JGNES Cor. Arnold & Yonge Pens 2 and 3 are Ringle pens of Yearling Hens, the best; of last years Pallets and mated to two large, well- barred Uockerels. Per setting of 13 Eggs $2.00, per 50 Eggs $6.00. As the demand for the past l'ourseasons has been greater than the. supply, orders will be ï¬lled in rotation. Order Early. ‘l’ens fund 3 are single Yearling Hens, the best of] Pallets and mated to two lax barred Uockercls. Per 54 13 Eggs $2.00. per 50 1‘3st no Pen 1. Is a Double Pen of Maturâ€" ed PulleCS, which have proved them- selves heavy winter layers, mated to 3 ï¬ne Cockergls. Price per setting of 13 Eggs 31.50, per 5‘) Eggs $5.00. If you want a Bred-toâ€"Lay strain of Barred Rocks. The good for all ï¬urpose Breed, that will mature qhickly and lay early, I have to offer ' HATCHING EGGS FROM 3 mass Hatching Eggs For Sale Get Your Painting Done Now O‘OMMISSIONER, CON VEYANCER, R’l‘t‘, X’upils passed for Oonsexvatory Ex- aminalions. Rofle Shae Repaw SOUTH OF NEW’GARAGE Outside the Villago our P1'?65u19 Systems will bravide water for any installation. MISS BEATRICE HOWELL TORONTO teacher of Fletcher Method Musical Kmdergarten \Vill giudly {unqiuh necessary infor- umtiuu and udvnce. regarding your requirements. or Laundry TUBS and ALL NECESSARY EQUIPMENT. Ask for our Septic Tank Circular. Our local representative, BATUS, BASINS, W. C's., SINKS. Fixsl; class Painter Low Charges Stop 47, Richmond Hill 'I he James Robertson, (30., Ltd. Kinds :‘rypr PLUMBING SUPPLIES A. S. \VHEELER REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE Thornhill. ‘r. Richmond & BridgeforJ Richmond Hill. 37â€"4; Richmond Hill 215 Spadina STUDIOâ€"HOTEL RICHMOND, - EDWARD FRANCIS NOTARY PUBLIC LDF‘. ids of repairs to boots and shoes Ambrose E. Phipps 93 rd LUMBER 630 PHONE 2 WM GREEN, IF Richmond Hill. ‘et satisfaction Ave., Torbnto, Ontario ar )I Phone 13 r 2 299°mewweoowwmooooosoowoo‘g WONG†00W York. Snlesntrendad to on 91176-11}; notice and at wasonubie rates. Patronage solicited Licensed Auctioneer for York. Snlesnt‘rendad t Mr. Owens, however, is not to be condemned for coming out and show- ing on which side he stands But let th .se who believe in temperance and moral reform not be deceived. Tenders Wa \‘iIIihL', qr (wired for he in erec Hans and TENDER the RICH? a Conservative Government. now that they are out of power it is hard to ï¬nd any Conservative speaker saying a. good word for it_ Judged by utterances from the two or three political parties it seems that the con- test now being started will he to a great extent between the dtys and th- wets. GASOLE BATTERY R EPAER S VULCANEZING NOW is the iime to iook after the repairs for your car so as to be ready for the warmer weath- er and better roads. Alcl‘ough the Ontario Temperance Act; was passed in the Legislature by The bill met with much Opposition from all sides of the house, but was ï¬nally sent to committee where in will likely be killed. One of the measures of general in- terest introduced in tlieLLagislmiuze stood in the name of Hon. George H. Henry, who would have County Councils composed of Reeves only. The office of Depmv-Reeve would be abolished under this bill, which also [rovides that in County Councils a man representing a municipality of under 1,000 population would have one vote; under 2,000, two votes, and over that four votes. Mr. Henry made a lengthy ï¬ght for the bill, c‘aiming it was a measure of reform. us and speciï¬c-“Hum can he see! * office: of L. InnL-s 6’: Suns. (let's