sent up a real prayer, for himself, fo‘rl . Quality and Charm x . mass of buttercups Distinguish u E.A. the innocent sufferer. to give up cornering eggs. He begged the heavenly powers somehow to save the whole miserable situation! As he prayed, the anger died out of his face and a dull misery crept into his eyes. The little form on the narrow bed was white and still. Outside the door, people clustered. The physician for- bade anyone in the room, except the ropm to the child, the man who caused the accident and himself. People clustered at that end of the car and talked in horriï¬ed whispers. A small lad sobbed wretchedly in a corner. H83! Gertrude Vale, White and calm, assist» . . ,, ed the physician. After an anxious 4- .The mo,‘ DelICIO‘l‘s Tea you can buy half-hour he said, intently watching “M. .. . ,_m-..._.... Martha Jennie’s N’Egg Did lt BY MINERVA L. GUTHAPPEL. .â€"J â€"â€" â€"â€" PART III, -of his trouser legs. The maiden lady During the brief but awful inter- saw it 811d smiIEd. the Pffltly gentle- view, new passengers had boarded the man chuckled. _The strings of the train. He strode down to his chair correct oxford ties were soon tied in .to ï¬nd it occupied by a small gir] hard knots around bunches of butter- holding an egg in one hand and a CUPS Whlch dangled over each foot. in the omenl Her work done and retrieving her egg Daisies merrily dangled from the. which she had deposited on the floor arms, back and seat of the chair. In at her side, she clambered to her feet ï¬he chair in which he had last seen in the chair beside the sleeping Jimmy. the children, Jimmy sprawled fast! Le.Ferver wheeled again to face the asleep. Beside the sleeping Jimmy' drawmg room, agam Withhls back to sat a portly gentleman the child. Martha Jennie chuckled Le Ferver called a porter. ThelW1th fiellght- The “W85h9d Ofl’" scalp watching passengers smiled_ The was Just below her hand.‘ She wet porter sought to return Martha Jen- her ï¬nger and marked on it. .Mr. Le nie to Jimmy’s chair but she resisted Fewer snapped at her to “Sit doWn with‘a scream of fear. The maiden and behave!†She sat down beside lady half way down the aisle suggest- Jimmy and peered amm}d the Chair e-d forcibly that “the man was a With sharp eyes. Her Victim settled brute-D himself with closed eyes.‘ All the pas- The portly gentleman looked over Sengers seemed quï¬e entertain“ by his spectacles and grunted that Le his annoyance and life was a hateful Ferver might hold the child on his burden. lap. He didn’t take the advice hOW- .Martha Jennie was awfully tiged of ever but resorted to wiles. riding alone and must do something. Drawing a quarter from his pocket Picking up a cookie Jimmy had drop- he gave it to Jennie who clutched the Dec" She flung it over her bead and it “big penny†and gleefully jumped landed on the funny mans nose and v» the child as he spoke, “She breathes easier. She will be all right soon." Then Gertrude turned to look at the miserable third adult in the room. What a sight he was! And how he seemed to be suffering! Something tightened in her throat, and she look- ed away. What if this should soften him? “Oh, dear God!" she prayed silently. “You understand all hearts â€"save him " A sharp cry and Mrs. Henning rushed like a whirlwind into the room. "My baby!†she wailed. dropping be~ side the still form, “my lamb! Doctor, she’s all right, isn’t she? She’s got to live! My baby! My baby!" It was more than Le Ferver could stand. He laid his hand on the weep- ing woman’s shoulder and choked out, “See here! This was an accidentâ€"â€" an accident I tell you! She's going to get well. Iâ€"Iâ€"asked Godâ€"I’ve prom- ised. I’m Le Ferver, the egg man. I’ve cornered eggs. This ends it. The ‘fresh air’ people shall have my hun- ' dred-acre farm for good and allâ€"for kiddies like her!†indicating the silent little one on the bed. “I'll have it stocked with chickens. You’ll have eggs toâ€"morrow. God! Let me get to my ofï¬ce! To-morrow eggs will not be a dollar a dozen! I’ll give them eggs †His voice broke. The wo- man he loved leaned toward him with glowing eyes, her lips parted as if to speak. Le Ferver sobbed in his ex- citement, repeating his v0w: “I’ll give them eggs. .I’ll give †As if the word “egg†had magic potency in it, Martha Jennie opened lzer eyes, lifted herself up on her small right hand and held out her He promised ‘ lady who had given up the drawing Just to_wash your face and hands in Lifebuoy is to be refreshed. = The big creamy lather of Lifebuoy thoroughly cleans your skin. The daily use of Lifebuoy is the Simple sure way to skin health. Transfer of the Seven Oaks Monument, Winnipeg. The 'Lord Selkirk Association of IWinnipeg has agreed to transfer the site and monument of the Seven Oaks amemorial at Winnipeg