Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 31 May 1923, p. 3

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It is sometimes the simple things in ‘ daily life that cause the most trouble: from a health point of view. Some people are very careful about the in-'j gradients used in food and take pains to select the kinds of food that will best suit their palates and digestion; However, in the preparation of even. the simplest kinds of food care must, be taken to avoid any dangers in the‘ cooking process. Serious results may‘ arise from poisons developed through chemical action taking place between} the food and the receptacle in which‘, It is contained. For instance, vessels made of galvanized iron should never: be used for containin food materials on account of the so vent properties' which many of these possess for zinc.‘ It seems well that the general public’ should be aware of this fact. I An example of this has been recent- ly reported when a sudden outbreak of illness occurred among the inmates of a large institution under the fol- lowing circumstances: About four hundred persons were served at tea with hot stewed apples. The remain- der of the meal consisted of bread, butter and tea. Within a few minutes more than two hundred of those who partook of the stew complained of diz- ziness, sickness or a feeling of sick- ness, colic and tightness in the throat. There was some diarrhoea. but no double vision. The medical officer in charge of the institution at once ad- ministered doses of bismuth and chalk the po Iwhich grams stew r eightei of zin( It is are li: cause ihardly This the (1: source course food 5 hams sages. HAVE YGU ANY OF THESE SYMPTOMS? Sins of the Fathers. Tommyâ€"~"How far i. the eath from the sun ?" Fatherâ€""I’m sure I don’t know." Tommyâ€"“Well, I hope you will tgel ISorry t‘o-gnormw when I am being punished for your ignorance." It you have any of these symptoms you neeM tonic. and in the realm of medicine there is no better tonic than Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills, which enrich the blood, restore shattered nerve: and bring the glow of health to pale cheeks. The value of Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills is shown by the case of Mr. Horace Cuphill, Woodward's Cove, N.B., who Bayerâ€"“The first indication that my general health was not good ~was a shortness of breath after the least exertion. Then my appetite be- gan to fail, and after eating it seemed as if bhere was a lump in my stomach. I grew so weak that I could not walk 'a hundred yards without resting. Then I was'taken wlth a numbness all over my body and was in a sad plight. I was under a doctor’s care, but as I was not getting .better. I decided to try Dr. Williams' Pink PHIS\ The first few boxes did not seem to help me but my wife asked me to continue their use and I got four boxes more. Before these were gone I could eat a tan- meal, the numbness was leaving me and I was feeling much better in every way. I took the pills for a while long- ‘er, and felt that l was again a well man. I still take the pills occasionally, but have had no return of the old trouble." If You Have, You Are in Need of a Tonic Medicine. Are you pale and weak, easily fired and out of breath on slight exertion? Are you nervous? Is your sleep dis- turbed? Do you wake up in the mom- ‘lng feeling as tired as when you went to bed? 15 your appetite poor, your digestion weak, and do you have pains after eating? MONEY ORDERS. It is always safe to send a Dominion Express Money Order. Five dollars costs three cents. ' ' A Dreadful Possibility. His Motherâ€"“Go and wash your hands and face, Bobby. I’m expecting M-rs. Pokemose here any minute." Bobbyâ€""But s'pose she don't come at all after I've gone and washed my hands and face ?" You can get these pills from any medicine dealer or by mail at 50 cents a box from The Dr. William’ Medicine 00., Brockvilie. Ont. Man calls it freedom and it makesi tried?" him free to be more brutish than a buts can Inaâ€"Goethe. Minard Provlnolal Board of Health, Ontarlo Dr. Middletonwfll be glad to answer questions on Publlc Health mttv ten through this column. Address him at Spadina House. Spadlnl Crescent, Toronto. HEALTH EDUCATION BY DR. J. J. MIDDLETON mixture, and within a_ short U1 kiln.