Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 12 Apr 1923, p. 1

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Am pleased to announce a substantial reduction in price and would advise order- ing yOUr coal as early as pos- sible and avoid’exhorbitant prices of the past winter. patronage and patience through the past winter. Sometimes the coal was misrepresented to us and the price was beyond our control. As this is the. closing of another coal year,~ we wish to thank our many custo- mers and others for their G. HILL, Oak Ridges P. O. SAMPLES FREE- PAINTING. DECORATING l'iumeISOS, King. ’I ‘ Owen A. Smiley Studio. Address Miss Marguerite Boyle. Studio ‘HomewOod Hall,’ Thornhill, Ont 30 tf Dialect Poems. Professional Graduate of Artist, Teacher in Literature, Expression, Reading, Dram- atic and_Humourous Sketches, lndivldual Instun:li0n. Night School Mondays and Thursdays, to enter _a branch of this Bank because you do not know how to make a de- posit. Our Managers or the staff will be pleased to show you. ‘11 Start with One Dollar and add to it dollar by dollar. Newmarkrt. Bank of Toronto Block Wall Hangings Artistic Charm 1 ELOC UTION Miss Marguerite Boyle NEWMARKET BUSINESS COLLEGE VOL. XLV. PUBLIE} NOTICE FALL TERM OPEN WILLOWDALE. ONT. v THE ROYA°L BANK " OF CANADA ENROLL ANY TIME DO NOT HESITATE ()LLIV'ER. Manager .50 per annum, in advance. . Ramer ()f«- DEN TKST Office Trench Block. two doors north of Standard Bank. Hour59u.m. In 5.30 p.m. Open evenings by appointment. sale The Maple Sand. Gr: Company, Lt'd. have m Cement, drain tile. 3. 4 Culvert tile 1:3. 15. 12 ely now. You‘ should take advantage of the present prices of metal by ordering your Ewe-Trough, Roofing. Furnacrs. or any other metal product, as every- thinz points to a substantial increase in prices in the neu-fnlurn. Come in zmd let us protect you with present prices. ‘ We have (In hand fur Immediate De- livery Unckslnutt, PIC-“is, \V‘ilkinsnn Plows. 1 Set Chain Drags, \Vhevlbarw rnws. lSecond»Hand Ctr-am Separator- Just befm'c the Spring Bush on the Farm you should look over the Ma- chinery and get, those Needed Repairs. Or, if it's New Machinery, we can get it. for you. Sand: Gravel, Tile and Brick TEETZEL \ BROS (30incllesri'nilI-vngzfi) W mw Also Cement Brick Sand or Gmch suld by the load or n cur lnts. Cedar pos‘s :Ind [oh-phone poles fur In'n This Is the Time Yonge St, RICHMOND HILL Adelmo Melecci and Miss Rosalind Bush L. T. C. M mm the Torontu Conservatury of Music. will accept a number of pupils in Piano. Vocal and Two choice bargains on Ct‘ntre St. East. llmlse and Lot at. Maple. also a small farm in same locality. Will lend you monPy or 1mm ynu money, Insurance. 50 ft. Int an wQé't side of Baker Ave. with good garage and hen house only $700.00. Brick clad hnnso. stal-la and R NCI'PP, and, orchard. small fruit un Lucas Street. Eight 12min Brick house firstâ€"class shape. PIPL‘tI‘il' light, furnacv, lnnzc lut, gm-agp. all kinds nf fruit, hard and soft, water. :1 bargain fnr quick sale, on snulh side Richmond St. Small flame voltage. good lot. asparagus, slmwlwnips. other fruit. unly $l500. just, the place for man and wife requiring I'PSI and quiet. on north side Richmond St. PLUMBING AND TINSMITHING HOT \VATER HEATING AND GENERAL REPAIRS THORNHILL, ONT. LPt us know your w Eight, >upils iu Piano. Vocal and -: Theory. -:- For infurnmtion Phone 110. Mm. MYLKS. Tinsmiths and General Agents PHONE 87 W . C. HENDERSON The Real Estate Man RICHMOND HILL. ONT" THURSDAY. APRIL . L. R. BELL HAS FOR bALE Telephone T. COUSINS. ud. GI'HVI‘I and Brick huvg on hand for sale. A 3. 4. 5. 6 and 8 in. 15,18 and 20 inch Nicholls “In Essentiak, Unity; in Non-E. [HS in Mug-hin- Manag: 1' Bro. P. C. Hill responding loâ€"“Visiting Brethren.” Songs were sung by Bro G. Metcalf, interesting stories W01“ told by Bm. Cameron, entertainer and an able address on Brotherlmg was dulivuxed by \V'. Bro. Sutherland Chamber Tuesday evening, the Presi- dent. Mr. Greene in the chair. SeVPl‘Ni committees repnrtod [)l'ngl'HSi relative to the Old Boys and Gills Rcâ€"l'ninn t n be held in August. it was decided to unveil the monument Sunday nfl‘ek noon, August 5, Union Semi-re with Community singing in the park, in the evening. [he pl‘ngrurume on Mondsiy to be It parade, followed by baseball and football matches. On Tuesday the finals in lmsehall and frmtball will be played, and there will he a lucmssc match captained by two of Richmond Hill Old Boys. now in ’I‘ntnntn,nnd fool. races for adults and children. The celebmtion will end with almnquet 'I‘ugfday evening. By special invitation. about flat)“ members of Richmond Masonic Lodge visited Canada Lodge in the eztstezn part of the city on Friday L-venixg last. Duiiug the evening a cuuditlnte was initiated, the wouk being done by the officers of Richmond Ledge. Be- fore retiling tn the lower hall \V. Bro \Vilson, the W. .