Is it not worth at least 50c' per ton that you are not buy- ing a large percentage of dust which is bound to be in every car of coal} Many peOple of this vil- lage do not know that 95 per cent. of our coal is screened before leaving our yard. This is not done in ény yard this side of Toronto. A good shipment of the very best Anthracite for summer orders. SAMPLES FREE G. HILL, Oak Ridges P PAINTING. DECORATING Phone 306, King". Artist, Teacher in Literature, Expression! Reading, Dram- atic and_Humourous Sketches, Dialect Poems. Professional Graduate of Owen A. Smiley Studio. Address Miss Marguerite Boyle. Studio ‘Homewood Hall,’ Thornhill, Ont 30;,tf Indivldunl Instruction. Night; School Mondays and Thursdays] Newmmks-t. Bank of Tm‘onto to enter a branch of this Bank because you do not know how to make a de- posit. Our Managers or the staff will be pleased to show you. (ll Start with One Dollar and add to it dollar by dollar. Wall Hangings . - of - Artistic Charm ELO C UTION Miss Marguerite Boyle .1NEWMARKET BUSINESS COLLEGE VOL. XLV. FALL TERM OPEN \VILLQWDALE. ONT. v. D. PUBLIC NflTIBE THE ROYAL BANK ° OF CANADA ENROLL ANY TIME DO NOT HESITATE OLLIVER, Manager. .50 per annum, in advance.) Block cry now. You should take advantage of the present prices of metal by ordering yourEaveTx-ough, Rooï¬ng, Furnaces, ur any other metal ploduct. as every- thina’ points m a substantial increase in prices in the near future. Come in and let us protect you with pnesent prices. \Ve have on hand for Immediate De- livery Uoékshutt Plows, Wilkinson Plows, 1 Set Chain Drags. W'heelbar- rnws. lSecond-Hnnd Cream Separatc r. Just, before the Spring Rush 0:] the Farm you should look over the MA- chinery and get, those Needed Repairs. Or, if it's New Machinery, we can get it. for you. TEETZEL BROS AND TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that after such lust "mutinned date the Executor will distribute the assets among the p'U'llPS entitled thereto, having regard only tn such claims as he shall then have roceivml NullCP. Dated this 3nd day of May, A. D. 1923. NAUGHTON &, JENKINS. This Is the Time Last Fall under the msnsgemont of the York Jersey Calf Club and Mr. Ashton who is Jersey Field Represent- ative a number of Jersey Calves of ex- cel'ent type and breeding were purchas- ed on the Club basis and distributed among the various breeders and farm- ers in York County. Since this Club was formed, Peel County conducted a similar scheme and distributed ninety heifers, I‘he purchasers in every csso have been exceptionally well pleased with the choice of the agents of the Club and it has provad a most economi- cal wsy of distributing breeding live stock. At the annual eeting of the York Jersey Calf Club,‘ which is to be held at Richmond Hill on May 26th., at 7.30 p. m., arrangements for an enter- prise on a larger scale will be discussed. The York Jersey Calf Club has made a cash donation to the Aurora Spring Fair of $10.00 to be competed for by boys who purchased a calf from the Club. Messrs. Geo. Baggs and Reg. Duncan, officers of the Club, have donatedafurther cash prize for the Club member showing most ability in handling and showing his Jersey Heifer. It is hoped that this will be a, special inducement for Club Members to ex- hibit their heifers. late of \Vill0\vdnlr=. in the County of York, deceased. Pursuant, to the Statutes in that beâ€" half. Notice is hereby given that, all parties having claims against the Estatï¬of the said Robert Summers. who died on m- abnut the 12th day of April. 1923, are required nnor before the 9th drly of June nvxt. to send to Mr. John H. Franck. Thurnhill. Executor, :1 statement (If their claims and addresses. