Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 31 May 1923, p. 1

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‘ \A-n R. H. H. S. Alumnae lisp-33 " V- The June meeting of the li. ll. H. S. } Richmond Hill Fair Record Crowd 04-99; Poole-Donor 5" The home of Mr. and Mrs. Iris Woodhead Alllllmfl‘. will be held at the home of UM“ F- M“. A I Hunw on “find. i Donor, Centre St. West, Richmond Entertalner - new JIM“; “h "r'oi h‘t 0, ld-Vkeves'gni Ideal weather did much to bring a Hill, was the Stem6 “f H VPI‘Y Pretty and Dancer PR‘PP-Irs on Oahiidia: Authrfiistes “(7TH rg-cord- “mm to RiChmond Hi“ on I wedding on Sfltllrday' Ma lmh, When m ‘ be given. The members are asked t” \ictoria Day. The new arena and their second daughter, iolet May, Agricultural Hall afforded good accom- modation for the ladies' Work which was very creditable to the exhibitors. There was a beautiful display of dresses and other ladies wear manufactured by the Reliable Garments (70.; a good disâ€" , ‘ . . . Engii einents A '- l d f - was united in ln-‘ill‘lilfle to Mr. Allan . , .8 U‘ep 9 m Kenneth Poole. son of Mr. and Mrs. “MS ('(mcorts' Banquet" Etu' Thomas Poole. of Edgley, Ont. Rev. ' ' Mr. Warren. of the Methodist church, RIChmond Hlu’ conducted the service. The bride wus gii'vn away by her fiither, and looked respond to the roll call by a quotation fr ini Cnnndiun Authors. IIIina HESITATE to enter a branch of this 0. mmitted for Trial .c ._. v r- . Iâ€"Iv-d-u. play of shoes by the lnrig Shoe C0,; ciiiii iiiing in a gown of ivory crepe-de- Jfie mutual ‘lee fl’surance The Year old boy, liaruld Bo '9‘ stoves. churns, \vashing machines, and C )llle \Vlth an embroidered veil caught Bank because you do not Who admitted setting fire to The _ Company of Canada other implements of hardware by Mr. with a comet of Orange blossoms. Mid Thornhill Public SchoOl, the barn of C. Onoper. also grafonolas by the Cili‘i'yingnbouquet of Ophelia Roseg,' 1" egg-g :know how to make a de- Boynton \Voltli'ick, and Miss \Vest's Brathwaite Hardware Co. The The bride’s maid. Miss Veidella THE POLICY HOLDERS OWN . shed. on May )4. 15 rind 16 respectively; poultry section was not very well Iilled, Doner. sister of the bride. Worn a COMPANY posrt. Our Managers 01‘ and \Vilfr'cd MacDonald, 17 years of though there were some fine birds on gnwn of shell pink crepe-do-chene. she age. iilso implicated, havebeencomâ€" mitted by Major Brunton to stand trial before a jury. Bail was find in each case at $1000. Get your life Insurance at cost. C. H. BYAM. Agent. Phone 232. ‘ Maple. Ont. N L ,__H _ Denton, Macdonaldâ€"h Demon Barristers. Solictors. &r-. MANNING ARCADE. 