JONES LUMBER C0 PHONE 27 You can't get satisfaction here You can’t get it. 5" Mr. A. ROLFE, of THE ROLFE SHOE REPAII{,is desirous of let- t‘ng it be known that the harness repair part (.1‘ his business is not a success ï¬nanc‘nfly, and is relirquish- ing it after the end of the month. All kinds of repairs to boots and éhoes Rolfe Shoe Repair 18 SOUTH OF NEW GARAGE Barristers. Solictors. &c. MANNING ARCADE. 24 Kle ST. WEST, TORONTO, CANADA l‘ELEPHUNE MAIN 311 Cable Address: "Dede Arthur A. Mncdonnld Rank Benton Laura Demon. B. A Denton, Macdonald 6: Denton Uuinmi le. MuV Cor. Amold& Yonge. MONDAY, JUNE 4th, 1923 at 2.30 o'clock p. m: to bear and adjudicate upon all com- plaints against the Assessment, Roll of the Municipality of the Township of Markham fur the said year 1923. All pm ties intenested are requested to take notice and govm'n themselves ac- cordingly. a viHO, on PUBLIC Nutice is hereby given that at. Court of Revision of the Assessment R0“ for the Township of Markham will be held in Victoria Hall, Union- Court of Revision Electors are calkd upon to examine the said lists, ‘llld if any omissions or any other (‘IX‘UI‘B are found therein to take immediate pmceedings tO'hHVB the said enors cmrected according its) law. 7 _ BUILDERS SUPPLIES NOTICE is hereby given that I have tmnsmilted or delivered tn the per- sons mentioned in sections Eight uud Nine of the Ontario Voters' List Act the copies required by said sections to be transmitted or delivered of the list made' pursuant, In said Act. of all persons uppeuring by the lust. Revised Assessment Roll of the said Munici- pality to he entitled to vote in the said Municipality ut, elections for metnbers of the Legislative Assembly, and that the said list. was first posted up in my office at Uninnvitle on the 8th day of May, £923, and remains there forin- spgelion. Township of Markham Clpik {virthe said Municipality. Dilated this 9th day (21' May. 1923.m “â€" Fibreboard Cedar Shingles G yprock Rough and Dressed Lumber Hardwood Flowing Pine Lath Doors Wallboard Building paper TOWNSHIP OF MARKHAM VOTERS' LIST, 1922 G. A. M. DAVISON, _(‘:lo_r.k of_th_§§}id Municipgljtz Municipality vi the COUNTY OF YORK Municipnlity of the (‘OUNTY 0F YORK THE G. A. M. DAVISON. IF 1923 Rooï¬ngs Tar paper Doors Sash 46-4’7 All nppeu person appealil tained from the out the appeal: his address as above indicated plairmnt IN his address a complain thnt his name. or the name of said List, has been omitted from the Syn] who are not entitled to be vote-rs have fore the date munioned in the fifth eulul to have his name or the name of a» Iy otl‘ frmu the List for the Municipality in qu: NOTICE IN D \ted this 16th day of May. A. D. 1923. Township Hall 2nd June, 10 a.m. J. B. McLean 31m May Vellore. Standard Time. Muple. Such sittings will commence at. the time indicated and will continue until the closing Lime indicated 01- until the appeals shall have been disposal of, AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that. ill\§;’\0t0l‘ who desires to Hon. E. C. Drury and most of his followers in the U. l“. O. ranks are sound on the question. Mr. Hay, Leader of the Liberal party, has also taken his stand in support of the present law ; but Hon. G. ll. Fergu- son, Conservative Leader, has not, given‘khe assurance that. temperance men and wo nen should desire. Col. Currie, Dr. Godfrey. Mr. Owens and other Lieutenants of Mr. Ferguson are altogether opposed to the OT. A., andjudged by his recent utterances, the Conservative Leader, il' entrusted With power, would enforce the Act, he would not; be "fanatical," nor » TAKE NOTICE that sittings of the Revising Ofï¬cer for ths pur- pose (if hearing complaints or appeals with regard to the Vnters’ Lists to he