Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 24 May 1923, p. 5

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of Hwy Chick Ferd at _. ' V 7 V - I l V ' V V #7 ' ‘7 "V 7” Good supp'y w. C. T. U. I Hâ€" } reduce price et'l‘he Elrwtor. __ \ -" fl,â€" â€" ‘; For "duh Gyp 06‘ Fence The annual meeting of Ych and '4 ’ and Opt. Wind Engine 00. sce pages I’Cr‘l \V. (‘. T. U., will be held at Kes- \ Farmers three (d).___ '7 r 7 fl _ wick, May 29th and 30111 Mrs. \V. H. F? of this Bank in rural sections rend r . . . . . . . . . . . - . _ e Dn‘rsro‘n Curr! nextsrttrng m Rlch; Be‘kf“ 0f T°“’“t”' W‘” addrers fhe Supporters of the Druryl valuable servrce to farmers by acting as cusâ€" ....,nd urn, inn-saw. june a, at 10.1u meet "R on the afternoon and evening . . . . . , todian for their sales notes or by discou ti th daylight sewing Lllllt‘. of IMay 29, and Dr. Lillian Langstan Admlnlsuiatlon are anltEd to and making collections when due n ng em . " . . . ' ' l dd - ‘ . . . ‘The {no cracker nuisance is again Xfltlfewscbl‘g: Abel].oifltgtcthgefiéelflggz attend a meeting in Heather S d d S . k u] , . With us.. \Vlry do our \ illagle Fathers Narcotic Drug Menace}. Th“ foll“w_ H A ' t T d tan at ervlce ma es e farmer s finananl “HOW “"9 dungem‘“ PRSL'me" ing ladies have been appointed to repâ€" 3 ' glncour ' “es ay' easy' Rev. Dr. Daniels and Rev. .E. H. Railill'ftlgd Sgillflngnfi’a‘ May 29, at 8 p In y for the THE fizytgkljfiieicgifiuifi’lmfi‘tlt 3:52:52); m we: (IJiewison, dCoulnty Treas. Mrs. Mc- purpose Of SClECtmg a Candl' “I __ ’_f ' ‘ ‘ague an lllrs. \V. A. Wright, ‘ - ------ 5? CANXEA Everything points t” ‘ good Fail. County Superrntendents. Mrs. Mr- date for the comlng elecuon' Mahon. Mrs. D. Watson, Mrs. 0. L. e â€"-â€"â€" TOTAL ASSETS OVER EIGHTY-THREE MILLIONS R. L. STIVER, Chairman Richmond Hill Branch, C. PERRY, Secretary. . and concert in Richmond Hill, on Victoria Day_ Be sure and come. Wright. Miss Moyle. Miss Gib-on, Mrs. ,__._ C. Mortson, Mrs. J. Sanderson. Mrs. seed corn atThe Elevator. Mylks. Mrs. Krrsvill. Mm. Wats< 11 direct from the grower will lint!- Tuesday 39”); at {he after-l noon and. (Herring seseions. Millinery SPECIAL Order your J. R. Herrington, Manager This oer n is and ban been found to be the best. -,_ w...â€" Unexcelled in the Dominion ! - LLIO'II wm%%%i Yonge and Charles Sta. The Junior Farmers will hold their annual piChic on the. Fair Grounds. Richmond Hill. on Saturday. june 2nd. The Maple Chorul‘Society, will ive a. closing concert in‘Communlty all. Tuesday. May 29. First class talent provided. ‘ We are pleased to learn that Miss Susie Winch is home from Wellesley Htspital of er an operation 1' r - appendicitis. An Outstanding Value in SPRING HATS Toronto, SPRING IS HERE is open all year and Hllxlril s students at any time. \Vhen superior lrain- ing and promptness of obtaining employment are con~i'lvrerl, this school should receive your patronâ€" age. Keen demand for ivllr graduates. \Vrile 10-day for our handsome catalogue. W . Teston Sabbath-School Anniversary will be held on Sunday. the 24th of julre. The annual Garden Party on Tuesday, June 26. Now is the time to look after the repairs for your car so as to be ready for the warmer weath- er and better roads. of Varied Shape, Color, and Trim- mings, will be on Sale at HALF PRICE A 12 year old boy acknowledged that he started the fires at Thornhill last. week . He said ho._was induced to do it by an