PALE FACES AND __ WGRN OUT NERVES Due 801er to Weak, Watery Bloodâ€"A Tonic is Needed. Anaemia â€" literally impoverished bloodâ€"womes on so stealthin that it is often well advanced before its pre- sence ls recognized. Feelings or fatigue and discomfort are the earliest manifestations of the trouble and these are seldom taken seriously. Gradually small tasks become an et- fort and exertion causes the heart to palpitate violently. The complexion becomes sallow or pale and there is loss of weight. The nerves grow weak and the victim displays irritability un- der slight provocation and is extreme- ly sensitive to noise. The appetite is ï¬ckle and indigestion often follows. A condition of anaemia calls for a tonic. one that will enrich the blood and strengthen the nerves. and for this purpose there is nothing can equal Dr. VVilliams' Pink Pills. These pills give the blood all those missing ele- ments necessary to give strength to the nerves, color to the cheeks, and nourishment to starved organs and tissues. Miss Margaret J. Fraser, RR. 2, Thessalon, Ont., has proved the value of this treatment. She says: “I was very pale and weak. My blood was poor and I was very nervous. I 105$ my appetite, my feet and ankles were swollen and I was in a very mis- erable condition. A friend advised me to try Dr. Williams‘ Pink Pills and I got two boxes, and found before they were ï¬nished that they were hel‘ping me. I continued the pills until I had taken a half dozen boxes, with the re- sult that I am now enjoying the best of health. all symptoms having disap- peared. I feel conï¬dent tha‘t what Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills did for me they will do for others, if given a fair trial." You can get these pills from any medicine dealer or by mail at 60 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine 00.. Brockville, Ont. No Repentance Now. Motherâ€"“Let me warn you, my dear, against an ill-considered mar» riage. ‘Marry in hasteâ€"’ " “He's a bright, honest. modest young man," said the proud father, it I do say so myself." “Modest?†snorted the industrial captain. “What has he ever done to be modest about?" Experience may be a good tutor, but the terms are always excessively high. Daughterâ€"“Yes, mother; but now it's repeat at leisure," you know. He Hadn’t Earne‘d the Right. The friend of a. certain captain of in- dustry once applied to «the great man for a job for his son, just out of col- lege. MONEY ORDERS. A Dominion Express Money Order for ï¬ve dollars cos-ts three cents. In tho I‘ï¬mou Vanxhau Blame: Bow vaer Irrigation Project An especially 00d location for mixed farming aqd alrylng. Splendtq 9p- ortunity for young men now living n districts when good land cannot be bought at reasonable prices THIS IS NOT PIONEERING. tin first 10.000 acres are fully setded am! another 10,000 acres now ready for settlement: maximum dlstance from railroad. Seven miles. Good road; ieiephones and schools. Easy pay- ments. extending Over 18 years. This 1. the East Land Buy in Albert. \Vrlm for further information to cnxmguzggwlana mnxaanox irrigated Farms in Southern Alberta 'â€""â€"50mr‘â€"ANY. LIMITED Medicine Est. ' ' Keep Kendall’s always' in the barn. A strained muscle, a sprung tendon, a jolt or a knock demand: immediate attention. A few hours' delay will result in a long lamenessâ€"perhaps in the loss of the horse. Kendall’s Spavin Treatment has saved more horseflesh than all the other known remedies. Under the name of Kendall’s Spavin Cure, it is ‘he forty-year-old standby of horsemen, farmers and veterinarians. DR. B. J. KENDALL COMPANY, ENOSBURG FALLS, VL. U.5.A. r Get a bottle of Kendall '3 today. Ask, loo, fol 1h: Free Book or wrlle for I! !o Alberta Putting on dogwood is little Miss Spring. All around the wood border, the lov- able thing. Putting on daflodils‘, redbud and glow 0t plum in the orchard where warm zephys blow. Hourly expectant, I wait for the spell Of lovely arbutus adown the wild dell BABY’S OWN TABLETS ALWAYS 1N THE EGME And what shall be more to my liking than allâ€" The laughter of lilac along the old wall. Japonica noddingâ€"and here she is now With loved valley lilies upon her Once a mother has used Baby’s Own Tablets for her little ones she always keeps a supply on hand, for the ï¬rst trial convinces her there is nothing to equal them in keeping children well. 