l'l‘ properly. Rolfe Shoe Repair IS SOUTH OF NEW GARAGE All kinds of repairs to boots and shoes Having taken over the handling of Masseyâ€"Burris Pai'ts. I am prepared to ï¬ll orders for same. Lawn Mowers sharpened. Saws Filed. 'In fact. IF IT IS DULL We Sharpen A. ANDERSON You can’t get satisfaction JONES LUMBER C0§ PHONE 27 Mr. A. ROLFI‘I, 01' THIS ROI SHOE REPAIR, is desirous of ting it be known that the ham repair part; of his business is m success ï¬nancially, and is relinqu ing it after the end of the month, Phone Day, 13-3. Night 75. We Solicic your enquiries and Orders. Large Stocks of Pine and Hemluvk, Shingles, Latb. Cedar Pests. Etc. fur your quick ronvmience. Al<0 dealers in Fibre Board. Ready Roofing, Asphalt Shingles, Fvlts. Etc. We operate our own Pinning Mill, Siding. Flooring. Moulding Frames. and Sash, Doors, Etc. Perfectly manufactured. Cor. Arnold 8: Yonge. Attention AND TAKE FLTRTHI'R NOTICE that after [he said last mentiode (lute lht' Execulrix will proceed to distlibuto the Estate among the parties enlillvd thretu having N‘gurd only In the claims of which she shall hnve then re. ceide notice. Dm G at Toronto this 11111 day of My, A. D. 1923. PURSUAN" to the Stututt-‘s in that (lwhnlf. notice is hereby given that. all [Husnhs. Inning claims ngninpt the Eflrflbe hf the maid Chuulwz Norman. who (lied on the 23rd day 01" Fvln‘llzlly. A. D. 1928, are quuired un 01‘ lwfnw the 10111 day of June next, to send to Hannah Walk?! Norman, Execuh'ix, anle. Onturiu n statement, uf their claims, addresses and security (if any) hold by them. BUILDERS SUPPLIES NOTfCE T0 CREDITORS Contractors and Home Builders Planing Mill and Lumber Yard Richmond Hill Street Richmond Hill. IN THE MATI‘EH of the Estate of Nth D um- 10 Jonrs Lumber Co. Arnold 6L, Rh hmond Hill 33 Richmond Su-eer, W. Toronto. licitor for the said Executx ix. 46-48 ll Cedar Shingles Wallbom‘d Building paper Rough and Dressed Lumber Take Notice Pine- Lath . Innes & Sons *ibreboard CHARLES NORMAN the Cuuntv of York, Equine, Deceased. You can’t get it. Hardwood Flooring late «f the Township of Vaughan W'ILLIAM 000K THE here IF )1' THIS ROLFE desirous of let- hat the harness 31‘ pa KOOIVIDES Doors is not a linquish- DEF Township Hall 2nd June, 1(la.m. J. B. McLean 30th May Vellore. Standard Time. Maple. Such sittings will commence at the time Int‘llcath and will continue until the closing time indicated or until the appeuls shall have been disposed of. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that any \ntex' who desires to complain that his name. or the name of any person entitled to be entered on said List, has been omitted from the same, 01- that the numesof any persons who are not entitled to be voters have been entered thereon, may on m- beâ€" fore the date mentioned in the fifth column above, upply. (:nmplain or appeal to have his name or the nmne of any other p I'rson entered on m- retnuved frum the List {up the Municipality in question. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that such appeals must he by NOTICE IN WRITING IN THE PRESCRIBED F0331. signed by the com- pl-tinnnt lN DUPLICATE. and given to the prnpei Clerk, 01‘ left for him at his address as stated above, on or befin-c the date indicated. All appeals person appealing mined from the M his ; abov The funeral of the late Major James Elliott, tonk plncu from the fumin Dated {his 16th day of May. A. D. 1923. L A most. successful concert was held Friday evvniug ul; [he Garrvillv Mt-thndisb Church. Memlwrs of the Young People's Snciety presented a sketch entitled "His Mndel \Vife.