to the Depart- for historical Ullllflll'lllllilllli!Hlluflllllllll- ' Martha Jennie, having rescued her buttercups and daisies, wandered head on the “washed-off" spot but by his mother to get to Martha Jennio.1391 by the Manitoba ALWAYS ASK FOR THEM BY NAME l ' ' x . empty left one. “My n’egg!" she merit of the Interior ; down to show it to Jimmy. Jimmy Egggiiedusgt aggilg‘iilpebéggisdhihe wailed. “It bwoke on your head, 0:1,memorial purposes. The site is about _ Ike/“ddy‘lwteégdges was asleep and did not look. Mcan- The child choked with merrm It irrlnd' the washed-off place. It was minaltwo miles from the city hall, \Vinniâ€" g Immirfllflfldo time, the porter brushed the daisies waited By and by he seemeh tee) 51:16 The hen laid it hissclfv-he gived it to . peg, directly north, on Main street. 3 «(ideal/151140:th Em†from Le Ferver’s chair and that sufâ€" Mara];l Jennie ‘Cautiously dambere}: meâ€"he did! I want my n'cgg.†and one mile south from Kildonan § Mdfdlesfleé'allseaffllw fermg and abused soul tried to rest.- up in the chair and laid her curly Jimmy raced in, fell sprawling over Park. The monument was egected in g =697€1€Wdï¬d€cmww i this time the worn-out man was really asleep and did not move even when her tiny arm went around his neck. The train rolled smoothly and Martha Jennie too fell asleep, her head rest- ing cosily on its novel pillow and her I back to ï¬nd her chair well ï¬lled. She' gazed long at the frowning man with her fathomless black eyes. “What you been doing“? Been get- tin’ licked?†she asked at length, Who Still begged pitifully for her‘Society through the generosity of the n’egg. Le Ferver dropped to his knees and gathered the little girl in his arms. “You darling kid! I’ll adopt you and Jimmy and your mother and the whole ‘fresh air society.’ I’ve . . ilumum mmlmm ‘l m mnlumlumummi Countess of Selkirk, on the Site of the i“ ' " Eencounter at Seven Oaks in 1816 be- tween the men of the Northwest Fur Company and the Selkirk settlersl when Governor Robert Semple and} Historical I l ' speaking from the vast wisdom of the children of the poor. He paid no attention to the child. “See my flowers!" she said again, - . ,‘in child, the slee in man and the into his- l Ef‘ltlxnwoomg him- “And 509 mylbugitemup decorate}; fit. She softly “Do you mean it? Can you trust by the Northwest Fur Company, who; "edgEg' ,u u l . {closed the door. It was a pretty pic~ me?" regarded that territory as belonging; gg- He glaI‘Ed- What 0“, ture she had seen Martha Jennie grabbed Jimmy’s! to the hunter and the fur trader. The ‘ earthâ€"l†He never wanted the word eggs spoken in his hearing again. He was fed up on eggs! The more he glared, the happier Martha Jennie became. She gurgled sweetly “You looks funny. Got a place on your head where the hair's washed off. Who washed it?†‘Brat! Where’s that mother?†His rough tone caught the attention of the watchful maiden lady, who gave him a deadly look. He swung his - . .save herself and the n’e rr crashed on The E d, had been built for their predecessors Sum Ntloward the El‘Sle' ah‘mSt Ppset'l the “washed off place†gihile Martha ( . n ) and in the face of winter suffered great hmg 1f artha Jennie bUt she “ghtedi Jennie reeled back over the arm of _, ° distress. They located at Penibina merge {figfedlï¬phqedfsoiflyéo thiï¬oori the chair and fell to the floor strik- Minard's lement forcoughs&c°ld3 ' and built huts for the winter, hoping a IS ee . er . ‘ , . 1 O I ‘ laugh rang out. 3 eefm mg 115! head dangerously. '° lto make a home on the Red River in Jimmy slept on. Silence reigned. Le Ferver, occupied with black thoughts, did not notice that Martha Jennie was very busy. In ï¬ve min- utes she had buttcrcups falling over| one another on the turned~up portion E and give your 5 ‘ stomach a nu. l Provides "the on oi E @ sweet" In ï¬cnoflcicl ' hm. % Helps Io cleanse ' the teeth and keep them healthy. ISSUE No. 21â€"23. left hand clasping the precious n’egg. The drawing room door opened ever lso little. Miss Vales saw the sleep- Woman-like she 'made the most of it. “He’s good in lots of ways and I love him, but he is so greedy for lmoney. Eggs or myself! I’ve got to l stick to thatâ€"I’ve got toâ€"â€"" and then, being a woman, she broke down and | wept. [ A half hour passed. All was quiet in the car. Suddenly Jimmy awoke, moved the chair, dislodged Martha iJennie who threw up her left hand to In an instant all was confusion. , Scream after scream r0se from loyal {lovingr Jimmy as he beat, kicked and ltorc at the unhappy n’egg baptized man, who, to his small mind, had done isometliing terrible to Martha Jennie ,lying so still where she had fallen. The entire contingent of passengers pushed forward. The portly gentle- man grasped Jimmy by the collar and, ordered him to be quiet, “till' we find‘ out what’s the matter and then we’ll lick the hide off the fellow who’s done it.†Somewhat. comforted, Jimmy subâ€"; physician made a hasty examination.5 “It is not serious. I think. No fracâ€" ture. it will take a little time for her' to get Over the shock. I’ll dress the‘ wound while she is unconscious.†0 Meanwhile. limply leaning on the‘ berth watching the little Vsufi‘erer.‘ stood a white-faced, perplexed man! What a fearful mess he was in! Everybody acted as if he had knocked â€"‘ a child down! He had been honestly asleep and his sudden jump was one of half«awake bewilderment. He. was not to blame! Yet if the child died and the newspapers got the storv at this tinicgthis along with the‘egg business“! It would ruin him and Gertrude would never forgive him. He :\-Vh:li wonder that my heart’s a-thrill made moneyâ€"off eggs." 3twenty of his ofï¬cers and men were; “May I be adopted too?†whispered killed. The Selkirk settlers came outl a soft voice in his ear as a hand slidifrom Scotland in 1812-14-15. Theyi were not welcomed in the northwest hand. “They’re kissin’,†she said..fur company persuaded about two-‘ “He’s got my n’egg on him. Wish’t lf‘thirds of the colony to return to East-l I had a n’egg!†ern Canada and in order to prevent Yes. They had kissed each otheritheir return destroyed their houses there and no one cared, for the next;and property. In the same year Lord day eggs sold in the big cities forSelkirk sent out a third party in lessâ€"much, much lessâ€"than one dol- charge of Governor Semple, who took 1ar a dozen. And it being not even‘possession of Fort Douglas. The set- a birthday, 'Martha Jennie had a‘tlers expected to find friends and wel- n’eggâ€"onchtwoâ€"three n’eggs to dO‘COHle but found only a few huts and with as she pleased andâ€"she did it! tents on the ashes of the homes that ’\\\\\\“‘" x w \‘ like following spring. Trouble, how- , Where Earth 5 ways Are ever, arose with the Northwest Come Laughter‘ Ppany which ended in the unfortunate Oh, I am going back to bide'where all 1 battle of Seven Oaks. In 1817 Lord earth's ways are laughter. “ Laughter of sunlight on the hills. of lsoldiers, recaptured Fort Douglas and valley and of stream. established his settlers on the Red Of cool green winds that fleet across l River. This celebrated encounter led, the smiling mealows after ,‘to the fusion of the two great rival fur, The pirouetting butterflies that dart J companies. and soar and gleam. ‘ I Who’s Safe? \Selkil‘k. with a company of disbanded Old Mother Hubbard went to the cup- board To take just the tiniest swig; She heard a loud noise, Thought it only some boysâ€" But found 'twas a raid by the League. â€"â€"o~â€"_ â€"â€"â€"-¢' Use Even for.Musical Doc. Minard's Liniment for Game and Wartl Oh, I am going back to stray where all u. earth's ways are gladness. i A Certain Organ15t_was .510 proud of Only a Thought." Gladness of little leaves that dance r his degree 111“ he “mm Mus‘ DOC' earth's ways are glowing With happiness. where one keeps! with joy ' the whole day; ‘ pet. Can you put it straight, please?†I _Eua Wheeler Wilcox l sided into quiet sobs. A man pushed! l -- . . - - v1 “Only a LhOUght. but the work it . - through the crowd saving “I am a, Upon the maple bong)" iiits‘ignhb name on me†WISH)†OC wrought ‘ ’ = ,- ‘ ' v ' - 1 Of feathered folk Whose melodies are ‘ ' v v I be - . -. pill-"1:10:21, .gndéeffly pl-Cked Up the: never touched with sadness i one day he was approached by a could tlzifliilz' by pen or tongue _ 7 >1 C l . quiet \Olt‘e at his elbow ask- . . . a m f 11 _ ' . very small boy, who said: “Please_ sir, , , Ug ' . _ , ‘ ed to have the child taken to the of ringing son“. at 0 (ms d0“nl aren't you a. doctor of mus‘c’†Em It ran through a Life' “M a “Head . drawing rooni.‘ Martha Jennie’s head! the new behmd the plow' ~qu' mv‘ bov n ‘ I 0f 5°]d' , h d d - was laid on a snowy mow soon swim, ‘ i U . " ‘. _ ,7, . ,And the Life bore fruit one un re - ted by a thin strain]: of blood 1.119.011, I am gomg back to be where all; “911‘ B1â€) ere h“s hem h‘b "um‘ fold." step through. ddSEEiï¬SEï¬ES Flowering a n (1 Decorative Shrubs, Boxwoods, Ever- greens, Climbing Vines, etc. All imported stock. Write for Catalogukx D. SPENCE 1150 Bay Street - Toronto with a lzigh hope in knowing ' That I am going back to walk I'lay's‘ . . . l shining paths With you? .‘ â€"Elizabe:h Scollard. ? SETS AND SUPPLIES. RADE Ne Plus Ultra. “lt has been discovered that ~‘l me members of the prohibition enforce- ment service have jail records." . “That's not the worst of itisevcra‘; of them have served terms in the State Assembly.†Price List mailed on request. Gibson Radio Supply Toronto's Largest Radio Store. 104 Klng St. W. - Toro nto, Ont.