ArtiSt, Teacher in Literature, Expression, Reading, Dram- atid and Humourous Sketches, to enter a branch of this Bank because you do not know how to make a de- posit. 0ur Managers or the staff will be pleased to show you. 111 Start with One Dollar and .add to it dollar by dollar. Dialect Poems. Professional Graduate of Owen A. Smiley Studio. Address Miss Marguerite Boyle. Lnudio ‘Homewood Hall,’ Thornhill, Ont 30 ff Individual Instluclion. Night School . Mondays and Thursdays? G. HILL, Oak Ridges P. O. SAMPLES FR EE PAINTING. DECORATING Plume 305, King. A good shipment of the very best Anthracite for summer orders. Newnnukrt. Bank of Turmlto Many pEOprc of this vil- lage do not know that 95 per cent. of our coal is screened before leaving our yard. This is not done in any yard this side of Toronto. VOL. XLV. Is it not worth at least we per ton that you are not buy: ing a large percentage ot dust which is bound to be in every car of coal.‘. ELO C UTIO‘N Miss Marguerite Boyle Wall Hangings - of - Artistic Charm THE ROYAL BANK “ OF CANADA NEWMARKET BUSINESS COLLEGE \\"ILT.O\VDALE. ()NT. V. OLLIVER. Manager. FALL TERM OPEN $1.50 per annum, in advance.] PUBLIG NflTIGE DO NOT HESITATE L D. Ramer ENROLL AN Y TI M E 237.9 Black chinery Or, if it it. for yr “’e have (m lnmd for Immediate Dr- livery Unckshutt Plum, Wilkinson Plows,1 Set Chain Drags. Wheelbar- rows. 1 SecondJlund (In-emu Sr-pamtcr. ery now This is the Time You should take advantage of the present prices of metal by ordering yellr\Eave-Tx‘0l1gl), Hunting, Furnaces. or any nlhrr metal pmduct. as_ every- thinrz points to a suhstu'ntiul idem-use in prices in the near futumn ‘mme in and let; us prutect you with present prices. ' Enst. House and Lot at; Maple also a small farm in same locality. Acreage with large house, good spring creek at Elgin Mills. 4 Acres, 5 roamed cuttagp, largo ham. natural gas well, on the Mill Road. Shop 48, Will lend you money 01' loan you money, Insurance. Yonge St, RECHMGND HILL and soft wul sale, on snntl Small flan asparagus, 51 nnlv $1500. 1'1' and, orchard. small fruit, on Street. Twu choice bargains on Com The Map]? Sand. vavl and Brick ‘lnmpunv. Lt'd. have on hand for sale. ()elxlenb drain tile. 3. 4. 5. 6 and 8 ‘m. Culvert lef} 1‘3. 15. IS and 20 inch TEETZEL BRGE Ced sale. (30 inches in length) Also Cement. Brick Sand or Gravel sold by the loud or in car lnts. Nift Sand, Graqu Tile and Brick ll‘lll )ly $1590. just Ll ife reguiring re: Lie Richmond St 50ft. lot, on we: ith gond garage ’OOJJO. Let us know your w Adelmo Melecci and Miss Rosalind Bush L. T. C. M. mm the Turontn Conservatory of Music. will. accept. a number of pupils in Piano. Vocal and -: Theory. -2- For information Phone 110. MRS. MYLKS. H A. Nicholls PLUMBING AND TINSMITHING HOT \VATER HEATING AND GENERAL REPAIRS .THORNHILL, ONT. DENTIST ine T1 ench Block. two doors north of Stalldmd Bank. HoursQamx. in 5.30 p.m. Telephone32 A. C. HENDERSON DR. L. R. BELL Tinsmiths and General Agents PHONE 87 \V RICHMOND HIEL, ONT.. THURSDAY. APRIL ‘2!»- 1923 The Real Estate Man HAS FOR SALE :k clad hon orchard. s ill‘ you shun} l)(-'fnx'(‘ the y s New Machine: Ind gvt thu pus '1‘. COUSINS. and telephone poles se, stable :1 mall fruit 1n In Essenflabs, Unity; in Non-Essentials, Liberty,- z'n all things, Charity.