individual 18 years old. â€"â€"*â€"â€" r ‘ Mr. and Mrs. David Hill left Thursday. t; attn-nd the Silver Wedding Anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. John Hill. Peterbolo. Mrs. Hill is re- nrainig over for two or three weeks, visiting with relatives. J. ELLIOTT l‘r incipal. Friday and Saturday OF THIS WEEK All Kinds of Boots and Miss E. G. Barkerl Shoes epaired. l Good Workmanship Prompt Scrvice 2Doors South of Baker on‘ Yonge St. GEO. KIDD We Specialize in BATTERY REPAIRS VULCANIZING ACETYLENE WELDING AUTO ACCESSORIES and GENERAL REPAIRS \Ve are sorry to have to record the death of \Villiain J. Harding, eldest son of Mr. Thomas Harding, who passed away at the General Hospital. following an operation for appendicitis. Much sympathy goes out to his young widow. father, brothers and sister. fifâ€" Miss Lauretto Robinson, (1 The Bull MlSS BEATRICE HOWELL TORONTO feacher of Fletcher Method Musical Kmdergarten Pupils passed for Conservatory Ex- arninations. ,-â€"d‘.‘I-l-~4 ;} $135.31?"r.S‘ii‘i’iil‘i}rdisliilériréé‘l ' â€"â€"â€"â€"g STUDIOâ€"Hg? Higgililorm. 1 Boot and Shoe Repairer 1 s en in r rer in u ays WI .1 er rc rmon r . pglrernesfpeijighrp‘iprd ‘22:}.li21l33i50b33‘; &C. l H ' A PLUMBING SUPPLIESI M ritirne Provinces until Christmas. \V. Grcru & Suns, \Voodbridge. formerly of Richmond Hill, ha._ve pur- chaSeil from Robert Topper, VVood- bridge. his florist business, comprising A large Lo.d it: Burnham greenhouse“ dwelling house, and several acres of market garden land, and known as liumlrer- Summit Nurseries. On Thursday evening, May ITlh. the Women’s Missionary Society of the Presbyterian Church. held their monthly meeting in the school room. W' A' W' After the usual business wastrans- I","'IIIII'llIIIIII'IH'IIIIIIII'III” acted. ,Mrs. Mann, Newmarket, ll).strict Superintendent) gave a most â€".â€"â€"â€"-nâ€"-â€"Iâ€"â€"_â€"â€"_â€"M , , IllLCl‘t‘SIlng and inspiring address. A good musical programme broughtrrn ll]StI‘l‘.Cli\’e to a. close. N OTARY PUBLIC Commissioner, Conveyancer, Etc Insurance and Real Estate RICHMOND HILL BEFORE PURCHASING A CAR SEE US ABOUT THE NEW DURANT AND STAR MODELS FOR 1923 RICHMOND HILL MOTORS PHONE 109 The James Robertson, Co., Ltd, 215 Spadina Ave., Toronto, Ontario BATES. BASINS, W. C's, SINKSll Laundry TUBS and ALL NEOESSAR Y | EQUIPMENT. ; Ask for our Septic Tank Circular. Our local representative, ]. EARLE NEWTON PIANIST ’l‘eac Jar of Piano-Playing at the Toronto Conservatory of Music and St. Margaret‘s College. Richmond Hillâ€"\Ved rresdnys and Saturdays. __.____._____..â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"- \Vill gladly furnish necessary infor- ,r mation and advice. regarding your ‘ requirements. l Ambrose E. Phipps Richmond Hill Phone 13 r 2 i G. L Y O N LICENSED AUC'I‘IUNEER FOR THE COUNTY OF YeRK Pati'onauvanrl influence . ‘ respectfully solicited Systems wrll proviue water for any Rpgidence address installation. Mr. A. E. t‘ounbs, a former Princi- pal of our High School. and for a Illlllll)r‘l of years past. Principal of St. thrtlr nines Uulli‘gl-ILE Institute. has taken llrr- Classical department of that institution at a higher solar} than he had I't’L'k'thLI as Principal. Vocatianal Training will be taken ‘1 the new Collegiate Institute, and as r. Cooml I had not had composite srhool ex- perience in that line, a new Principal was appointed. Tue position has been given lo Mr. \\. J. S8. for. at present Principal of \Voudstook Collegiate InsliLulv. I 5, O MRIIRIAGES Outside the Village our Pressure P. O. addrr as Victoria Square. (iormley, Rli TRADE MARK T RACTOR Economicalâ€"Depenable MAcDoNALnâ€"Cr.i‘er§â€"On Saturday. May 12. by llcv. J. Marim Smith. Mary Marjorie (iiughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. \V. l‘ubine. of Richmond Mr A fled H. MacDonald, only son of M rs. R llnrrriilon and the late Jas. Mat-Donald, of Bracebridgc. Pooucâ€"lioxrcw At the hulllc of the bride's parents, Richmond Hill. on Saturday. May 19. by Rev. H S. \Varren. Violet May, daughter or Mr. and Mrs. Louis honor. to Allen Ken- neth Poole. son of Mr. and Mrs. 'I‘nus. l’coie. ltdgeley. o DEATHS _â€"â€".. llAlillthiâ€"â€":\t 'l‘o onto Gv'lli‘l'ri Ilosu'- ml. on S rnday, May 20th, \Villr on John Hauling of 173 Sellers =I\‘elrrrr-_ lru~banr of Violet Reid. lll l l Comfortableâ€"Beautiful The “II/faster-Four” Touring Model 23-35 Special The McLaughlin-Buick “Master Four" Touring is its own best advertisement. Every car sold means a new friend made. Its allâ€"round goodness commends it to everyone and its thorough dependability insures its staying sold with its owner. A close inspection of its construction. finish and equip- ment and a comparison with other cars of its price will convince anyone of its unusual value. But its value does not end here. as it is continually making new records in operation cost and low cost of repairs. $395 Price is f.o.b. r Dearbom MICIL and you will get your crops in on time regardless of the late- ness of the season. \V. G. BALDOCK. LTD , lilL‘lIllONl) lIlLL, ()N'l‘. Fonn Moron Coup; NY or CANADA LI ONYARIO MITED FORD 'I‘lrl'ullli‘. his 29th year. _ . _ It is a car that is always ready to startâ€"and to keep Fuller“ 9'1"“? I“ m “‘5 “We” 5 gomg. It has proven its dependability under the hard- gfl residence, Richmond Hill, on Tues. at 2 p. m. Standard time. Wâ€" ..â€"â€"â€" SHAW BUSINESS SCHOOLS have been training young people {or mponllble. well-paid positions since 1892. Show students have won first place in every competitive test in Toronto for the past ten yuan. Write for prospectus, 0! day or home Itudy courses. ~ - P. McINTOSH. Chief Principal 21 scaoors IN \TORONTO est conditions in all parts; of the world. It has the beautiful. graceful lines that grow on one in com- fort of riding and ease of operation it ISLETCS nothing to be desired, as a ride in it will quickly prove. Standard equipment includes ma” "*~ crown fenders, drum type head and cowl lamps. miner, combination tail and stop light, scht plates, transmission lock, etc. 81216 There Are 15 McLaughlinâ€"Enfch Model; DAVID HILL 8: C0. Dealer, Richmond Hill to Cizacsc From My stock of spring suits ___.e__._...,___.__.__â€"â€"_.._ .__ I crn save you money Eons', factory and let you has arrived, and llll\ in;r ordered same before the price of woollen had advanced. I can sell suits from $17.50 up rno shoddy goo'ls,v tho=e who have bought suits already, pronounced them the best 1(or the mom-3 they have had for a long tinre. yourself. Ladies and Men‘s suits made right here by hind, 53.3 and up Ladies’ and Men's own cloth reasonable prices. To the Ladics~lf you want a suit or coat not made to order, by taking you to .Inr». Nortlrway & tome and see for made and trimmed at very select one llK’I‘C. ('LILANINU AND I’RESSING NEA'I‘IX DONE fl I n;- E. R. FORTNER --- Clothier and Tailor.

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