Presbyterian Church. This grandchild lOCPiVPd its mum-s from [hP pastorandalso from Dr. M. Fur- slvr of Tex-unto, who was piunoer phvsivian of Thm-ndnlo. ! Gmrge, Rnhertund Joseph fire, of I Rii-hnr nd Hill are nephews. I Al'hungh this ('uuple sue almost nnnngunalinns. they take an acthe pm! in HM» gamks and intexests uf Iheir urnmlchildu‘n. Every summer ' Mrs. HEP. tukuihm' grandchildren out, lior‘mw wH-k’s‘ picknicking. providing all kimh of tumour sports and Pilnlhl nn-nls. Mn. Gwe'sfavm'ile pastime is lead- inglhonewquwrs. He has always been astaunch Refnrnwr and studies lgg‘ex'yiglerlnil {If ppljticgl questions in ‘ 0n the 25th of )Iru'n-h the diamond wedding of Mr. and Mm. Daniel Gee was celehra'ed :11 {he H‘Sidvl c: (1| their youngest. dunghtvr, Mus. WiIIizun Dufiin, cnncpsdun 3, Went Ni:smui. Mr, m d Mn. (1‘n-t- were mm‘lied u. the hmne of the l?!" bride’s parents“, Mnxrd MN. “’91 in") Simk.'MaIk~ ham. Ontariu, on Man-ch 225, 1863, by Rev, jameg Gmdoa Hf thP Markham Presbyterian Church. Mrs. James 1 Ross hf Ilderton and John Lawson of Wiltun‘Grove wore guests at the first wedding, the golden wedding and [he diunund wedding: ‘ Mrs. (hm was 1-0: n hour Edinburgh. G n “ma burn in \V’iltshiw. England. 88 31-318 ago, and unwed to Scurhhrh' \Vhr~n ‘30) yI-urs of Hg». Mr. and Mrs. Gbe wsided in Markham for five years, and lhen moved to their farm south of 'I‘hmndalo. whole they resided until u (-mmlc nf yems ago, when they took up [heir lesidvm'c with a. daughter (1 few mill-S distmn‘ Swollnml. S3 VHI with her Darenls l‘monto. “11- n H G 1» “7:13 burn in TheGlnhnof M-nday contained an account of the Diamond Wedding of MI". MN! Mrs. Dmivl (Pee. of Thom- da‘e, frum whit-h the {(bllmving is taken : Take a trip to qughlaud \ia the urn» route. you will find the laugh- ing contagious and continuous. You will relish the vocal and musir-ul numbers and will tingle with excite- ment. from curtuln to curtain. Rp- member there are three big parts this year. and each part is produced in rm entilely different manner. Part one contains merry Ininstlel, crossfire. Part (“‘0' is a snappy’vnudmille number. euihmcinu many original cunedy stunts and aweâ€"inspiring ningir‘. Part. three in a pluylet which will stud you home chuckling to yum- sr-lf. Then there is the orchestra. which will fin-lush music throughout the. evening. The pompous interlucutor is getting braced tn withstand the hm ruge of hot j‘ukes which are sure to be tired at, his head. and [hr in schievous end men a 6 getting the nwder ready. so that the reports will )e heurd fur and near. \The dates have been set as folluws: Thursday, Friday and Saturday. April '26. Want] ‘28. in the Mnsrmic llnll. " Bills will soun he. nut,’ and tickets will In» on sale llt Slnnn'a Drug SLIIIP. Keep the dates open. Are yun a subscriber U ment. many thousands of Can. adians have proved the cllectlvenoss of 'l‘.R.C.'s.v The best test you can make is to get a dollar box from your drugglst, or (or free sample wrll: J. G. Templeton & Co.,‘l‘otonto. A pastal card will bring it. ‘ Married or single ? That's the quen- tion now agitating the‘ fiublic mind. The return game of hoc ey between the married and single men of town will be played at the local ice palace to- night (Thursday). If we're to have any June weddings this year the Iingle men have got to prove their worth to the yourg ladies on this occasion ; that last effort can be overlooked, but not this one. letter goal-keepers than even our own J. P. (Has: have found themselves on the short end of a hockey score. Ar - other large crowd is expected to wit- ness this crucial game.