K, watches left here-for rep-nirriis at. your, will be suld {or clm-ges. jERRY SMITH. 43â€"47 FOR SALEâ€"All barns- nnd outbuild- ings. upon the former Palmer Farm. now Elmwuud Park. For pur- li u'm-a apply Chartered Trust and Executor Umnpnny. Real EsLate De- partment Branch Ofï¬ce on property, Come-r Elmwmul Aw. and Yongo St. Uflice open every uftelnuuu, 2 L0 5.3!), 4847 0R. SALEâ€"One flemish ginnt do», thorough-bred; also nne Aludin hanging lamp. MIS. BALBONE, stop 4'] un Currville Road. 46-47 ASTUREâ€"Pasmre for horse: or _ clttle. lots of water and shade. JAMES WOODS, lot 17 and 18 can. 2. Vaughan. Phone 71 R 2 Richmond Bil 46-47 0R SALEâ€"6 choice young pure bred Durham bulls fur sale. For price and particulars. apply E. T. tjs'rEPntms, Stop 47. Yonge St. 46.49 03 SALE AT THURNHILLâ€"New stucco bungalow. 5 ropms and tiuee piece bath, automatic pumping outfit, septic tank, ample cupboard. space in kitchen. linen closet. cupboard in each bedroom, hu‘dwood floors throughout. gumwmd him in living and dining room. open fire place. built- ih-bookshelvusi and china cupboard. rm air heating, lot 45 x 150. more land it wanted. Phone G. K. BROWN, Uoihm‘no Sm, Thornhin. 46-47 Real Estate Dept. Exclusive Agents 46 KING ST. W , TORONTO - Phone Main 6215 CHARTERED TRUST & EXECUTOR C0 This exceptionally ï¬ne property adjoins the SOuthern boundary of Richmond Hill, and already has many conveniences, including electric light. The tax rate is lower, and prices for lots are lower than in Rich- mond Hill. Very Easy Terms of Payment spread over a period of ï¬ve years at 65 p.C. interest. Salesmen on the Property Every Week Day. ACRE LOTS $250 AND UP Building Lots $4 per Ft.and Up ()MMENCING MAY 2|thâ€"All ON YONGE N'I'. .II'N'I'SOI'TII OF 1.‘I('11Jl().\'ll) IIILL Lots for Sale in this Beautiful New Residential and Garden Subdivision f Rainbow Specialty ; Shoppe ‘WWW MC Want Ads. Robinson Block RICHMOND HILL Value for Every Dollar Spent Dresses for All 3‘ i JUNIORS WOMENS 0R SALE-“Business propexty centrally located‘ Yong? streee, Richmond Hill. Apply box 95, Rich- mund Hill Post. Office. 38-tf 1V do all kinds of trunking and carting in Richmond Hill and vicinity. Patronage solicited. Phune Richmond Hill 98. 42 if 0R SALEâ€"Rhoda Island Red and Plymouth Rock batching eggs, $1.50 per setting. Apply HAan MOYLE. Richmond Hill. 45-48 ASTUREâ€"Pnsture for cattle and colts, lot 21, con. 4, Markham. Plenty of grass. water and shade. \V. F. NICHOLS. 45-47 ALED HAY~A quantity of baled buy and Itraw fnr 33.19; also loose hay and a quantity of White Wave oats, good enough for seed. L. CURTlB. Richmond Hill. 4648 RICK HOUSEâ€"Good slx room solid brick house for salé on Church Street. Large lot bathroom, reception Hull otc. \V. GRAHAM, Richmond Hill. 38 tf. D 2 Acre- garden éoil, full plowed. house. barn. driving shed, etc. Bond Lake, stop 57. Apply at LIBERAL Office, Richmond Hill. 36“ O LETâ€"Storage mum for one mnlur ems. Apply (1‘. MOUDIE. O'l‘IOEâ€"E ABGAIN FOB QUXCK SALE ney_ .s prypnxrd lr_ 44- 47 ’12 Sporting Notes I: J. W. BOWMAN 1m. No.1, RICHMOND HILL, ONT. $10.00 per 100; 95 per cent. Fertilit} Guaranteed. Your Eggs Hatched for You at $6.00 pm 100. “Te nuw have a Capacity of 2440 Eggs. ?rom High Producing. Healthy. Tm p- A'ested Stock. 325 per 100. Selectpd $33 per 100. Express ohm-Res paid. 100i Safe Arrival Guaranteed. I ‘ OR SALEâ€"Dining mom exlvnsion table, kithen table. Crown Huron cook stove, parlor heater. kitchen cup- board. washing machine. electlic irnr, new. 2 washslandl, quantity of fruit jms. wheelbarrow. kitchen utensils and * other articles. Apply 8. BAKER Centre street east. Richmond Hill. 46 \VVORK llOHSEâ€"-Gund stwnz work horse for sale cheap. $40. In! 52, con. 2. Markham. E‘ j.TO0LEY, Phone Richmond Hill. 47 OR SALEâ€"A four your old sorrel driving horse, and its buggy and harness. Hundred dollars takes all. ‘Apply w. 1. BAKER, Can-villelinpd, ‘ Stop 47, Ynuge Street. 47 almost new, license I stunt“; battPrie-s in he Spare tire and tube, new Phone (53. or write box Plans are laid for u Bdsehull Match lthev-n the Indian team of Georgina [sizunl and u (mun from Newmnrken Music will inn pl'ovidvd, and a wâ€"i'y pleasurable gntheiing is looked for. Ker the (law and hnur in mind, Salli-lay, junv 2nd, II) n. m., and pray for good weziLhrr. At 2 p. m. (Standard time) a Public Meeting will be held. Addresses are expected from Hon. 1 Lucas. R. J. Flaming. E5q.. and olher speakers. over the intensely interesting colleét-io}; of historical relics now housed in the Tegnplg. It is to he an allâ€"day outing. Special (nu-s will leave the Toronto and of the Yonge St. our line for Sharon at 10 a. 11)., City time. If this hour does not suit, take one of the regular cats. Thule going at w are asked to take a well filled hasket, so Lhut all ln&y lunch together, picnic style. For those unable to bring their “Eats,†lunch can be procmed at the Park. There will be lung of Lime for visitors to look For some yeam this Society has been holding :1 meeting at, Sharon in September, the 1922 gathering being the largest. of the series. A change in the date is being made this year to avoid conflicting with the National Exhibition. Saturday, June 2nd. is the date fixod. The “Children of Peace" under the leadership of their founder, David Winson, held two great meetings yearly-«me in June and one in September. The former will be commemorated this year by the York Pioneers. BROOK LANDS S.C. \VHITE LEGHORNS YORK PIONEER AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY Annual Gathering at the Temple, Sharon, Saturday, June 2nd 111 ay \Vhile (assisting in the unloading oi a. car of green bananas here Saturday morning, F. Bondi. a local fruit denier, narrowly escaped being bitten by n poisonous snake. \Vhen he picked up a bunch of bananas the rep- tile uncuiled itself from its nest. which was concealed among the fruit, and struck savagely at, the merchant. Mr. Bnndi ihstuntly realized his dnngn‘, and‘ dropping the bananas, seized a atick and killed the snake. ~ The opening game of the York- Simcoe Baleba'l League for this Season takes place at Willowdale (stop 32) in: Saturday afternoon. at 4 o'clock. daylight saving time. Lot's all go and see the “battle royal" between last Kyear’s winners (Aurora) and the fast Willowdale team. Willowdale ball-tossers will be here next Wednesday evening to meet the Richmond Hill Seniors in a York- ,Slmcoe League lixture. Remember. ‘ ‘ Ind b. thero. 1 The Sen‘i'or Schedule will appear in our next issueâ€"crowded out this week. Victoria Square Juniors will he the opponents of our fast Junior tum on Saturday evening. 6 o’clock standard time. The visitors put "it over" the Jefferson team on Friday evening last to the tune of 22~0. while our Juniors beat out Thornhill 11-10 in a stubbornly- coniested game. Custom Hatching OR (SALEâ€"A Hupmohile car in good running UldPl‘. cnrd tirev, osb pew, license fur 1923. self Paper hanger and Painter Oxford Street Phone 44 x- 3‘2. SAM. SHEPHERD Eggs for Hatching BABY CHICKS IttPI-ies in best of nrdmx and tulw, new. Price- $285. or write box 35 Richmond 47 48 NBWMARKET BIRTHS in best u ‘6 u u & 1.50, for f¢ r “ $1.00, for 750. See Our Line of Remnants of Dress Goods and Coatings for . :Women and Children We have a*very Complete Line of Hats, Caps, Shirts, Ties, Suspend- ers, SOX, Boots and Shoes. All at Reduced Prices. THE LURNE BLBCK FURNiSHINB STORE Phone 33, â€" Thorhflhill, 05%;}; WWOWMW m WOOD FIRE and LIFE INSURANCE REAL ESTATE A, (i. SAVAGE SHERWIN-WILLIAMS PREPARED PAINT “ INSIDE FLOOR PAINT u “ PGRCH FLOOR PAINT u “ % Pts. Pts. Qts. % Gals. Gals. 45C. 80c. $1.40 $2.65 $5.00. DRY GOODS - MILLINERY - LADIES’ WEAR General Agent, office at the Post Office - Richmond Hill Trench Block MEN’S EASTER TIES, Regular $2.00, for $1.50 QUALITY SHOPPE -:- Phone'53 SHERWILLAC VARNISH STAINS g Pts. 5- Pts. Pts. Qts. 25c. 45c. 80C. $1.50 T. H. HARDWARE & SUP’ISLIES Limited Phone 33 Thornhill, Ontario MURESCO 5 lb. Packages - 60c. COAL SOLIGNUM â€" Exterior Brown’s ; Gals. 85c. Gals. $1.40 Reds and Greens § Gals. $1.00 Gals. $1.70 :21 Pts. 30c. EST. The amount of satisfaction one gets from wearing an Individual! Hat amply rppnys fur the outlay. Vi'e have Good Hats from $5.00 tn $10.00; also Ready-tn-‘Voar and Children's at Popular Prim-a. Ginghmns, with trimmings to match. House DrQSses and Apmns. Knitted Underwear. ('1) 1d (*n's Crepe Rompers. Hole-proof Hori- ely; also a line of Chpupi-r Hose in all sizes. TH [1 ‘VE EST. C CHEAPEST IS NOT AL\VAYS THE BEST. 81"] CAN SAFELY SAY THE BEST IS THE CHEAP LADY {AMSEY \VGOLâ€" NONE BETTER .HAARDWARE & SUPPLIES Limited SOLI GN UM “‘Interior Pts. Qts. .J_,~Gals. Gals. 45c. 80C. $1.35 $2.50 Norman J. Glass. MR S. NORMAN BATTY and Phone 53