“In Essentials, Unity; in Non-Essentials, Lib m arty ; in all thing's, Charity H - no NOT assume to enter a. branch of this Bank because you do not i know how to make a de- posit. Our Vl‘vlanagers or the staff will be pleased to show you. Q? Start with ‘ One Dollar and add to it c ' mers and others dollar by-dollar. THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA ‘3 ’ 237s \VILLOlVflA T.l-‘, ()N'l‘. V. D. OLLIVER, Manager. EfocUTIâ€"ON“ THESLIS" llliss Marguerite Boyle Artist, Teacher in Literature, Expression, Reading, Dram- atic and Humourous Sketches, Dialect Poems. Professional Graduate Owen A. Smiley Studio. Address Miss Marguerite Boyle. Studio ‘Homewood Hall,’ Thornhill, Ont 30 tf of _.,_.. FALL TERM OPEN NEWMARKET ~ BUSINESS COLLEGE ENROLL ANY TIME Individual Instruction. Night. School ‘ Mondays and Thursdays, ' Neu‘miukrt. Eank of Toronto Blot-k La Wall Hafngings .. 0 - Artistic Charm SAMPLES FREE _ PAINTING, DECORATING Phone 306. King. G. HILL, Oak Ridges P. fPllBtltï¬tlflllti‘ As this is the closing of T‘another coal year, we wish to thank our many custo- for their patronage and patience I through the past winter. Sometimes the coal was misrepresented to us and the price was beyond our control. Rosalind Bush 1.. Am pleased to announcel a substantial reduction in! l price and would advise order- ing your coal as early as pos-I lsibl‘e and avoid exhorbitant prices of the past winter. I. D. Ramer i ii, A. Nicholle n9 \4~~ The R l [Estate Man , ms FOR sum: l l-Ziazhl l'.i."lll llrir'l: }.~lmpl'. ll‘ r'tt'ix' ï¬ght. l‘oinacr, lot, granny. all l.i:.l~' :i' fruit, ha; [and soil. \\';|lvl‘, :I li::‘::-1f;) 1hr twink t‘-‘::li‘, on south sl‘lr- llil lonoinl St. ' Small t'iamu watt. ~ {good las: 1.1r‘lL‘jlls, st'au'la-iii '_ olln-r flu-tit, 'only $1.130, just tlw plaw for man and le, \vil't- priii‘inu rust and quiet, on not th sidw Richmond St, ï¬ll it. lot «.n \\‘U~'( shie of Ililcm .~\ \"‘., Willi 14"th gimme and ln-n horm- only smut-(l l?! ltli I'lilt] hon :o. stable and Il t-Cll'S, fruit, and, I’lt'llill’tl. small N: I not. Hll ']‘\\'ttciitil(:l‘ brrgaius on Contia- St. East. ‘ House and Lot at Maple also a small tarni in same locality. Acream- with large home. spring creek at lilirin Mills. . 4 Acres, 5 rotian cullago, luim‘ good barn. natural»g~rs well, on the .‘ulill‘ ,, , . Road. Stop 46. “'ill lend you nnmwy or loan you money, Insurance. buns" tiislâ€"r'lms‘ l:Il'::t"l rl ‘ . . g I.llt‘:i< ‘ f ‘ ladies .x‘igiit r 'l'lu- oliiwix and il'r’tizlit‘t'< of Rich- mood Lollgl', A, l". 5: A. AL, lil'lt'l tln‘il' normal l.=i.lio< Night last 'lhui-sday ‘t‘\'t‘lllIlLf. l‘iil' la tl_'.’t‘ iii" in V l,l‘ll' rim ttvvatiwn “2.: ll'lrl \\,i<’lltilllillillly :iol'r-i llttl \Iill: ll' \‘.‘ :'-' ."nl [H ll‘tll plants; ll‘ till:i~' |ll'l llr'll \Vt\‘v'<, 7|h’l :l low lil\:l* ll'y‘f is um.» '11-. iv \l liv \Vm; lim, l‘, t‘. lill :i‘. ll .‘xiir‘. lll‘rl al'tvt which at. Irl“\l"ll to ti.†loot :' hall \rhozo a liigliul'ls»; cone-ll. Whirl! (l‘l'ngI-l Il'ti‘.‘l<>il_\‘ [HP- ,s'~nl, was gl‘xv'll by tho lw~t ti lair-Iii, all from ’l'wittnto. liz l‘tl‘~lllil"lll< taunt- :wind, 'l "rt'lzll hour t'all awwl. J‘lltl Ilm May with ,l’. Il.t Ilt‘l‘. lll"'l\i|itf. assembly clonal 9 York Ranger Cadets ~___. 