i _ Returning Oi’ficers for the three For Giprlw and Ford\‘ in adu's. page 3. Buy an Oil Bwys .‘Ionihership‘ Ticket MLSaiuidny. . i .\Ir. Georgiï¬hyâ€"ofï¬tioit spent thH week-end with his p nents. t‘hureh Strut. , .\Ir. \Vesley lioynton. l1-1< sold Mr- \Vinleiton's piopeity on Yontze Hi.- to Mr. Kidd. the north-end shorlnnkcr' Citizens should remember that the: Post. Office is on new time. and thatj mail arriVes and depaits an hour‘ earlier than formerly; My. Horace M. Gohn, of St. jolin'c, Michigan. who attended the funeial of his brother Frank on Monday, isspendâ€" ing a few days with his mother and his sister Mrs. G. Drth-y. Hot Dinner and Tea will he served ’ by the Ladies Aid at, the l’resbyterion Church on May 21, VICLOIl't Day. Dinner from ll to 2 o'clock. Tea from 5 o’clock. Adults ollcents; Cliildien 25 cents. A football tournament will coin- mence at 2 p. m. on the day of Exhibition. May 21th and will furnish . plenty of excitement for all lovers of out door sport. Don’t fail to_ be present. First CildTI’l/i League Gain: at the lTonn Park on Friday evening â€"â€" o o’clock standard time. Thornhill \vid be the Cadets op )onents. Don't. fail to be present an enjoy the great out. door spm t. t A Concert and D-tnce will be given in Community Hall. Maple, on the evening of the 24th of May. The artists for the concert programme are Jim Reid. Mildred Walker, Martha Hogg and Thelma Osborne. Mr. John Shear-down and his men are busy this week digging out the earth for the memorial stone to be erected on the Public School lawn. The cement work for the foundation will be five feet in thickness. Dominion wide Go-tilâ€"Sunday-Sciiool Day is to he observed next Sun- day. May 10. Special programme for the day. Everybody invited. and everybody who can should attend Sunday School next Sunday. Mr. Henry Movie, left Tuesday evening for a trip to the \Vest. He will spend/three or four weeks at Lakeslea Hot Springs. near Prime Rupert, and spend most of the Summer with a brother in Didsbu y, Alberta. Yorks for the coming Pi ovincial elec- tions are. : Ease. G. Padget. Unionville; North. S P. Foot", Bethesda: Wlal. A. \V. Farr. VVoodhridge. Dr Godfrey is \‘agiin nominated by the “'est York Conservatives. The regular meeting of the Women's Missionary Society of the. Presbyterian Church, will be held in the School Room on Thurxday. May 17th. at 7.45 p. u). when an address will be given by Mrs. Mann of Newmarket. Every member is asked to his present at this ' meeting. A meeting: of the Lawn Bowling Club will be, held in the Cruncil Chamber this. Thursday evening at 8 o’clock. Business of importance. A request has been made that each of list. y -aI-s members not 0in be present, but bring a new member with him to the meeting. The work of collecting the names of all the Old Boys and Girls of the vil- lage. isa heavy task. \Vill all those who were asked to send in the names of their friends or relatives kindly hand them at. once to Miss F. M. Brown, Sec'v. of the Census Com- mittee. as the list must be completed anyone to anon, and we do not wish be forgotten. PLOW UP CLOSE [p to d lie 12w Vii} i :- ('.::in«'ii has {in do no lulioL; emu i ii.ilig new time ...1 wand it'll liii e, :h )‘1111 [llt'.l\t‘, " It i\ iL casi- oi “Ilo You ult' earnestly l'vtllll}\il‘1l to atlend ti e next. n i-etilizr of The I! d I‘loysall'luilh [X‘SO’dllllilil iii In- lii‘lll in the l‘lillllt‘ll ('huinin-i- n~ xi 'l'iles I:i_\' eyeiiing. .\I v)' ‘33. at .‘i o'clock Pllllll iiiotB IE or Nil“). 'I‘iine- is g-t-‘inu’ shirt b tow-o n 1w and Au.!ii~t 5th. and much uork remains to be done. lie there. at d show lhnt you me, Ill- tniested in to.