Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 26 Apr 1923, p. 5

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Sunoooommowmmmmmmwomez judges nf G 13% \\'L'l'k. Mulmun. (imdhunsv. (‘muelmn Hmsnl'd. M We don't charge for notices of births, mauv-iugos and deaths of local ,inlerost. {nr for personal or lucnl items that, :n- nf nn particular financial benefit t.) unvhody, and we are glad to have thth handed or sent in to the office. “‘9 do charge for "In Memoriam” notfc s aml "Cmd of Thanks." lands Golf Uluh. lucated atThm-nhill on Yunge sheet. PhLy will Commence vn the filst, of May. The px-nperty posseSSL-i m‘my psummul gulf features, requiliug few :u-Iifiolal hazudC. and the Spil is adapted Lu e'zuly spring and the Sui] is adapted u; muly spring and lulu full play. it cow-1's 290 uchs and lhvre is sufficient romn for two 18-h01e mursw. The club haq three hundred Invmlwre n pI-rst‘nt. and its Honnrury thwivlo‘nt- is Judge \Vildifh 1d. It, was u g ~ni‘c‘ d in June 1922. ~ mum, and athnded the Juhn Smith, lute Reeve limhuuy. Mnlidny's Gloh4 plmlug. uveur of Monday afternoon Mr. 'I‘. F. Mc- Muhon attended the funeral of Mr. ()sric L. Lewis. K. 0., who died and- d nly at his home in Olmthum Int Friday. Interment in St. James’ Ceuletvry, Toronto. Nu: th York Liberals. at a meeting in vammkec on Sutlndmy, nominated M r. J. M. \Vallon, Mayor of Aurora, :us‘thmr st-nndard-bearer for the co n [g Provincial election. The U. F. 0. men m: thu same day, but did not decide to phce 2L mndidaLe m the fivld. FNMMWNOWWWWOONfl 6 Mr. G. Slnnn and Mr. G. Lasher will "present Richmond Hill Epworth Leuguu in A debate in one of the Tun)!th churches next Monday even- ing. The subject relates to the [Mme de tiny «f Canada. Mrs. Morgan. “The gau-a-ou-the-Lake: Mrs. nm- and Misses Eilw-n Mnrgan, of Lnnsdule 1 wrre guosLs for the \hnme of Mr. and M rs. l Major Straight. who run as Liberal candidate in \Vest Ymk at thu last 0 ('Ction. has [been appuunchediby the local Uw F. O. with R View of adopting their platfmm and becoming their cmdidate. On account uf being overstocked on flour we are offering purity. Maple Leaf, and Royal Household flour at $7.50 per hhl. wholesale price; ulson few husbel of clean seed pens ablhe Elevator. Mr. J. S. McNuir and Mr. W. Davies of this place are acting on the Grand Jury, Supreme Uourt,‘/'l'oronto. Mr. McNair has been selected as Foreman . A meeLing of the York &Simcoe Press Association will he held at Cnllingwood on Friday. the lth of May. There will be an Afternoon and evening session. Mr. and Mrs. John Bales, of Elgin Mills. “lab to ex" 5- thPir nppreciht (a fur the kindness Nhuwn by their neigh- bors and friends when their house and co Items were destroyed by fire. {ave a good m ands Golf Uluh In Yunge sheet. rlI the fixst of Mr. H. E. Crowhurst. President and General Manager of the Umwhurst Company, Toronto, and Mrs. Crow- hurat. spent the week-end with Mr. and Mus. I. D. Ramer. Nearly every newspaper hm a «'ulunm for "Lost n’nd Found" articles. Lost ndvs. are quite common, but we rarely see found udvs. in the papels. \Vl‘ut is the explmmtinn ? Imlug.uv9ur of four prominent trigos nf Glairville Spring Show held M. work. The gentlemen are James [cl/Inn. Richmond Hill; 1. M. uxdhunsv. \Vestnn; James A. ameum. Weston; and D);. G. H. luasnrd, Markham. a" Phone Hud. 1515 Hud. 1470 Arriva's at, the Elevator since Fliday 3L. 6 curs No. l Anthracite. 1 car of ment, 1 car of H. Limenud Puristone. Half-Acre Lot: One t0 S-Acre BIO fl ___O ._ v -u a.n.n. ROSEVIEWR GAR. DENS * 354.0010 5938.00 per ft. Markham Road at $7.90 J . LAWRENC EASY CASH PAS Evans, in Tuesday's Globe gpoq description of the Yr» subset ib gun. “The Godard," Nia- Lake; Mrs. N. M. O'Con- ses Eileen and Margaret Lnnsdnle Ruad, Toronto. for the weak-end at; the and Mrs. H. A. Nicholls. Glohne qrntnined a good Lots and Acreage SQâ€"Ft. Building Lots infi W121 IDES $1.00Ligg‘ett'sChncolntPs.21.01-51.01. 