Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 12 Apr 1923, p. 4

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'9 0‘1 ’ If you want a. Bred-toâ€"Lay strain of Barred Rocks. The good for all purpose Breéd, that will mature quickly and lay early, I have to offer Pen 1. Is a Double Pen of Matur- ed PulletS, which have proved them- selves heavy‘wiuter layers, mated to 3 fine Cockerels. l’riqg per setting of 13 Eggs $1.50, per 50 Eggs $5.00. MATCHING EGGS FROM 3 PENS Richmond Hill Phone l3 1' 2 \\‘ill gladly furnish necessary infor- nmliun and advice. regarding your requixements. Outside the Village our Pressure Systems will plovide water for any initallatinn.’ Pens fund 3 are single pens of Yearling Hens, the best of last years Pallets and mated to two large, well- bal'red L‘ockercls. For setting of 13 Eggs 532.00, per 50 Eggs 86.00. 13 Eggs 532.00, per 50 Eggs 86.00. As the demand for the liast four seasons has been greater man the supply, orders will be filled in rotatiov. Order Early. Get Your Painting Done Now t ’0 MMIBSIONER, BATES, BASINS, W. (73., SIMNAS, Laundry TUBS and ALL NEOESSAR Y EQUIPMENT. Ask for our Septic Tank Circular. Our local representative, Hatching Eggs For Sale The James Robertéon, Co., Ltd. HARNESS REPAIR STORE SOUTH OF NEW GARAGE JONES LUMBER C0 Painters. Decorators nnd Hardwood Finishers. Estimutes given. Phone'78. Hut 201 ROLFE SHOE 215 Spadina Cor. Arnold 8: Yonge. J. ED\\'ARD FRANCIS NOTARY PUBLIC lfnr. Richmond 8: Bridgeford SL5 Richmond [11“. 37-45 REAL First class Painter Low Charges : top 47, Richmond Hill BUILDERS SUPPLIES Ambrose E. Phipps Rough and Dressed Lumber Hardwood Flooring Pine Lath . ~ D¢ Cedar Shingles S Fibroboard Roofi Fibreboard Roofings Gyprock Tar paper Wallboard Building paper . S. \VHEELER It Quality ‘ or Service You want E (381 it at the ihommn. IONER, (703‘ VEYANCER. E ESTATE AND INSURANCE PHONE 27 WM GREEN, AURORA Ave., Toronto, Ontario IS :|I|(1 C's,_ SINKS, Doors Sash bride. who was glen away by her father. wow :1 becoming gown of ivory French crepe-de-clwne. and radium lace and carx-ied a hnuquet nf Ophelia, Roses. Mus Mmjarie Cluhine who was her sister's bridesmaid. wore m- chid crepedc-rheno and carried pink roses. Mr. HerbetlStiLt. of 'l‘oxonto. was best man. Lruhengrin's wedding march was played hy Mrs. Morley Anderson, of North Toronto, an inti- male friend of the bride. During the signing of the logister. Mr. Morley Anderson sang "The Sunshine (if Your Smile." Mr. and MW. Faithful left for :1 hortn-ip, lho biide travell- ing in in navy tailored suit and pi ture hub to match. They will reside on Pacific Avenue. High Park. _ Barristers, Solicmvs, 6m. ‘ MANNING ARCADE. '21 KXNG ST. WEST. Tonoxm‘o. (MNADA TELEPIIhNE MAIN 3H Cable Addless: "Dado Aflhuc A. Mucdouald F.-ank Debton Lam-u Denton. B. A. Denton, Macdonald 6: Benton 0n \Vedncsduy. m lluz presence 01‘ thehnmediutv families. a wry pretty Easter wedding “'us Solemnlzpd by ReV. Dr. Sarith. of “’undhridge, nr, the home of Mr. npd Mrs. D. \V. Uluhiue, “Evr‘rm'oen PIm-e” when their duughtor. EliZuheth- Elvem. Was united in umrriuge 1b Mr. Frank Fuithfull, nme-ontu, son nf the. law MI“. and Mrs. Hubert Faithful]. The Though more than 80 yeuis nfng“. Rev. '1’. \V. Pickett. duin Visits the General and“ Orthopedic Hospitale, preaches practically evvz‘y “fleck, cnn- ducts a Si‘lll’lily srhlml at his own home. and ultr‘nds actively in his duties as :| member of thk County Uhildmn's Airl Committee. It. is now nl'fll ly Lon years since he retired from active ministry. but tn h'm netifinnentfiid nut moan cessalion from luhor: After- 40 years in the pulpit most, men would consider thPy had earned the right [0 rest: not so Mr. Pickett. His last Charge was the Methodist Church at Newmuhrnnk. \Vhen he I‘t‘LllPd he purchased the fumnus nlil Gold Linn liniel at Limâ€" sing, established A Sunday School where once Was 2|. lun mom. and quietly assumed a new rnuud nf philanthropic dutiesâ€"Toronto Globe. -u.. nu .....