†Rush on [11(- HI mm on H( pamtcr M‘mager Jachir pail ICI’GS, nly IRecommend No Gun Without a Permit l Messjs. Nichol] and Mnrden were Committee. The wal mug the sumo place on May. and it is Imp of men and women 8 p.m. sharp. to be down Liberals from all parts of the Pro- vince met in Toronto yesterday. Rous- ing addresses were made by prominent speakers. and H. Liberal victory at- the Geneml Elections in June was freely ‘ predicted. Many of the addresses 1 made it plain that there wnuld be no‘ fusion with the U. F. t). The Drury‘ (Sow-rnuwnt. was censurml for its ‘ failure to buingr dmw: u xcdistxihutiou hill only in the session. and explessed a belief in the principle nl' rrpresentu- tinn by population. J The meeting expresyed a hPli<f in the principle of H‘prest-ntntlull lry pnpulalion, and recnunnendml the in- Ll'uduclion of the single transfulahle vote in coustitnenries wilh mone Ilvun two candidates, and the introduction of pmpmtimnl reprvsentauinu in thickly populated urban centres. In the H'oning :L hnnquvc at King Edward Hotel was attended by hun- dleds of Lihm-uls \vhn li<t9ned tn ahw addres~95 (lelth‘l'l’Ll by F. \\'ellingt0n Hall. Hon. Errwst lnpointe. Stanumt Arch MuOnig. Mrs. Carpenter. H. H. De wart. and othels. lh and a half hour spentil course, and communin President, Mr. \ankel meeting to order. after w] eating prngl'nnnno was ; adéresses were given I Wellwond, Mr. Plewman. Mr. Hume and Rev. Mr. ‘ solos by Mrs. Page, Mi Mr. L. Glass; cot-net, 501‘ Anderson and recitatit Britnell and Mr. Price. \V 01 yea: withw perm Thumzh not hugely attended. an impmtantuweting uf‘The Old Boys nnd Girls Assncinlinn was held in the Council Chamber Tuesdin evening. The IquhOl'Ship fee was placed at $1.00. The sporls cnmnl‘itwe repnrlâ€" ed that lilt‘lt‘ \vnuid be four football toninsut. the Celebration (:1) the 6th and 7th of Auuust. A cummittep was nuthmized tu punchuse a stamp, to he handed our postmaster who “ill usu it, un nil “mil mutter pzmsing thraugh lhn Post Ci‘firtv. The Publicity Com- mittee were [(‘(IlLL‘hti’d to issue the membership tickets as soon as con- venient. Mvssrs. Wright, McLean Greene and NichuHa were {naked to interview the fuur ministers of the Inca! chuivhvs, with a \‘ie\\‘ of giving up their evening sexvico on Sunday. the 5!!) of August, and to join in a. ful b Hie 51h of Aux: Union Senice evening. Rygietratinn for the Spring training is progressing most pr nnisingzly over flfby having thus far regislervd. Appointments â€" Cadet Surgt. Allan Armstrong as regimental reward ï¬r succeï¬ attending his efforts in the matter of the Cadet, Corps Radio Club. Cadet 'Corpl. Harding Burnaby. assisted by Uudrl Corp]. Ho‘mer Leggo, is organizing a Cadet. BaseballTeam at. Jefferson. This Team is Ln be en- E91311 in the Juvanile Cadet Team Gruun. and an effort will he made by the Juveniles to again organize the Hillsbrooksquare League. A Church ande of the Seniors A Church ande of the Seniors and Juveniles will shortly be arranged. and will be fUlIOWPd later by a UL!) Cadet Church Pumde. Trainir S 1turday At, the nnnna (1 Fisheries A \H up mqm ROLER-BOLER MINSTRELS TO-NIGHT they flu} nnunirm Great liberal Convention >WE ll] m run 11'. trap; Old Boys and Girls Banquet and Concert York 1g of :he Cubs will start next I. The O. C. will train this at once for the Regimental ries Assn use of. Tuesday. the Slh of is lmped u huge number Women will he present at 1). Much Work remains rth meeting w_ill b9 hgltj in_ usly 1 be Ranger Cade:s in the Plll'k- on [ha' Long/Lu: had a success- 1tertninment Monng most, enjoyable men], spent in social inter. munin singing. the \Valker, called the meeting of [h 1ft0.r which an inter- \ was given. Shan given by Rev. Mr. .