- It is well known that vegetable acids are liable to act on metals, and the cause of the outbreak in uestion hagqlly eeemgd in. dgubt from t e first. W. J _ _ “1.. Quest (ooldly)â€"“No. I'm not pretty. so I have to try to be nice, and it’s such a bore. But perhaps you haven‘t LAuAuAJ u . . . . . v _ , , , This incident indicates very clearly the danger of food» oisonin from sources outside the 00d itse f. Of course the danger from contaminated food such as occurs in infected meat, hams soaked in brine, Cambridge sau- sages. etc., cannot be lost sight of. “Where has yesterday gone?” (Hark to the prattler!) Yesterday, my child, Has gone into our memoriesâ€"or hearts; Sometimes we would forget . .. but it lives still And we are made of joys and grlets and hopes Of yesterdays. write on, And we record, when it is given us, What yesterday has taught. If we "Why is- to-morrow '3" (Listen to the child!) To-morrow, Like a clean sheet of paper, is ours to make mistakesâ€"â€" And we all make mistakesâ€"or if we waste Our paper with our silly blots or scribbles, Another sheet is glven us to write on: The day-after-toâ€"morrow. Yesterday was today, my child; toâ€"day We make the memories which will be yesterday's; And soon to-morrow will be to-day. And we shall {averâ€"and everyone will Thousands of mothers throughout Canadaâ€"many of them your neighbors â€"epeak with thankfulness concerning the use of Baby's Own Tablets. Once they have used the Tablets for their lit- tle ones they would use nothing else. The Tablets are an absolutely safe medicine for even the youngest baby. being guaranteed by a. government analyst to contain neither opiates nor narcotics or other harmful drugs. Con- cerning them Mrs. David McRobb, 'Didee, Saek., sayezâ€"“I have used Baby‘s Own Tablets and have found them so satisfactory I would not be without them." The Tablets are sold by medtcine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Snappy. Tactless Hostess (on seeing her nephew‘s fiancee for the first time:â€" "I should never have known you from your photograph. Alan told me you were so pretty!" haveâ€" One more clean sheet to write a record Minard’n Llnlment used by Physicians. THANKFUL MOTHERS Sir Frederick Bridge, recently lecturing on “The Real ‘Rule Britannia!’ ” declared that the song is ruined by being sung too fast. It should "invariably be taken at a slow, majestic pace.” The melody was composed by Dr. Arne in 1740, who was in- tended tor the law and was ar- ticled to a solicitor, but who for- sook these studies for music. W'agner showed his admiration for the tune by writing an over- ture round it, but his composi- tion had ver; little inspiration and failed to live. A Child Asks. ‘n a short time most had recoveredJand â€"Robert Withington. I There is no more inconceivable folly than this continued riot of expenditure on battleships at a time when great masses of humanity are dying of starâ€" vationâ€"Herbert Hoover. Doesn't hurt a bit! Drop a little "Freezone" on an aching corn, lnstant- ly that com stops hurtihg, then shortly you lift it right off with flnpers. Truly! Push the pin through the cen- tre of the card and drop the pin km.) the hole that runs through the spool. Holding the spool care- fully so that the card wlll not fall otl’, hand it to a friend. Tell hlm that the trlck is to see how far he can send the playlng card by blowing through the spool. Yéur druggist sells a tiny bottle or “Freezone” for a few cents, sufficient to remove every hard corn, soft corn, or corn between the tees, and the cal- luses, wifhout soreness or irritation. You'll need for this little puz- zler a visiting card or a playing card. a pin and a spool. lt you are trylng to make things merry at a party. it is a good Idea to prepare several sets of cards, spools and pins and very serious- ly arrange a competition. Don't let anyone practice before the word to blow is given. That would spoil the whole affalr. Do not fall to warn the other specta- tors to keep out of range of the flying cards. In course of tlme. each blower will learn that the harder he blows. the more firmly the card will stick to the spool. Try it and see. Ce! é bottle a! your drugglsl '5 loday. Regular forHorse Treatmentâ€"Refinedfor Human use. DR. 3. J. KENDALI, comenuv, (Clip this out and paste it. with others or the series, in a scrap book.) Don't wait for someone to be in pain to get Kendall’s Spavin Treatment in the house. Forall external hurts and pain: .â€"for all muscular troubles. - Kendall's Spavin Treatment makes good. KHNASTON, Suk., December Bth‘ 1921 "Please send mu one copy or your TREATISE ON THE HORSE. I barn med your Randall's Spnvln Cure for over eleven year! and 11mm] H mm ofthe hast lmlmemsl have mt aged {or mum-01mm. (signed) M. ZEMAN." TREATMENT KENALL’S Lift Off with Fingers By giving baby the harmless, purely "gamble. lnfams' and chfldren'nmxulator. EASY TRICKS Keep Stomach and Bowel: Right N8. WINSLOW‘S SYRUP brings astonishing. zradfylng results in making baby's stomach digest food and bowels move as they should at teething dme. Guannneed free from narcotics, opi- aws. alooholandnll harmful lugredL eats. Salem satisfactory. Blow It Away A: All brands“ Enosburg Fails, Vt, U.