†“hich was splendialy pmdnced and full of amusing incidents. Other numbers which added to the enjoy. meat; of the evening were r-onLl-ihutod by friends fmm Torunlo and (’lfléwhele. Finally the ladies of the church served reheqhments in their accustomed duinty and generous style. The plo- ceeds were $27. TAKE NOTICE Ihu: sittings: uf the Revising Ofï¬cer for the pur- p'we of hearing cuuipluiuts Ul appeals with regard to the Vuters' Lists to he used at the Plectirnn nf a member of the Assembly pending 10:- the E ecm‘nl DistriCL (If “‘Ew‘l‘ YORK will he held to hear cnmplniuts as Ln the Lists of Voters for the various Municipalities comprised in the snid Electoral District. and that llis [quuur ,IUDGE‘ TYTLER. will he the Revising Ofï¬cer. Sittingl will be held for the various Municipalities at the times and places indicated below. and the Clerk of each Municipality (whuse name and address appear below) will act as the Revising Ofï¬cers Clerk fur all appeals concerning his Municipality (exceptin the Townships (if York and Etuhi- coke) and all such appeals must be ï¬led with the prnper clei-K on or lH‘fOl‘e the date appearing in the ï¬fth column below, Opposile his name. Those that, have heard these ’ectures. will want to hear them again and those that have not. have a big treat in slow. for them. - UNIONVILLI .â€" "Jack Miner. Canadu'a grantee“ Naunnlist. will give his lvutum and lumiug pictures on birds. from pt‘rsunâ€" ul vxperience and uhselvatinn. at Unionville market, building on Wednes~ day, Juno 6Lh. Afternoon lecture at. 4 p, m. fur children, admission 10 cents, teachers flee. Evening lecture at 8 p. m. Admission adults 50 cents.†Those that, have heard these lectures. » residence last Sunday. and was largely attended by relatixcs and friends. After inlernwnt in Bull‘onville Cemetery. service was held in the Methodist, church, where an im- ptessive sen-mun .wan prenched hy the Pastnr. Rev. Mr. Fralick. of Thumbâ€), The preacher referred to the genial dis- position and generous qualities of diâ€" oeused. nnd on behalf of the immediate relatives, thunde the neighbms for their kindness and sympnthy in H. hour of trial. A The Ontario Voters’ Lists Act, 1922 Place of sitting Council (Ihamlmr Westnn. Room 1! Council Chamber 3lst, May 10 mm. Mimico. & 7.30-9.30 p. m. DaylightHSnving Time. Council Chamber Mimico. Council Chamber Slat May. 10 a.m. Mimico. & 7.30-9.30 pm]. Daylight; Sawing Time. Council Chamber Weston, Township Hall 30th May, 10 a.m.-1 p. m. H. D Goods ZULh May Lansing. Daylight Saving Time. Lansing. '1‘0wuship Hall Lansing. the NOTICE 0'.“ SITTINGS OF REVISING OFFICER IN THE ELECTORAL DISTRlCl‘ OF uum-i) Ch Huber Wasp)“ . (nil the Municipal ( appeals and» dlgpli iica‘ed ‘Ol‘OlltO. North York Township CARRVILX E Buttonvilie ON THE PRESCRIBED FORM. Th1 unicipal Clerk or from any Postunstm and duplicates must be given tn th9 Cl uted above, on or before the last (hy nggsl: he filfdrINJIUPLICATE and must I (South of Richview Sideline) :1‘ 31st. Mny 10 a.m. H. E. 0. Cornell 6: 7.30-9.30 p.m. 2 'l‘oronw St. Daylight Saving Ti 1w. ' Toronln. (North of Richview Sideline) York Township " Woodbridg‘e INSTRUCTIONS FOR APPEAL New Toronto 30th May, 10 a.m.â€"l p.111. H. D. Gooie DaylighL Saving Time. Lansing. 