Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 19 Apr 1923, p. 8

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Church Street. I xeneptiou Hall et Richmond Hill. digging \AVVS FILED ~L‘Imss cut and cir- t culnr saws gunnned and filed. (‘ut- (-imz box knives gmund. In fact. if it is dull we sharpen it. Also uan fur (“1‘10" Mfg. 00., Guelph. Come in and see their 21 self :hurprninz stwl nhilled plow share. A. ANDERSON. Rear of $V. Vanderlmrg's shup. Rich- umnd Hill ' 10-” OR SALEâ€" Business prupexty _ centrally located. Yunge street. Richmond Hill. Apply bnx 95, Rich- mond Hill Post Officv. 38-If take fiwuy n setting. Hivmn' MOYLF Yonge St.. Richmond Hill. 40-4 OTIOEâ€"A. JTspéttor i. 'l‘hnrnhill Cement contractor, and wel OTICEâ€"E: Sliney \S pl'szllPd tn 1. do all kinds of u-m'king and muting in Richmond Hill and vicinity. Putt-onage solicited. Phune Richmond Hill 98. 42 lf ATUH‘NG EGGSâ€"Gum] sll‘win“. H Ontario Agricultulal ColngB Plymoulh Rucks and almost as good Rhnde Island Reds, each $1.50. per seizing of 16. wor_tb seejpg. Home and OR SALE ~â€" (‘usy 4 lOUllll‘d cut: luge. large Inn-n, sluhling‘ for two hursas. pl-ultry Imme and poultry. gnud driving shed. good well, uud two acres nf splendid gunlen soil. Stup 51 Yonge St... Schmnherg Junction. Ap~ fly at LIBERU. Office, or R. Rankin. ichmond Hill P. U. Bd-Lf Mn ple From High Producing. Healthy. Trap- Nelted Stock. $25 per 10”. Selech-d $35 per 100. Express charges paid. 100% Safe Arrival Guzunutced. 0R SALE--â€"AH burns and outbuildâ€" mgs: also rail fences and “he mncek‘, upon lhe former Palmer Farm, now Elmwuod Puk. Fox-panticulam apply Ghal'tened 'l‘nlat mulExecuLur Cumpzmv. Raul l‘lnatu Depzu‘tuwut Branch Office uu prnp‘lly. Um-ner linuwoud the. mud Yunge Street. «Lin 2 0pm Mcl'y ul’Lcruoou, 2 Lu 5.30 421â€";3 Your Eggs Hatclfi-d for You at $5.00 per 100. \Ve nuw have a C-upuciLy of 2440 Eggs. PutrltUFS . J. W. BOWMAN RR. No.1, RICHMOND HILL, ()N'l“ UR SALEâ€"Young pigs, 4 geese and a gander. Also Irish Uubbler tntuea‘. 15. T. STEPHENS, Stop 47. _ Â¥ ALED HAYâ€"cA quantity of baled hay and straw fnr sale. Also i9 hay and a quantity of White n‘n nuts. gum} enough fur seed. L. RTIS, Richmi-ud Hill. 41-43 RICK HOUSEâ€"Good six mom snlid brick house for saie on web Strum. Inn;n lut, hath mom, union Hall et«-. W. H. GRAHAM, hmnml Hill. 3S-tf. lANTED~Alm1fa ‘ and IuAuuuulh , led clover and timothy seed. '1‘. STEPHENS. Stop 47. 42 BROOK LA‘NDS S. G. \VBITE LEG H01th hm Custom Hatching OUR DRESSZ Robinsan ‘Vant AdsL N0 TWO Dresses Alike ‘ the Pljige is Over 5}}; 2'7 . 5 0 Ram Iunlors Misses BABY CHICKS COME TRY 1T ON ve the Dress and the :e that Suits Yea $500K 113E THE 'l‘hnrnhill. and well _ 40-44 ESSES FOR ./"\ Ladies supply own wnu]. MRS. J. RUSSELL, Centre St, West. 40-12 0R SALE~A quantity barlry, u'm-II cleaned. 50 lbs. lo buhel. MENNO Edgeloy, Phone 430 Maple. F OR SALEâ€"Seven mom frame hou- 0 in gr‘od repair. Centre St. West. Apply MRS. ENDEAX, nuxt dm r, phone 61 w. 41-42] [I | and gravel fur sale deliveled. Inqm‘xe mites. DAVIES, lot 30, cnn'.