Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 31 May 1923, p. 5

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The York C'Iunty Jnninr Furnwls will hold their Annual Field Dav at Richmond Hill on Saturday. lune lid, "I, 1.30 Standard Time. This event is developing into one of the largest Athletic Meets in the Cuuntv. A special invitation is PXtPlldel In all Juninl' Farmers and other pal-lips who night he interested in sports. A picnic lunc ‘eun will he enjoyed at the conclusion of rl“ensports‘a11d it is hoped Tsstun, called I latimm und gnud Mrs. j. Nuss nf Centre Street west. : I-lehratml lu-r 85Ih birthday nn Munday, .\[va 21st. when .\[r.and Mn. "‘. \V. Ness uf I; nston. Mass, returnâ€" ing from :\ lvip to California and I‘nnad- West. uni Mr. and MN. J. J. News of “null-ml "Him-d, [wining to mwke lhe rluv u very plv'usnnl one fnl' thPiI'oIIIollr-r. AM) a gun dlv number The thdies’ Aid of Richvale Church. 9we planning u. convert t0 he held in the Church. (at stop 47, Yonge Street,) on Saturday evening, June 9, at: 7.30 Standard Time. The Young People of Currvillc will mpedt, their h'lvnourous sthCll. "His Model Wife." so successâ€" fully given rccuntly. Toronto friends will render musiw 4nd other numbers Adults 23 ce‘Its, Children l5 cents. 49 ‘Mr. G. A. \I. Dan' son, nf L'n': nville. h.-s been :Ippu mm] re umng officer im- ElSL Yul k for the Provincial elec- tinm in pluve of Geo. B. Padgvr, rcâ€" ~ign--tl. Mr. Budget, found that, hi duties as warden nf the county and nerve nt' Ihe township would not allow‘ him tn accept the appointment. \Ve are 5» WV to '(mrn t‘mt the hnwo occupied by Mr. Hnn-y Hammond and family was tun-n d to the ground mvly vesLm-lay morning. Most of Mr. Hnmmund's furniture was hnrn- «d. 'Memhers of the family barely rsuprd with their lives. Mrs. J. N I‘lehl‘dtml Hunday. .“4 ". \V. Nr‘ss The Annual Meeting, Sec. 4. of tho 'l‘oronto Presbyterial W. M. 8., will be heid in St. Andrew's church. Newâ€" market. \Vednesday. June 6. Morning session 10 o'clock new time. After- noon session 2 o'c‘ock. A cordial invi- tation and neICome to all. Mr. \Vn'. Gleen ]r.. Richmond St.. who has been with the J. H. Dunlup & 00.. Ltd. dun ing [he past eleven yearn. has now accepttd a position to lake chzuge of lhv Hose Department in the firm uf A. J. Sminlin, “cur Detroit, Michigan. Horticultural Hocwtyâ€" The prize lists lune her" distributed to menuâ€" lwls. Any member who has not re- ceived 01w. or any other person who would like mw. umy gar. the same by applying :n the Secretary, Mrs. A. J. Hume. ffrivnds fr: Judge \Vidditleld will preside at Division Court next Tuesday, 9.15. old time. This will he followed by a Uourt of Revision, East York District, judge O’Connell to presidm Both courts :0 be held in the Council Chamber. me p: unes will fdllow in the eveniBé Mr. E. T. Stephens has purchascd the front 5:! acres from Mr. Wm. G. Marsh. That is the section lying be- tween Yonge Street and the Canadian Northern Railway. The price in $25,000; J. W. Curry. K. 0.. Liberal member for southeast Toronto in the last legis: lature, has been appointed Registrar for the city of Toronto. The salary will be about $8.000. mRichmund Hill Fuh' was honored by the pl-esem:eofflon.(1‘r. S. Henry. Dr. H. Mchnn, Ur. Godfrey, H. 5. (Harry and Wm. Keithâ€"candidates l'ur political hnnurs. Monday next, June 4. Is King Geurge's birthday. IL in a bank and fovermnent haliduy. hm note. general Ioliduy. The schools: Will be closed. Mr. N. F. Oaswdl, will preach in the Methodist ChUICh. next Sunday evening, in the inn-rent of the D0- Iniuiun Alliance. Mr. R. G. Gilbert. Inspector of the Sterling Bunk. [nude the annual in- spection at the local branch during the past week. The \\.A. of St. Mnry's O. of E. will hold a lawn uncinl on the Church lawn (m Saturday, June 23rd. Further notice Inter. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Keeler and two ddughters spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Fled Gminger. Mr. and Mrs. John Duncan, of "Lm‘ellands" haw. lelurned after I [blee nwnths stay ianlorida.