24 Kiso S'r. WEST. TORONTO. CANADA. TELEPHONE MAIN 311 exhibition. Cattle. sheep and swine had their admirers. but the horse ring was the centre of attraction. The prize in the football competition was won by \Vexford. The Richmond Hill Band gave a good programme of music in the afternoon. and the concert in the evening gave unqualified satisfaction. PRIZE \VINNERS HORSES also carried a. bouquet at 0 hell). Rose-s, Mr. George POUIP. brother of the groom, acted as best ma". Miss Rhoda Barker acted as pianist. The groom’s presents were, to the bride a gold necklace set with rubie , to the bi ide‘s maid ii peailnecklace, to the best man a g ld to pin. to 1b pianist a gold bro ch. After a dainty bufch luncheon the happy couple left for :in automobile trip. the b ide travelling in a navy blue tricoline suit with hat to match. On their ret tn the staff will be pleased to show you. ‘ll Start with One Dollar and add to it dollar by dollar. DEATHS us-uâ€"q‘n ELLIOTTâ€"At his home, I‘luttonrillv, on Thursday, May 24, 1923, Major James Elliott, in his H3id year. Funeral Sunday. May 27. Service ‘ THE ROYAL BANKl i -./ “ OF CANADA .°, m. \VILLOWDALE. ONT. V. D. OLLIVER. Manager. ELOCUTION Miss Marguerite Boyle Artist, Teacher in Literature, Expression, Reading, Dram» atic and Humourous Sketches, Dialect Poems. Professional Graduate Owen A. Smiley Studio. in Church at Buttonville. M J. 'I'. SAIGEOIV Maple Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York. Sales attended to on shortest notice and at reasonable rates. Patronage solicited We have opened an UP- Of TO-DATE PAINT SHOP, and‘ are now ready to take Imported Draught Stallion agedâ€"T. A. Bowes & A. Bouoock. Brood mareâ€"Thos. Read. E. T. Stephens. Yeld mare, over 3 yoursâ€"E. T. Stephens. Filly fooled in 1920â€"13. T. Stephens. Filly fouled in 1921~E. T. Stephens. Filly fouled in 1922â€"E T Stephens. Thos Read. Best team of geldings or maresâ€"â€" Sunnybrook Farms. E. '1‘. Stephens. Canadian Draught Stallion agedâ€"E. T. Stephens. Stallion fouled in lQZlâ€"Jsmes Robb. Brood mareâ€"E. T. Stephens. Special Ycld inaue. on r 3 yearsâ€"E. T. Stephens lst and 2nd Filly or gelding fouled in 1920â€"13. T. Stephens. they will resident Niagara Falls. â€"~â€"â€"â€"â€". -, A, . VOTE FOR Harry Stuart ' CLARRY Liberal Candidate for East York, who will secure a SQUARE DEAL for YOU Torbnto we... Cable Address: “Dedo Arthur A. Macdonald Frank Denton Laura Denton. B. A. Adelina Melecci and Miss Rosalind Bush I.. T. C. M. From the Toronto Conservatory of Music. will accept a. number bf pupils in Piano, Vocal and -: Theory. -:- For information Phone 110. MRS. MYLKS. e . ' ‘ (i i . ' â€"â€" ‘ , Address M198 Marguerlte our car in for aintin $thth gii‘iigg Brig!" “m E ' r ' Boyle. Studio ‘Homewood highest grade materials usedg: Filly or gelding tooled in 1922â€"Alf- Liberal Undertakers and Embalmers Hall,’§’l‘hornhili, Ont 30:,tf FALL TERM OPEN NEWMXRKET BUSINESS COLLEGE ENROLL ANY TIME Individual Instruction. Night School Mondays and Thursdays} Neu‘inarket, Bank of Toronto Block Wall Hangings - of _. Experienced painter. Prices right. A trial solicited. w. G._Bâ€"aldock LIMITED Ford Dealers, Richmond Hill. BROOKLANDS SC. \VHITE LEUHORNS From High Producing, Healthy. Trap- Nested Stock. $25 per ltill, Selected $33- per 100. Express charges paid. [00 3 Safe Arrival Guaranteed. l l. red Briggs, E. T. Stephens. Colt. or filly fouled in 1923â€"19. '1‘. Stephens lst and 2nd Best team of heavy draught geldings or maresâ€"E. T. Stephens, A. J. Lewis. Special brood mare and tWo of her progeny. E. T. Stephiiis. Specialâ€" curt horse with collar~ T. Stephens lst and 2nd Percheron Filly or gelding fouled in 1920â€"Jas. Woods, \V. WilldilS. Filly or gelding fouled in Frank Graham. ‘ Filly or gelding foaled in 1922â€"Frniik Graham. Best team geldings or nmresâ€"“hn. F. Caldwell. C. Burr, W. K. Westluke Agricultural Filly or gelding foaled in 1921â€"E. ’1‘. Stephens. Span of IIOISPS in hm nose to wugr n â€"A.J. Lewis, Alfied Brigg. F. GJIIIUII. General Purpose Headquarters â€"AND-â€" INFORMATION BUREAU E' 41 Adelaide St.'E. h. 1921- H. J. KIRBY, Secretary RICHMON D HILL. THORNHILL ANII UNIONVILLE' A large stock of Funeral Furnishing Kept at the above places W. H EWISON HOUSE PAINTER. Central‘ Liberal Committee Glazier. Grainer and Paper- F orsyth & Allen Painters. Decorators :md IIill'(I\\till(I Finishers. Estiiii‘ites given. Phone TN. Box 20] AI,'itl)R A Hanger. JOHN T. ANDERSON PIANO TUNER 378 BERESFURD AVE, \VEST Timon o . . Custom Hatching Biood muru» -w. r‘. Caldwell V W“ PhoneJunctwn 72- ArtlSth Charm Ymil' Ema: Hatched for You at $5.lm b,1“(i,”15’,03‘ fieldius fouled 1“ WP“- DR. J. P. WILSON TWENTY-FIVE YEARS' EXPERIENCE SAMPLES FREE 3""100' “Ive "UW 11"” *1 CHI'MCIU' “I Fifi; (irrec: h fwlvd i“ 1923_“v. 1.1 . Ofl‘iCc hours 8 to 10 il.lll. i to 2 iilllI All mail orders will receive prompt PAINTING. DECORATING ~“0 Egg" c,.ld..:.u_ 0 to 8 p. in. attention. Phone 306. King. Eggs for Hatching - $10.00 per I‘ll); 95 er cent. F-rtility G. Oak Rldges P. 0. Guaranteed. '1 p t Fillâ€"Bill: Noiifit" A good shipment of the very best Anthracite for summer orders. :2 \ ;,_.3 J. W. BOWMAN R.It. No.1, RICHMOND HILI. ONT. -â€"â€"______ ii. A. Nicholls The Real Estate Man HAS FOR SALE 50 Foot Lot on Itoseview Avenue. wih foundation {or small house liiid. Desiiiihle Lot on Richmond StiCc‘, North Side 50 It. by a good depth. Specialâ€"brood mare and two of her progenyâ€"IV. F. Caldwell. Hackney Stallion agedâ€"R. Chris. Heal-n and sweepstake. Carriage Brood mamaâ€"Alfred Baggs. Filly or gelding fouled in IQ2U-â€"L‘Iflrt‘ Shaw, Jae. Crookart. Filly or gelding fouled iii lQZZâ€"L‘iure Shaw. Specialâ€"brood mare and piogoiiyâ€" Alfred Biiggs. Roadster Stallion foaled in l922â€"Alfred Hagar. Filly or gelding foaled in l920â€"Wiii. I \Voods. Filly or gelding foaled in 1921â€"9. \V. Terry. Office and i PSIIIPHCBâ€"(it'llll t' Church Streets Richmond Hill No. 24. BLYTHWOOD GARDENS Flower and Vegetable Plants and PIIIIIH â€"â€"â€"â€"-‘_,__ \Valter S. Jenkins J. Harry Naugliton Res. Phone Res. Elgin Mills Hill. 5048 Res. Phone 44.4 NAUGHTON & JENKINS Barristers Solicitor Notaries Telephone Adelaide 2108 {Suite 508. Federal Building, Offices 85 Richmond St., \Vest. I Toronto. Niiuglitou Block. Aurora. Solicitor for: Asters, loose and compact, separate The Town of Aurora colorSâ€"Heart of France Aster (deep lred.) Mai‘igolds. Phlox Diummondi, Salvia, Zinnia, Sweet Alysuuni, The Township of King The Township of \Vbitohurcb The xm erial Bank of Canada, Auioia J. M.‘ alton. & Co. Aurora House. Burn. 4 acres. good well, Class lOâ€"Horses w d Candytuft, Ricrnus,(Cast0r Oil Plant) ' ' _ fruit trees, comer Mill Itoad and Single delivery bone â€"I“'- 00 5‘ Stocks, Balsam, ('Obaea Scandens. “ Many people Of thls V11 i BHGIIIluiisd-r‘tli side R )seiiew tle not ,I SAIXIKJSFFSII-ringeâ€"W. H. RUHEdg?’ Blucv Geraniums- Hanging BaSI‘ets’ . ( ‘ , h . . . r‘ l ' Iage do nOt know that per brick t'IId house all modern imprng- Single Roadster Horseâ€"G. A. M. Peppers. IOmMOOSI ( elery I 1 Earl y - merits. hard wood floors, finished utiic, Duvisun. W. H. ltutl:dge. C. P. Cabbage, ready for planting. n cent. of our coal Is screened mm... grounds. s...a.....n. _ I 7 _ A VET$£§MY SflBfiEON. Frame house on Richmond fronting Single horse high stepperâ€"John ‘ OI‘ll l . before leaving our yard. on three streets. ignore. garden. trees. is not done in any yard this side of Toronto. Is it not worth at least 50C' per ton that you are not buy- small fruit. in good shape. 50 ft. lot on west side of Baker Ara. with good grunge and hen house only $700.00. Brick clad house, stable and 3 acres, and, orchard. small fruit on Lucas Street. Twochoicc bargains on Centre St. East. Irwin. . Best gentlein in’s turnout â€" John Irwin, \V. H. Rll'It'dfl‘“ Best farmer's turnoutâ€"C. P. derson. Ans n M. Cluskie. Single i.d_\' dr vetâ€"Mabel Sander- eon. (i. 'I‘ulli-y Mai-iieii l.idy driverâ€"Mrs. Lloyd, Mrs. James Heniiess'y. Ponies San- 1 Robert H. DAVIS MILI. STREET, Phone 108 W TS RII'HMOXI) IIILI. Sand, Gravel, Tile and Brick Call by phone or otherwise prompin -fiw Wm. C. Ruttan Cunndiaii Tenor and Choir Leader Soloist North Puikdnle Methodist Church, is prepared to receive pupils n Richmond Hill on Mondays. Studio, .\Ii<. N. Billiy'fi. Ai ncld St. Particulars f{ligiiglslesrtrrdeIlnligfiittgliiple also a small l“Siinlglofl dig)inlgfly'oifi'i"IZéiaigdlshapfl The )I‘lph, Sum]. Gmwl and BM, k ‘ Iélil'! tin“. Ir[;tlll(*iI by l‘ilIIlllg. Plioue292. . - . I . ' e â€" . . ' , 3. . , , c _ ,_ _ ‘ ~“rsl " - ‘9 ' ‘- in0 a large percentage 01 Acreage with large house. gnnd i 2nd and 3rd fi-ZI;.‘}.’,,‘,’“5,I,Ԥ,§", 31,“,3. ‘1“,{"‘,§“f,,‘,,{ .31; . ______.___ D spiiiig creek lit I‘Ilgin Mills. , single driving pony, 12 bands [lbw Iii (“1,31, ml, 1.. 1'3 '1; .‘md or, inplil r ,_ , , L) F} . ‘ ‘ ' t Arrcs, 5 rimmed Cottage, Logi- I];1nd:â€"i,‘.BllL‘kiit‘l. Mrs. (1 (ii eri. '.,., . ‘_‘,_ ‘ " ‘ ‘ >1 \\ ' K (, , _, dust “inch is bound to be in hum WW] m5 “UL "n m M,” T MCEHFWH twists“. lengthr J every car Of c0211.] 1, D. same: money. Road. Strip 4". Will lend you money or loan your Insurance. Yonge st, RICHMOND iiiii' Single driving pony. lii’ hands to 14 hundsiH'. ,l. Tbt'nlpiull. Alia. t‘. Gillieit. Team of ponies 12 bands rind O'Ieli Mrs C Gilbert (Continued on page 8) Also (‘rnienr I‘IlI‘.‘I( Siiiiil orUini'cl sold by the IU'HI or iii cui lots. ('c‘diii‘ I‘HS‘n :iiiil II‘II‘llIii‘l.“ [rules I yi sale. T. (‘1il'Sl.\'S, .‘Iillttgâ€"‘l i'OBIMIur-IONER, l NOTARY PUBLIC ( USVEYAXL'ER. l'i'l‘l‘. REAL ESTATE AND lNSL'RANCF Thornhiil.

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