used at the election of a member of the Assembly pending for the Electoral District of WEST YORK will be held to hear cnmpluints as to the Lists of Vote-rs for the various Municipalities comprised in the said Electoral District, and tbut His Honour JUDGE TYTLER. will be the Revising Ofï¬cer. Sittings will be held fur the various Municipalities at the times and places indicated below. and the Clerk «if each Municipality (whose name and address appear below) will act as the Revising Ofï¬cers Clerk for all llPPWIlS concerning his Municipality (except in the Townships nf York and lu‘lnhi- coke) and all such appeals must be ï¬led with the proper clerk on Q; bt‘fOl'G the date appearing in the ï¬fth column below, opposite his name. That being the case, and with no other particular questions dividing the parties, it 8961113 folly that in many constituencies the temperance people are dividing their t‘oi'ces by nominating men for a three cornered earnest. United We Stand, Divided We Fall ! Although it is demed in some quarters for political purposes, it is generally admitted that; The Ontario Temperanca Act is, and will be, an issue in the present campaign for the Local House. The Ontario Voters’ Lists Act, 1922 Place of sitting Council Chamber Weston. Council Chamber Weston, Council ()llambrr Weston. Council ()hiillllwl Mimicn. Council Chamber 315t. May 10 mm. Mimico. & 7 30-9330 p. m. Daylight Sn ving Time. Township Hall Lansing. Township Hall Lansing. OOH) AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that. any water who desires to ain that his name. or the name of any person entitled to he entered on .ist, has been omitted {rain the sune, Hr that the names of any persons are not entitled to be vote-rs have been entered thereon, may on or he~ he dzlte mentioned in the fifth culnmn above, apply. complain or appeal ve his na-ne m- the name ofa- 1y other p:rsan entered on m- remuved Lhe List for the Municipality in question. AtVD FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that suctilippeulslnust he by NOTICE OF SITTINGS 0F REVISING OFFICER IN THE ELECTORAL DISTRICT OF uunoil (Plumber Miluiu). Tux-on to (E NOTICE that aittinga of the Revising Ofï¬cer for the pur- 3:n-ing complaian m appeals with regard to the Vnters’ Lists to t the electiun of a member of the Assembly pending for the District of “'EST YORK will be held to hear cmnpiuints us to of Voters for the various Municipalities comprised in the said Disllict, and Lhut His Honour JUDGE TYTLER. will be the WRITING IN THE PHESURIBED FUEM,'s‘igned by DUPLICATE, and giwâ€"n to the proper ‘lex-k, or left f 5 stated above, on or befurc the date indicated. North York Township (West of Yonge St.) ls must he ‘g ON THE Municipal C i and dupli stated nbov (North of Richview Sideline) r 1st June, 10 a.m. H. E. O. Come] & 7.30-9.30 p.m. 2 Toronto St Duylight Saving Time. Toruntu, (South of Richview Sideline) York Township (West of Yonge St.) INSTRUCTIOI‘ 3lst May. 10 a..m. & 7.30-9.30 p.11). Daylight Saving Time New Toronto 30th May, 10 a.m.-1p.m. H. D. Gnade Daylight Saving ‘L‘ime. Lansing. 30th May, 10 a.m.-1 p.u\. Daylight Saving Time. 3lsr. May 10 3.111. & 7.30-9.30 p.m. Daylight Saving Time Daylight Wood bridge lat Junp, 10:1.111. & 7.3U«9.3U p.111. Daylight Saving Time Date and Time West York Etobicoke Etobicoke Vaughan Weston Mimico EMERSON COATS\VORTH, Chairman of the Elecï¬on Board Fur the County of Y: iIN June, 10 a. m. :7.30 9.30 p. u). ht Saving Time. >1- fr mus 5 FOR APPEAL ‘UPLICATE and ED E [any e giv ' Last SaLurday the (T. l:‘. O. of that [riding chose for their candidate Mr. James Cooper, a farmer of Schomberg who no doubt will sub- lscribe to the temperance plank in the U. F. 0. platform. The Conser- ‘vacives have not; yet sselected their lcuulidate in than riding, but it is ‘more than likely, whoever he may I he, he will win tgie election on the l “met.