150. Baby Soap, 2 for 160. 25c. Rexall Skin Snap, 2 for 26c. 25c. Klelxzo Tar Shampoo, 2 for 26¢. $2.25 Hot Water Bank, 2 for $2.26. (Guaranteed 2 years). 270. Peroxide Cream, 2 for 26c. 50c. Vanishing Gleam, 2 for 26c. $1.00 vaall Tunic Bitters, 2 for $1.01 150. Pretty Lip Soother. 2 for 16:. 50‘ Nipples. 12 for 36C. 50C. Rexall Kidney Pills, 2 for 510. 25c. Carbolic Salve. 2 for 26c. $1.00 Vituminu Tablets. 2 for $1.01. 35c. Klenzn ‘l‘oyth Pastc.‘2 for 360. 25c. Pea lTUolh Pasté, 2 for 26¢. . Sloan’s Drug Store fur 20‘ 500. Cascara Tablets. 2 for 510. 250. Pux‘etest Incline. 2 for 260. 260. Nail Polish, 2 for 26¢. 500. Hair Brush, 2 for 510. $1.00 Rubber-Set Sh:lving_~Brusl1, for $1.01. $1.00Liggett'sChmmlntps, 2 M 3m April 26, 27, 28 1 This ONE CENT SALE Plan was originated by the UNITED DRUG COMPANY for the REXALL DRUG STORES. The United Drug Com- pany are the largest manufacturers and buyers of Toilet Articles, Reme- dirs, Chocolates, Perfumes, Rubber Goods, Stationery and Drug Sundries in the world, and this is an advertis- ing plan pure and simple. of which they bear most of the expense. In- stead of spending money in the regu- lar way, such as Free Samples, etc, it is their desire that we place full size packages, or artlcles, in your hands, giving you an opportunity to judge the real value of these goods. Beware of imitations in other stores, and take advantage of this excep- tional opportunity. We cannot af- ford to charge or deliver goods dur- ing this Sale. Right reserved to limit quantities. 25c. Aspirin, 2 for 26¢. 250. Hydrogen Peroxide, 2 for 26c. 40c. Hydrogen Peroxide, 2 for 410. 65c. Hydrogen Peroxide, 2 for 66c. 250. A. B. S. & 0.. 2 fur 260. f1 1974 YONGE STREET TORONTO 25c. Rex 250. Baby Tnlcuu). 25c. Vlnlet. Tnlcum 50C. Harmony de $1.00Jonll‘el Face. 250. Stomach an: 50v. 10C THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY One Cent Sale Shaving Shaving Bovls’ M j. R. HERRINGTON, Secretary g Stick Melnid NOTICE Link, 2 for 350. loids, '2 for 260. mu. 2 for 26w. cum, 2 for 26¢. Face Powder. 2 for 51¢. ace Powder, 2 for $1.01 and Liv -1' lels. 2 Peroxide. 2 for 26¢ Peroxide, 2 for 4k Peroxide, 2 for 66L 0.. 2 f01'260. 00 per Acre 2 for 260. for 26?. 51c. 760. $1.01. Saturdays. Unnuumn 'J'emu' and Ch! Swluaisb Nulth Pax-kdule k hutch, is prepared to l'E‘TG n Rit-hnumd Hill on Monday Mrs. N. Buny’s. Arnch St. 1 cm be ubtained by calling Ring 11. Are You £0ng £0 Plant Trees this Spring? Denton, Macdonald as: Benton Offline :21 Church Slr N0. 211. Rit'humnd Barristers. Snlictors. 8m. MANNING ARCADE. 21 KING ST. WEST. TORONTO, CANADA TELEPHONE MAIN 311 Cable Address: “Dedo Arlhuu A. Mncdonald Rank Denton Laura Denton. B. A. Also rubber boots, work shirts, overalls and numerous other things, among them spring oxfords for ladies, and patent; leather slippers in lateststyles. Come and see for yourself or We have new spring hats and caps here In latest colors and styles at reasonable prices, b00t9, socks, tics and also argued qualiLy of shirts. Rubbers for everyone HHS slushy weather. Now that Easter time and the spring season is so nearly here the men of the town will probably want anew hat to complete their outfit. J. W. WELLMAN uyuuul plupfil'b) Ul LIUIOYI b.5‘ NO. 1, Vaughan and Markham. The lot; is 225 by 160 feet. more or less, with the buildings thereon. Terms cash. A marked cheque for 10 per cent. of the tender will be necessary in each case. The highest or any tenâ€" der not necessarily