= Be there early. Skating after the game. 1 nothing quite so good for pains and aches as Templeton’s Rheumatic Capsules. The medi- cinal power they contain is absorbed by the blood and so carried to the seat of the paln. T. R. c.‘s contain no lubibtormingdrugs. Their action Is to remove the cause of the pain. USING T.R.C.'s is not an expcrl- mam. mnnv thousands of Can. MINISTRELS IN FULL SWING MIRTHâ€"MAGICâ€"MUSIC Tflli simple fact Is this: there i. noHu'na unit: so good in.- Tuesday evening's hnckoy match be- tween Newmaaket's fut junior team and the Richmond Hill Senior Cudot tum was a stubbornly-contested affair, but the attends ce was very poor, not more than a mer handful of the hockey flithfuls being in «attendance at the local ice palace. Newmarket won 3-0. A fuller account in em- next issue. After marble time. skipping repel, and jacks then comes the old fworitou. the Roler-Boler Minstrels. Sec largo bills ; then get tickets early. Sporting Notes Diamond Wedding OI- in . our Edinburgh. gm, and moved Markham. mun s of nge. Mr. shiw. England. (*d In Sczlrhm'h' Mr. and Mrs. OUR LEASE IS EXPIRING Everything must go It will pay you to buy now as the following lines will be from 25 to 50 per cent higher next Winter. .0 OOWWWW“W THE LURNE‘ BUICK FHRNISHING STORE “MQM wouw v0.0.0.0 mcumuoomm DRY GOODS - MILLINERY - LADIES‘ WEAR One set Back Band Harness with 1% inch Traces ~â€" Steel Bolt Hames. Regular 360 00. Sale price $50.00 g Pts.~15c. ‘Pts. 80c. Qts. $1.40 :EGals Gals. 85‘00. Two Burner - $21.50 Three Burner a 26.00 Four Burner - 34 .00 TWO Burner Junior - 14.75 Ovens - $6.50 and $8.00 Phone 33, - Thornhill, Ontario 0”.” 90 WW.” OW New Perfection OIL STOVES m WOOD FIRE and LIFE INSURANCE REAL ESTATE A. G. SAVAGE QUALITY SHOPPE -:- Phone 53 Winter underwear, caps and gloves, we are selling at les’s than cost. Will cost much more next winter. We also have quite a few odd spring and summer cape, regular $1.75 to $2.25 for 75c., will make a. good every day cap. A few V neck sweaters xegular $3.50 to $4.50 for $1.50 to $2.00, These will be much higher next year. Trench Block ' TRENCH'S I‘LOCK Spades, Shovels, Forks, Building paper, Tar paper and Roofi‘ng,Harness Sup- plies Sweat pads, Breast strap, Hame strap, Heel chains, Curry combs and ‘“ Brushes : Stoves and Ranges -: C. N. COOPER _ Richmond-Hi1 COOPER’S HARDWARE General Agent, office at the Post Office - Richmond Hill COAL T. H. HARDWARE & SUPPLIES Limited Phone 325 Thornhill, Ontario SherWin-Williams Paints “'9 take pleusur? in announcing tn our many friends that our spring Millinci'y Display is now H-mly. and we will he plrused to show you lhe very Inlost (le- signs, and from week to week an the season advance-s will mld oevrylliing that i9 new and np-Ln-d-HP. Specialatlemiun given to individual rt'quirouu-nts. No two buts of the sume pultm n. - Also a full line of Hats suituhle for children, -:it:rvnsonul»lo pllct'S, , T. H. HARDWARE 8; SUPPLIES Limited Norman J. Glass. MRS. NORMAN BATTY “.0000”... and PHONE 93 . $2.65 Phone 53

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