†ticket. any t’osjm asts 2 given to the C fore the last da As an example take North York. A few weeks ago the Liberals nomi- nnted Mr. J. M. Walton, Mayor of Aurora, a gentleman who has spent years of his life, working along temperance lines? Let us repeat, it. is foHy for me temperance votels~â€"meu and women â€"to divide their forces when the great issue is before ttem. easy task, Bur. it. is idle to talk of such a. thing where appetite and the love of money are placed before honour. If experiehce proved that liqmr laws and laws against gambling, stealing, etc, could be'enfol‘ced by merely telling men to behave them- selves like gentlemen it would be an would he “penalize the people†in the enforcement. FfH. M. IRWIN Municipalities at the times and h Municipality (\ybnsqname and OHM \V. H. C. Millard ew Tux-(mu E. \V. Brown \chdbridge. L‘oronm St. 'l‘ox‘unlu Clerk H. D. Geode Lansing. O. J. Telfer Mimico. StPI'. After he a Clank or left f< ‘huse H. Taylor \Veston. f the I" Camel ectior Last day for Filing Appeals 29:11 29m May 28th M 29th May the coni- u- him at 26le Ma y ï¬lth May 26th May 8th May May “I AH appeals mle be ï¬lPd IN DUPLICATE and m percon app-ï¬ling ON THE PRESCRIBED FORM. obtained (mm the Municipal Clerk m- fx-om any PosLm ï¬lled out the appeals and duplicates must be given for him at his address as stated abuvr, on or before th appeals an above indicated. Such sittings will commence at the time indicated and will continue until the closing time indicated or until the appeals shall have been disposed 0!. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that such appeals must he by NOTICE IN “’RITING IN THE PRESCRIBED FORM, signed by the complainant. IN DUPLICATE. and given to the proper Clerk, or left for him at his address as stated above, on or before the date indicated. Dated this 16th day of May. A. D. 1923. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that any voter who desires to complain that his name, or the name of any person entitled to be Pntered on said List, has been omitted from the same. or that the names of any persons who are not entitled tn be voters have been entered thereon, may on (n- bf- fore the duLc mentioned in the ï¬fth column “hove, apply, cnmplain or appeal to have his name or the name of any other pelsun entered on or removed from the List for the Municipality in questiun. HEY D. HEYQSHQREIX'}? NEWMAN-f NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN'thM JOHN HENRY Kmxwouu, of [he City of TUI'OIELU, in the County Hf anL. in the County of York!I in the Province of Ontario. chauffeur. will apply tnlhe- Pau-limuent of Canada at the next session thereof. fur a Bill of Divoue from his wife Many Ann Kirkwuod‘ hf the City (If’l‘urnnto. in the County of York, in the Province of Ontariu, usher, on the ground of adullely and deserlion. DATED at the City of Toronto. in the Cunnty of Ymk, this sfxu‘enth day gf April, 192?. , Notice of Application for Divorce for $20. E. T. Stephvns. Stop 47, Yonge St. RED TAPEâ€"The Champion Imported ClydESdulo Stallion fled Tin, will stand at his own stable, Int, 40, Yonge Street. for the senson. See this horse hefme breeding your mares. Tvrms $20. E. T. Stephens, Step 47. Yonge St. GENERAL Km’anEâ€"Pmehred im- pmted (Ilydesdala, the propvrty of T. A. Bowes & A. Bnucuck. Home n’tahle, cnncm'd. \Vill stop at J. Brumwell’s. Kilpznur Farm, Dounlda Farm. Dnllnr, Maple. Edge]. y. Telms $17. Chas. Boddy. gxunm. 514-5115 Confederation Life Buildin’gl ' Toronm, Solicitors for the Applicant. Sittings will be held for the various Municipalities at the times- and places indicated below, Mid the Clerk (If each Municipality (whim.