15!: June, 10 a.m. & 7.30-9.30 p.m. Daylight Saving Time Daylight West York Date and Time 8: 7.30â€"9.30 [01]). Daylight Saving Thur (West of Yonge St.) (West of Yonge St.) 15L June, 10 mm. lst June, 10 a. m. & 7.30 9.30 p. m. ylight Saving Tim. Etobicoke Etobicoke Vaughan Weston Mimico EMERSON COATSWORTH. Chairman of the Election Board - For the County of Yolk Sympathetir- Persunâ€"“H llu! Whal.'s the mattvr. little boy? Are Von lost?" Litlle Boyâ€""Yes. I nm. I mighln knuwn hmter'n to come with gl-an'ma. She's always Insiu’ Sumfin." wding year. and an incxease of ten m thP membership. As Mr. J. L. Smith’s prnintment to the Richvulé (‘Iircui expires nu the last, Sunday in June, the unanimnns invimtivvn of [M ‘ Bnard was extendvd to Mr. Waldn L. Smith. B. A. of Tomnlo, to become the minister for the next Conference year. the Revising Ofï¬cer for the pur- wilh regard to the Votel-s' Lists to of therAsselAnhly pend_in_g tor the ware rend concerning the ka of the past year. There has been a con- siderable advance in the amounts raised for all {urprses over lhe pre- At the May meeting of me Ofï¬cial Board Of the Riuhvale Circuit. in Rich- Valu Church, cup-mugging ‘i'eEorts F. H. M. IRWIN, Olmk of the Election Board. Aiways Losing Something H. E. U. Unrno 2 Toronto St Turuntu. u’. H. (‘. Minn New 'l‘m'nnu , \V. Brown \Vuud Ul'id ge. Clerk C. 1.7 Telfer' 28th May Richvale Church M imiuo. \VA :tun filil I'IIIS nmv ()l Last day for Filing Appeals heiï¬g ï¬lled t for him at 25le May 29th May 25th M 2821) May 29th M ppe 2911) May thc ay I’nesident, Miss M. H. Hoppr; Vice-President, Mrs. Ida Nichols; (‘_)1‘1'esponding-Sec)'., Mrs. W:- mot Brumwell; Recording. Secyl, Mrs.11‘. Read; Treasure)" Mrs. L. G. Stoutenburgh; Organist, Mrs. Ross Nichols. ‘ The W. M. S. of Victoria Square Methodist church ‘will hold their regular monthly meeting Tuesday afternoon. June 5th. at 3 o'clock in the School Room of the Church. Mr . Davidson of Scarboro, who has spent, some time in mission work in India will talk to the ladies of the work in foreign land. All ladies welcome. ’ he ofï¬cers fr-r the year elected at last meeting are as follows : Such sittings will cumInPncv at the lime indirnted and will continue n'itil the closing time indicated or until the appeals shall have been disposed of. ' Hon. G. S. Henry has been again nominated by East York Conserva- tives to contest the riding. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that any voter who desires to complain that his name, M the mune of any'person entillPd to b? PnlEI'Pd on said List, has been oulilted from the snnw. or lhat the names of any persons who are not entitled to by voters have been entered thereon, may on or be- fore the (lute mentioned in the ï¬fth column uhove, apply. complain or appeal to have his name or the nulueï¬f any other person entered on or remoqu from the List for the Municipality in question. All appeals must, be ï¬led IN DL'PLIC person appealing ON THE PRESCRIBED obtained from the Municipal Ulmk or from ï¬lled out the appeals and duplicates mv for him at. his addresslas stated abowl, on u appeals an above indicated. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that such appeals must he by NOTICE IN WRITING IN THE PRESCRIBICD FORM, signed by the complainant IN DUPLICATE. and given tn the proper Clerk, or left for him at, his address as Muted almve, on m- heforo the date indicated. At; a meeting of East York U.l“.0. supporters held at Agincourt ’l‘ucsdny evening, Major LiLLlc was tendered a nomination, but he declined to enter a three-cornered contest. In North York last Saturday, Mr. Wm. Keith, reeve of Newmaiket, received the Conservative nomina- tionl in place of Col. Lennox who resigned. Dath'this 16th day of May, A. D. 1923. At an organization meeting