-\vman. Mr. Former. v. Mr. Warren; vocal Ige. Miss Smith and 1th, solos by Miss U. epitations by Mrs. 1. TrenchI Greene wppniuted u. Finance n] inbion a fullnwin ;pppql'te 11v mot Game )mnto th ll) Ceremonial for the Unveiling of WM Memorial. REAMANâ€"In loving memnry rf nnr dear father and Jessie. whu drpax‘br‘d this life in April 1919. Four years ago, our deepest. sorrow name, We almost fell beneath it, so bitter was the strain. No one knows the hitter heartaches, No one but God can tell The pain and grief that, we have snffvled I At the lnss of those we Yoved so well. So we shed n tear that is si And hrmntln- a sigh of rPgI-ct, For they wore (:uIS, we ren If ull the wmld should forget went; There is some om them daily But, tries to he lmn'e u At home on tho lwaul iful bills of God, By the village of rust w fair. Someday. some limo. when our task is done And silently sinks lift-s Westeln sun \Vith jny we shull meet, them there. Mather, Fur them is smne one who misses than: sadly, And finds the ywus h ng since they f7ï¬e Mutual fife ï¬ssurance Company of Banada Phone 232 JOHN R. CAMPBELL FOR COUNTY OF YORK AND ONTARIO Special attention given to sales 0t every descnption. Farms and farm stock sales specialty. Farms bought. and sold on commission. Ailsales at.- tended to on shortest notica. and con- ducted by the most approved methods. Patronage surlicitod. THE POLICY HOLDERS OWN COMPANY v Get your life Insurance at cost. OF CANADA _ 8AVE “ Because l by phone or otherwise promptly VETERINARY SURGEON, LICENSED AUCTION EER ï¬m §WRLENG BANK 3115 Bulliol Sh. Tm-nnh PhoneKBelmont 1347 Uncle JUSuih. Waltgr, Sisters Thornhil] . II. I’ren t ion IN MEMORIAM C. H. BYAM. Agent, Farming can be made more proï¬table by the proper use of credit. Our local Manager will be glad to discuss with youâ€"â€"in strictest conï¬denceâ€"any sound plans you may be considering which require additional funds. Funds brave and content IK‘ that is sifent. h of rpgrcb um, we remember who thinks of Maple, Ont the Attention Large Stocks of Pine and Hemlock, Shingles, Lntb. Cedar Posts. Etc. fox- yourquick convenience. Also dealers in Fibre Board. Ready Roofing, Asphalt Shingles, Felts. Etc. We operate our own Planing Mill, Siding. Flooring. Moulding Frames. and Sash. Doors, Etc. Perfectly manufactlned. We Orders Phone Day, 13â€"3. Night 75 378 BERESFOBD AVE, \VEST TURON'.0 Phone Junction 72. All mail orders will receive prompt. attention. Farmers Supply Co. 75 Jarvis St. Toronto. 43 HOUSE PA INTER, Glazier. Grainer and Paper- Hanger. W. HEWISON Hi“ Barristers Solicitor Notaries Telephone Main 2177 Monarch Bldg., 26-28 Adel Ofï¬ces {aide St†West, Toronto. Naughtcn Block. Aurora L. Innes & Sons \Vultel The The me . M Centractors and Home Builders TWENTYâ€"FIVE YEARS’ EXPERIENCE Planing Mill and Lumber Yard Richmond Hill Street Richm. nd Hill. JOHN T. ANDERSON PIANO TUNER FARMERS! NAUGHTON & JENKINS Solicntor for : Tuwn of Aurnm Township of King Township 0! WbiLchurch 1m rial Bank of Canada. Aum: ‘ . anon. 81 Co. Aurora anni [Single copies, 3 cts. Older your Repufr; and Machines at once, sun- Express and Fmight rOHC Jenkins it your enquiries and Charges. 111 J. Harry Naughton Res. Elgin M Ills Rea. Phone 44.4 N0.