\l. of Canada quc. was prevented with a basket of ex- quisitn roses fnl' himself and “'it'P, from Richmond Lodge, the presenta- tion being made in :1 few choice “’(lldS by Bro. Huny Morden. Mr. Wilson thanked the duners for the kindly rp- memhmnceaftei' which the brethren repaired to the Iefreslnnent mom where a tempting banquet was srrrml. Th9 usual toasts \VH-v plopowil. W. A'L'OHING EGGS FOR SALE~ Rhode Island Red. heuvy winter laying stock. 13 eggs 81.00. Photo Map]. 1160. A. CLEART. 41 The 'nex‘ [fivéeting will be held Tuesday evening, the 24th of April. The Metropolitan Railway. having sold its propt-Ity (In Fm-nhnm avenue. North Toronto. has camhlishod the dfispntching office in the old :10?th the park nt Bond Luke‘. It i< the in- tention nf the Company to erect it new station nt Schmnheig Junctinn, which will house the (lespnlchers' nffices. The system will (lion he divided into three divisions. fi-nm Toronto to Schomberg Junction. Schumherg Junc- tion to Schnniherg. und Schfiniherg Junction tu Sutton West. This changv will he a great improvement. as if difficulty is encouutvrvd in one section. the Whale system will not he tied up. as sometinws happens at pressmt. The company also prnanvs to erect :1 new freight SlH’Il and StOl‘t‘S depot at Schomherg Junction. A very pretty “wading was snlmn- nized nn \Vednvsd ny, Apvil 4. EV Rev_ Mr. \Vvllu‘und ul the- Imnw (If Mr. and Mia. \Vm: Luwery. .Richmond Hill, when their eldest daughter Edith Mae became: the bride of Mr. Gen. Alvln Stephenson. Richman Hill. The bride who was given nwny by herfather. looked charming in a gown of white satin and radium lace, carrying a bouquet. of Ophelia mses. After u r"- ceptinn Mr. and Mrs. SIephs-psun 10- t for a short trip. the bride Wearing a navy blue suit with h‘:t, to match. On their return tbs-y will reside on a. farm near Richmond Hill. The Uninn Trust On. :ncling far lhu. Hornedan Land 00.. hag pun-clnnsml thn. Nichl-li Falm at, Elgin .‘llll< ful- nhnnt $60.000. The property will he suh-dividvd and rub up into acre and half-acrelols. The farm co'mm-nrvs at. the nm'lh-Wcst corner of Yonge street and must (5f the fr-nntngu on Yongustrept, Ash-vet will be conâ€" structed “Inning through the farm pm-nllel tn Elgin side, mud, giving the inside lots l'runtuges. Aunt Susan’s Visit. which was un- avoidably dt-lnypd {m- a. few days. will take place in l.lu_- Masonic llnll, on Monday and Tuesday vvening, April 16 and 17 “L right u’clnck. 'J‘icke‘ti which wme- snlxl for April 9th will he goud fhr April lmh, and tlmsu sold for April lth will he gmud for A’piil 17th. A few resen-Nl smug left :it Sloan's Drug Sum-e. Cmm- and give Aunt, Susan a hearty \n-lcmnv. meeliflg \\_':I9 held in lllP Council Visit to Canada Lodge Schomberg Junction Ratepayers Meeting Elgin Mills Farm Sold Stephenson â€"Lowery Aunt Susan's Visit {toâ€"“Visiting sung by BIO. stories Were entertainer : Brofiherlmgd fssentials, Liberty ,- in'all things, Charity loose héy and n quantity bf WEE \Vava oats. good ennuzh f0: seod. L. CURTIS, Richmond Him. 41-43 In unnclusion, is it any wonder that during the grcnt shortage and high price of fuel in Ameiicu. that so many people choose tli - unrivail *6 Minute of the Bahamas, in x\ lich ills housvs are built without chimneys, and a dip in the sea. the most. heulthful of all nat- ural sports, can be indulged In any day of the: year? (Mrs. Jno. 11.0. v ANN A. DI'RHAM The New Colonial N nssau. Bahamas West Indies. Much 10. 1923. In the em ly days it wan found neces- inry to build three forts to protect the haulu r. but the guns have long :ince been lhruwn flt‘ll) their carriages. and. instead of soldiers. lroups or (hnm‘u leon-cnuted lizards pel‘fulnl their en:â€" lutions on the sunny rumpaitw. These forts are among the plants of il.