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Major George B. Little, former if. F. 0. cundidatein East York, was tendc‘redu unanimous nominasion at a convention at Uninnville Monday night. Major Little was not presant; but a. committee was appointed to wait on him with the offer. A second convention has been called for Tues- day night. May 29, at Heather Hall. Agincourt, when all supporters of the Drury Government will be invited to attend. At this meeting Mr. Little will announce his decision. Zion's Ev Th9 Rev. P. s. Baringe} B. 0. Service next Sunday evening at 7 n'clnck. Subject, "Deciding for Eternity." A cordial invitation ls extended to all. LN. us know your wants in Machin- York Jersey Calf Club Specials ‘insmiths and General Agents Solicitors fnl' Executol ROBERT SUMMERS RICHMOND HILL. ONT.. THURSDAY. MAY 24: IN THE ESTATE OF PHONE 87 W Major Little Invited Lutheran Church Sherwood “In EssentiatsLUm'ty; in Non-E 46-49 SATURDAY, JUNE 2â€"Auctinn sale of Threshing outfit at Elgin Mills, stop 51. the pro erty of M. Stonehouae. Sale at 2 u clock. Terms half cash. lnlnnce in 5 months. _I. H. Prentice, Luce. The rolling stream of life goes on, But still the vacant chair Recalls the time. the voice. the smile, 0f him who once sat there. â€"His wife. A musical pragramma was given con- dating of part songs, solos. xeadinzs and viulin selectio \s. A buffet luncheon brought an enjoyable evening lo a close. Mr. Hay suitably replied thanking the choir fur their kindness; he also thanked the present uiemheis for the-it untiring loyalty. He spoke of the great joy it guve him on Sundav morn- ings to join with {he chnir members in the few moments of prayer they had tngvther hefuie taking their regu- liu: pfaces in the choir. Manv Were the happy and pleasant memories, he Said that Mrs. Hny and he would early with them to their new field of lailmr. Infloving qumory of _my dear husband A very pleasing event took place an the evening of May 17th. when the Choir of the Pl-eshytel-i-n Church met at: the home of Mics ()2 Heise, Rich- mond Hill, to make u presentation to the Rev. Mr. Hay. their Leliring m nister. The pre’sentnticn took the form of :1 solid leather club bag. In the absence: of the president (Mr. A. L. Phipps), the secretary. Mrs. W. Snedden, in a flaw well chosen words, asked Mr. Hay m accvpt this gift a: a token of their f'reupecf,†“esteem,†and “exuome sorrow †at. his depnrlnn-v from among them. Mr. F. P. Uhelffe (nrganis') then handed the bag to M1. Hay. The sessions were held in the Public Library. and the visiting members were entertained at luncheon at the Globe Hotel by the editors of Callingâ€" wood. After luncheon. Mayor Arthur and Mr. Brown, President of the Board of Trade. welcomed the visiting editors, who were afterwards taken to flex Theatre where an exhibition was giVen ofghip launching. The newly-elected ofï¬cers were as follows : President, Mr. Elliott : Vice- Pres., Mr. \Valls; Secy.-Trea., Mr. Semple. Executive, Mr. Harwy, Mr. JagksonnMr. Hogg. » 1 After the ï¬neetiï¬g theViéit‘JfQVé'r‘é treated to a motor trip around the Town. Mr. Jackson thanked the local editors £01: tnheir bospitzflirty and entertainment. ' The Fall niee‘éi'ng will be 'held in October in Barrie. The publisher of this paper accom- panied Mr. Lundy of the Aurora Banner. Mr. Jackson of the Newmarket Era, and Mr. Harvey ef the Express«Herald. on a motor trip to Gollingwood last Fri- day. .where the Annual Meeting of tho York-simcoa Press Association was held. GAMES CUMMITTEE Mrs. J. A. McCuzue. Mrs. J. Greene. Miss Gibson. Mrs. A. Savage. Miss E. M. Endenn. The Richmond Hill Latli9s’ Lawn Bowling Club. held a meeting at the home of the President, Mrs. A. G. Savage. on Satui-dny evening. May 12m, when a most successful season was reported. It was decided that tlm membership fee“ be $3.00 as formerly._ u A train will leave 0. P. R. station North Toronto. at 8.10, standard time, for Kleinhnrg. Convention .church 5 minutes walk west. Come and enjoy a. visit, with earnest Uhlistiun workers. The evening Session will close with I fine illustrated lecxura on “India.†by a returned Missionary. Dinner and supper served for ‘25 cents. This will be held (D. V.), Thursday. May 319b, in Nashville Presbyterian Church with an all day session, able speakers have been secured. and con- ference: and discussions on live Sun- day school won k are arranged for. Georgue Browr'I, rwhol Jig?!â€" MIKE, 1919. Ofï¬cers for 1923 are Pramâ€"Mrs. A. G. Savage. lsb Vic9.â€"â€"Miss Moodie. 