'Ilhe Tablets are a mild but thorough laxative which regulate the bowels and sweeten the stomach, thus driving out constipation and indigestion, colds and simple fevers and making teething easier. Concerning them, Mrs. Saluste Pelletier, St. Dumas, Que, Writes:â€" “I have used Baby's Own Tablets for the past ten years and am never with- out them in the house. They have al- ways glven the greatest satisfaction and I can gladly recommend them to all mothers of little ones." The Tab- lets are sold by medicine dealers or direct by mail at 25 cents a. box from The Dr. Williams’ Medicine 00., Brook- ville, Ont. Baseballâ€"“ch do"you like that long rest we are having?" Batâ€"“Not much. I could knock the hide 011 you right now." salts achieved by Prof. Daniel, of the University of Rennes, were presented here yesterday before the Academy of Sciences and declared to open up a. new ï¬eld allowing hitherto undreamed of possibilities for perfume makers. By graftiu a chrysanth Intensifymg the perfume of flowers is the latest horticultural experiment in France, says a Paris dwpatch. Re- ort to dete he role of l Discovers Way to Intensify Perfume of Flowers. Putting on Dogwood. sweet brow. eum it w were obta DI‘O CASTLES IN THE AIR â€"From the Pulverize Ground. Two sets of plows that revolve in opposite directions feature a motor- driven machine being tested in Porto Rico for pulverizing the ground for sugar cane planting to a. depth of twenty inches. When- two men quarrel there is one fool present. Mlnard'a Llnlmen: used by Physicians. The positive, constructive man, the progressive man. does: not talk and think negatives. He does not say “I can’t"; It is al- ways "I canâ€; {he does not say “I will try to do it,†but “1‘ will do it." "Cent's" have ruined more people than almost anything else. It is a dangerous ï¬ling to get into the negative habit, the doubting habit, the "I can’t" habit. It tends to keep people down. They are fastening bonds of sex- vitude around themselves» and in later life will not be able to counteract their influence un- less they reverse their thinking, talking and acting. Don’t Lose Yearâ€"HE Try Cuticura ISSUE No St. Louis Post-Despatch 5L. W.. Humid. as without mu: 1113113254: Sold mug. Nighi am! Morning. Hay. Clean. Healthy Eyes. If they Tire, Itch, Smart or Burn, if Sore, Irritated, In- LOST HOPE, SAYS MRS. WATERMAN Declares Tanlac Restored Her Fuliy W’hen Almost a Net- vous Wreck â€" Gains 14 Pounds. "Tanlac restored my health so com- pletely three years ago that I haven't had to Lake a single dose of medicine since,†says Mrs. Cora Waterman, 145 Monroe St. Toronto, Ont. “I don‘t believe there wgs a worse case than mine in Ontario. For about three years I was practically a net- vous and physical wreck. I could eat scarcely a thing, sleep was almost im- possible, and rheumatism in my hands. wrists and arms almost drove me dis- tracted.‘ I spent every cent I could lay my hands on for medicine, and had about lost hope of ever being well again. “But Taniac ended my suffering and saved me a. great many dollars. I re- gained fourteen pounds, too, which I still retain, and I feel as strong and healthy now as when a school girl. I have been praising Tanlac three years now, and want to send out this mes- sage to help others.