- mune and address appear below) will act as the Revising Ofï¬cer's Clerk for all appeals concerning his Municipality, (en'pr in lhc Township of York) and all such appmls must he ï¬le-d with the pi‘nper cl»: k (m or he. furc tllc dau- uppeai'ing in the lifth column below, vppusiie his munc. TAKE NOTICE that siuingï¬ of the Revising Ofï¬cer for the purpose of hen-{ring complaints or appeals with n-gmd Lu Lhe VnLH-s' Lista’ tn he used at the election of n memhm‘ of the Assembly pending for tho Elect- oral District of EAST YORK will he held to hear amuplnints as to the Lists of Voters for the various Municipalities r-omprisvnl in the said Electoral Distvxict. and that His Honuur JL'DUE U’OUNNELL wm be the Revizing Ofï¬cer. The Ontario Voters’ Lists Act, 1922 "Almlim MAIIEsTlrâ€"The ('hnil'P'V bred ()lydeulate Stallion, by Majestic Baron hy Baron’s pride. will atund :lt his own stable, lot 40 Yunge St. for tlw season. Terms $11 or 2 names: Place of Sitting Room 107. City Hall, Toronto. Council Chamber Bircbclitfe. Council Chamber Ricbluund Hill. Council Cham her Markham. Council Chamber b‘mufl'ville. Council Chamber Lansing. Vivhu-ia Hull Uuiunvillt'. Council Chamber 4U Jarvis St. Toronto. Public Schnu] Lemme. NOTICE OF SITTINGS 0F REVISING OFFICER IN THE ELECTORAL DISTRICT OF Stallicn Register mlher 29th May, 10 a. m. T. j. Gallivnn s St. Daylight. Saving Time. 312 Temple Bldg. onto. Toronto. Markham Township N. York Township (East of Yonge St.) Markham ‘Vinage York Township (East of Yonge St.) INSTRUCTIONS FOR APPEAL Richmond Hill 3ULh May, 9 a .m. Standdxd. 28th Muy, S p. m. Daylight Saving ’l‘imr EM BRSON COATSWORT H, 31% Muy, 10 a. m. Daylight Saving Time. 2nd June, 9.30 a. 111. Standard. lst June, 9.30 a. 1:] Standard. Time and Date 6th June. 10 a. m. Standard. Stouffville 5th June. 10 a. m. Smndaxd. R Scarboro East York Leaside Chairman of the Election Board 43â€"47 ' DATED at the'UiLy of Toronto this first day of March, 1923. MURPHY~& DONALD 302 Buy Sire-Ht. Solicitors fur Applicant. NOTICE is hereby given that Dulle'lus Lewin, of the Uity nf’l‘urnnlo, in L'w Cnunly of Yul-k. inlhe Province. of Onlmio, Departmental Manager. will apply to the Parliauu-nt of Uunadn. at the next session thereof, fur :1 Bill of [)jvuroc frvm hh wife, Gladys Ethel Lewin. (if the City of Vancouver, in the Province of British Columbia, Man-led VVniuun, on the ground nf adultery and degayrtiun. Notice of Application for Divorce AND TAKE FURTHER NO'I‘JCE than after such lust mvnlionod dnté the Exerutur “ill disuihute the «155015 Hlnnng the pzu‘tivs untitled th‘wto. Inning regard unly In such clai I s as he rhall mm hflVP I‘anind Nuiicv. ‘ Dated this 3rd day of May, A. I). Ltate of the said Mary Am: Stodders. who died on (-r about, the lst day of February, 1923. are required on or befnle th’c- 261!) day of May ucxt. [u Send to Mr. John H. Francis. 'l‘hlflllhi“. Ex~culuxy u stulement of their claim: and Hddl-essen. 1923 late of the Township of Vaughan in the County of York, dt-ceused. Pursuant to the Statutes in that, be- half. Nuticu is hexehy given that all Radios rhg\’ingA_L:l_ililllS_ ngzflhstz the F. H. ‘M. IRWIN, Clerk of the Elk ATE and must he signed by the FORM. These fox-ms may be any Postmaster. After being lst be given to 'tbe Clerk or left NOTICE TO CREDITORS \V. D. Annis Council Chamber Birchulifle. IN THE ESTATE OF MARY ANN STODDERS G. M. Davienn Uuionville. A . T. Lawson Leusidc. A. J. Hume Richmond Hill A. P. Graham Mulkbum J. Urquhart, Stouti’villu H, D. Gunde Lansing. Ulerk for the County of York ‘ Last day fur Filing Appeals ion B( 29th May 30th May 231d Mu 25â€] May 26L!) May Zb‘th May Hut May lat. June “K 43â€"47