Hud. 1470 TORONTO 2 Phone Hud. 1515 1974 YONGE STREET i :W_. . MNWWWW Do not forgét the 0. mi E. Bazaar and Enlartnimnent, in [he Masonic Hall to man-ow afternuon and awning. K At the last, meeting of Markham .- A.“ Tuesday, April 10.15 u. m. To;.nship (Edncil at giant; of $25 wan mnde towards Ricbumml Hill annual Spring Pnir. J““'“ ~----â€"~~ ""9 .V fruits. dry guods and boots and shoes. have sold their business to Mr. R. L. Dnvidsnn of Yorkton, SMIL, formerly (of Cnnkstown. Hev. Peter Addison. at former Pastor on Richmond Hill Circuit. now in his Bind year, uddrossed the Methodilt Ministerial Association in Tux-onto on Monday. Nnughton Brest of Aurora, formerly n! Elgin Mills, who furanumhcr of years caniud a large stock uf groceriel. - ‘ J , H J L ._..a.. flyâ€! nl‘nnn Following the resignation of An- drew Hicku. GM'erumeut. whip. in the Ontario Legislature yealel'olly, Premier Drury intimated no the House (hut in nllpi-ohuhillty dissolution would ful- lowin a. few weeks, with u gonna! vlectiun in June. AT LORNE BLOCK STOREâ€"We have a great variety of remnant. ufdleas gands and cnatings for women and children In svrges, tlicotines. velnurs, und hulivina, frmn a yard to three and a third yards. It. Will pay you to see these. Less than hull price. The \Vomen's Institute- will hold a sale of choice home-made baking in Moodie's azure. Saturday HfLm-nonn, April 14th. frnlu 2 o'clock till 5. Pro- ueeda of sale is toward buying a piano for the New High School. The Insti- tute has appreciated ynul' pwtmnnge in the past. and ask ycu toatlend their sale on Saturday. A meetinz of the Thurnhill Hortiâ€" cultural Society will he h ld in Victoria HA" on Tuesday, April the 17th. at 8 p. m. Mr. \Vilshire «if 'l‘nmnln. Landicape gardener. will conduct a question box. Please send questions whiting to Horticultuie in advu we to Llfe secretary. Division Court A \Av ill An illustrated lm~tnre cn "Beauti- licuhimiof "Home Premises." will he given on Tuesday uvvning April 17. in theHigli Sclmul. The slides for Ibis lecture have been “Maine-d from Mr. G. F. Nuuniuk. chief of Division nf Publicity of Ottawa Experimon~ lul Farms, and will he explained ns pictures- proceed by an accompanying lecture. 3 Report of Room Ill Names in order of merit. JR. lllâ€"Herhm-L Shurpless, James ’Kerswill. Donald Bnyntynn, Laverne Wright, Margaret Duncan, John \Vilson. lsohol Sanderson, Rosie Wood- heml, Hazel Caldwell, Maurice Patton. Ralph Muskie. Bill Nswpmt, Alice Inna, Eilven nlyexis, Beanich Cald- wvll, Rem 0?tl(l\\'l"ll. Grant, limes. Lillian Patch. Hurt-v Lloyd. Marv Leavy, Marjmie GI-ainger, Edith Patton. Ian Hay, Irene Deadmun. Teddy Bennett. SR. llâ€"Jeu] Hall. Norman (look. Helen Brillinger. Anna Phipps, Hilda HuyJ. Hum-y Stanford. Lillian Burns. \anter Kendall. John Blanchard. lnoch Bitty, Alfred Smngz, Lyle Grant \Villie Kendall, qu-nld Rnak. Reginald Rand. Philip Glulmm. Donald Rand. In loving memm y of EdguI-HA. Bowos. Cunt-.0111. Mav [he heavpnly‘winzls Mm“ sofllyfl 0v9r that swaet nnd hallowed spot. Though the Sea. dividl 5 his grave from us. v He will run or b:- fmm t. CHAN WAN [E )â€"»Fox' gene-rd honsewmk; no (trunking; Apply to MRS. GRANT. Hotel Rithmond. WWW WOO†Richmond Hi“ Public School Repert W. J.. LAWRENC‘ Lots and Acreage 50-Ft. Building Lots in ROSEVIEW GARDENS $4.00 to $8.00 per ft. Markham Road at $7.00 Half-Acre Lots, 75x300, for $300.00 One to More Blocks,1$400.00 per Acre MISS MARY