The laboratory is the ï¬rst of the d in Canada, and is located here account of Elgin being the centre the infested area. It will be oper- d similarly to the parasite labor- tories in the United States, and a ment of parasites from the ologists in Europe has been estabâ€" . had in this city, with A. B. Baird the Dominion Entomological De- rtment in charge, and H. G. Dyce. _ graduate of the University of Toâ€" nto, Assistant Superintendent. a St. Thomas, May 27.â€"-As a means Washington M assisting in the control of the Euroâ€" is being sen Bean corn-borer, a laboratory for the mologists 1 reading of parasites that have been Arthur Fin discovered by the United States ento-a Department. St. Thomas Selected as Site of Plant for Breeding Parasitesâ€" Millions to be Sent Against Pest Which is a Menace to Comï¬elds, Especially in South-Western Ontario. FIRST LABORATORY IN CANADA T0 "* WAGE WAR ON EURAPEAA CORN-BGRER The ofï¬cial opening of the 105,000- cre irrigation propect of the Leth- Eridge Northern district will take {lace in June. Water is now being rned into the ditches. Sault Sate. Marie, Ont, May 27.â€" ï¬â€˜he Department of Railways and Canals has authorized the erection on $9 grounds adjoining the ship canal re of a monument to the memory of Etienne Ernie and his companion, Grenolle, who were the ï¬rst white men £0 Visit the Indian village of Pawiting, he site of the present Sault Ste. arie, and to look on Lake Superior. Monument at Sault Ste. Marie to First White Visitors Blown to Atoms While Carry- ing Cases of Dynamite from Powder House. Timmins, Ont, May 2'7.â€"â€"A fatal explosion occurred at the Hollinger Mine about one o’clock this morning, causing the death of two men, Michael O’Neill and John Ackles. O’Neil was forty-seven years of age, coming from Perth, Ontario, and had had ï¬fteen years’ experience in handling explo- aives, While Ackles was also an ex- perienced miner. He was 53 years old, and was born in Nova Scotia. The accident occurred on the 550-foot level pf number eleven shaft, in the direc- tion of the McIntyre Mine. The two men had obtained some ases of dynamite from the powder ouse and were on their way back to the workings when the. explosion took place, killing them, demolishing the truck, and wrecking the air line and electric light cables. The six-inch pipe which conveys the compressed air was split for one hundred feet in each direction from the accident, and two men in a cross-cut, less than 700 feet away, were temporarily stunned by the concussion. All that was left, of O'Neill and Ackles weighed less than twenty pOunds. The former’s rate}: and mine number tag were ound on the spot after the accident. TWO MINERS PERlSH 1N HOLLINGER SHAFT Secretary of State for War, the Earl of Derby. Secretary for Foreign Affairs and Leader of the .House of Lords, the Marquis of Curzon. Secretary for the Colonies, the Duke of Devonshire. Secretary for Home Affairs, Rt. Hon. W. C. Bridgeman. ‘ Loid High Chancellor, Viscount Cave. The official list of the Cabinet zind‘J ~other ofï¬cials shows the substitutionl of Lord Robert Cecil as Lord Privy; Seal for Andrew Bonar Law, who had: held this portfolio, in addition to the. Premiership, and the promotion of Mr.l Bonar Law’s Secretary, John C. 0.: Davidson, to a place in the Govern-g ment, as Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster. There have also been al few changes in minor ofï¬ces of the‘ Government, but otherwise the men‘ guiding the country’s destinies are‘the same as those who had this task in‘ hand before Mr. Bonar Law tendered his resignation. ' The new ministry is as follows: Prime Minister and First