accepted. Unâ€" successful tenderers will be returned their cheques. SEALED TENDERS will be ceived by J. R. Campbell, V Thornhill, Secretary of the Sc Board, up to noon. April 29, l for the purchase of the old 1’0 School property of Union SS. N< Vaughan and Markham. The l( Oflic Cu nud inn J. EARLE N E WTON Possessâ€"ion about July 9, 1925 Eff FOR SALE BY TENDER Trees add to the your grounds, w you first-class st< trees, Ornament; Shrubbery, from serv of E. D. Sm I'Untl'n .Ll SI DR J.. P. VVILJSDN p. m trees Ll hours 8 to 10 md les'dvncvâ€"(‘renue and [rec-ts Richmond Hill Phone Wm. C. Rutian Gent’s Furnishings. PICK Hill t’iu nn-Phy unservatm-y [Algal-H’s ( Um PIANIST v0 \'( Phone 86 j . \Vodnesdays and ces include )ur home. “'0 can :11 trees Hem lyin tativ‘ m. lto2 and ]( All“? huil MU ive the' Schoo _ 29. 1923 1r! icu]: Phone a t. 1d I’ublié pupil Studio Lhodisl Hill a l‘ 1‘0 'I‘. G. IJ Y O N LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE COUNTY OF anK Patl'nnauuund influence respectfully solicited I Deposiic Your Ceupons BARRISTER. SOLICITOR, Norm“ ET' 'I‘ man O’fico, Rich‘n m l Balding 3.5 Richmond Street, “Huh Richmond Hill (Hi i (‘ Libel-a) Office). evmy Thursday :urunman. Maple, Thursday :lfll'l” nun. \Vuudhrivlue. SJDIIHM v :' n-mmrm. Money to Luau at, Um z'v'nl. Rate. Residence address Victnriu Square WRIGHT BROS. Undertakers and Embalmers‘ RICHMOND HILL, THORNHILH -AND UNIONVILLE a 1 large stock of Funeral [’urniahing Kept, at the above places TOTAL ASSETS OVER Richmond Hill Branch. Richmana‘ On any farm of average size at least one hour a dayâ€"36% ten hour working days a yearâ€"are spent in the irksome, wearying task of pumping water. 36% days which one of my Toronto Windmills will give you for profitable work, rest or recreationâ€"besides supplying running water wherever you want it. The one bothersome task. that of oiling the windmill in all kinds of weather, is overcome in the Toronto Self-Oiler, which requires fresh oil only “once a year." Friction and wear are practically abolished. Toronto windmills, too, can be made absolutely self-regulating in operation. The “Toronto” Tower will stand for a lifetime because it is the heaviest, strongest and best-braced one built for any windmill. Let'me explain why I believe this is one of the biggest conveniences you can have. Paper hanger and Painter MARRIAG SAM. SHEPHERD A. J. HUM WILLIAM COOK When and Where You Want It NOTARY CON V EY Phone I“ Oxford Suleet ISSl Victory Ben-d coup: mcnt withort charge Let the interest from "Skandard". WHEN? STANDAESD B 0" CANAm r11le you cut the coupe] or other securities. the into your savings account vings _Departmenta are main! PUBLH' ANUING LI( Lunau, 'Agent, Richmond Hill i Bil! iyi it? P. O. addi’fi‘Se iotmleyflKH rest from your invc in 0F Earâ€"um EIGHT Y-THREE MILLIONS THE are maintained at a” will be received for GEO-.WKI'BD J. R. Herrington, Manage Cor. J 0rd Mr. Ca OffiC9. R ate-moon Boot and Shoe Repairer All Kinds of Boots and Shoes epai 11d. Good Workmanship Prompt Service ZDocrs South of Bakery on Yonge St. oupons from your Forsyfl H . A. N I CIâ€"IOLLS N UTARY PUBLIC Offil F‘viacnaughion 81 Campbell FREDERI Tole-phnne Main 3531. A. CAMERON MAUNAUGHTUN 1ummissinnor Insurance lintele stment e RICHMOND HILL Barristers. Solicitors. Etc incd at a” our branches and cived for deposit or encash- unph-l] will ‘1 Lil hm.;nd Hill from your Victory Bonds gical place to put them Suite n amd ‘8] ho an) more intern! in tho AURORA K A. A. CAMPBELL 1m] “P I McKinnnn Bldg. lindn Stat. Toronto Innveyancer :rq uml Hardwn (innate-x given. Hm: 2‘” 8: Allen at TbeL every Tu {I Esta-fig ., llé‘ ih Etc

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