SIMPSON, Thurnbill. EASY CASH PAYMENTS .n IN F. M. nnnwx. Teacher. [ MEMORIAM â€" Mother and Norman Nu'RMAN J. GLA as l he held next commencing at WRIT um 0n lumiun Mr. Vanderhmgh'a reâ€" ‘ quest wns granted, and Mr. Cook's mr ' letter was rPft-l'red to we Elecuic Light his ‘ Cnmmissinn. The Clerk was instructed “It . tn_reply tq the Fire Relief letter. ,A) At a meeting of the Council on the 3rd uf April cnwrmmicnlinns were le- ceived from (be Nurthern Ontario Fire vaief committee. from H. (200k re in- crensed electric power. and from W. A. Vanderhurgh asking permission to la- mova certain tree! m {rent of his lot on Yonge Sweep: “,i‘l:]lé-lul;ai1}1;s; was presgnted and pnssedr and the clerk was in- structed to have 200 copies prlntefl. I"livï¬aï¬gélt‘éfï¬lgbbuhié wére ordered to Aha paid. “'Onvlilrtrwrtribn it was decided to place in- surance on the new rink to the amount of $8,000. A deputation from the Horticultural Society was present to interview the Council with rPfe-i-r‘nce tn Black Knot. and the enforcement of the nut, in thul I'egmd. Also as to the- advisability of the villnge punchasing a sprayer fm- gt‘llf’rlll use nf nwnvi's of fruit. trees, and fui-thc-r to ask the Council if the Snclety might have permission tn lay out, the pm Liim nf the park west of thv new rink as in beauty spot. and that the (louncil would line Some necesmi-v work dam: nn the ground. 7 The Council asumed the dopmation (hat the Snciety would have. its co- opfg-ntionjn every‘w_ay pos~ible. Plans for an ArboNDay wen-ediï¬- cussed. and the data for the (inst. col- lw‘linn hf gnrlmg‘e fur the year was set for the first Friday in May. ORRâ€"On Man-h 291b, 1923. at Lm-mont Street. Amara. In Mr. and Mrs. John A. Orr, formerly of Maple, a daughter. (Jean Coral Isabel.) MITCHELLâ€"At Bond Lake. on April 3. to Ml. and Mus. Hugh G. Mitchell. a son. \VELLMANJn Richmond Hill. Sunday. April 8, 1923, tn Mr. and Mrs. Wesley \Vellman. n son. Mr. Rolwrt Tyndall, rnf Rnseview Ava, wishes tn thank all friends and relative-:- fur sympathy. and beautiful floral tl'npllLPS extended him in his re- cent. sud bereavement in the loss of his only sister, Mary Jane. VTBAY HORSEâ€"A [my hmso. uhnut, b 1,200 lhs.. with grease leg. cz-unv In the premises of the undersigned. The owner may have same by proving property and paving expenses. . CURTIS. Richmond Hill. 41-43 Attention Shin“ -.=, Luth. Cedar Posls. Etc, for your quick convmience. Alsn dealers in Filue Bum-d. Ready Roofing, Aspl :Ilt Shingles, Ft'hs. Etc. \Ve noelute m r ()wn I’l‘lning Miil, Siding. Fioorin . Moulding Frmnes. and Sash. Dnurs, EH3. Pvrfen‘lly nmnufdclmod. Ph'me Day, 13-3. Night 75. L. Innes 8: Sons We Solicit yeur enquiries and rders. ‘OR SALEâ€"Ford Coupo, first, class Condition. Apply LIBERAL OFFICE. Contractors and Home Builders galgo S'ockc of L’ine_and Hfmlwik, Planing Mill apd Lumber 5 Yard Richmcnd Hill Street Ricl m nd Hill. (1A RD 0!“ THANKS Villlge Council BIRTHS J.W.WELLMAN Now that Easter Ilme and the spring season is so nearly here the men of the town will probably want anew hat :0 complete their outï¬t. We have new spring hats and caps here in [nest colors and s‘yles at. reasonable prices, boots. socks, ties and also a gnod quality of shirts. Rubbers for everyme th‘ slushy weather. Also rubber h0uts, W‘ork shirts, overalls and numerous other thinxs. among them spring oxfol'ds t'u ladies, and patent leather Slippers n latesustyles. Come and see I") yourself 9' suant to Section 513 nl‘ 'l‘lw 'I‘l'lhtuv Act (R. S. O. 19â€. (Huavar 12') tht all creditors and nlhels having cluiuh‘ 01 demands against the I‘Js‘mlv nf,\llle will Juhn Henry Watson. whn lilt‘d (m u! about the 2nd day ()fJannm-v. A. l). 