OR SALEâ€"A quantity of seed ‘ barley, well cleaned. Will test 60 lbs. to bushel. MEXNO SMITH Edgeley, Phone 430 Maple. 41-43 (.‘umpnn v. J Br ‘nuh Offi Elmwo Id A Ulfice up -n JR SALEâ€"All barns and outbuildâ€" ings: M W amt wire “was. upon the farmer Palmer Farm. now Elmwood Park. Fox-particulars apply Chartered Trust and Executor Companv. Real Estate Department Bum-h Office on propaiy. Corner EImond Ave and Ynnga Street. kaice up -n every «flex-noon, 2 to 5.80. Hll ten f and gravel fur Sula déliQeâ€"{e-a: lnquiue prices. DAVIES, lot 30. con. 2. Veuaghnn. 41-46 digging ch D solid brick 1101159 for sale 0! Church Stren-t. [urge lot, bath room leception Hull etc. W. H. GRAHAM Richmund Hill 38-lf 0R SALEâ€"Vm-hnt Int. 45by150. un (iuuu-h ht. l Incubator. 120 (1:2. ‘ 1 Cream Separator. Apply F. PA'X‘TON’. Yung" 5L. 42â€"44 W 11.1.mrum Richmond Hm. VA‘ï¬ï¬l'y _u."$<â€95:k§£1§1 mond Hill Post Office. 33-lf P LASTERING SANDâ€"Course snnd _ and gravel fur Sill: delivered. IAWS FILEDâ€"Gums cut. and cir- k culeu‘ saWs gummud and lilvd. Cul- ‘Iing hnx knives ground. In fact. if it is dull We Sharpen it. Also angran fur Gilmu Mfg. Cm, Gm-Iph. Unme- in nnd see twin-21 self sharpening star] quilled plow share. A. ANDERSON. Real-of \V. Vdmlurhurg’s 3110;). Rich- mnnd Hill lï¬-tf gl‘mmd. A. Phone 4413 I") L do all kinds of trucking and csrting in Richmond Hill and vicinity. Patronage solicited. Plume Richmond Hill 98. 42 tf EED BUCKWHEATâ€"About 75 \ bushels for sale. lot 36‘ can. I V ughnu. JOS. ESPEY. Richmond F1 II. 42-43 BROOKLANDS S.(‘r. \VHITE LEGHORNS From High Producing. ‘Henlthy. Trap- Nested Stock. $25 per 100. Selectwd $35 per 100. Express charges paid. 100% Safe Arrival Guaramved. Your Eggs Hatched for You at $5.00 per 100. \V6 uuw hsue 21 Capacity of 2:440 Eggs. J. W. BOWMAN 11.1%. No.1, RICHMOND H1LL,ON’I‘ OTICEâ€"E N do all I- ICISH UOBBLERS DOR h’net j A\VS Fl LEDâ€"U Irish Cuhhlu‘ polar: RUMBLE. Phone MM )R <ALE O'l‘lUEâ€"A. J. Spnfl'md, Thainhiu, CemeuL contractor. and well DAD MATERIAL-WU RICK HOUSE R SALEâ€"Business propéï¬y uentynlr‘ry lumted. Yunge street, ASHE} \VOH N‘ALEâ€"Sxx piece- Muhugany hed‘ nm suite Oak piano. Stanlpy. 9t nnal stm'n. HM! stand. Ex- ". dining table. Hoosier kitchen t, and fmv small articles. 15 IN. “11019 Island Reds. COLE Rnseview Avenue, Phoness \v_ Custom Hatching OUR DRL Robinson Black \‘Vant Ads- N0 TWO Dresses the Price i: $27.5 We. Piave the Dress and the Price that Suits You Rambw Spégiaity ' Shoppe BABY CHICKS lunlors Misses COME TRY 1T 0% Eliuey Maple 1849. â€"Gbnd Mahogany he s pl'Ppnu‘d tn _Ll‘uk:king and quantity fur suie. DRESSES 419E THE six mom ' sale on had: of l Inixturv nnnrln F ELIL 41-44 40-44 the HATCHING EGGSâ€"Gum] strains. Ontario Aglicultulal Collegl Plymouth Rucks and nlnmst as good Rhode Island Reds. Path $1.50. per selting of 16. worth seeing. Come and take away a setting. HARRY MOYLE. Yonge SL., Richmuud Hill. 40-43 OR SALEâ€"One luuse plow only use! once; 12 t«.oth cultivator and scuffler. hund seed drill will) hoes, and corn planter. Cheap if sold at once. Apply Mas. EV GIFFORD, (‘lcmmt Farm, Richmond Hill. 41-43 I ATCHING EGGSâ€"Rhoda Island Reds. Ontario Agr. Collpge strain. $1.50 per siltiug of 13. MRS. H. DAVIS. Mill SL. Mahmoud Hil‘. Phuno “‘8 W. 42-43 0R SALET‘I Kitheu “Inge wth reservoir and high shelfiu gnod repair. an excellent baker. Apply Tiios. HOPPER. Centre Sn. West, Web- In md Hill. 42 4‘3 lnnse \Vav AY FOR SALEâ€"Timmhy, (‘aluver and Alfalfa. special lnw price, in barn. U. H. VVES‘I‘WOUI), Laï¬gslaff, Communicate with 103 \Velliugtun St. West, Tnmuto. 