'l‘lwin will I‘m :1 (‘amp at Niagam~stn llh‘flll'lkt‘ this your for the trainng of Cutlets. The t). t‘. of the corps will ljjriku an effort to attend this camp. and ho is hopeful of takinga platoon from thr- lliv-hmoml llillcoi'ps. 'l‘ln' mothers t-l the (,‘tnlets nerd therefore havn no anxiety as to the t‘adcts not, . havian evrrv possible attention while in training. Th:- t‘amp Uommandmant \\ ill be tho (loin-in] (ltiirm' Command- intr Mil toy District No. " ladets Yonge St, attrition no, mm; â€"â€"â€"-a lust lmfnl't' the Spring Rush on the, Farm you should look over the Ma- chinery and get those Needed Repairs. Or, if it's New .\iachincry, we can get it. for you, “’e have on hand for Immediate Ur- livery Cockshutt Pirï¬s, “'ilkinson PIOWS. I Set Chain Drags. “'her-lbar-l rows. 1Second-HandCreaerparatcr. [at us know your tracts in Machini- ei'y now. You should take advantage of the present prices of metal by ordering your Ewe-Trough, Rooting, Furnaces. or any other metal product, as every- thing points to a substantial increase in prices in the near future. Come in and let us protect you with present prices. 5‘ TEETZEL BROS. l l Tinsmiths and General Agents , Sand, Gravel, § PHONE 87 W . This and Buck The Maple Sand. Gravel and Brick )ompany, Lt'd, have on hand for sale. Cement. drain tile. 3, 4, 5,6 and 8 In. lulvert tile 12. 15. 18 and (30 inches in' length) Also Cement Brick ‘ Sand or Gravel sold by the load ()1 in car lots. ledar pos‘s and telephone poles for sale. ’1‘. COUSINS, 20 inch Manager A. C. HENDERSON PLUMBING A.\'D TINSMITHING HOT WATER HEATING AND GENERAL REPAIRS THORI’HILL. ONT. Adelmo Melecci and Miss l the Toronto Conservatory of Music. \vill accept a number of, Fl'rilll DENTIST OtTice Trench Block. two doors north of Standard Bank. HoursQa.m. to 5.30 p.ni. Open evenings by appointment. Telephone 32 u ils i '. no -. - ; House Tuesday evening, April 24.l ‘ ‘ p p~: n 'Flliltil‘;'_V( cal. md lBobby Bumps cartoons and other in-lfUr‘VBTdy Whe‘ 1‘? l’ll959meg 23"}? or For information Phone 110. West-int: ï¬lms Wiu he “WWW Admifl- ' the!" “"l‘ '4 reaut‘lf†11' U“ ‘ Tillie“ l Mus. 5m,“ sion25and15ceuts. Stop 575. Iwhlch W!“ -8 pines my mac y ' them as a memento of then good ‘ 'â€"â€"*"'â€"__' \tovtunc in the nurling sermon of1922 ' . ‘ sand 1923. - DR. L0 RD l canwne Refreshments “we then passed l Ofï¬ces 4 l -....â€".â€" l and the Seniors. tho 0. C. making prc- l l Madame Pauline \l'izor, Mrs. Petch. | l l“- wll be given free transportation. (is also ra'ious anal equipment. The Week's coup plullll~€5 to he miist successful. \Vith improving weather conditions the O. U. will shortly inaugurate spring training“. Thu. Cub (‘vadets absolutva apart “ill be trained from the Juveniles pamtion for the trainng of this pla» toon peISonally. Early morning drill in the park will shortly follow. (‘adets not, signing up for this season's: training lhthl hand in their uniforms at once. .