Lord of the Treasury, Leader in the House of, Commons and Chancellor of the Ex-‘ chequer, Stanley Baldwin. ‘ Lord Privy Seal, Lord Robert Cecil. Lord President of the Council, the Marquis of Salisbury. l 'A despatch from London says:â€" The new Administration was complet- ed on Friday night, and is in readiness to meet Parliament, which reassembles on Monday. PERSONNEL OF NEW BRITISH CABENET é. UNDER PREMIER STANLEY RNEBWIN extinction of the cox tax-Io. Experimen‘ parasite in Massac the centre of the Un ed territory, are rep very successful. proves effective in subjug borer, as expected, million‘ will be liberated from the to prey on the pest that thre extinction of the corn indus tar-Io. Experiments made parasite in Massachusetts, the centre of the United Sta ed territory, are reported to Washington Agricultural Department is being sent here. A party of ento- mologiste under the direction of Arthur Finnamore of the Dominion Department, have been in the district for several days collecting large quanâ€" tities of borers for experimental pur- poses. If the parasite to be bred here proves effective in subjugating the borer, as expected, millions of them will be liberated from the laboratorv At the Calgary spring show 236 Shorthorn bulls were sold for an aver- age price of $106; 24 Herefords brought an average of $131.78, and 23 Aberdeen Angus, $135 each. For ï¬fty cents an hour they worked in a blast furnace in eight-hour shifts, but could not stand the terriï¬c heat. Their money was held back three weeks, and board was found to be two dollars a week more than advertised. Forty Canadians in all left the plant, and the plant manager endeav- ored to have them all. arrested for not living up to their contracts, as he had paid their head-tax. Kingston, May 27.â€"Twenty King- ston young men who were enticed to go to Massena, N.Y., to work in the aluminum plant are back again and content to remain in Canada. They claim they found conditions not as represented. Labor Conditions in Says Reï¬ners Suffered. Before the Special Committee on Ag- ricultural Conditions in Ottawa, J. W. McConnell, President of the St. Law- rence Sugar Company. said that under control during the War the sugar re- ï¬ners had lost their savings of ten yeérs. Lord Advocate for Scotland, William Watson. ‘ Solicitor-General, Sir T. W. H skip. Paymaster-General, Major Archi- bald Boyd Carpenter. Solicitorâ€"General for Scotland, F. 0‘ Thomson. Chancellor of the Duchy of Lan- caster, John Colin Campbell-Davidson. First Commissioner of Works, Rt. Hon. Sir John Baird. Attorney-General, Rt. Hon. Sir Douglass Hogg. The foregoing constitute the Cab- inet. Other members of the Govern- ment are as follows: President of the Board of Trade. Sir Philip Lloyd Greame. President of the Board of Health, Neville Chamberlain. President of the Board hf Agricul- ture, Rt. Hon. Sir Robert A. Sanders. Secretary for Scotland, Viscount Novar. Financial Secretary of the Trea- sury, Sir William Joynson-Hicks. Minister of Labor, Rt. Hon. Sir Montague Barlow. ‘ Minister of Pensions, Rt. Hon Major G. C. Tryon. President of the Board of Educa- tion, Rt. Hon. E. F. L. Wood. First Lord of the Admiralty, Rt Hon. L. S. Amery. Secretary of State for Air, Rt. Hon. Sir Samuel Hoare. Secretary of State for India, Vis- count Peel. Not as Represented millions of them r! the laboratory 11; thmabened the industry in On- made with the xsetts, which is ed States infest- ted to have been are anxious ' Dressed poultry Chickens milk- fed, over 51bs.,35c; do, 4 to 51b5,,30c; do, 2 to 4 lbs., 25c; hens, over 5 lbs., 30:; do, 4 to 5 lbs., 28c; do, 8 to 4 lbs., 24c; roosters, 24c; ducklings, over 5 lbs., 30c; do 4 to 5 lbs., 29c; turkeys, young, 10 165. and up 80c. Beansâ€"Canadian, hand-picked, 1b., 7c; primes. 619. Maple productsâ€"Syrup, per imp. Live goultry~Chickens, milk-fed, over 5 1 5., 25¢; do, 4 to 5 lbs., 22c; do, 2 to 4 lbs., 20c; hens, over 5 lbs., 28c; do, 4 to 5 lbs., 26c; do, 8 to 4 lbs., 22c; roosters, 17c; ducklings, over 5 lbs., 80c; do, 4 to 5 lbs., 280; turkeys, young, IQ lbs. gnd up,r25c. unLAuJâ€"Ailalvllls, UV W ULU, “UUUIIU“ ing to freights outside. Buckwheatâ€"No. 2, 74 to 76¢. Ryeâ€"N0. 2, 79 to 81¢. Peasâ€"No. 2, $1.45 to $1.50. Millfeed~DeL Montreal heights, bags included: Bran, per ton, $29; shorts, per ton, $31- mlddlings, $35; good feed flour, $2.16 to $2.25. Ontario wheatâ€"No. 2 white, nom~ inal. Ontario No. 2 white oatsâ€"51 to 53c. Ontario corn-Nomina}. Ontario flourâ€"Ninet percent. at, in jute bags, Montrea , prompt 3 ip- ment, $5.10 to $5.20; Toronto basis, $5.05 to $5.15; bulk, seaboard, $4.95 to $5. Manitoba flourâ€"let sacks, $7.10 per bbl.; 2nd pats, $6.60. Hayâ€"Extra No. 2 timothy. pe_r_ton, 1.....-‘4 m a... . AA--- pate, in cottonia Cured meats;i.oiigâ€"clâ€"ear bacon, 50 to 70 lbs., $18; 70 to 90 lbs., $17.50; 90 lbs. and u , $16.50; lightWeight £31933, in bes., £36; heavyweight rolls, Lardâ€"Pure tierces tubs, 16% to 17c; pails, 17 to 17%c; prints, 18%c. Shortening, tierces, 14% to 15c; tubs, 15 to 15%0; pails, 15% to 16c; prints, 17 to 175“. Choice heavy steers, $8.25 to $8.50; butcher steers, choice, $7.50 to $8; do, good, $7 to $7.50; do, med., $6.50 to ' $7; do, com., $6 to $6.50; butcher heif- ers, choice, $7 to $7.50; do, med., $6.50 to $7; do, com., $6 to $6.50; butcher cows, choice, $5.50 to $6.50; do, med.,$4.50 to $5.25; canners and cuttersfl $2 to $2.50; butcher bulls, good, $5 to , 15%. to 16%c; *$5.50; do, com., $3.50 to $4; feedingi steers, good, $7.50 to $_8;Aqo, fair, $6} an un Cheeseâ€"New, large, 19c; twins, 21c; triplets, 22c; Stiltona, 22c. Old, large, 32c; twins, 82c; Stiltons, 3895c. Butterâ€"Finest creamery prints, 35 to 36¢; ordinary creamery rints, 83 to 34c; dairy, 24 to 25¢; coo ing, 22c. Eggs, new laids, loose, 32c; new lzi'd_s, in caytons, 36c. l .v u v: 5; quuc, ‘pu. Strawâ€"Car lots, per ton, track, T0< ronto, $9.50. Cheeseâ€"New, large, 19c; twins, 21c; triplets, 22c; Stiltona, 22c. Old, large, 32c; twins, 82c; Stiltons, unhna, 411.“! per DUL; znu pats, QDhUï¬tvU-U‘h Hayâ€"Extra No. 2 timothy. per ton, Steel‘s, track, Toronto, $15 to $15.50; No. 3 t0 $6-§ timothy, $14; mixed, $12 to $18.50; d0: fa] Iovzer grades, $8. {61's. Ch‘ Manitoba $1.26. Manitoba oatsâ€"No. 2 CW, 566; No. 3 CW, 53c; No. 1 feed, 5114c. Manitoba barleyâ€"Nominal. All the above track, bay port. American cornâ€"No. 8 yellow, $1; No. 2, 991/2c. Barleyâ€"Making, 60 to 62c, accord- ing to freights outside. Buckwheatâ€"No. 2, 74 to 76¢. Ryeâ€"N0. 2, 79 to 81¢. Peasâ€"No. 2, $1.45 to $1.50. Millfeed-â€"Del. Montreal heights, bags included: Bran, per ton, $29; shorts, per ton, $31- mlddlings, $35; 509d feed flo_ur, $2.} to $2.25. BRITAIN’S NEW PREMIER Stanley Baldwin was selected in preference to Lord Curzon because he is a. member of the lower house. Although 53. Harrow and Cambridge man. he is also an industrialist and heads many metal-working plants, including one in Toronto. He ls ï¬fty-six years of age and formerly served under Lloyd George. The Week’s Markets Heads German Secrét Army TORONTO. wheatâ€"No. 1 Northern, Russians 1 """-~1 evv‘fl VHVV VV WV) UV) *5â€: ‘9†; to $6.50; stockers, good, $5.50 to $6; do, fair, $5 to $5.50; milkers-springâ€" ers, choice, $80 to $110; calves, choice, $10 to $11; do, med., $8 to $9.50; do, com., $4 to $6; lambs, choice, $13 to .