- eoniiiu: entertainnieui of former old boys and girls. ’l’be lllvlillfll meeting ofjthe Fi-l li~' Bible ('l‘iss oi" ihe Metb- (iiâ€"l Sunday Soliool was held May Lilli “lie-v Ilie oflieeis \\'(‘l" elected for the cumin»: year. utter which a little sorial lime was spent. ()l‘licers as follows: Teacher. Mr. A. l‘]. I’iewmi'n: Pres. .\lr. Serivnei; Vim-Pres, Mr». \V. (‘omiskn Seer. l'i. L. limiter: Twas. Mr. \V. \Vellinar. (‘onilnitteesâ€" Membership. Mis. Alliold: Mrs. (irainger; Devotional. Rev. N. Well- \rood. Thorn hill Millinery SPECIAL An Outstanding Value in SPRTNG HATS of Varied Shape, t‘olor, and Trimâ€" niings, will be on Sale at HALF PRICE Friday and Saturday OF THIS WEEK 1' "',"...A'.l ".....' A “tut/d.“ Lot-rut An'if‘.» is 'l v \1 l‘ Hill lli‘ l.t-‘il ‘n t" ‘~i"llt f~l (Idlilli FillliiI-f li'\'l_ .: .". 'l‘h p l.i h -i 1:1 the lll‘ng. ll .i' 'i l"; ~li1.li 1111.111; will '>' ILV. Iii; Iiil.ir-l-, "lid in Ibi- i..ii,.:, 7 .v-r‘k'. 1:..\. 1: ll 1‘th r \v- s ‘ 11 lll'l‘l' -11 i» th ~“|\l'i ~. It: Tail-.4 :1 , M «y L'l, ll:-11‘:1.i ll ‘l Ilinuwr will be \ not i' on: il .1,in. it» ;’ p lll. ind 'l‘i-n ‘ fl'vln 5 11' l i'it'. llllli-‘t‘ ill .‘zlitl 35. 0" is. '.‘ I '..'-‘ $51.5“. - -' .75 Hex-51mm ‘ IN 'l'lll‘) ICNTATH ()I" MARY ANI’i SiUJiiliIiS lite 11f ih- Towmhip it Vaughan in the l'otllily oi Toxk, din-eased. I I’illsllani to the Hi:1illll'< in that beâ€" half, Nllllt‘i‘ is licieby gin-n that all p-iities haing elliins UKKTH‘L the IC tale of the said Maiy Ann Htoddeis. who died on or about the lstday of Ebiuuiv. 1923, are, ri-ipnrtd on or beioio thi- Lilith day of May next. to send to Mr. john H. l"ram-i~. 'l'hoi nhill. i I‘lxvculo‘, a statement of their claims and addresses, ANI) I‘AKE Fifli'l'lIElt .‘4'(,)‘I‘I(TE that after slieb l.i~t mentioned‘dale the Executor \\ill lll>tllliutu the llsswlx Rm) TAPETU“ l'i'ml†himpm'md ainoiiiz lbv- lmltii-s o-nlilied tblurto. Clydmduln TU“ 'H H"! i/llw' WI†hating ioyud only to s-iehc'airsas Siam] “.t h“ '9‘“ Rti'm‘" Int 40’ h“ \hull “W†Imw WWW. d N “w. thlriingol Street; Itor tli'e seal-son. S e l). )1 ‘. 54,3 xv ,' ', . ) ‘8 terse i ole newing your “’23.â€! H“ r' H l} ‘1 3' '3' ’13†mares. Trims $20. E. T. Stephens. ‘ Stop 17, Yonge St. . vim GENERAL KEYNoTEâ€"I’ure bred Ill]- . . _ p'uted Clydesdale, the property of T. A. Bowes A: A. Bollcrt'k. H till“ sra'ble. Font-old. \Vill stop at J. IN TH lC MA'I TEH ol the Estate 01‘ FANNY BAKER blit‘ of the Village of Monit‘xille in the t‘oonly of YOik. Willow. deceased. NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to Seet :35 of The Trust e Art R. S. O. ’ 19l4 (‘hap 121 and Amending Acts. Miss G. Barker lioiiii ENDMEAT mam Parties requiring ice will kindly . leave their order not later than MONDAY EVENING and FRIDAY EVENING of each week. Ice delivered Tuesday and Saturday by the LAKE SIMCOE ICE COMPANY. H. H. HOPPER, Phone No. 7. ‘_ Unexcelled in the Dominion ! I ï¬sttiou'é V Yonge and Charles Sts.. Toronto, is open all year and admits students at any time. \thi superior train- ing and promptness of obtaining employment are considered. this school should ieeeive your patronâ€" age. K'een demand for out-graduates. \Vritc to-day for our handsome catalogue. W. J. ELLIOTT Principal. _ TENSION CURVE Champion Brand "AMERICAN" Fence on American Galvanized Steel Posts take the least possible fence roomâ€"you gel: the moat out of every ten-acre ï¬eld. Putting up Champion Brand "AMERICAN" Fence is not an expenseâ€"â€" it is a wise investmentâ€"plow up close for your pursc's sake and your increased production will soon take care of fence construction casts. -2H J. Espey, Elgin Mills, Ont. that. a'i persons having any claim again I. the late Fanny l3 iker \\ ho died on or about the lTlii day of April 1923 at the (':ty of Tomlin) and at. time of herdewth hid a fixed p acei {abode at, Village ['1' lilttllllli nil Hll', a e I’t‘lllllli'd on ll ii.'f()lt‘ the let day of M 1y A. I). 