-â€"._â€"q.._._.. “Aunt Susan’s Visit†mâ€"I‘ The Ladii-s’ Aid of the Methodist church are to be Congratulatcd on the success of their entertainment. Mon- day and Tuesday evening. Every seatin the Masonic Hall was ï¬lled both evrniugs, and the programmeâ€" a little over two hoursâ€"appeared to be thoroughly enjoyed by all present. The decorations of crepe in ml, white and blue made the hall look very cosy, and the stage was home- like for the reception of“Auut Susan." The readings by Mrs. McMahon and Miss Myrtle. McCague Were listened to with marked attention, and the five piece orchestra, between the. acts of the play. addrd very much to the enjoyment of both evenings. The choruses were liver and appropriate, bit the character sketch Was the Cllitf feature. Although humorous. the play was not. without a moral, and Aunt. Susan, a rich, good-hearted though eccentric lady, who came to visit a nephew, with an ambitious wife. after many laughable scones, convinced the fam- ily that rral happiness did not lie to the path of pretence and social ambi- tion, but along the lines of honesty and kindly acts. . Of course. Aunt; Susan was the central ï¬gure in the play. but she was ably supported by the other characters who acted their parts exceedingly well. _ The. pastor, Rev. TI. S. Warren, on behalf of the Ladies’ Aid, thanked the splendid audience for their gener- ous patronage. The following is the cast of charac- ters : Aunt Susan, Mrs. A. G. Savage. John Thomas 'l‘ibbs, Mr. G. H. Sloan. Mrs. Tibbs. Mrs. F. W. Grainger. Hebeoca Jane. Mrs. Finch. Mary Alice. Mrs. T. Allison. Mrs. Jenkins, Mrs. Rumor. Miss Redlip. Misso. Mortson. Caroline, Mrs. Comisky. The Hon. Samuel Smith, Mr. G. Lasher. Mr. Gay De Marchniont Coggs. Mr. Harold Little. Airs. Johnston lligliborn, MrS. . Glass. Mrs. Linda ’I‘nggs. Mrs. Alylks Mrs. \Venlily. .‘Irs. Davis. Mrs. Sudden, Mrs. Burr. â€"â€"oâ€".I.o H 0.1K RIDGES The Dutferin Street Church Choir, of Toronto. will give a l concert in the Uarrville Methodist . church on \Vednesday evening, April , 25th, commencinzat 8 o'clock. Admis- sion including refreshments. adults 35 cents, childu n 25 cents. [Single copies, 3 cts. - _..._.~..__ l ‘ --â€"-â€"- x.-- L_ _L a.-. L -_.s p t g ' U 111 LL LI: ' T l" "WT: ‘ “'7 ! ' â€"~~_â€"_ w--____ _-:_ ; , I l u‘ 'l , o l V. I 1. ,v'w . ,»- In- A«»~ 7â€" ‘ M - t .‘ . .1 Wt: a» :v 2 t t 3 '4. L3 ’ ‘ 74‘ I, l l . ‘ I i t t rag“ “fl 1‘ Vâ€"‘un . ‘ l it .. .c. 5..- CULVIJ‘ felt at U that: :1 \ l ( ltl " or your iarm xvztn some 0: ‘l I bu 7,. 1 _r. Sli‘: manâ€"Unpr to you. The local iVIana‘ev of “1.. “.16 you require fun Charlie Chaplin in “The Fin-man" l ill be seen in the Oak Ridges School I ‘JLI 11.41:: 1 '_ A "C t .“m Shower for Willard The \V‘. C. T. U. purpose havingr al shown- for the benefit of Willard Hall, Toronto, .itthvhonc of Mrs. W. A. \Viight. Donatii no of fruit, bed linen, towels and money will be greatfully let‘t-ived on or before Tues- day afternoon. Ari-ll 24th. "\Villnrd Hall.†a home for girls, should have the support. of all mothers in the community. lirlp the good .work by sending a donation to Mrs. \Vright’s. W . Recalled Coup-Fire Days l . your quick convenience. H A reunion (ii the R chrond ll'll Campers was held in the Broadview Y. M. C. A. Mondayeven ng. when 80 boys gathered at a Elinqurt tender- ed by members of Mir RA tary Club and ricalled camp-tire momori- 3. Ernest. Chapman, physical director at St. Andrew’s College, gave an in- teresting address on “The Rawx of Life,†and toasts were prop ‘scd by the boys to the. Rotary Club, the Camp. Broadview â€\ ".md the Ladies. There was much enthusiasm displayed and the gathering indicated that there Would be a lmszo attrndauce at the camp (luring th - cm irg sumim-iâ€" if it Comes. ‘-.o BEWARE l you FUN VLOVERS! REMEMBER WE WARNED YOU! .