†Tanlac ls sold by all good drugglsts Over 35 milllon bottles sold. He who never relapses into spor- tiveness is a wearisome companion, but beware of the man who jests at everything. It is not what you get out of life, but what you give, that makes you happy.â€"â€"Rev. P. T. B. Clayton. Mlnard'a Llnlment for sale everywhere uEe‘i/IEHnE'ï¬EE gem. Remakes. Safefoi' Infant or Adult. At all Druggists. Write for Free Eye Book. Marina in Read: C... Chime flâ€? \«W "TL Requces swellingpf brmses and strams Sam’s linimentjkilbpaiï¬l Sloan’s brings immediate comfort. It breaks up the congested and inflamed con. dition and restores normal circulation. Use Sloan’s to guard from pain as you would an antiseptic to prevent in- fection. Yourdruggist has it. It may be a sprained wrist or elbowâ€"a bruised muscleâ€"a strained tendon- , You cannot foresee it. But you can keep Sloan’s alwqys handy to relieve the pam. UNLESS you see the name “Bayer†on tablets, you are not getting Aspirin at all Accept rhe 13nd UH a stamped ara ayer 11 nu. ls. strains.che-st xes of Headache Neuralgia Lumbago >ld 11 package†of “Bayer Tablets of jirections and dose worked out by "s and proved safe by millions for ATALOG OF PROFESSIONAL AND Amateur Plays. Sketches. Manolo w Minstrel Jokes. Recimtlona. Make- Goods. etc. Fitzgerald Publllhm Cor Dept. W. 18 Vesey Street. New ork. ‘ALESMEN AND AGENTS. NE‘V INVENTION 5 py Can-dun Indy ammu- to every new!!! low price; quick mm; bin pmflu. Hurling IMAM: Com. 110 Chunk M991. Toronto. vxvmous s'wm-znuu-ixi 1â€"ussnxan llmouslne, nun-Me (1mm! work or uxl. mm clus mndlnon, newly pinned. Cu mu had would cost 5 [Imus price of 81.000.00 naked. lumen.“ Industries. 39 Guru: 5!. “i, Tommn. ANTBURN ROCKERS ROAST AND KARI} I perfede on 8mm Buuncr: hunts!" pnfl' for Tnastlnz, Fnlnn. Slemuu. Sample. 32. Kl.“ bum Kooker C0,, 10 Dundu West. Toronto. ‘1 LEAIHNG BALE. MANY TIMES LARG stock 11: Cmadn. Many 195: that: In]! mm Sand for harnln 1m. Sure wants. Manual Plow graphic Supvlv. Montreal. Grateful for Health Restorer!" by Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegei table Compound f Toronto, Ont. â€"“ I took Lydia E.’ Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound fol“ backache and for weak and dreary feela, in? caused b mÂ¥ condition. Sometimes I eltsobad at couldn’tdo my houses‘ work. My neighbor told me of your] medicine and I read about it in the ‘ To. ronto Telegram ’ and thought I would] take it. I got very good results. It? built me up and I have told several friends what it has done for me. Yo ’ may use this testimonial as it may beo help to some one who has suffered as have.â€â€"-Mrs. J. LEE, 25 Harvie Ave.†Toronto, Ont. ( Women suffering from female troua bles causing backache, irregularities, pains, bearingâ€"down feelin s and weak- ness should take Lydia . Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Not only is the worth of this splendid medicine ‘shown by such cases as this, but for nearly ï¬fty years letters like this have been re- ceived from thousands of women. Mrs. Lee is willing to write to any girl or woman suffering from such trou- bles, and answer any questions they may like to ask. WANTS T0 HELP UTHER WOMEN You might be interested in reading Mrs. Pinkham's Private'] ‘ext-Book upon the “Ailments of Women." You can Eet a copy free by writing the Lydia . Pinkham Medlcine Co., Cobourg, Ontario. A15 Classiï¬ed Advertisements. Luau-w- Plonm no: nole r" BOOK on 0 bottles of 24 and lOOâ€"Druggists. nadn) of Bayer Manufacture of Mono- well known that Aspirin means Bayer tallons. “19 Tablets of Bayer Company SALESMEN WANTED. In Head, Throat or Chessa yield quickly to the influd ence of Minard’s. ‘ The Old Reliable Remedy“ FOR SALE DOG DlSEASES and How to Feed mum; Free Io my Ad- dress ha tho Author. I. 018 luv†00. an. 129 agt an; Bum CAMERAS. Rheumatism Neuritis Pain, Pain FREE. 'Nowr Yolk. in}: