Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 24 May 1923, p. 7

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~M‘; 'work they would gain Proof That the Stomach is Weak and Needs Toning Up. Generally speaking, a person in good health can digest most foods. If not, and there Is pain after eating. the stomach has lost tone and is too weak to do its work. In that case your stom- ach needs strengthening and the way to do this is to build up your blood with Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills. There cannot be good digestion with- out a sufficient supply of good red blood, and there is nothing better than Dr. Williams' Pink Pills to renew and enrich the blood. That is why they have proved so successful in thousands of cases of indigestion. Mr. D. J. Shaw, Selkirk Road. P.E.I., has proved the value of Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills in a severe case of indigestion and re- lates his experience for, the benefit of other sufferers. He says:-â€""I suffered from indigestion fora number of years. My case was so bad that words fail to describe it. My appetite was gone, constipation was present, and my nerves, were all on edge. I could not sleep well at night, and the world was I a dark spot to me. I tried a number of remedies, but without any benefit. Then Dr. Williams' Pink Pills were re- commended, but without much faith, after so many failures. I decided to try them. After taking three boxes I no- ticed a change for the better. Then I got three boxes more, and found I had a genuine remedy. I continued the treatment, took moderate exercise, could take good plain food without suf: fering as formerly, and proved that these pills make good blood, and that this good blood will restore the stom- ach and serves. Anyone suffering from stomach or nerve troubles will make no mistake in giving Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills a fair trial.” You can get these pills from any medicine dealer or by mail at 50 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine 00., Brockville, Ont. -â€"â€"â€"Iâ€"â€"\'oâ€"â€"â€" _ The Afternoon Tea Rite. Mr. Gordon Selfridge, the Chicago merchant who invaded and conquered London, is revisiting the United States, and touches on some piquant con- trasts between his native and adopted countries. He has the advantage of a double standard of comparison, of see- ing the British through American eyes. To an interviewer he lays amusing emphasis on an English social rite, af- ternoon tea, which is the subject of mild derision on the part of visitors to the tight little islandâ€"until they succumb to it. Mr. Selfridge thinks that if Americans would similarly re- lax in the middle of the afternoon’s a poise and calm they really need and lose none of their famous “pep.” When he opened his departmental; store on Oxford Street thirteen years ago it was the custom of his salespeople to snatch tea as best they could. Instead of dis- couraging it he accepted it as a na- tional institution, and gave a tea inter- val to each of his 3,000 employees, and “since everybody else in the country does it, no time or business was lost." He is quoted further: “Tea is brought around at matinees and movies, on railway trains and boats. Lords and commoners pause for it in parliament. You cannot en- ter any office, editorial den, public library, factory or shop in Great Bri- tain between four or five without stumbling over cups and tea things." Mr. Selfridge confessed that, person- ally, he dld not like tea, but he likes what it stands forâ€"a friendly getting together, a relaxing pause in the day's work, a slowing down of the Ameriâ€" can’s relentless push, not to a point of becoming less active, but more bal- A cold roast has an appetizing z e st when served with th e s e delicious olives. Chopped up in a salad, they add a new piquant flavor. Imported direct from Spain for the Canadian People. Every olive perfect. Every variety At all Grocers Insist on McLAREN'S INVINCIBLE McLARENS LIMITED. Hamilton and Winnipeg 11 lanced. PAIN AFTER TiTINéV [reproduced in the works of Champlain, The American has a break down at 50, he added, but the English- man was swinging a wicked golf club at 65. Afternoon tea has become a social ,function on this side of the Atlantic, but it has not seriously penetrated the imarket place. After all, it is not the tea hour that gives the Briton poise and calm. It is merely one expression of his unhurried habits and ways of living and of looking at life. Before work slows down in offices, factories and shops on this continent in the presence of the tea-cups, there will have to be a radical change in the mental as well as the physical habits of the business community. . “q. EASY TRTCKS No. 28 The Endless Thread This is a practical Joke to play on that meaning person who is never happy when anyone in his presence has a. bit of lint on his coat. It is superior to most prac- tical jokes because it is harmless and cannot give offense. Thread a needle with‘one end of a spool of white thread. Put the spool in an inside coat pocket and run the needle from the .in- sxde of the coat between the lapel and the shoulder: Remove the needle, leaving an inch or two of the thread showing. Some friend will see What he thinks is a bit of lint on your shoulder and will try to remove it. If he does not think that it is funny when he discovers that he has one end of a vast amount of thread he has a sense of humor entirely too high for you to try to reach. (flip this out and paste it, with others of the series, in a scrap- b09191 wow) NOT [iii WITHOUT BABY'S Oll‘ll TABLETS Once a mother has used Baby’s Own Tablets for her li'tle ones she would not be without them. They are the ideal home remedy for the baby; be- ing guaranteed to be absolutely free from opiates or other harmful drugs. They are a gentle but thorough laxa- tive and have been proved of the great- est aid in cases of constipation, indi- gestion, colic, colds and simple fevers. Concerning them Mrs. Ernest Gagne, Beausejour, Que, writes: “I have used Baby’s Own Tablets for constipation and colic and have found them so suc- cessful that I would not be without them. I would strongly recommend every mother to keep a box in the house.” The Tablets are sold by medi. cine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams’ Medicine 00., Brockville, Out. 0 Memorial oi Hochelaga. The Department of the Interior, Canadian National Parks Branch, has made arrangements with the authoriâ€" ties of McGill University, Montreal, to erect a monument and memorial tab- let within the university grounds, near the entrance in Sherbrooke Street, to commemorate the existence of the ancient fortified Indian village of Hochelaga. The quaint sketch of Hochelaga. published by Ramusio and together with Cartier's entertaining description of the village, has made Hochelaga one of the out-standing points in the romance of Canadian his- tory. During the autumn of 1535 Car- tier, accompanied by a varied retinue, was received with great honor by the Iroquois and later Champlain visited the abandoned site. The village con- tained fifty large houses, lodging sev- eral families who subsisted by cultiva- tion and fishing. The abandonment of the village by the Iroquois is attributed to the hostile attacks of the neighbor- ing Algonquin tribes. MONEY ORDERS. Pay your out-of-town accounts by Dominion Express Money Order. Five Dollars costs three cents. .s____. o A Dear Friend. Angusâ€"“I hear yer freend Donald has marrit a third wife." ' Sandyâ€"“Ayn Donald's an expensive ffreend; twa wreaths and three pres- lents in 14 years." :.___ Always be cheerful and make the Zbest. of things. Do what is right, and {whatever may be your task, do your lbest in it.â€"Queen Mary. I I Mimrd's Llnlmem for sale everywhere NOT SICK once iN I FOUR YEARS NOW Mrs. Smith Declares Health Has Been Perfect Since Tan- lac Ended Stomach Trouble. "For ten years hardly a. (lay passed that I didn't suffer from stomach trou- ble, but I took Tanlac four years ago and haven't had a sick day since," is the remarkable statement made re- cently by Mrs. Thamar Smith, 85 Mc- Gee St. Toronto, Ont. The little I managed to eat simply tortured me with pains in the pit of my stomach, and gas pressed around my heart, causing it to skip beats un- til I thought it would stop altogether. I was as nervous as a witch. and lost so much sleep that I was dark and swollen under my eyes. I was so weak and run down I could hardly walk a blook or do my housework, and was almost in despair. “Tanlac certainly was a godsend in restoring me to such perfect health, and I think it's the greatest medicine ever made. Nearly everybody else on McGee Street seems to have used the treatment, and are praising it too." Tanlac is for sale by all good drug- gists. Accept no substitute. Over 37 million bottles sold. . Up In the Air. Mrs. Newlywedâ€"“Oh, Jack, you left the kitchen door open, and the draught has shut my cookery book so that now I haven’t the faintest idea what it is I’m cooking.” _.’â€"â€"â€". Silver Foxes iri Great Britain. The only fox farm in Great Britain is located near Alness, Cromarty Firth, Rossshire, Scotland. The climate is suitable and the first six creased to 60. . m For man with all round weekly newspaper experience and $400 or $500. Apply Box 24, Wilson Publishing Co.,"Ltd., 73 Adelaide l f Street \Vest. , g ,boards to make them square, have in- g f Attractive Proposition l . ': cal-ME? I :.."::v.;_::,. dean, . “Eastlake” Galvanized Copper-bearing “Metallic” Shingles Fire, Lightning. RUSt and Storm Proof - Metallic Roofs shed clean Rain Water Send Postal Card for Folder "E" The Metallic Roofing Co. Limited 404 i 1194 King St. w., Toronto ;.;. ‘2 - _‘:.'.~Z‘;.'&:' 3..;v_; «_,: -. .':‘- ..