-V- _ Mnlloy. widnw ul llw lute U-muld Malluy, passed amny ul Ilvr honw last. Saturday night. The funeral tunk place (m Tuesday fillet mmn. 5 ILisrepurted that lheue is quite 3' boom in reul estate several houses having lately been sold. The Ideal Brongl Company gave a good concexb in the cmumnniLy lmll last Thursday evening. A dance Was hlld Iflel' the concert. __ . h u nu â€"|\\.I .0.» .,....-Â¥._ Schqol re-npened (m- Monday after the E xater vacation. Quite a number take mi‘ of Lhchns to Toronto which here “8 n.1n.nnd4 p. In. Bishop Sweeny, ol Toronl t-nke the lax-vice at. St. St Church. Maple. next Sunday mum at 3 u’ulock. After an aNow is the time to look after the repairs for your car so as to be ready for the warmer Weath- er and better roads. MOTORISTS BATTERY REPAIRS VULCANIZING ACETYLENE WELDING AUTO ACCESSORIES and GENERAL REPAIRS GASOLINE, OIL, GREASE &c. Always on Hand PHONE 109 W. A. VANDERBURGH RICHMOND HILL MOTORS Have You Me! Him? Faithqu / 7 Clubine BEFORE PURCHASING A CAR SEE US ABOl'T THE NE“? IDURANT AND STAR MODELS FOR 1923 illness 0f some weekg. MrsI number-7 take mlvuntugo to Toronto which loaws In. and 4 9.13. SPRING IS HERE lxiw V'Vl‘nrn'onln, will at St‘. Stephen’s wt Sundav after- Specialize in $ Tllv Annqu Stock Judging Cnmpeti- 'tinn fur Y.qu Cuunty Juniur Farmels was held on Tuesday. Aplil 3rd. The party judged Ion flames of livu stock belonging to farmers situated along Ynnru street. Dr‘spite the inclement. weal 191‘. the spirit of [he lmys was by nn menus dampened and enthusiasm wa»a keen. The official judges, mem- bm's uf the Department, of Agriculture wew. Messrs. Duncan, Shockley. Dut- runu‘, Tipper, l’uttersnn and Mongue. The conic-stunts winning prizes in each class "I e as follows: _ H« rses â€"â€" Clark Yuung, L. \Villscm. L. (luxdhnusa; Frank Lundy. J . Richards. Beef â€"â€" U. Playtor. C. Sunder-son. H. Collard, J. \Vinter. Buynwn. Intguuw‘nt in King City Cemetery S§llll'dily. April 7. BRILLINGICRâ€"«At. King‘ Ont. Wednes- (lny. April 4. Mary A,, h~lnved wife of Jessp Brillinger, in lwr 67th year. Film-rail from h('l‘ lute x-esidGHCe on Friday. April 6. Ln Heise Hill Cen oLl-I y. CRAIGâ€"On Monday, April 2. at her resident-c, Lushhurn, Sash. Jane L. Craig, formerly of Thornbill. Interment) in Thm-nhill Cemetery. MALLOYâ€"At her late residence, Maple, (m Satllrdnv, April 7,1923, S-ualx Catherine McDonald, widow of the lute Donald Mallny. Inteimonp in Maple Cemetery. The Town of Aurora The Township of King The Township of VVhiichm-ch Tho Imperial Bank of Canada, Aura) . J. M. \Valmn. & Co. Aurora Russell Boynton Top Man in Animal Live Suck Compefifion. ST()I\'ESâ€"â€"OII Tuesduy, Apnl3, [923, at the residenc» of herdnnghter, Mrs. H. J. Clank. 33 (hufiehi avenue nmllx, Humilmu, 0m" Eliza Stokes. widow of James G. Stokes, in her 8031) year.‘ -_. I... n Rec. Phone Sheepâ€" R. Buyntnn. H. Kano, J. Mugiun, Jalm-s Bell. A. Enuplimzham. Swin â€"- RV Andmmm, J. Kenneiy E. 'l‘unlp, O.’l.uvt-le.~'s. P. Sn‘der. The tun high mon in the Competiâ€" tinn me: Rnsscll Boyntbu. L. Gurd~ hnuse. Dick Baycruft, U.'Yuung, J. Krnm-dy. A. Bnlsdon. (.