1925-. lo seud by post linger. d lil to deâ€" lu'e. to the under igiied luxerutorol h‘s So ieilovs, tl1--11 names and ad» demos and full parlil-ulars in writing of their itluiins and the nature (-f the sectl1ity.il'anv. bold b\' th» in. AND TAKE NU] ICE that after the will 2lst day of May 1033 the slid ext"- eulor will proceed to distribute the es- t'itt- of the ~aid tlt'l'l’d'H‘Vl aiming the pz‘lï¬o'lb ent tlud thereto. having regard 0 My to l be c aims of which he shalllben have had notici- and the said Executor will not be liable for the said assets on any pill then-oi" to any persons of whose cl Ill†be ehnll noL then h.iVe re- ct-i\l-d notice. I) ited at Stonffville. April 23th 1023. james Hunt, Executor. Gormley. (int. Met‘iillouyli & Button. Soiil-ilzirs l'oi Executor biolllTVlllc, ()nt. .1. R 44-46 Notice of Appiiwtiozi for Divorce --â€"-â€"-e NOTICE is hereby given that Douglas Leivin. of the City of Toronto. in t io- (l-mnly of York. in the Pravince of Ontario, Departmental Manager. will apply to the Parliament of Gan-uh, at the next session thereof, for a B.“ of [livort'e from hi< Wife. Gladys lithe] Lenin. ol' the (firyol’ Vancouver. in the Province of British Columbia, Mailied \Vonian. on the ground -I adiilti-i y and (insertion. DA' ‘i‘lD at the City of Toronto this ï¬rst day of March, 1923. _ MURPHY & DONAL!) 302 Bay Street. Solicitors for Applicant. 43â€"17 mm Notice of Application for Divorce M NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that JOHN HENRY Kinkwoon, of Illt’ ('ity of Toronto, in the. County Hi York. in the County of Yolk. in the l’imii-ce ol ()nlnrio. chauifeur. will apply totbe Parliament of Canada. at. the next session theienf. for a Hill of Divorce from his uife Maiy An I Kit Round, of the City of ‘I‘oionto, in the (Joniin of York. in the Provineu of Ontario, usher, on the ground ol'adiiltelyaud desertion. mmmuunimsmwc w- Cll.\u urn: PLUMBING SUPPLIES {inlays w.ll [H'Hllik‘ water for GW"3'â€"J~m~‘namrili.n‘ 7.75 35,. 4‘ L '44 J’.‘ J' "L‘BI'I'LMUlt. .'__~I\ELI‘â€"'ll‘.'\l’fl "Muâ€"NJ" h, v~_~<m_.La-C m- “7..-... - ... ............._-_.-._s..su_....-z_.=1...-.. “a..- .3- Eu- ‘ v 7' n "N’ "H" ' - . u. _ a... _._v 0... r‘sw P‘V ‘ ,. ~ T ii "i z; '7; ': ' ""ï¬ï¬EVt" “ V. ’ ’ " .L. 4 J. v. Anna‘s/A O - ax s.« - “.1. w .‘ Bank, the an 1:‘.‘.':\1“‘J.l, 13 ino'vn ‘ i. - ’ ' ’ ‘ a .' ‘t- I, h A \Lft‘l).x' in ointr Hords. r-v: .‘y Inuit l2; : .. .v. r:. ' t‘ .. . . t . .L. r , . iii ,.‘ 1%“ than; has been so C!.I“lf.)l axsocl‘i‘w' 2 ‘3111 \v 3. t ’ I‘dr‘mi 1-: the past hall Ccr‘tnq that 11 ls now ; . i . .. \amvfj/ l‘anner 3 Partner .1â€. local Manager demonstrate “Standard†senile. It you are looking for practical bnn' aim: co-v~p.:r.'..i:m_. Int nu: 35‘ Till“. STAN DAR E) BAN 1-1; at. OF CANADA TOTAL ASSETS OVER EIGKTY-THREIZ MILLIOYJS Richmond Hill Branch, Siailic n Register tor the season. 'i for $20. l5. T. ' So lvlli‘lh. Stop 47, Yonge St. Hrumwell’s. Kilgour PM in, Domillia Firm. Dollar, Maple. Ellgel» y. Term! $17. Chas. Bodily. gloom. SAM. SHEPHERD Paper hanger and l‘ainter Oxford Street Phone. 41 r on .J... r ’ELL MISS BEATRICE H0 TORONTO Deacher of Fletcher Method Musical Kindergarten Pupils passed for Conservatory Ex- amina t ions. S'rt'moâ€"HO'I‘JCL RICH MON D. Richmond Hill. 110 James Robertson, Co.. Ltd. 215 Spadina Aveq Toronto, Ontario ATâ€?! BASINS. W. C's. siNKs, Laundry TL'BS and ALL .