1923, are required on or hpfure the 23rd day of April, A. D. 1923, to send by past prepaid or dvlne'r In Mary; Elizabeth \Vutsun. Maple. ()ntzuiu, the AdminisLmtrix wilh the \\ ill annexed of the Estate (If the snhl deceased, their Christian namés “ml surnames, addresses and (ivsuripthnw, the full particulars of thvir (:lnium, u 44:. mm! of their ncrnunls. :nml llw mm [vol the souluitiw, in any lll‘lll by [In m. hf their accounts. and the [mun-of the securities, in any hvltl hy lh. m. AND TAKE N’)"IUE that aftuv such J‘rl‘ib mentimwd (lulu, tlw said AdminisLI-ntrix will proceed to dis- tribute Lhe asset; uf the said decmsed among the pnrlies entithd lllt‘lt‘ti'. having regard (mly tn the claimsot‘ which Sht' shall then have “Mice, and lhut lhe s-xid Administralrix will nut he liable fur the said assets or any part {in-reef 10 any peâ€"rsun 0r pun-urns t-I' whm‘e claims nntice shall nut hum lu-on received by her at llu- limeot such (listlihulinn. an- of H1» Township (If Yungh m, in Lht’ Uuunty of Yul-k, l‘dllut'l', Decemwd. Are You Going to .1 Plant Trees this Spring? NOTICE TO CREDITORS Yonge and Charles Streets, Tomnto WM†NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pm Courses gin-n; Business, Stenn- graphy, 'l‘H-mwriug. Secre- tarial. General Improvement etc. DEMAND FOR ova GRADU- ATES DURING THE LAST SIXTEEN MONTHS MORE THAN Dol‘BLE nun HL'I’PLY. Enter nuvu', Pullicnlnrs frm'. JOHN HENRY WAISON In the Matter of the Estate of A High Grade School Q‘ELLIOTTï¬ A, Trees add to the beauty of your grounds, we can sell you ï¬rst-class sunk. H‘ruit trees, Ornamental trees and S\hrubbery, from the Nur- sery of E. D. Smith & Son, Winona, 0m. Remember all trees that do not grow are replaced. We can sup- ply you with one tree or hundreds. No or'der too small. Our prices include 1" deliyery to your home. a \V. J. ELLIOTT Plincipu] 3150. H‘. PRICE Gent's Furnishings. OPEN ALL YEAR Representative Richmond Hill Phone 86 j Be Warned TOTAL ASSETS OVER EIGHTY-THREE MILLTONS 1 Richmond Hill Branch, J. R. Harrington. Manager Stop 51 Custom Hatching Arrival of Spring Suits Your Eggs hatch’ed for you at .\1y stock of spring suits has arrived, and having ordered same before the price of woollen had advanced. I can sell suits from $17.50 up (no shoddy goods,) those who have bought suits already, pronounced them the best for the money they have had for a long time. Come and see for ‘ yourself. Ladies and Men's suits made igm here by hand, $35 and up Ladies’ and )lcn‘a own clo h made and trimmed at very reasonable prices. [‘0 the Ladiesâ€"If you want. :3 Slfit or coat not made to order, Iâ€" can save you money by taking you to Jno. Northway & Sons', factory and let you select one there. We now have a capacity of 2440 Eggs BROOKLANDS J. W. BOWMAN EEPING your insurance papers, deeds, bonds and other valuables at home until they are stolen or destroyed by ï¬re, instead of renting a Safety Deposit Box, is on a par with “locking the stable door after the horse is stolen.†Don't procrastinate! Rent a box (0-day at this Bank. ' $5.00 per 100 A Permanent Wall Without Plaster STANDAï¬'D BANK L1 ANING AND PRESSIN'G NEATLY DONE . R. FORTNER Clothier and Tailor. OF CANADA. THE 1355534441