in To- ronto Tuesday evening, Mr. H. S. Clarry. Liberal candidate for East YOrk, received offers of new and strong support. Sittings will be held for the \‘urinlm Mnnicipnlilie: :nt lho times and places indicated below. and Ihe Clerk of each Municipality (whuse mum: and address appear helmv) will ant as [he Revising Officer’s Ulrrk fur all appeals concerning his Municipality, (exwpl in llxe Towmhip ()t' ankl and all wuch appwls mmt he ï¬led with the pruper rlmk \m m- Inn forP the data appearing in the fifth (enlunm lwlow. vppnsitc his name. TAKE NOTICE that, sittings of the Revising Ofl'icm- fur the pmpnse of homing complaints 01- aimwnis with regard to the \r’nlers’ Lisls’ tn he used M the electinn “f u memhm of [he Asselliiliy pendng fol the Elecia urle District of EAST YURK will In- helzi Lu hem- cmnpluints as to the: Lists of Voters for the vmiuns Munii-ipallties comprisml in the said Electornl District, and that His Huuum- JUDGE 0'CUNN1‘JI.L will be [he Revising Oflicor. The Ontario Voters’ Lists Act, 1922 Place nf Sitting Council Chamber Markham. Council Chamber Birchclitfe. Room 107. City Hall, Toronto. CI-uncil Chamber Lansing. Couur‘il Clmmher Stouffvnle. Cmmcil Ulmmbm- Richmond Hill. Council Chamber 29th May, 10 a. m. 40 'lnrvis St. Daylight. Saving Ti: Toronto. Public Schnul Leaside. NOTICE OF bITTINGS UF‘ REVISING OFFICER IN THE ELECTORAL DISTRICT OF icrm-ia Hull Uuiunvillr. VICTORIA SQUARE Election News nmher 29th May, 10 a. m. '1‘. J. Gallivain S St. Daylight Saving Time. 312 Temple Bldg unto. Toronto. Markham Township N. York Township (East of Yonge St.) Markham Village York Township (East of Yonge St.) INSTRUCTIONS F0 R APPEAL Richmond Hill 30th M 28le May, 8 p. m. Daylight Saving Tiqu EMERSON OOATSWO RTH, 3lst May, 10"."). Daylight Saving Time. Time and Date 2nd June, 9.30 a. 11) Standard. lst jnne, 9.30“. In. .A. P. Graham Standard. Mmkham Stouffville 6th June. 10 a. 111; Standard. ï¬th June-.10]n.m. Standsud. R charboro East York i for ths- \':Irinus Municipnliliei :it lho times :, and lhe Clerk of 9mm Municipality (whuse below) will mrt as the Revising Officer’s Ulrrk his Mnniripnlity, (exu‘l‘L in lhe Town:al May. 9 a .m. standud. Leaside Chairman of the Eltclion Board TUESDAY, JUNE 5. 1923 Vaughan Council Tuv noxL mevling of utï¬ciully up“: thu fair at 2. o clock. A t-npy uf the p. ize- list mm he sen n at this nflfce, or will h- m iled dir- rt, upon request of the Secretary, Auloru. Valuable prizes and trophies h-u‘» been (lnuuLHl lux' ull l_\ [)c: m (‘illlli' :tml lwrslw. As an lnslulu'x’. ulw ï¬rm in I‘m-unto llflVt‘llHIIth‘ H $lml. t-uphy for the- hest, [\gllcullurul 'I'n-nm‘ and lhr-Ie is m 2 $50 00 “Why in tho- Hol- stein (mus. Sir Admu Beck will utï¬ciillly up“! lhv fair «I I: U clock. The Anrma Am'icultuml Society me lluldxngflwir l4‘llsl. Annual Mulse nml Pure Bn-d Stock Show :It Ann-m on Thulsduy, June 7th. 'l‘ln- owm-a-s of anme of the ï¬nest pure-bra! held: in the Country have bigniflcd their inten- tion of uxlnmtmg. Municipality nl‘ Vaughan will be h- ld in the Town Hall, Vl-llm-e. nn F H. M. IRWIN. Clerk of the ElectionIBmu‘d. I’apcr hanger and Painter SAM. SHEPHERD \V. D. Annis Council Chamber Birchciifl'e. Gr. M. Davisun Unionville. A. J. Hnnw Richmond Hill Pure-Bred Stock Show Phone 41 1' 3‘2 H. D. Gnnde Lansing. J. Urquhart, Stoutfville Oxford Street for the County of Yo'rk'. 11H “'30†lmflhidv. at 10 J. B. MCLEAN. Olen-k u'clm‘k he Uulmcil nf the [AIM day I'- 1‘ Filing Appmls 26th M 231 d Mny 28th May 30th M 25th May L39t h 3151. May lstjuno M ay uy