Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 12 Apr 1923, p. 6

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Lord Anglesey, who lost a leg at Waterloo, becameâ€"so a literary friend recorded seven years laterâ€""a model for the nice conduct or a. wooden leg." It was an inch of_ running through Walter Scott’s portrait, which happenedâ€"this was at the exhibition â€"-to be leaning against the wall while a. heavfer nail was being found for it; but he agile hero by a skillful alde- Once a mother has used Baby's Own Tablets for her little one she would use nothing else. The Tablets give such results that the mother has noth- ing but words of pmise and thankful- ness for them. Among the thousands of mothers throughout Canada who praise the Tablets is Mrs. David A. Anderson, New Glasgow. N.S., who writes:-â€"“I have used Baby's Own Tablets for my children and from my experience I would not be without them. I would urge every other moth- er to keep a box of the Tablets in the house.” The Tablets are a mild but thorough laxative which: regulate the bowels and sweeten the stomach; drive out constipation and indigestion: break up colds and simple fevers and 'inake teething easy. They are sold by medicine dealers, or by mail at 25c a box from The Dr. Williams’ Medicine 00.. Brockvilie, OnL Up till a very few years ago the Dominion Government had not voted any money at all for the great work of Child Hygiene, and yet money was voted to improve the breeds of cattle, sheep, pigs and even chickens. Thou- sands of dollars were spent annually in bringing emigrants to this coun- try from Central Europe, many of whom were not the most desirable type, and yet not a penny was voted for the care and improvement of the best settler this or any country can ho e to haveâ€"the nativeâ€"born child. Al over this province at the present time there is a crying need for child welfare Work. The infant mortality In many sections of this province is deplorany highâ€"in one or two places it has mounted up to over 260 deaths per 1,000 births. Just think what this means! Two babies out of every born never reach the first year of 1 e. Something must be done to reduce this awful wastage of human life, for it can be reduced. It has been reduced Church, Montreal. In referring to the high rate of infant mortalit in Quebec as compared with New ork, Toronto, and-other cities, Dr. Hart said that babies do not interest some types of politicians, because the babies have no votes. Can this be true? Is it a fact that there are to-day. politicians in the public life of Canada who care not for the welfare of those who have not a vote to cast at an election? It is hard to think that such a state of affairs could exist, and yet indifference to the subject of Child Welfare appears to be _rpuchfiin evidence in high places. _ A striking statementâ€"one that pro- vides food for thoughtâ€"was made recent] by Rev. Dr. E. I. Hart, pastor of S erbrooke Street Methodist THANKFUL MOTHERS Provlnclal Board 01’ Health, Ontario Dr. Middleton will be glad to answer questions on Public Health mat- ters through this column Address him at Spadina House, Bpadlna Crescent, Toronto. HEALTH EDUCATION “2:” TED) (El-1]] NIB» The Better Leg. AND THE WORST IS YET TO COME BY DR. J. J. MIDDLETON various affections of the nervous sys- tem such as general paralysis of the insane, tabes dorsalis, meningitis, etc. Oftentimes there is no apparent cause for this disease. Early symptoms are shivering, slight fever and pain in the area sup- plied by the nerve roots involved. Keep up the body resistance to dis- ease, and the general health good. As for specific treatment the pa- tient should consult his doctor. Our aim in this column is the prevention of disease rather than its cure. long manoeuvre at the last instant bowed himself out of the way. Not long after the battle, as a recent writer relates, Lo'rd Anglesey, who then was Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, visited Ball'ynahinch Castle in Conne- mara. During the last part of the long rough ride that brought him to the castle he was accompanied by Ulick Burke. a retainer of the Martins of Balrlynahinch. Ulick walked beside Lord Angiesey's horse, and the rider fell into jocular conversation with him and presently asked him gayly which of his legs he liked better. Ulick had notived that one leg was artificial, but he pretended that he had not noticed and answered casually that “one leg was as good as another; there was no difference in life." Lord Anglesey, delighted at the testimony to his suc- cess in wearing his new limb, explain~ ed that it was artificial and told how he had lost the real one in battle. At the end of the story Ulick said, gently touching the cork leg, that there was a “differ” after all. "Sure, Your Lord- ship, this is the more honorable." Every man, woman and child needs new, rich, red blood at this time of the year. That is a scientific fact. All doctors know it. The blood grows thin and poor in the winter; there is not enough ot'it and spring shows the ef- fect. Take notice and see how many people are pale and sellow at this time of the year. 'They complain of being easily tired, their appetite is poor, and they are pften depressed and low- spirited. That is mother nature urg- ing them to improve their blood sup- ply; but often their digestion is weak. ened so that they cannot turn food into blood without help. Here is where modern medical science comes to the rescue. Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills have a direct action on the blood and enable you to get full use of the blood- making elements in your meals. You soon feel their effectâ€"your appetite iimproves, your nerves are steadier, color returns to the cheeks. and lips, you have more vim and energy and can work with less fatigue. The above statements are borne out by the ex- perience of Mr. J. P. Greschuk, Janow, Man, who says:â€"“Very recently I found myself in a badly run down con- dition. My stomach was quite out of order; I could eat but little and what I did eat did not appear to nourish me. I did not seem to have enough blood; my hands and legs were blue, and I had no strength to work. I tried sev- eral medicines but did not get good re- sults. Then one day reading our news- paper I read about Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills and decided to try them. I used a half dozen boxes. and now I feel well and strong. have a good annmim and Walking in the wooda, he turned to he: with the boveJig-ht in his eyes. and said, "What’s your favorite flower, dearest" Ill-Mated. They‘were a loving couple, be full of romance. she not knowing the mean- ing of the word. “Oh, Smith’s for bread and John- son’s for pastry." she replied, sweetly. C. D. of Thornhil] asks what is the callse of shingles. in other countries, it can be reduced in Canada. Public Health Education is gradually forging its way into the homes and hearts of the people, for it is only by education that the people can know how to reduce the death rate among infants, how they can have the large percentage of physical de- fects corrected in young children, thus paving the way for a healthier man- hood and womanhood in the genera- tions to come. The principles of hy- giene must be taught in the home, in the schools, in the lecture hallâ€"any- where that people can hear. The com- munity nurse, the public lecture. the moving picture, the Child Welfare Clinic, the health article in the news- paper, the display poster graphically pointing out the way‘ to healthâ€"all must be commandeered and put into active Service if a real effective cam- paign for child welfare is to hope for success. There are many causes, some of which are tuberculosis of the lungs, the internal use of arsenic, cold, de- bility, and in women, pregnancy. Apart from the conditions just named, the disease may be symptomatic of various affections of the nervous sys- tem such as general paralysis of the insane, tabes dorsalis, meningitis, etc. Oftentimes there is no apparent cause for this disease. As for specific treatment the pa- tient should consult his doctor. Our aim in this column is the prevention of disease rather than its cure. .â€")I “Lb found myself in a badly run down con- dition. My stomach was quite out of order; I could eat but little and what I did eat did not appear to nourish me. I did not seem to have enough blood; my hands and legs were blue, and I had no strength to work. I tried sev- eral medicines but did not get good re- sults. Then one day reading our news- paper I read about Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and decided to try them. I used a half dozen boxes. and now I feel well and strong, have a good appetite, and can do my work with ease. Naturally I have great faith in this medicine as a bloodâ€"making tonic." “Now I can wait on baby,” the smiling shopman said. As he stooped and softly toyed with the golden curly head, “I want '00 to tall up momma,” came the answer full and free, “\Vif yo’ telephone an’ aslt her when she’s tummin’ back to me. Whether you are seriously ill, or merely feel easily tired and out-of- sorts, you should try Dr. Williams’| Pink Pills thls spring. They are sold by medicine dealers everywhere, or will be sent by mail at. 50 cents a box by writng The Dr. William’ Medicine 00., Brockvhlle. Ont. Fortunately for the companies she was no judge of speed, and engine dwivers usually contrived to creep up above the royal limit of thirty. "‘Tell her I so lonesome 'at I don’t know what to do. An' papa cries so much, I dess he must be lonesome too; Tell her to turn to baby, 'cause at night I dit so ’fraid, Wit nobody dere to tiss me, when (16 light bedins to fade. Try Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills as a Blood-Improving, Health- Restoring Tonic. “All froo de day I wants her, for my dolly’s dot so torevd. Fumde awful punchin' Buddy give it wif his ’ittl‘e sword; An’ ain't nobody to fix it since mamma went away, ‘ An’ pore ’ittle lonsome dolly's ditting thinner ever’ day." When Queen Mary Travels. The ordinary traveller by train prob- ably could not say whether he was be- ing carried at forty or fifty miles an hour, and certainly very few men could recognize an increase in ' speed of a mere five miles an hour. The speed lover of the Royal Family was King Edward, who was never really happy unless his train was swinging along at a good seventy miles an hour. Queen Victoria went to the other extreme, and would never be car- ried at more than thirty miles an hour, a speed that on a long journey would have been more than enougle to dis- organize the whole system on any line on which she was travelling. NEW BLG‘GD NEEBED IN THE SPRENS’E‘HME "My child," the shopman murmured, as he stroked the anxious brow, “There’s no telephone connection where your mother’s living - now.” ’ ‘ "Ain't no telephonedn Heaven,” and tears sprang -to her eyw, “I fought da-t God had ever-ting wit Him up in de skies." King George prefers a little faster rate, and when he trave1>s alone the average speed is about sixty miles an hour. Queen Mary, however, is said by every driver Who has piloted her train to barge an uncanny knack for train speeds, and to be able to tell at once when speed is accelerated. She will not travel at more than fifty miles an hour, and has been known to complain when that speed has been exceeded by no more than a fraction. No Telephone in Heaven. not try the better method? Make God’s will your will; want the things that He wants for you;‘do the things that He plans for you. Then the thing you think you want will be yours in full measure and will bring. not leauness, but riches of grace to your soul. - Sometimes God own way. The I such instance: “ request, but sent soul." Do you want/your 03m way on such terms? It is a high pride to pay. VVIhry not try the better method? Make God’s God treats his children like that sometimes. It is easy to grow bitter and defiant over unanswered prayers, ungranted desires, things denied that you think you want and are sure you ought to have. But â€" Father’s tone was regretful but firm, and he didn‘t tell his boy that he knew about the young fellows who had in- vited him to go camping with them. At the moment Dick, who was young-’ er than the other boys and who wasl flattered by their invitation, thought his father harsh, unloving and hard- hearted. But a few days Later he‘ knew how truly kind and wise that ad- ’, verse decision had been. It had kept] him out of a succession of escapades. that landed several of his would-be fellow campers in jail; it had kept him away from evil influences that might have marred his whole life. . “If it were really for your good, Dick, I should let you go. I am sorry to dis- appoint you, to deny you this thing that, you think you want, but you can't go. Some day you will thank me for deciding in that way for you." The Thing You Think Y5 Want. CQMMONWEALTH INVESTMENTS uwcmm m. 2951qu 31m MONTREAL TORONTO 502 Jackson Building OTTAW’A Your clothes don’t need boiling if you use Rinso. But if you like to boil your white cottons, use enough Rinso solution to get the suds you like. Big lasting sudsâ€"one secret of Rinso's amaz- ing power to dissolve dirt. If you don‘t get lasting suds, you have not used enough Rinso. A ants wanted in territories w are we are no! represented. Dissolve in boiling water After soaking, only the most soiled clothes need a light rubbing with dry Rinso. Consult our Agent or write us. Use enough to get a big lasting suds Write fbr list of Current anesh-nettt opportunities $4 to $5 per acre invested in fertilizers on grain: has frequently made gains of 8 to 12 bushels per acre on Wheat, or 25 to 30 bushels on Cats and 15 to 20 bushels on Com. Remember it costs just as much to grow the crops when you get the low yields as it does when you get big yields. Your profit with Big Yields is many times greater. Fertilize your crops this spring with GUNN’S SHUR-GAIN Fertilizers and get the Biggest Profit possible. 5 God lets folks have their The Psalmist says of one ce: “He gave them their L sent leannesé into their LIMITED Rinse is made by the largest soap makers in the world to do the family mash as easily and safely as LUX does fine/things. You Can Make 'Big fiofits! LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED TORONTO Limited In any quantity from proven layers, in the following varieties: VVhlte and Brown Leghorns, Anconas, Minorcas, White and Barred Rocks, Rhode Island Reds, VVhlte \Vyandottes. also \Vhite Pekln'Duckllngs. We carry a complete line of Baby Chick supplies. Hovers, Brnoders, Incubators. Lamps, Spare Parts. Hatching Eg 5, etc. “'9 pay express and guarantee 100 a safe arrival. \Vrlte for circular to the . Toronto neights Poultry Supply 00., Ltd. 2048 Dufl'erin 511.. - Toronto “And the same creator who made the vast ocean made the dewdrop. The same Creator who made the mountain made the pebble. Yes, and that same Creator who made me made a. daisy!” CHICKS AND DUCKLINGS A Scottish preacher had been abroad and when he came back he was preaching to his congregation on the marvels he had seen. He wound up with this: Soak an hour Irrigated Farms in $outhern Aiberta farming and dairying. Splendid (va crtunity for young men now living n districts where good land cannot be bought at reasonable prices THIS IS NOT PIONEERING. tha first 10.000 acres are fully settled and another 10,000 acres now ready for settlemem: maximum distance from railroad. seven miles. Good roads. telephones and schools. Easy pay~ merits. extending over 18 years. Thi- :- the East Land Buy in Album. Write for further information to CANADA LAN!) and 133203.!on COWLEY. Luann Ln H19 {amou- Vauhan mun Bow Rue: In! anon Project An egpecially gqodi ocatignjorfnl: Woman” *3? (Colored clothes only half an hour) “'le {of boomer. GOOLD. SHAPLEYG. MUIR co 0" more Branuord a "mom 1204 St. Clair Street TORONTO $ Brannon 200 Wolllng‘on Sc Quite So. Overnight if you with- R302 ner for ude: hard lmltu Onnrio xed

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