2nd Vice.â€"â€".\I|s. J. H. Jackson. Treasurerâ€"Mrs. J. R. Herrington. Secretary â€"Miss E. M. Endean. Vaughan Towmhip Annual Convention Auction Sale Register Newspaper Men Meet IN MEMORIAM Presentation Ladies’ Club Qt-- ssentials. Liberty; in all things, Charity S's“ iTOronto & York ‘ Liberal byleriun $333213} Headquarters [but after the said last mentioned date the Executrix will proceed to distribute the Estate among the parties entitled theretu having regard only to the claims of which she shall have then re- eeivod notice. Dated at Toronto [1111 11‘!) (Ily uf lay, A. D. 19231‘ PURSUANT to the Statutes in that behalf, notice is hereby given that all persons. huving claims againat the Estate of the said Charles Norman. who died on the 23rd day of February, A. D. 1923. am required on or be-fme the 10th day 0! June n9xt, to send to Hannah Wslker Norman, Execnlrix. Maple, Ontario u statement (If their claims. addresses and security (if any) held by them. AND TAKE FYRTHUR NOTICE in the County of York, Esquire Deceased. Yonge St, RICHMOND HILL Small frame cottage. good lot. asparagus, Su'queri95, other fruit. only $1500. just the place for man and wife Ipquiring rest and quiet, on north side Richmnud Sf. :30 ft. lob «an west side of Baker Ava, with good gu-nge and hen house only $700.00. Brick clad house. stable and 3 acres. and, orchard. small fruit, uu Lucas Sheet. Twu choice bargains on Cenlre St. East. House and Lut at Maple also a. small farm in same locality. Acreage with large hr-use, good spring creek at Elgin Mills. 4 Acres, 5 ruumed cmtage, barn. natural gas well, any the led. Stop 48. Will lend you money or loan money. Insurance. NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE MATTER of the Estate of House. Burn, 4 frui: lrees‘, come Buthurst. 50 Foot Lot on Rosoview Avenue will foundation) for small house laid. Deaimhle Lut an Richmond Stlee‘, Nm'tb Side 50 ft. by :1 good depth. House. Burn, 4 acres, 200d well‘ 1- Having taken over the handling of Mussey~Hurris Parts, I am prepared to ï¬ll orders for same. A. Lawn Mowers Slmrpened. Saws Filed. In fact. IF IT IS DULL \Ve Sharpen IT properly. A. ANDERSON Liberal Candidate for ~ East York, who will secure a SQUARE DEAL for YOU WILLIAM COOK 33 Richmond Sinet. \V. 'l Solicitor for [he said Exc INFORMATION BUREAU 41 Adelaide St. E. H. J. KIRBY, Secretary ientral Liberal Committee H. A. Nicholls CHARLES NORMAN ‘1 Next Door to Joni-é Lumber Co. Arnold St, Richmond Hill Take Notice The Real Estate Man Harry Stuart CLARRY late of Township of HAS FOR SALE VOTE FOR corner Mill Road and rudmed cmtage, large gas well, any the Mill â€" AND the Vaughan 1923 unnto uu‘ix. 48â€"47 ynu We have opened an UP- TO-DATE PAINT SHOP, and are now ready to take your car in for painting: Highest grade materials used. Experienced painter. ‘ Prices right. A trial solicited. Ford Dealers, Richmond Hill. We Solicit ycur enquiries and Orders. Phone Day, 13-3. Night 75. Large Stu-ks of Pine and Hemlock, Shingler, Lath. Cedar Posts. Etc. for your quick convenience. Also dealers in Fibre Board. Ready Roofing, Asphalt Shingles, Felts. Etc. \Ve upemte our own Planing Mill, Siding. Flooring. Moulding Frames. and Sush. Doors, Etc. Perfectly manufactured. Attention £7ï¬e Wulual life assurance Company of Canada THE POLICY HOLDERS OWN COMPANY Get {our life Insurance at cost. - C. H. BYAM. Agent, Phone 232. Maple. Ont. MILL STREET, 47 RICHM( Asters, loose and compact, separate colorsâ€"Heart of France Aster (deep red). Flower and Vegetable Plants BLYTH WOOD GARDENS L. Innes 8: Sons Engagementa Accepted for High Class Conwrts. Banquets. Etc. Contractors and Home Builders W. G. Baldock Yard Richmond Hill Street Richmond Hill. Planing Mill and Lumber Zinnia. Sweet Alysmn‘. (/‘andytufh Rlcinus ((‘astor Oil Plant). Stocks. Balsam. Cobaea Scandens, Blue. Geraniums. Hanging Baskets. Peppers, Tomatoes Celery Early Cabbage, ready for planting Marigolde. Phlox Drummoudi. Salvia. Iris Woodhead Richmond Hill, Ont. NOTICE Child Entertainer and Dancer STREET, Phone 108 W RICHMOND HILL [Single copies, 3 cts . DAVIS IMITED No. 47