‘9l88t for tourists \vhr-n driving on the beau- tiful alone uuds. Fort Charlotte, the largest uf thew, overlooks the golf grounds. There me Im) splendid hnlels‘ in Nassau, the Rnynl Victmiu and the Now Coloni-tl. The InttPr has just, bvvn erected at a cost of over three million doling, but with these nnd many comfortable boarding hnusel there is nut nccommuduliun fur the visitor; and nnny who have not made l’E‘SBl'VHtiOHS have to return on the hunts that they came on. We were fawn-ed with aniinvitation to the opening of the Legisluuue, which we attended on the 6th nl‘ Murch, and were thrilled with the pump and splendor of the affair, especi- ally the grey wig- nn the Chief Justin-e, Attorney General, And other ulficiald. The Guvet-nur-Uem-ruI. Sir Henry E. S. Coxdvnu. in his speech, congratulat- ed the members on the colony’s good financial Shll“i"g fur the past your. hut, ingretled llle decrease in the spnnging land shall industries. He. however, uxpn-sged gratefnlness for the spleml-d t'lllittll crop that har- v. sted as n u h u: tlnve hundred Muh- Pl? tn the rcre. l-nt uf which out 0! e hlllllltt‘ll and thirty thousand news new- shipped, brim!ng somewhere in the neighburhoud vt' seventy lhnuannd puundsl A hclf million dollars out of the year's surplus has been sent to the Cnlnuial Office in London, England. for inve‘tnlent, and much needed im- pruvmnents ill't' under wuy in the city and harbor. Spouging has been the chiel industry since early in the century. but, as boot- legging is very much more profitable, the sponge fleet is used to a certain ex- tent. to curry liquor to where it is Nuns- ferred to amnewhere wiLhnut, the thiee-milu iimiL of the United States. The liquor is brought tu ansau from both Canudi: and the Old Land in boul- lmidsmsumetilnes never brought un sbnn', und the excise (m same Ins made the treamry. (11;th w“ puor be- fnre prohibitinn came to the U.S.. very rich; aim very poor men, who hecu‘me denim: in sanw, are!an mil- liunnii-es. 'l‘heic are liquor ‘stnres in most every blur-k. yet. [here is very lit- tle appearance- of its abuse unmnget the nativesâ€"not. even‘if one, for dix u» sinn. stops for an hour or so in lisuu to the police court cases in passan ALED HAYâ€"A quantity of baled hay and straw for sale. Alsn (By Mas. J. H. C. DURHAM) (Continued from last week.) Our Trip to the Bahamas Via New York Em gTskLaNGBANK Advancing money to progressive far- mers for sound farming extensions is an important part of Sterling Bank service. You may discuss your plans fully with our local Managerf because such discussions are strictly a personal matter between you and the Bank. Additional Funds SAVE ‘* Because I I2, 1923 OF CANADA Church, is pre ared to receive Vpu i if Richmond gill on Mpndays. Stu i HOUSE PA INTER. Glazier. Grainer and Paper- Hanger. fir‘si'ii'fié'éfy? 133155 24?." $21-$31}: {:9}: behobtained by calling. Phone 2:3 ..__r-v.. v... Electors are culled upon to examine the said List, and if any omissions or uny other errors are fnund therein In tnku immediate proceedings to huvu the said errors corrected according to law. 75 Jarvis St. Toronto. 43 NOTICE is hereby given that I have transmitted or delivorcd to the persons mentioned in lectloni Ei ht and Nine of the Ontario “Voters' ist Act" the copies required by suid sec- tions to be transmitted or delivered of the List made pursuant In said AM. of all persons appearing by the lust Revised Assessment lit-ll nf the said Municipality in he (-ntillml to vole in the said )Iunicipnlity at lL‘lH‘Linnn for MPmlR-rs «if the Le-gislntivv Assembly and that. [he said List was first pnstml up in my olf'co at the Village of Rich- mond Hill an the 29th day of ‘Marcli. 1923, and remains there for inspeclirm. wl.n., W. HEWISON , A. J. lil‘ME. Clerk of Lhc said Municipality. Dated this 29th thy 0f Mnrch, 1923 39-41 A Farmers Supply Co. V v , _ -V. -i....,..,.,.. want a reserved seat in a good position step right up and get busy. Re- memberâ€"3 Big Partsâ€"and each part is full of zip and go from curtain to curtain. Yul! can't. afford to stay away if youwwunt. to keep in touch with Inca] doings (P) Remember the dates of the show. Apl‘li 26. 27, 28. Yes. rush right to the from at 01100. for the Rolex-Baler Minstrel show. Plan opens at Sloan's Drug Store, Saturday night, April 14. Now , if you want a reserved seat in a good posigon ztnn ..:..LL .. Canadian Tenor and Choir Leader 913’” North Pm-kdnle Methodist VOTERS’ LIST, 1923 Municipality of the Village of FARMERS! Oulur your Repair; and Machines at, once, saw Express and Freight RICHMOND HIiL SAM. SHEPHERD ‘aper hanger and Painter Oxford Streep Phone 44 r 32. [Single copies, 3 cts. Wm. C. Ruttan COUNTY OF YORK Get in Line Early I Charges 41 pupjla

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