43 OR SALEâ€"1 gund anzsau-y mg r 9x12. 1 bmss lump, other lumpu some old lugnbpr, doors and stairs. Mlss BROWN, Yunge St. Richmond D hens that have laid heavy uIl winter $1.00 u setting. GEORGE l‘AYLOR. Richmond street, Richmund Hiâ€. 41-43 K, “hitches loft here for repairs m (r a year, will be suhl foi- charges‘ JERRY SMITH. 43â€"47 FOR SALEâ€"Sing}? fun-aw Percival Iidiug plow. 31:9d one»; Also n pen of light. Uruhnms, 11 miles west of Stop 52. J. UHAPPLE. 43-44 4 0R SALEâ€" One Yorkshixu [mud sow. Also [Wu ynung Jersey cows; 10!. 21. 2011.4, Markhmn. A.J.:NICHOLS. Phone «1014. Stuuffvillr’. 42-43 Hill CSTâ€"Black collie dog, white cullar ï¬nd little mm on face and legs, zlnsweres tonalm- of cnlliv. Reward J. \V. S'I‘EI'HENSON‘ R, R. 2 Gmmlev. Phone Richmond Hill 4502. Tag 370 Mnl'khalu. 43 OR SALEâ€"Fine large Rhubarb roots. each 20 cents. three for 50 cents. Munun th pe i1 ducks $1.25 per setting of 12. H. MOYLE, Rim-h- moud Hill. 43-46 DSTâ€"A Spule tile and rim, he- lwern Yrmm» Stre‘vt and Ill!) 4111 (If Markham, Richmond Hill sidernvd. Hmwu-d. \VAIJL‘EH LI'ESBY. 'l‘hurnhill. D 2 Acres garden soil. full plow house, barn. driving shed. etc. B< Lake, stvp 57. Apply at; LIBE! Oifice, Richmond Hill. 3‘ RICH 2-1). 950 )ALE TOR SALE SEED POTATOESâ€"A is Over ‘OMMEDK QABGAIN FOR QUICK SALI ave oats. gun-d I BT13, Richmflu E'I‘TING EGGS FUR SALEâ€" EEI) PEASâ€"ll") hand lhlmln-(l, . 3, Vaughsz. U. OARDERQ WANTEDâ€"- bnnrd. Apply MRS. E OR SALEâ€"4 mom frame cuttuge W. s. PALMAR, Centre St. East. 43 Alike.When D HAY U'O MGND HILL nd «m lNG MAY inhâ€"AH quantity of W muth for seed. Wome lmshel smld pens, fnl' snlv, log 29' H. JONES, phone Stunts ntit)‘ of ‘ .‘y' Bronx: and REMBER. 43-tf. IBERAL 3611' hid! (1 Also .Vhive 3%;3 41-43 43-44 'mm M†rd )lld' NOTlCE IS HEREBY GIVEN that joax HE:an Kmxwonn, of Ilw L‘le of Ton-out ~, ’11 the County nf ank. in the County of Ymk, in the Province of Uulmlo. chunlfenr. will apply tnlhe Parliament of Canada. at the next stseiou thereof. f. r a Bill of Divorce f m his wife Mary Ann Kirkwood, of the City nf’l‘urumo. in the County 4.1 York. in the Plovlnce of Ontario, when on the ground of adultery and desertion. DATED M the City of Toronto. in the County of Yoxk, this slxlecntb day of April, 1923. H EYD. HEYDLSHOREX & QEWMAM Vancouver, in the Province of British Columbia, Married \Vnnmn. on 1hr- ground of adultery and deserlinu. DATED at the Uitv of Toronto this first day of March, 1923. :‘x‘otice of Application for Divorce NOTICE id hereby givpn that D.nlgl:1s Leu'in. nf th City nf 'l‘m-nnlo, in the County uf Yul-1;. in the Plovince of Ontario, \Dopnrunental Manager. will apply to the Parliament of Unnadn. at the next session thm-vnf, for a Bill of Divorce frum his wife. Gladys Ethel Lewin, of the Uiryaf ‘5' CSTâ€"Black whEte and tan lwagle hunml. Finder please unlify W1 A. VAXDEIman ur W. H OAKLEY, 412 Summernill A ve., Toruntn. 