~ Get a copy of June Pictorial Rev 2w It the Liberal Store. see page For Gyproc. McLaugblan, Motor Tur Co. n_nd Magnet Separator Advsq Junior Farmers Field DJy Im the Vill'lfiO, vxp'f-ss ‘ishr‘s. , twining to usunl one fur u dly number 1‘ Alum-1 :Ind 4. cangmlu- anwawoe NOW is the time to look after the repairs for your car SQ as to be ready for the warmer Weath- er and better roads. : ,GASOLINE,OIL, GREASE &c. I Always on Hand g W. A. VANDERBURGH H. W. REID "WWW ’ iMBTHRISTS All persons c‘oncerned are request- ed totake noclce and be prepared for the caretaker when he calls R chmond Hill, May 29th The Village Caretaker will, dur- ingtlie week beginning June 4th, collect the Dog tax from owners, keepers, or harbourers of Dogs in the Village, and deliver Tags for 1923. Uadet Harold Mahmiey will give an exhibition to the Reviewing Otfier of the Flash Messages, and he “'1” later have charge of the special training. and also assist in the supex-xising .f the (1‘ Radio Club naming of the Car-p5. Cadet I ieut. Bunny \Vhite will see that his sigmillexs are supplied with the signalling colours for boLb sleevu of [he tunic. Cadet Corpls. Allan Duncan and Billy Mylks will assist, the O. C. in the Physical Di-ill of the Cubs. as also C(n-pmul Bruwley. Gndvt Uorpl. Freddie Givens is d9"- trlllt‘d to be bield Orderly to the 0. U. for the RevieW' Cadet Corp]. Biuue Innis is to [i ve charge of [he Jnnlm- Guard and uln afsa give an exhibition of the Manual of Arms \viLh the following Undets. Cadet Curpls. David Still- ing. Howard Atkinson, Pele Savage and Louis Sims. iles. and Cadets HAr-ding Bâ€"u-Hmby and Homer Legge the Jefferson Team, they are responsible for the cbmplete outfit of (men uum. Oudet Sex-gt: Brym Sharpless and Cadet Sex-gt. Frnuk Graingex' will urlange details for the Seniul' Cadet B-Aflk‘bfl” Team who will change into tin-1r sport outfits after the grand Meir-b Past. Undet. Sergl. Lambert Atkinson and Eric White the Juven- Tbu following cudets are detailed to special duty- The complete kit, for the Jefferson Cadet Baseball team has been mdered. Will the mothers of the Cub Uudets kindly get the white uniform outfits in leudinesu for the Cubs, u: for the rxhihitwu of physical dlill, the cub plaiuun will change from the regi- mental uniforms. The Annual Inspection of the Corps is booked for Wednesday evening lne f2ULh of June at 8.3(1 o'clock Slialldlll‘d Time; Lt. Uol. MucKi-iuuno I, Director ‘Gvneml of L'adeb Training. and his , Stutf Officer will have charge, pre- ‘ purutory training for which will be forthwith detailed. The Richmond Hill York Ranger heserve Brass Band will also attend in full strength, and in the close of the Review a grand display of fire ‘vmks will follow â€"and military tamo. An admission fee [0 the Grand Stand will he chin-god proceeds from which will‘ he given over to the Band Fund. and the 0. C. iequests the loyal support of the public to the newly crgnnized hand, which organization, now associated with the York Range" Regiment. should be one of the first in the county and a pride to Richmond IIEII Hill. RICHMONQMHJLL MOTORS g Public Notice re Dog Tags We Specialize in Q}: BATTERY REPAIRS VULCANIZING ACETYLENE WELDING AUTO ACCESSORIES and GENERAL REPAIRS BEFORE PURCHASING A CAR SEE US ABOUT THE NE\V DURANT AND STAR MODELS FOR 1923 A. J. HUME, Clerk York, Ranger Cadets SPRING IS HERE PHONE 1091 FTEETZEL BROS. that after such lnst mentioned date the Execntur will distribute the assets among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only <tn such claims as he shall then have received Notice. late of \Villowdale. in the County of YOrk, deceased. Pursuant to the Stututes in that, be- hulf. Notice is hereby given that all parties having claims against the Estate of the said Robert Summers. who died on or about the 12th day nf April, 1923, are required on or before the 9Lh day of June next; us send to Mr. John H. Francis, Tburnhill. Executor, a stMemenb of their cluims and addlusses, Dated this 31d day of May, A. D. [923. or any other metal product, as every- thing points to a substantial increase in prices in thel neul' futuro. Cmue in and let us protect you with present price . NOTICE TO CREDITORS Let us know your wants in Machin- ely now. You should Lake advantage of the presPnt prices of metul by ordering ymn-Euve-Trough, Roofing, Furnacrs, We have on hand for Imnfediate De- livery Uockshutt Plans. Wilkinson Plows.l Set (‘hain Drags. \Vheelbnr- rows. [Second-Hand Cream r. Just. befure the Spring Rush on the Farm you should 100k over the MH' chinery and get, tb’nse Needed Repairs. Or, if