$16; do, com., $7.60 to $12; lambs, :spring, each $9 to $17; sheep, choice, ; light, $7.50-to $8.50; do, choice, heavy, '$6 to $7; do, culls and bucks, $4 to $5.50; hogs, fed and watered, $11.25; do, f.o.b., $10.50; do, country points, [$10.25. . Beware of being conquered by love of comfort. Smoked meatsâ€"Hams, med, 26 to 28c; cooked hams, 38 to 41¢; smoked rolls, 26 to 289; cottage rolls, 25 to 28¢; breakfast bacon 30 to 33c; spe- cial brand breakfast bacon, 35 to 38c; backs, boneless, 87 to 42¢. From the date of the Armistice until the beginning of the present year approximately 400 British 801- diers on the Rhine married German women . a new silver ledge had been discover- ed at Happy Creek, forty miles south of Dawson. The news broke at mid- night and an old-time stampede was staged. There was a wild race from the dance hall and a scramble for launches, canoes and small boats. The ledge is reported to have been found by Jack Laskie, an Indian, and James Robinson. ; Sydney Murrell. with his brother, William, and “Slim†Williams, were captured by the people of Melbourne, after the murder, which occurred when the three men and another named “Fat†tried to rob the branch Iof the Home Bank there. “Fat†escap- ed and has not since been seen, but the Murrells and Williams were brought ’to London and placed in Middlesex lCounty jail. A few days before the idate of their trial, the Murrells escaped, by cutting the cell bars with a saw and made a complete get-away. So glaring was the act that the On- :tario Government held an investiga- tion and dismissed practically the en.- 1tire jail staff for incompetency. Dawson, Y.T., May 27.â€"The Em~ pire Day holiday was broken up on Thursday when it was announced that Silver Discovery Breaks Up Empire Day Holiday 'ï¬nally caught Sydney Murroll, who, with his brother William, and a man “known as “Slim†Williams, are charg- ed with the murder of Russell Camp- ,bell, a garage proprietor, at Me!- bourne, Ont., in the spring of 1921. ’ Sydney Mun-ell was caught at Susan. ville, Lassen County, California. He had been apprehended on a charge of burglary. and the ofï¬cers there had received a circular from the phief‘oi police of London, offering a reward for the capture of the two alleged murderers. The prisoner’s ï¬nger prints were sent to Ottawa, and there ;he was positively identiï¬ed. “Slim†Williams is now in King- ston, where he was sent for a long term, on a charge of robbery, but he will now have to stand trial with Syd- ney Murrell for murder. Previous to the shooting at Mel- bourne, the Mun-ell gang terrorized the district, and one night stole an exprGSS cash box’ containing $1,000, as it was about to be loaded on a "G. T. R. train at the depot here. The crime was committed with hundreds of pedple standing around, the gun- men coolly waming everybody to keep quiet. Do not put Rinso direct from the ackage into the tub. Mix alfapackage of Rinse in a little cool 7} water until it is like cream. Then add two quarts of boiling water. and when the froth aub- u'des, you will have a clean amber-coloured liquid. Add this liquid to the wash tub. until you get the big lastlnï¬jRinso suds. Then soul: 0 clothes clean. known as “Slim†Williams, ed with the murder of Bus bell, a garage prbprietoz bourne, Ont, in the sprin Sydney Mun-e11 was caught year and a half, 1 ï¬nally caught Syd with his brother W says Thumb-Prints Betray Alleged Murderer Who Cut Cell LONDON BANK ROBBER ;: AT LAST RECAPTURED ' Make the R i n s 0 liquid ï¬rst ‘spatch from London, Ont, After a search of more than a d arhalf, the police net has ars.