‘ OMMENOING MAY 24thâ€"All watches left here for repairl over a year, will be sold for chnrges. JERRY SMITH. 43474 LASTERING SANDâ€"Course and P and gravel for sale delivered. Inquile prioen. DAVIES, lot 30, con; 2. Vaughn. 4146 0R SALEâ€"Bullnesu propeny centrally located. Yonge street, Richmond Hill. Apply box 95, Rich- mond Hill Post Office. 384! O'l'ICEâ€"E. Sliney is prepared tn L do all kinds of trucking and curing in Richmond Hill and vicinity. PAILHIRSB Iolieiled. Phone Richmond Hill 98. 42 tf FOR SALEâ€"A building 20 x 80. suit- able for stable and gar: 9, with large loft AhOVQ. Apply \ ALTER LUESBY. Thornhlll. 44.45 FOR SALEâ€" Rhode Island Red and Plymouth Rock hatching egzs, $1.60 per setting. Apply HARRY MOYLE, Richmond Hm. 45-48 J cults, lot, 21, can. 4, Markham. Plvnty of grass, water and shade. \V. F. NICHOLS. 45-47 EED POTATOESâ€"A quantity of k Bel] Dl'pnsitvs and Duoly Potatoes fnr sale. JOHN MOMSON. (tormley R. R. 2. Phone 9116. 45-46 --â€"â€"â€"â€".â€"__.__ ASTUREâ€"Pusture for (mttleundI cults. lot 21. can. 4. Mnrkham. ! OR SALEâ€"Peninsula: gun-e with .h' oven and reservoir, strong and god! baker $15. MRS. SHEPPARD, Oxford St. ! 45-46 ALED HAYâ€"A qnunlity of baled ‘ buy and straw fnl' sale: also lnose hly and a quantity of White Wave 031.9, gnud enough for seed. L. CURTIS Richmond Hill. 46-43 J Executor Unmpnny. Real Estate Duâ€" pal‘tment Branch Ofï¬ce on prnpenty. (‘0rnn- Elmwnnd Ave. and Yong.) Sn, Dulce open every uflemonn. 2 to 5.30. 46-47 4 0R SALELâ€"All harm and nuthuild- ings. upon the former Palms-r Farm. now Elmwnud Park. For pm- uhlrs apply Charteled. Tina: and OR SALEâ€"~011e flemiah giant drw, thorough-bred; alsn nne Aluxlin hanging lump. MES. BALBUNE, stop 47 on Currville Road. 46-47 ASTUREâ€"Paslyre for horses or cattle. lots 1 water and shade. JAMES Woons. lot 17 and 18 con. 8. Vaughan. Phone 71 H 2 Richmond Hill. \ 46-47 HOW HARNESSâ€"Hem‘y set 0f new hrnss mounted show harnen for sale. J. E. HODGINS, Stop 52. 46 WANTEDâ€"Girl to assist with hmmr‘tvurk and look after children. BIRS. E. T. STEPHENS. Stop 47. Yorge Street. 46 0R SALEâ€"6 choice young pure / bred Durham bulls fur sale. For pzice and particulars. apply E. T. STEPHENS, Stop 47. Yunge SL 46â€"49 B‘OR SALEâ€"2 feather mattresses. H Apply to B. F. CALDWELL, Elizabeth Street. 43 F stucco Nungulow. ‘5 rooms and thiee piece hath, automatic pumping uulfit, septic tank. ample cupboard, apnea in kitchen. linen closet, cupboaid in t'ach bedroom, hardwood floors throughout, gummmd him in living and dining mom. open fire place, built- in-bookshelvcs. and china cupboard. hot air heating, lot: 45 x 150. more land il wanted. Phone G. K. BR()“’N. Uolbnrne St, Thornhill. 46â€"47 LETâ€"Storage room for one motor cars. Apply 0. MOODIE. 44-47 \Vnut Ads. OF. SALE AT THURNHILLâ€"New Robinson Block Value for Every Dollar Spent Emsses for AM aénimw Speciaaéie , Shappe JUNIQR U45 lute of Willowdulo. in the County of York, deceased. Pursuant to the Statmel in that be- half. Notice is hereby given thlt all parties having claims against the Estate of the said Robert Summers. who died on or about the 12th day 0! April. 