43 If our seni same enthusu Cadets are doi Notice of App1ication for Divorce HICKENSâ€"Flnm-n In flum lust, yvmr fun $l.50 each. D. BRM‘K, IFUU. HALE â€"'B:u 1e Eggs, $I.UU fur l; the village. MRS To May Avenue. 40R ADOPTIONâ€"A bihy girl one yHar old. Information at Print- ing Office Richmond Hill. 43-44 OR SALEâ€"One [Cordsun ll‘llL'txl‘ with minimums and plow.~; 2 spring tuulh l'HltH/Hll‘l“; 1 50L hmvy tut-whim: hnrnvss: 1 (ha: luurmv; also u qnanxily xf ("\‘I‘l set-d. L. \V. West. Hill; ‘ OR SALEâ€"Quarter cu: 011k sidv- homd. large bevel plate min-m, in gnod repair. Price $18. MR5. A ENDEAN. Centre St. Phone 61w. 4344 Yes, this is the Big Night we have been waitingr fm'. Ro'et Minstrels open 113.1! ment at the Mason‘c Hal chance of seeing them Frid day eveningâ€"dye there to‘ yours truly for the Big Oper put. off till tomorrow what tonight. See the magic ! nvgc (11‘; C. .H. \‘VellingLnn SI. Wen that H by \V. BI itish almost and m marke York-Sin managers throw liking PASTURE cattle : ’1 hey do say that our are about to organize f‘ Vglma .5 getting her pit ï¬ne shapeuand: -boliew ERSEY C(HV [nil-1y fresh. 12 to their standir 5115 Confe'deratiun Life Building, Toronto, So‘dcitors h r the Applicant.“ A Apply 1 phone 58 MURPHY 8.: DONALD 302 Bay Street. 8 )liciml‘i for Applicant. ake the Le 3 t~has with 30F INDOOR Rod And Gun Inst usiasm :1 doing the â€"â€" Cunpmturv bonus or have mu news of the jnnx SLINEY, Richmond good to see the l ballets out at the Sc ight (Wednesday). 'ganize for 9; her pitch 1. bolieve 1 All of whi VAN'IEDâ€"Mus! be PMwa state pLiCe. l. \\ ES‘I‘WUOD. 108 wt. 'l‘muntn. 43 L16 Hii It u, Urdu-Bred .\‘NSE.\'D, step m 1h ‘rida Notes ing (-‘lï¬ckeus sulv. Price Elgin Mills? at the Senfé esday). This tices as be no 3 end of aseball girls this season. ng arm into ne, she ca :11 is to our ï¬ight S0“ ht en l‘ak e Nev ll ing ‘th in m 48. 43â€"44 43â€"lf f the 4: the arge the I We have a very Complete Line of Hats, Caps, Shirts, Ties, Suspend- ers, 80X, Boots and Shoes. All at Reduced Prices. ‘7‘ 1-. ( _ '1 o 1'- th er .‘xo 11‘ “ “ “ $1.25 & 1.50, for M60 :7 ff f' “ $1.00, for 75¢. See Our Line of Remnants of Dress Goods and Coatings for Women and Children 0.6900990006666609“ Wowwommm ‘ DRY GOODS QUALETY SHOPPE -:- Phone 53 OOWMWMW â€"â€"â€"~â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"=â€"â€" WOOD FIRE and LIFE INSURANCE REAL ESTATE A. G. SAVAGE he: MEN’S EASTERTIESj Regular $52.00, for $1.5 TRENCH’S BLOCK Spades, Shovels, Forks, Building paper, Tar paper and Roofing,Hamess Sup- plies Sweat pads, Breast strap, Hame strap, Heel chains, Curry combs and Brushes : Stoves and Ranges -: c. N. COOPER Richmond Hi1 SHERWIN-WILLIAMS PREPARED PAINT H ' “ INSIDE FLOOR PAINT H “ PORCH FLOOR PAINT “ “" FLAT TONE COOPER’S HARDWARE; General Agent, office at the Post Office - Richmond Hill COAL come in Lle T. H. HARDWARE & SUPPLIES Limited Phone 33 Thomhill, Ontario Dulh 5 1b. Packages brown’s % Uals. Reds and Greens 20C SHERWILLAC YARNISH STAINS ’ts.~ %Pts.’ ' Pts. Qts. 3C. 45C. 80C. $1.50 T. H. HARDWARE 8; SUPPLIES Limited Phone 33, - Thornhill, Ontario u‘tm Norman 3. Glass. SOLIGNUM â€" Exterior % Gals. 85c. Gals. $1.40 1 Greens é Gals. $1.00 Gals. $1.70 SOLIGNUM Pts. 80c. 15c; MILLINERY MURESCO and PHONE 93 $1.40 80c. 60c â€"â€" Interior Gals. Gals. $1 .35 $2.50 Gals. 32. 65 ITY LADIES’ WEAR I“? {ING MIL- Gals. $5.00. Phone 53 H