‘2, Vaughan. ' 41-14% 1 OAD M ATERIALâ€"IUU loads of nmd making ma tel-in], :1 mixture of hlicks‘, gmvel and mortar for sale. Price $3.00 delivered. or 60 cents on the ground. A. E. JONES, Elgin Mills Phone 4-! r 33. 41-“ OFFICE I’OR SALEâ€"Tm; shmthnrn hulls, I 10 and 12 month old; Also n quantity of white wave seed mm, and 10 bushels Marquis whmt. at lot. 27!. con. 3. Murkhmn. Jos. GER. Richmond Hill 4511. 41â€"42 5" lhh nf M;ny ALONZUX‘JARTIN Riuluuond SU'L‘Et, Richmond Hill. K‘ ICTTINU EGGS FUR SA LEâ€"Frnm b hens that have laid hvuvy n” winter $1.UO :1. setting. GEORGE I‘AYLUR. Richmond street, Richmond Hm. 41-43 UR SALEâ€"Vacant Int, 4.3 by 130, on C'mnch at. 1 luculnmw, 12” egg. 1 Cream supn-ator. Apply F. PATTON. Yuzlgc' Sc. _ 42-44 OR SALEâ€"l Kitchen lunge with reservoir and high shelf in good repair, an excellent. lmker. Apply Tuos. HOPPER, Centre SL. west, Rich- mund Hill. 42-43 FOR SALEâ€" One Yorkshire bx'ond ‘ sow. Also two young Jersey cows, 10!. 21. Com-1, Markham. A. J. NICHOLS. Phone 4014, Smuffvillv. 42-13 U gnnse wheat; for éale, 1m: 46. con. 1, Markham. JONATHAN BRILLINGER. Richmond Hill. 42 l Irish Cobbler polaloés T. RUMBLE, Phone Maple $OR SALEâ€"Knitting umchinp. nearly L new. Price 835. Inquixc LIBERAL ’FFICE. 41â€"42 HISH COBBLERsâ€"E BED PEASâ€"~A Ll. KINDS OF KNITTING DONE ECHMGND 0 USE WH EAT-A OR SALEâ€"1r mom flame cnb‘tugc S. PALMER. Centre St. East. 4 UH SA lJu‘wA guod 'A , Save 1/3 t0 1/2 Your Corn ‘ “ ‘ S; youhlosg from $3 to}; the; forodr Vvalue 0‘ YO‘" cm“ by ASTERIXG SANDâ€"â€" [1L3 WC PEASâ€"«A qumnixy of seed Priumg Alherts, {nu-sale. lut Sr. H.81’EPHENSUN. 41-42 keW You lose from Ej to ‘2’ the food value of your corn by feeding it to your cattle as dry fodder. Corn stored in a TORONTO Wooden Stave Silo will give on [00% ofthe value. Good ensilege will improve the ealth of your cattle and will increase the quality and quantity of your milk returns. Good silage must be made in an air-tight silo. The TORONTO Silo is made of selected spruce. double tongued and grooved to exclude the air. and specially treated with creosote to lengthen its life. l5% extr- capacity with the TORONTO Hip Roof. 5 Let me show you how to save on forage. and increase the health and value of your herd. Information and ;_ full particulars gladly given. Wm: fined.â€" Will tee MENSO SMITH qn‘n n {ity VIII seed MIME mm: Cnurse Ban 1 for sale: D. 1849. 42-43 gunmfity of Lunau. Agent, Richmond Hill ue me 41-1‘4 41â€"42 see 'ki strain. 515!) pel H. DAVIS, Mill Phone 108 W. [:OR SALEâ€"One hoxse plow only L used once; 13 troth cultivatu: and scuffler. hand 590d drill with hoes, and corn planter. Cheap ifsold at once. Apply MRS. E. GIFFUIm, Clement Farm, Richmond Hi“. 41-43 I)LASTERI.\'G AND REPAIR WORK DONEâ€"By GEORGE \VILLOUGmn'. Oxford SL. Elgm Mills 4245 Seéénd Vice~Presidentâ€"Oa.det Sergt. Jack Glass. The Senior Cadet Team will be enter- ed in the York County Baseball League. and both teams will be completely regi- mejptally equipped. ,- n A- Jealousies, and 3 team for the n yet. Let's pla}, and wherever I always win. but aiong right lines Manager Juvenile Cadet Teamâ€"Cadet Sergt. Lambert Atkinson. Coach for both teams â€"â€" Mr. Lou Teetzel. It is now up to every elected oriicer and every Cadet to put forth every ef- fort to make the Cadet baseball season of 192:; the best ever, and it (‘.