‘Ei‘ESSARY’ ICQUl I’MISNT. Ask for our Septic. Tank (‘ii ruler. Our local repiesl niativr', Ambrose E. Phipps Richmond Hill Phone 13 r 2 \\'ill gladly furnish necessary infoi- matzon and advice. regarding your requirements. " (llll‘ltltf the Village our Prtssuie liminilolinll. quantity of your milk in an air-tight silo. _-. .\l.\.1F:.sT1i'â€"Thr‘ rinicn'y bred t‘lydesriale Stallion, by Majestic B‘II‘OII by Baron's pride. will >land at his own stable, lot it) Yoi qe St†‘ri ms S'll tr 2 iii-lies l‘Z-if “ n Y Residence address Save 1/:+. to 1/2 Your Com You lose from £3 to la†the food value of your corn by feeding it to your cattle as dry fodder. Corn stored in a TORONTO Wooden Stave Silo will give you I00% of the value. ealth of your cattle and will increase the The TORONTO Silo is made of selected spruce. double tongued and grooved to exclude the air. and specially treated with creosote to lengthen its life. capacity with the TORONTO Hip Roof. Let me show you how to save on forage. and increase the health and value of your herd. full particulars gladly given. J. Lunau, Agent, Richmond Hill J. R. Harrington, hfanager -~ wâ€"nâ€" 'Forsyth & Allen Painters. Drew-ell r~ and Ilaidwood l".nishe1~. 1", tun Hes iziven. Phi-11075. lint): "Jill .U‘ltUR - , .--__..._..._______ i All Kinds of Boots and ‘ Shoes cpai rtd. ' Good Workmanship i Prompt Service 2 Doors South of Baker on Yonge St. I GEO. KIDD Boot and Shoe Repairer H. A. NICHOLLS . NOTARY PUBLIC Commissioner, Uonveyancer, Etc Insurance and Real Estate RICHIVIOND HILL . lilacaaughien & Campbell Barristers. Solicitors. Etc. i ‘ Oï¬iees~8nite Fill MrKinnon Bldg. I (.‘or.J01donantl Melinda Sits†Toronto. Telephone Main 3631. A. CAUERON M.\t‘.\'AUGHTUN FREDERICK A. A. CAMPBELL Mr. Campbell will be at TheLibera ()fliv'e. Richmond Hill, every Tuesday uterntJon. l I. EARLE. NEWTON rlAle'r 'I‘eac )"l of Piano-Playing at the 4 Toronto (Homerratory of Music and St. Miigaret’s College. : Richmond lIillâ€"\\'ediiesdays and JSatin-(luvs. | 'I‘. G. L Y 0 N LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE COUNTY OF YORK l’atl'lumue and influence respectfully solicited P. 0. address Victoria Square Gomnley.RR Good ensilage will improve the quality and Good silage must be made returns. l5% extra Information and DATED at the ()itv of Toronto. in the County of Yell, this sixteenth day of April, l923, HEYD. HEYD, SHOREY &NEWMAN;} 514â€"516 Confederation Life Building, Toronto, Solicitors for the Applicant. 43-47 BUSINESS SCHOOLS hue been training young people for responsible. well-paid position: since 1892. Shaw students have won ï¬rst place in every competitin test in Toronto {or u:- put ten yum. Writ- !or prospectus, of day or home- ltudy courses. P. McINTOSH. Chief Prlldpd 21 SCHOOLS IN TORONTO Arrival of Spring Suits"â€" My stock of spring suits has arrived, and having ordered same before the price of woollen had advanced. I can sell suits from $17.50 up ino shoddy g00ds,i those who have bought suits already, pronounced them the best for the money they have had for a long time. Come and see for yourself. India and Men’s suits made right here by band. 335 and up Ladies’ and Men’s own cloth made and trimmed at very reasonable prices. To the Ladiesâ€"If you want a. suit or coat not made to order, I can save you money by taking you to Joe. Northway 8; Sons', factory and let you select one there. CLEANING AND PRESSING NEATLY DONE - E. R. FORTNER -:- Clothier and Tailor.