â€"â€"-â€" Now carefully note the folloning: The plan for reserved seats for The Roler-Bnlcr )Iinsta els opened atSloan's Drug Store on Saturday night, and be- fore the evening was over one hundred and twenty the seats \verc disposal of now. i! that number went the first n'ght you can imagine what the plan looks like nowâ€"four days later. So i' you wish to :89 the three big par ts, fol of pep and ginger, get. busy light now. See the Big Minstrel first part, full of fun and musicâ€"then comes a vaude~ ville number full of mirth, magic and musicâ€"then. last of all. comes a comedy playlet entitled "Fun in a Vaudeville Agency." -â€"~¢ooâ€"â€"â€"â€"â€" Smoker and Euchre Party uâ€"gâ€"v-l A very enjoyable evening was spent. by the curlers and their friends last Friday evening in the CouncilCham- her. when a smoker and progressive euclire party was held, and at the same time the various prizes and trophies were presented ‘1’!) the winners in the club conipi-titions. The Ct-mllilttt‘t’ in charge spared no piins to nmkethis the official closing of tie season, an unqualified success. Mr. I’ogsley, in his usual happy maniwr. presented the Slater Cup to the winning rink, and in addition to the cup each indhidual player was prasx-nzed with it'llillldb’l me pipe. Mr. Huraga was chug.“ L, pluspllt the prizes to the Minnow-up 'l'iiov also, bet-Lbs ivc-ning the Smith Modal. “'UIUta"lll1rt‘>+'lilPll with lelllâ€- l 1 Res. Phone I Hill. President. \V. I). 5c M, lhvn usklvd the winnels of the doubles to come Presbyterian ’NI‘Olllltl. which of canr~e were enjoyed] 'sy all, alter which all weuded nun. "ways to their different homes. feeling the better moi or having spent an hour or two in st cial good fellowship with their friends And neighbor-E. c ‘ 1. . . _ . . judiccd, truatv With a broad V1310n~would be OI great juï¬such a man. He will gladly help you in many ways. His varied knowledge is at your disposal. Have a tall: with himâ€"especially if for sound {arming extensions. Hall I 2 H0111 'ortny ace hencï¬ the Sterling Bank is I10 Attention Contractors and e Builders Large Stocks of Pine and Hemlock, Shingles, Luth. Cedar Posts. Etc. for _ Also dealers |lI Fibre; Board. Ready Roofing, Asphalt Shingles, Felts. Etc. We operate our own Planing Mill, Siding. Flooring. Moulding Frames. and Sash, Doors, Etc. Perfectly manufactured. We Solieit your enquiries Orders. and L. Innes & Sons Planing Mill and Lumber Yard ‘ Richmond Hill Street Richm. nd Hill. Phone Day, 13-3. Night 75. JOHN T. ANDERSON PIANO TUNER 378 BHRESFORD AVE, WEST Tonoxro Phone Junction '72. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS’ EXPERIENCE All mail orders will receive prompt attention. W.- , FAR MERS ! ' Order your Repa'n and Machines at once, save Express and Freight Charges. â€"- Farmers Supply Co. 75 Jarvis St. Toronto. 43 W. HEWISON HOUSE PAINTER, , Glazier. Grainer and Paper- Hanger. \Yaltvr 5. joukins ‘l. Hurry Nauglilon Res. Elgin Mill.» 5048 ten. Phone “.4 NAUGHTON & JENKINS Telephone Main 2117 Monarch Bldg.. 2628 Adel {hide St†West, Toronto. Solicrtor for: The Town of Aurora The Township of King Barristers Solicitor Notaries Naughtcn Block. Aurora. The Township of \Vhltchurch The in) rial Bank of Canada, Auro: :. l r... “r altcn, & Co. Aurora