to he submitted mm or be SLh April. J. T. S AIGEOIN Marple Will ht ‘zldillz :u WM. INNES, Secretary Committee gum! com:va work, mluthm uf 1m moriul n Richmond Hill. iiiculinn“ (:Hll be seen SPRENG IS HERE We Speciaiize in pen Um County of nted '01- ex work moriu WWMWOW i MONDAY. MAY SORIES ie npvn n1] year and admits students at any limr. \Vth superim- train: ing and prumptness uf nhtuining vmplnyuwut are considered, this schuul should receive ynur pnlrunâ€" duo. Ketm dvmï¬nd t3 1‘. ur graduates. \Vrite lu-dny fur m r handsome u :Alugue. The next Ins-Ming of the Uuunc Municipality of Vaughan W held in the Town Hall. Yunqc and Charles SL3 Vaughan Council J. B. Mcl'JiAN. 43-“ Clerk uf Vaughan Tow And I hcrvhy call upon all vnteis in take immediate proceedings In hmu nny errurs or omissions CUI'IOCLELI accordipg In MW, Dateant, Maple this April, 1923. - NOTICE is hereby given HntI have complivd with Section 10, M the Voters’ Lists AM. and that I han posh-r! up at my Ofï¬ce at Maple, Ontario, on lin- 21st, day of April. 1923. thelint of all pPrsuns omilled tn Vote in the snid Municipality fur )lemhers nf Pun-Hanuan uml Legis‘lm tnre, and that such Iisls remains Lhme fm' inspecliun. SATURDAY, APRIL 28â€"Cnnuncmrs ’uutfit, concisting of honvy draught homes, wagons. cnnl boxes, bob- aleighs, harness. cnllm-u. etc. at. l‘indlny's HoLel. 'l‘hornhill, [hp property of the \Vm. Britnoll & Sons 00. Sale nt. lo't-Im-k. Term. 6 months. Prentice & Prentice. Aucta. the Dominion! meanyo‘r'rflfly 1 SATURDAY, Amm, 23â€"Housebold furniture, at her residence, NewLun Bunk, the property of Mrs. [’il:k9l'~ ing. Sale at, 3 p. m. ‘l‘ermzcush. J.’1‘.Saigeon.Aul-t. Knluesun. Mr. and Mrs Howmd M-um MUNICIPALITY OF VAUG H‘AN um VOTER’S LISTS, 1922 EP'AERS WEE lum FACE Audion Sale Register COUNTY OF YORK ELLIOT’I‘ Principal M-Lnning 5p lelm'c', on at 10 n’clock J. B. MCLE; tuqhim will ht.“ {EID mning nnd Mr. “L Sunday in 21st d 1y Ton-unto 1923 If {h The Eineï¬ M00365 “45†McLaughEin-Buick Ever Built tion is cerdia w A Permanent \Vallï¬rW’ithout P‘Izgter Gyproc is the new improved wallâ€"board. Itis not made of wood but of gypsum. Gyproc is absolutely ï¬re-proof and will not shrink or warp. Let us send you. our free booklet and samples. TH ONTARIO GYPSUM 30., LTD., PARIS. ONT. RIG MOND HILL. DEALER L. INNES, 8; SONS Head Motor 5 Look about youâ€"the uphols are of the ï¬nest quality, the equipped with richly-ï¬nished troI lever is at ï¬ngers’ end, control and windshield wiper fllDEST BEND MERE 5%“? It is a beautiful carâ€"it is luxurious~it is a mechanical masterpiece. Stand off and note the snappy lines, the higher hood, the full crown fend~ ers, drum type head and cow] lamps. Then sit in the car. Here is comfort equalled only in the cost- liest automobiles. The 1923 McLaughlin-Buick “45†Special tool; the country by storm. Always a favorite, this model reaches the highest pifmacle of value ever attained. Underwriting and dealing excluslvely in Covernme ( Mgnlcipal and Canadian Naticnni Railway Debentur Ld the c en the reputation as deaters in bonds only 36-38 KING 5?. E The Dcpendabillty of our adv limited hassis shows far-reaching improvements. famous McLaughlin-Buick Valve-in- or shows important changes. An inspec- BEFORE INVESTING CONSULT THE . STEMSGN & Ci? nvl lift-Buick [Models to Choose From nond v . E., TORONTO advice is guaranteed ‘tering and trimming instrument board is instruments, the conâ€" the cow] ventilator are Within easy reach. 7 Mar t.er - l! r um