‘£ L. .' Easy running Mowers that cut with razor-like kceness. ASmart's Mower will keep your lawn ‘trim and neat 7 harem/71y ne/x'oé/e. mire/(Med; paamn/eco'. At your hard~ ware dealers. JAMES SMART PLANT BROCKVILLE ONT. Skin Hair and Hands Make Cuticura Soap, Ointment and Talcum your every-day toilet prepa- 1 rations and watch your skin, hair and hands Improve. The Soap to cleanse and purify, the Ointment to soothe and heal and the Talcum to powder and perfume. Soup 25:. Ointment 25 and 5°C. Tdcm 25:. Sold throughouttheDominion. CauadianDepot: Lyn-u, Limited, 344 St. Paul SL, W.. Moshe-L Cuticura Soap shaves without mun. ISSUE No. 21â€"â€"'23. Ideas Regardlng Beauty. W'hat is your idea of a beautiful wo- man? Must she be fair or dark? short or tall? slender or stout? Tastes cer- tainly differ. A Chinese belle must be fat, have small eyes, short nose, high cheeks, and feet which are only a few inches long. In the Labrador islands no woman is bantlful who has not black! teeth and white hair, Some nations squeeze the heads of children between while others prefer the shape of a sugar-loaf as the highest type of beauty. It is a funny old world, isn't it? W Mlnard’c Llnlment used by Physicians. W Easy Curtain Pole. An implement has been patented which enables a person to arrange cur- tains on a pole while standing on a floor and then to raise the pole to its place. -â€"-â€"-.â€"â€"-â€" The man who “hasn‘t time” hasn’t enough ability or hasn’t enough in- terest. Our Free Booklet of Engraving: in yours for the nakinz. It gives particulars of how you can obtain The Finest lnntrumonl The World Prodqu PRICE FACTORY - Cash or Credit 10‘ days' free trial In your on home. Imperial Phonouralh Corn. Dept. K.. Owen Sound. Ont. Established 25 years. AY- ' Keep Kendall’s c" always in the barn. A strained muscle, a sprung tendon, a jolt or a knock demands immediate attention. A few hours’ delay will result in a long lamenessâ€"perhaps in the loss of the horse. Kendall’s > Spavin Treatment has saved more : horseflesh than all the other known _ ? remedies. Under the name of ' Kendall’s Spavin Cure, it is the forly-year-old standby of horsemen, f farmers and veterinarians. Ce! a baille of Kendall's today. Ask, ('00, for the Free Book or writefar ii (0 DR. B. J. KENDALL COMPANY, . ENOSBURG FALLS, Vt.. U.S.A. ' hTsTBuTTE ' 80 Will 33th Hlliplltllllh Tells How Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound Restored Her Health River Desert,Que.â€"‘ ‘ I used to have a severe pain in my side. I would be un- able to walk fast and could not stand for any length of time to do my ironing or washing, but I would have to lie down to get relief from the pain. I had this for about two years, then a friend told me to try Lydia E. Pink- ham’s Vegetable Compound as she had had good results. I certainly got good results from it, too, as the last timeI . had a sore side was last May and I have not had it since. I am also lad of havmg good nursing for my ha y, and . I think it is your medicine that helped me in this way.”~â€"Mrs. L. V. BUDGE, River Desert, Quebec. If you are sufi'ering from the tortures , of a displacement, irregularities, back- ache, headaches, nervousness, or a pain , in the Side, you should lose no time in trying Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound. Lydia E. Pinkham’s Private Text< Book upon “ Ailments Peculiar to Wo- men "will be sent you free nion re uest. Write for it to the Lydia ‘. ' ham Medicine C0,, Cobourg, Ontario. This book contains valuable information that every woman should know. 0 M Classified Advertisements. ANTIZD~YOUNG LADIES VVITE GOOD education to train as nurses. Turee- mursct Apply Welland“ Hospital. 8:. Cain-w \\'N A FAqu 0}; LANE ERIE. IN “WESTERN Ontario. the Florida of Canada. Send for full imomation and our special sixty day offer of free return trip: now the big money crops. Fruit. taf- hncco. corn. buns. cm. In addition to general mixed farming. Surreal Roll Estate. Blenheim. Ont. r ‘ OGOENBCRY MILK COATS. SURPLUS STOCK of thirty head. from Twenty Dollars up. Islnml Goat Ranch. North Magnet-mm. Parry Sound. Ont. When a fire occurs in Chile the owner or occupant. of the burned building is arrested and made to prove that he is not guilty of having caused the fire. For Fascinating Eye: ' make the use of ltdurine a 5 _ daily habit. This refreshing . c7: lotion soon make: c es clear. gallant, beautifull armless. ‘ movable. Sold by all drugsists. ‘fiZURINl-l, V Rm youn EYES Amenoa’u Pioneer no: Remedial Bool; on DOG DISEASES and How to Food Mailed Free to any Ad- dress by the Author. 1!. Ole Glover Conne- 129 V est 24th Street New York. U.S.A. FOR SPRAINS, CUTS,’ BRUISES, SWELLINGS Use the Old Reliable. Grand an saflla , Arizona and F. T. Hendry, Gen. Agent ! A. T. & S. F. Ry, 404 Free Press Bldg” Detroit, Mich, l. Phone: Main 6847 ‘ SAY“BAYER” when you buy. Insist! [Juices you see the name "Bayer" on package or on tablets you are not get- ting the genuine Bayer product pre- scribed by physicians over twenty- three years and proved safe by millions for headache, colds, toothache, earache, neuralgia, lumbago, rheumatbm, noun itis, and for pain in general. Accept only “Bayer” package which contains proper directions. Handy boxes at twelve tablets cost, few cents. Drug. igists also sell bottles of 24 and 100.

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