1923, are. required on or before the 9th day of June next, to send to Mr. John H. Francis. Thurnhill. NOTICE TO CREDITORS , "___..a ...., r«u uca :uuuru thereto having regard only to the claims of which she shall have then re- ceived notice. Dated at Toronto this llzh dnyof May, A. D. 1923. WILLIAM COOK 33 Riehnmnd Street. ‘V. Toronto. Solicitor for the said Exeuun'ix. , ,, _ .v 'I-v Nuuvuul 3 III lIIHL l behalf. notice is hereby given that all ‘ persons, having claims against the Estate of the said Charles Norman. who died on the 23rd day of February. A. D. 1923. are required on or before the 10th day ofJuue next. to send to Hummh Walker Nut-man. Executrix. Maple, Ontario a statement of their claims. addresses and security (if any) held by them. ‘ AND TAKE FURTHUR NOTICE‘ that after the said last mentioned date the Execuirix will proceed to distribute the Estate among the parties entitled LLA» in I ‘ - lbusiness, or built interes to see \V I be sel s on small 3 your opportunity. late of lhe Township of Vaughan in ‘ho County of York, Deceased. ? B IN THE MATTER of the Eflute mf NOTICE TO CREDITORS WENS uuannmmflslc WANTEDâ€"Good H capable womnn. Gond comfortable home. Mudem conveniences. Apply R. A. TVNDALL. Hoseview Ave. Richmond Hill. 45-46 ~vn I_UUIII .1) solid bl'ick‘Lo®;u}(-r salé on Church Street. Large lot, bath room, ucepLion Hall etc. \V, H. GRAHAM, Richmond Hill. RR-H’ OR SALEâ€"Fine large Rhubarb roots, each 20 cents. three for 50 cents. Mammoth pekin ducks $1.25 per sotting of 12. H. MUYLE, Rich- mond Hill. 4346 PURSUANT to the Lama-stop '57.†MAI-pg]; Office, Richmond Hill. ARGAIN FOR QUICK SALEâ€" 2 Acres garden soil, full plowed. house. barn, driving shed, etc. Bond T __ _ , PASTURE â€" Can pasture 1101593 or entitle; have 100 acres of the hast. Apply JOHN SLINEY. Richmond Hill: phone 58 J. 43-†Solicitors (0;: RICHMOND HILL OUSEKEEPER WANTEï¬ CHARLES NORMAN 1N ma ESTATE or ROBERT SUMMERS RICK). {IQLTSEâ€"Good six Izoom Y A HOMEâ€"An; thinkng qt: huying a ng of buying a home, hum, buiiding lots its to their see WESLEY BOYNTON, as sniali commission; this is to the Statutes in that is beyqby given that all Executor. ‘York, Esq uh e, x‘nurnhill. . Having taken over the handling of Mr clllmi Mnssay-Harris Pane. I am prepared to NOTICE flll orders for sumo. ned dale Lawn Momma Sharp-nod. be assetl Sun Filed. thereto. - In fact. 1' IT IS DL'LL W'e Shut-pen clam]. u utice. IT propel-1v. , A. D I A. ANDERSON r. NFX! Dnor Io Yours Lumb°r Co. 4571.9 Arnold 33. Richmond Hill rnne who is at LIBERAL 36-tf 48â€"47 38-th 45-46 $10.00 per mo; 95 per cent. Fertility Guaranteed. 2440 Egga. Your E per 100. Tron) High Producing. Healthy. I‘rnp- Nested Stock. 825 per 100. Selectpd $33 per 100. Express charges paid. 100?," Saiu Arrival Guaranteed. Square. S uare. une 22â€"Richmond Hill at Thornhill. “ Ziaâ€"Jefferson at Victoria Square. sncoxn HALF " June 27â€"Thornhill at Jefferson. H1? 27â€"Victoria Square at flirhmond I . July 4â€"Thornhill at Victoria Square. “ 4â€"Richmond Hill at Jeï¬â€˜erson. " Iiâ€"Richmond Hill at Victoria Engagenwnls Accepted fur lass Cnuumt». Banquets. Etc. mond Hill. June lâ€"Thornhill at Victoria Square. " 2â€"Jefferson at Richmond Hill. HILlS-SQUARE LEAGUE SCHEDULE 1923 Following is the playing schedule of the above league for the year 1923, all games to commence not later than 6 p.1n. standard time. Four teams com- priseï¬he league: Thornhill, Richmond Hill,'\'ictoria Squme. and Jefferson. First games Friday evening. Clip out for future reference. FIRST HALF May lSâ€"Thornhill at Richmond Hill. “ )Sâ€"VictoriaSquareatJeï¬â€˜ex-son. " 25â€"Thornhill at Jefferson. “I lairâ€"Victoria Square at Rich- July llâ€"Jef‘ferson at I‘hornhm, “ lSâ€"Victoria Sqmre at Thornhil! " lSâ€"Jefl‘erson at Richmond Hill. “ 23â€"Victoria Square at Jefferson " 25â€"Thornhill at Richmond Hill. “ 27â€"Jef’fer50n at Victoria Sqare. Aug. lâ€"Richmond Hill at'l‘hornhill. Iris Woodhead The first <cheduled League game takes place at the Town Park Friday evening. Reeve ’l‘. H. Trench will be present and pitch the ï¬rst ball. Let’s all go. Game called at 6 pm. standard time. See schedule below. Take Notice BROOK LANDS S.C. \VIlITE LEG HORNS J. W. BOWMAN No.1, RICHMOND HILL. ONT. All Cadets namei above are asked to meet at the Sterling Bank ofï¬ce at 1 o’clock Friday evening. and thus assist the committees in their Work. Every hush-:1! (l .