\N be time by united effort Yours truly would like to say, in closing. that a great deal of credit is due to the ofiioer commanding (Lieut. Harty Mordcn) for the unsellish expen- diture of both time and money in an honest endeavor to keep the Cadets in the forefront of hockey and baseball circles. He has seen to it that they ap- peared on both ice and field properly uniformed for the occasion and at no exâ€" penditure whatever to any Cadet par- ticipating Let every Cadet "cany on" with him again throughout this year. Honorary Presidentsâ€"C01. Clarke. D.S.().; His Worship Reeve Trench, and Lieut. A. J. McLatchy, York Rangers Regiment. Presidentâ€"Mr. Robert Johnston. First Vice-President~0ade‘t Lieut. Bernard White. "Mifi'éééi- Senior Cadet Team â€" Cadet Sexgt. Franrk Grqinggr.‘ BA K ER ~AJ; 'J‘uvsday, Fanny. w JVVSVeici'etai'y â€"!Cadet Se 'geant Bryan Shqrpless. n.,...m n‘. L‘adet's nét Signing up for the season nust hand in their uniforms at once. im hi-s 7Slh yv: r. The wnmins m lun'lun fur intermL Funuml fran taking purlnrs, Rh Thursday. April 1!) Heise Hill Cemetery z'MMMVrâ€"In Hichm April? ‘13. 1923, Jam ngr CADET At a well-atts eating held i ort an tion :11 1‘} ATCHING EGGSâ€"Rhoda Island sea Reds 1ai n mot all . Untnlin Am; Collpge 534133 nittillg ‘of 13. _ Ming. “'cllesly Hmpital on April 17. at 3.30 n. m., ifc uf the Luv Juhn Baker, DEA'E'HS tt ORG )mund IJiH, Friday. nseph Dummelt, in att 3dr Ie luken In Huli 11 \V'right's under- chnmm‘l Hill, 0'1 l. m 2.30 p. nu, to ill men ANIZE hmoud Hil’. ll D 1n may n evelopir Jl come cupyin; 1h 42-43 1ber if 60 90000060096 bwwobwomwmu R educed NMQNQMOOOQQ“ v5.6.6“ MOOMOW® 0900600.“... ee Our Line of Remnants of Dress Goods and Coatings for Women and Children DRY T. H. HARDWARE 8; SUPPLIES Limited Phone 33, - Thornhill, Ontario Moooommemoooemowowmoocmwm SHERWIN-WILLIAMS PREPARED PAINT “ “ INSIDE FLOOR PAINT ” “ PORCH FLOOR PAINT “ “ FLAT TONE m WOOD FIRE and LIFE INSURANCE REAL ESTATE 13.6. SAVAGE MEN ’ S TRENCH’S BLOCK Spades, Shovels, Forks, Buiiding paper, Tar paper and Roofingflarness Sup- plies Sweat pads, Breast strap,Hame strap, Heel chains, Curry combs and Brushes Stoves and Ranges 2: c. N. COOPER Richmond Hi1 COOPER’S HARDWARE General Agent, office at the Post Office - Richmond Hill COAL T. H. HARDWARE & SUPPLIES Limited Phone 33 Thomhil], Ontario 5 1b. Packages Brown’s :} Gals. 85 Reds and Greens 0X9 Boots Pts. ‘:5c. SHERWILLAC VARNISH STAINS Ptsrfi F! Pts. Pts. Qts. 25C. 456. 80C. $1.50 Earman E. SOLIGNUM â€" Exterior Gals. 85c. Gals. $51.40 (6 SOLIGNUM â€"- Interior Pts. Qts. Gals. 45c. 80c. $1.35 Pts. MURESCO - 60c. and PHONE 93 Qts. $1.4 DV‘KT Gals. $1.00 Gals. 551.70 II Glass $2.65 Gals. $1.2 $2.00, for $1.50 .25 & 1.50, for $1.00 $1.00, for 75c. npiete Lane s,Suspend- Gals Gals. $1.50. Phone .\lI[ W E AR

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