$.A. WRNS ISSUE No. 22â€"‘23. SPAVIN No. 29 MRS. YOUNG GAINS THIRTY-FOUR LBS. Declares Tanlac Restored Her When Stomach Trouble Had Almost Wrecked Health. "I weighed only a hundred and four- teen pounds. my face was saJlow and sunken and I was thin as a. rall. But slnce taking Tanlac I weigh one hun- dred and forty-eight, have the may cheeks of a school girl, and enjoy good health for the first time in fifteen years." This remarkable statement was made recently by Mrs. Bella. Young, 98 Cathoart SL, Hamilton, Ont. "The 1am year of my 9101:an I was near a nervous breakdown, and my ap- petite was so poor even the odor of food sometimes nauseated me. Head- aches, pains in my stomach and back nearly set me wild and I would walk the floor for hours. I got so weak I could hardly stoop over to Lace my shoes, and my housework was a. bur- den. “The Tanlac treatment gave me a wonderful appetite. built me up till friends wondered at my great change. and I always feel strong and well. I lel never cease to praise Tanlac.” Taulac is for sale by all good drug- glsts. Accept no substitute. Over 87 million bottles sold. Tamac Vegetable P1115 are Nature's own remedy for constipation. For sale everywhere. If you would please, allow yourself to be instructed in much that you know by men who are ignorant of the subject. Goodness is the only investment that never fails.â€"Thoreau. MlJard‘a Llnlment forsale everywhere Beautiful eyes. like fine teeth, are the result of constant care. The daily use of Murine makes eyes clear and radiant. Enjoyable. Harmless. Sold and recommended by all druggists «fill/RINK;- roe you» EYES Look to Ybur Eyes Smplo Bnh Praobyfllfl. Address: ‘men. 1.1m- ma, 3“ as. Pun at, W Menu-ed." Sold ovary- where. Soup 25c. Ointmanmi and60c. Tnlcum fie. WCuficura Soup shaves without mus. “My face broke out. with pim les that were hard, large and red hey festered and scaled over, and ltched and burned causing me m swatch them. I tried several different rem- edies but they did not help any, I read an advertisement for Cuticum Soap and Ointment and purchased some and after usln them about. a month I was comp etely healed ' (Signed) Miss Catherine I. Carter Aberdeen Hospital, New Glasgow, Nova Scotia. Cutlcura Soap, Ointment and Tal- cum promote and maintain skin pu- rity. skin comfort and skin health ofien when all else fails. FACE BRGKE GUT WIIH PEMPLES UNLESS you see the name “Bayer” on tablets, you are not getting Aspirin at all Accept only an “unbroken package” of “Bayer Tablets of Aspirin,” which contains directions and dose worked out by physicians during 22 years and proved safe by millions for Colds Headache Rheumatism Toothache Neuralgia Neuritls Earache Lumbago Pain, Pain‘ Aaplrh; I. the trade mark (register acedcacldelter of Schyllcacld. ‘Wl manufgcture. to sane: the public a: mu be “amped with their genera Handy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tabletsâ€"Also bottles of 24 and looâ€"Druth Aspirin 1a the trade mark (registered In Canada.) of 93.”! Manufacture of gong; .‘Y aceuca’cldenter or Sallcyllcacld. “'hlle it is well known hat Aspirin men msnutncture. to £5912! the public against imitations. tbe‘énbleu 013?“ ED”? wm b6 namped with melr genera! trade mark, the or Cro Hard, Large and Red. Cuticura Healed. g‘mns.masmea’s n ABHESANB PAINS “N A FARM 02: LAKE ERIE. 1N \VESTE‘SN Onuno. the Florlds o! Canaan. Send for Ml mom-non Ind ox'r Ipechl Aim an 01!" of MI return My: new the his money mm. Fruit. m. burr-0. corn. beans. am. In addition to [man] mind "mini. Bumps. mm Estate, Blenhelm. Ont. If you would climb to heights sublime. Give my advice a trial; Don’t drift and Shirk, “Butt in” and work. and SMILE! SMILE! SMILE! â€"Margaret Emerson. Vanished After Using Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound Attractive Proposition Write to the Lydia E. Pinkham Medi- cine Co. , Cobourg, Ontario, forfa free copy of Lydia E. Pinkham’s Private Text- Book upon “ Ailments of Women." 0] Classified Advertisements. For men with all round weekly newspaper experience and $400 or $500. Apply Box 24, Wilson Publishing 00., Ltd., 73 Adelaide Street West. menu'- Pioneer Do: nomadic: A 13001. on SPRAINS, CUTS, BRUISES, SWELLINGS Use the Old Rellable. DOG DISEASES and How to Feed Mailed Free to any Ad- dress by the Author. 3. Clay Glover Co..1no. 129 West 2Hh Street FOR New York U.s.A.

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