«lioiild s e t.) it that the. wives have the "necessary" when the solicitors call. Thanks. Who are the solicitors ? “'ell. none other than the ever-ready Junior Cadets, all of whom are ready at all times to assist in any worthy cause, and this is one. The 0.0. has detailed the followâ€" ing Cadets for the work, and has raised every one of them to the rank of* full Corporal for past and present service rendered : Cadet Corporal Pete Savage. Cadet Corporal Louis Sims. Cadet,Corporal Lyle Grant. Cadet Corporal Enoch Batty. Cadet Corporal Donald Hick. UadetCorporal David Stirling. Cadet Corporal Freddie Greene. Cadet Sergeant Lambert Atkinson. The above \vill'all appear in full uni- form for the occasion. Receive them' kindly. and save an extra call from the Ticket Committee members. Eggs Hatched for You a; 35.00 J. \Ve nuw have 3 Capacity of Custom Hatching o_tl‘fér advertising matuér tmg short. so put, your 2 wheel in \he abova mam». to the gruunds at any 1 and Tuesday, August Everyone shouid buy. a) have some small part in sncoess of the Old Boys Union. Funds are urg< the Publicity Committee of invitations. stamps, Richmond Hill, Ont Eggs for Hatching Sporting Notes memb to the and ’J 101d 52, 'Rich'moud H-ill‘ BABY CHICKS Child Entertainer and Dancer 4â€"Victoria Square at Thornhill. \lâ€"Riuhmond Hill at Jefferson. Iraâ€"Jefferson at Thornhill. luâ€"Richmond Hill at Victoria any time on Monday gust (5th and 7th. uy. and in this way rt in promnting the Boys and Girls Re- urgentlv needed bv Cir High- l times to ,nd this is :he follow- has r_ai_sed upoh on membership )mond Hill ation, said the holder aturd Issuin 9 nnnhhnon .. A .‘___â€â€™W PHONE 93 ‘ WWWWWWW See Our Line of Remnants of Dress Goods and C ’3W0men and Children We have a very Complete Line of Hats, Caps, Shirts, Ties, Suspend- ers, SOX, Boots and Shoes. All at, Reduced Prices. ““ Phone 33, 4 'Th‘oï¬tiiuuv, 533m â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"‘â€"â€"__ WOOD FIRE and LIFE INSURANCE REAL ESTATE A. G. SAVAGE SHERWIN-WILLIAMS General Agent, office at the Post Office - Richmond Hill DRY GOODS 5 lb. Packages MEN'S EASTER TIES, Regular $2.00 SOLIGNUM â€" Exterior Brown’s é Gals. 85c. Gals. $1.40 Reds and Greens % Gals. $1.00 Gals. $1.7‘ QUALITY SHOPPE -:- % Pts. 30c. COAL TRENCH’S BLOCK Spades, Shovels, Forks, Building jpaper, :Tar paper and Roofing,Harness Sup- 1lies Sweat pads, Breast strap, Hame strap, Heel chains, Curry combs and Brushes : Stoves anananges -: N. Rirhmnnrl U: tench BIOck SHERWLLLAC \_"ARNISH STAINS \VE EST. I. HARDWARE & SUPPLIES Limited Phone 33 Thornhill, Ontario .HA‘RDWARE & S_UPPLIES Limited Ch‘ld I)re CHEAI‘I LTAN SAp E 9 NE WEE FURMSHWQ S? Pts. 80c. U The n m Norman J. Glass. MRS. (6 MURESC6 ll] ‘Y SHOPPE -:- Phoneâ€"53 - MILLINERY - LADIES’ WEAR ST IS NOT ALW ELY SAY THE 1 ll and wiLh t1 im :1 Aprons u] Qts. $1.4 anly 00 [n NORMAN BATTY Pts. 80c. ‘ 3 PREPARED PAINT INSIDE FLOOR PAINT PORCH FLOOR PAINT FLAT TONE rice xlishlctinn $10 % Gals. Gals. $2.65 $5.00. Kniltec Qts. $1.5 NO AYS THE BEST. Bl EST IS THE C‘HEA 1h Richmond Hi1 ar $2.00, for $1.50 $1.25 & 1.50, for $1.90 $1.00, for 75¢. m in Ill ft on) House .70 “79 have “’car and oatings for AP.