‘r. Playter. R. And: tsun. 1.. \Villsun Donald Fetch. The Goo. 5. Henry Trophy fur High Mun goes to R. Buyntun and the Jun- ior Cup to Lumlwrb \Villsrm. Furthe mmml lime in smkessinn, \Vhitchm'ch Township u on the Special for the Lean: of t‘hlt‘l‘ men standing highest who hm] nevar wpresvand the Ouunly in a Umnpet‘ilion. '- The prize dnnutvd hy the Newmarkefi Farmer’s Club. was won by Messrs. Willmn, ’l‘mvle and Fetch. \Vallm- S. Jenkins J. Hag-[Naughton _Â¥ .-7‘. omma "The rwns arranged by Aglicullulnl Reprpsentative R. J. Rugvrs, hf Newmrznket. Hill. 5048 Beef â€"- (J. Playter, C. Sunder-son. H. Collard, J. \Vinter. N. Buynwn. Dairy Octtle ~â€" A. Bulsdun. R. B‘ny- croft. D. Patch. 0. W. Roget-9.17. Bruvls. Tuesd Barristers Solicitoi- Notaries Telephone Main 2777 Mmmrch Bldg. 26â€"28 Adel {us aide Sn. \\7P.<I.'l'm'0nto. Nauuhtun Blnck. Aurora. Snlimtor fnx' : NAUGHTON & JENKINS HY DEATHS H. W. REID iiééffilfzin ,M'iils' Res. Phone 44.4 WEDNESDAY, APRIL 18 â€"H0usehnld furniture at his residence, Maplv, the pl'nperty of Wm. (Jump. Sale at 2 u'clnnk. Terms cash. J. '1‘. BLiRt‘OH. Auct. SATURDAY, APRIL 21â€"Farm impli- ments ‘and hnusehuld fulnituue nt Lansing. the property of \Vm. T. Gonderham. Snie at 2 n’clnck. Terms cash. J. H. Pmmicv, Auul. y S‘Lmd Richnmnd Hill~- \Vednesdays and Are you a subscribe] Tent: 99: (If Piano-Playing at, the Tmnntn ()onservatury ut‘ Music and St. MargureL’s College. Advanced again on March 2lst, and still another coming. Tins droppeg to lowesa'price in their history on October 12m, lit"). At these low prices I purchased several thousand dollars worsh of sland- ll‘d makes. and there has been two advances slnco, vuz . January 6th and March 2lst, but 1 will sell these tires at the low price they were on October 32th. 30x3 Now is the Lime to buy a Used car, and 1 have some very At tractive Prices ~â€"â€" give me a call. I I will be glad to book your order nVow for any 55) le at“ a Ford Car, Truck or Tractor, to be delivered at. any date you wish. . EARLE N E WTON HANIST avs. Audion Sale Register One of the lincs we have is No. l, 5, at $15.50. Ford Cars and Tractors P3? 1 have 30x33 The luggage trunk 11. the rear is both hand- some and practical. It will carry a suit- cnse or small luggage Do as not to interfere with the convenience of the pusengen‘ BGlG The “Master Six" Touring Sedan Model 23-41 Perfect Comfort on the Longest Tour DAVID HILL & Co. Dealer, Richmond Hill There are 15 McLaughlin-Buick Model: to Choose From . M. DAVISON, UNIONVILLE Uéed Cars TIRES Second Tubes at $1.00 Broad plate glass windows give a wide vision to all occupants while protecting them from chilling winds; added warmth is provided by a heater. Comfort for summer is assured by cowl ventilator and adjustable windows and windshield. The interior of the Fisher, built body is finished in handsome plush with individual seats in front. Driving conveniences are assured by a longer steering column at a lower angle, complete instrument panel and longer gear shift lever. Long and low in appearance, it provides perfect riding case for five passengers. Its well-knit chassis, new cantilever springs and strong frame take up the jars and jolts of the country road. This smart McLaughlin-Buick six- cylinder touring sedan offers unsur- passed comfort for country touring and city driving as well. 378 BEREBFORD Ava, WEST Tonomo All mail orders will receive prompt attention. Custom grinding. Flnurnnd feeds. Maple Leaf 00.. Flnur in 24's. 50's, 100's. punllry feed. Pin‘lâ€"lend out, m-ul, Ii) sun-L buhy chick9,char- cual, meal. meal and mil. A 1 buy and straw. Phone Junctmn 72. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS’ EXPERIENCE JOHN T. ANDERSON PIANO TUNER J. F. BURR CHOPPING MILL Guaranteed Cord K. & Phone 82 w.

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