it's New Machinery, we can get it for you. ', Richmond Hili This Is the Time Sn, Ilâ€"Harold Roake. Annn. Phipps. Jean Hull. Henly Stanford. Helsn Brillingor, Lillian Burns, Cecil Tuck, John Blanchnxd. Enoch Batty. All‘nd Slong, VVuchr Kendall, Willie Kendall Lyle Grunt, Graham Ellis. Philip Gull-mm} Norman Cook, Reg. Hand. Alice Taylor. Harold Horton. F. M. BRO\\'N. Teal-her. AND TAKE FURTHER NOTICE 1R. IIIâ€"Luw-nne \Vrighl, Donald Boynton, E‘lPen Rubens. lienbm-L Sharpless. John Wilson, James Kers- will, Hazel Caldwell. Maurice Patton, Ralph Mickie, Mulguret Duncan. Bill Newport. Isobel Sanderson. Alice Innes, Rosie VVoodhend, Teddy Ben- nett. Beatrice GaldWell, Edith Patton. Grunt Innes. Lillian Petcb, Mavy Leavy; Marjorie Gruinger, Irene Deadnmn, Phyllis Wluskett. NAUGHTox & JENKINS. Tinsmiths and General Agents PHONE 87 w Solicitors for Executor. 1N THE ESTATE OF‘ ROBERT SUMMERS Report of Baum HI Pubic School Report 46-49 ()uhide the Village our Pressure Systems will provide water for any installation. Richmond Hill Phone 13 r 2 \Vill gladly furnish necessary infor- mation and advice. regarding your requirements. 215 Spadina Ave., Toronto, Ontario BATHS, BASINS, W. C’s., SINKS, Laundry TUBS and ALL NEOESSAR Y EQUIPMENT. Ask for our Septic Tank Circular. Our local representative, PLUMBING SUPPLIES Miss E. G. Barker l‘he James Robertson, (30., Ltd of Varied Shape, Nolor, and Trim mings, will be on Sale at MISS BEATRICE HOWELL TORON [‘O . feacher of Fletcher Method Musical Kmder'garten Pupils passed for Cnnselvatm'y Ex- alninatimm. STUDIOâ€"HOTEL RICHMOND. Richmond Hi”. Thorn hill Millinery SPECIAL Arrival of swing Suits TOTAL ASSETS OVER EIGHTY-THREE MILLIONS Richmond Hill Branch, J. R. Herrington, Manager Deposit Your C fl WHEN lyou cu Ambrose E. Phipps Seventy out of every one hundred people who bought cars in Canada last year bought Ford cars and placed their stamp of approval upon this policy. --~ 7. 7“ 7â€"~â€"~r â€"777~VV I 3223 FORD MOTOR COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED. FORD. ONTARIO The Ford Car is “fully equipped”. With the Ford Motor Company “fully equipped” does not mean unnecessarily equipped at high prices, with non-essentials to motoring gatisfaction. To the Ladiesâ€"If you want a. su I can save you money by taki Sons‘, factory and let ya yourself. Ladies and Men's suits made right here by hand. S35 and up Ladies’ and Men’s own cloth made and trimmed an very reasonable prices. have 'mone Friday and Saturday , OF THIS WEEK HALF PRIC SPRING HATS An Outstanding E. R. FORTNER stock of spring suits has arrived, and having ordered same before the price of woollen had advanced. an sell suits from $17.50 up (no shoddy g00ds,) those who 8 bought suits alreadyI pronounced Lhem the best; for the le) “my have had for a long time. Come and see for W. G. Baldoek, Limited, Richmond Hill LEANING AND Victoty Bon'd COLE mcnt without cha‘; WHEN you cut the coupon or other securities, the ‘ is into your savings account. Saving; Departments are mainh \I- r â€" ’ STANDA'ED or CANADA “ FULLY EQUIPPED ” Value in coupons will be PRESSING oupons Tfll cumâ€"m Rvsidence address Victoria Square Saturdays Richmond coupons from your V All Kinds of Boots and Shoes Repaired. Good Workmauship Prompt Service 2Doors South of Bakery 911 Yonge St. Boot and Shoe Repairer it or coat not 111 ng you to Jno. Investment cam 1 sele i; open all yvar and admits sLudents at any timw. \th1 ~upnniux- Lrain~ ing and prumptuess‘ nf obtaining employment are considvrx‘d. [his school should Ivueive ynlll' patron- age. KPPII dvlnunrl fur mu graduate“. \Vrite ln-dny fur trur handuume cumlnguv. Teac ier nf Piano-Playing at the Toronto Conservatory of Music and St. Margaret‘s College. Yonge and Charles St Commissioner, Cnnveyancer, Etc Insurance and Real Estate maintained at J’. EARLE‘ NEWTON PIANIST the Dominion I firemen-fl A, ‘ Unexcelled in FOR THE COUNTY OF Yr, RK Patmnuae and influence respgctfully solicited LICENSED AUCTIUNEEE i. A. NICHOLLS NOTARY PUBLIC GEO. KIDD RICHMOND HILL rece J 18 from your Victory Bonds logical place to put them AILLY ucd at a” our branches and ivcd for deposit or encalh- HIIlâ€"‘Vednesduys and ELLIOTT l’l im-i .1! p 1d more intercn in tho e to order orLlnvav 3 P. 0. address Gox mley, RR ‘urunfu‘

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