The Post Ofï¬ce in India is regarded with wonder and awe by the more 1g- norant natives. In some outlying dis- tricts, in fact, the natives actually wor- ship letter-boxes! THE TEST OF TIME FOR RHEUMATIC SUFFERERS HAS PROVEN Worshipping Letter-Boxes. Isa positive Remedy for Acute, Chronic and Muscular Rheu- matism in all its various forms. COUNTLESS GRATEFUL TESTIMONIALS and Repeat Orders received during past 25 years. DOBSON’S NEW LIFE REMEDY is not an experiment but the ï¬foduct of a quarter century of study and research. Pleasanj ' take. Does not upset the stomach. No harmful drugs. DO NOT BE PREJUDICED. Dobson's New Life Remedy will give you a new lease on life by freeing you of pain Thousands of enthusiastic customers have written us stating that after years of failure with other medicines, electric belts, etc., they were cured by Dobson’s New Life Remedy. Kendall’s Spavin Treatmenk will get that lame horse back on the 'ob again. For more than forty years as Kendall’s Spavin Cure it has been removing spavins. splint rin bone, lhoroughpin and all kind: o; be y growlhs. ' Get it a! our dmggisl': (OJ : also the to book "If Treatise on (be worse an bl: Din-m". or will: direct to DR. B. J. KENDALL COMPANY. Enosburg Falls. VL. U.S.A. Kendall’s Spavin Treatment 5 Soap that soaks clothes clean different from anything you have ever used before One bottle for One Dollar. Back to Work Rinso is an entirely new kind of soap. every granule made of pure materials perfectly combined. Just by soaking, in its big lasting suds. the most groundâ€"in dirt is gently loOsened and dissolved. Onlslllthe very dirtiest places need to be rubbed at a . LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED TORONTO Batman _ ï¬ne flit: may Gamma mm fl Wat Adelaide 8‘. Tenn. (3de ' Rinse is made by the largest soap makers in the world. Mann 1821mm A story Is told of a man who pu‘, his letter in the box and then shouted the address to which it was to go through the slit. He imagined that a god was sitting inside! « Another took off his boots, bowed very low, and went through all kinds of religious rites both before and after posting his letter. Before depazting he laid some coins on the ground be- fore the box as an offering to the god inside. Six bottles for Five Dollars. Irrigated Farms in Southern ï¬iberta In tho ramous VBuxhall District Bow River Irrigation Project An especially good location for mlxed farming and airying. Splendid 0p- ortunity for young men now living n dlstrlcts where good land cannot be bought at reasonable prices THIS IS NOT PIONEERING. tho ï¬rst 10.0.00 acres are fully settled and another 10,000 acres now ready for settlement; maximum distance from railroad. seven miles. Good roads. telephones and schools. Easy pay. ments, extending over 18 years. This Is the Best Land Buy in Alberta \Vrlte for further information to CANADA LAND__snd IRRIGATION conï¬imr. LIMITED Medicine Fat. - - R304 Alberta A Pretty Style for Spring. Knitted sports suits promise to be popular in the Dominion for Spring and summer wear, partly because they are youthful and informal. The girl in the picture wears a white costume brightened with a conventional block design. SHORT CUTS 'I-‘O BEAUTY. Here’s a quick salt rub to the rescue of your winter skin. Ten chances to one it’s been deadened and dulled by long days indoors and too much rich food. And this month, with the gar- den, the eggs hatching, and summer sewing to do, one hardly has a minute for complicated treatments. Take a handful of table salt and rub it over your face and neck. Don’t skimp at the corners of the nose, the ends of the mouth, or Where the hair- line meets the forehead. Blackheads and a shine always choose those places. When the salt is absorbed, rinse it off in warm water. If you like your toilet articles all prepared, you can buy, in an attractive bax, a special face salt that contains other wholesome ingredients and may wake up your skin a little quicker. The salt rub is especially good for the thick, oily, sallow skin. If yours is thin and dry and irritates easily, sub- stitute ï¬nely ground corn meal. After a treatment your' skin should feel satin smooth to the ï¬ngers and look ï¬rm and rosy. Another quick beautiï¬er is the two- soap method. Here are just two cakes of soapâ€"one flesh-colored,, the other creamy-white. Whether your skin is oily, dry, oily and dry together, old, young, or fading, the lather of these two soaps can be varied in quantity to ï¬t your needs. First you wash with the antiseptic flesh-colored soap, then you rinse it off and wash with the nourishing and protecting creamy- white cake. It takes only half a min- ute longer than washing the one-soap way, but when you’re through with your washing you’re through with your beauty treatments, for with these you won’t need a whole boxful of other preparations. When I was always made molasses in th posed to tone lieve the skin nowadays we in more plea we substitute When‘I was a little girl my mother always made me take sulphur and molasses in the spring. This was sup- posed to tone up the system and re- lieve the skin of winter blotches. But nowadays we take our spring sulphur in more pleasant forms. Internally we substitute plenty of water and spring greens. Externally we use a sulphur soap and a cream. spring greens. Externally we use a sulphur soap and a cream. For the hair that needs spring ton~ ing-up there is a sulphur tonic as clear as crystal and as fragrant as a pine forest. This takes away the dandruff and leaves the hair fluffy and pretty, but not so ‘soft that you “can’t do a thing with it.†It’s useful for the woman who ought to massage her scalp every night and doesn’t. "Fine! 1 sold the quarry rights to one crowd, and rented the surface to another as a golf course. Now it I can lease the on to some wireless com- pany I’ll have about everything under cultivation. Who says intensive farm- ing doesn't pay ?" Venice is built on 80 islands and has 400 bridges. “How are abandoned I‘ About the House Intensive Farr: arm you ou bought he quarry ning The pike, though greedy and fond of heavy meals, is slow growing and is believe-d to live longer than any other species of ï¬sh. A Swiss naturalist has rgoorded the history or one that ï¬dz’wn Ambem! RECGRDS THE FAM1 POPULA Former Price Now Only . . Shipped to Any Address in Canada, Express Paid SEND FOR SPECIAL LIST OF RECORDS TODAY! Here Are a Few Suggestions in Records That You Will Enjoy Hearing TheTobacco OJ $SONS C0. .LIMETED; Pike Lives 267 Years. and in packages _.__ :3 mg mm . a... . eTobacco o Qua] MOUS AND EVER AAR AMBEROLA STYLE 3O 145 Yonge Street, Toronto, Ontario $62.00 $39.00 ESTABLISHED 18-19 DEPARTMENT W To Less Than Pre-war Price Former Price, 75c was 267 years old. It had spent its entire existence as a. prisoner in a. ï¬sh pond. An elephant will eat 200 pounds of hay a day. These or any Amberol Record sent to any ad- dress in Canada. FREE DELIVERY on receipt of price. 404: eachâ€"2 for 750. Send in your order SMWWWKSS$$$SS 6 for 32.25â€"12 for $4.50 â€"18 for 56.75â€"24 for $9.00. price. 4'0c eachâ€"Z for 75c. Send in your order now for a supply at these reduced prices. 2 {m 756 for Catalog and partlc s of Free Trial Offer. \‘ew York Military Band Judas Society Orchestra ‘ . . . . . Vaudeville Sketch . . . . . Rudy W'eldoft Xylophoneâ€"Friscoe . . . . . . . . . Van Brunt , .PeerleSS Quartette ldison Concert Band son Light Opera. Co.