Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 31 May 1923, p. 8

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OR SALEâ€"One bicycle. (Planet), first class conditlon. une Planet 1'. wheel hoe. with cultivatora and plough. (now). one drop head sewing machine. one two burner oil stove: also Canaries and cages. WM. GREEN Richmond Skeet. 68-49 V OUNG PIGSâ€"Young pig: for 9319. H. DAVIS. Mill Street, Rich- mond Hill, Phone 108 w. 48 % Dresses for All JUNIORS ANTEDâ€"Storage space for a tum-ll quantity of household furniture. Apply Post Office box 59. Richmond Hill. 48 ERSEY COW-Extra good grade ' jelsey cow for sale, calf by side. In. ROUTLEY. Maple. 48-49 0R. SALEâ€"Duck eggs 75 cents per utting. Mas. JOHN SMITH, Elgin Mills. 48-50 OR SALEâ€"Gnod building lot plant ed with fruit tree-s. on Roseview Ave. Richmond Hill. This is an ideal location for a home. Apply \VESLEY Bm'NTuN, Rvseview Ave. Richmond Hill. 48 lut in slow lengths. Apply on PALMER FARM, Richmond Hill, ask for MI. Miller. 43 1‘ OR. SALEâ€"I Frame burn with 5 honts. site 54 X 32 with No. 1 square lithr 3 in. by 5111. rafter nnl jI Ist 3 x 8 x 16 inches: also fire wood : 0R SALE ‘Ligbt mare, cheap BAGG. 1} miles 91191.47 Yongo BL FEESâ€"313m hives nf bees for 8311‘ Apply 0. 0. JAMES, Thornhill. Lots for Sale in this Beautiful New Residential and Garden Subdivision This exceptionally fine property adjoins the southern boundary of Richmond Hill, and already has many conveniences. including electric light. The tax rate is lower, and prices for lots are lower than in Rich- mond Hill. Very Easy Terms of Payment Spread over a period of five years at 6% p.c. interest. Salesmen on the PrOperty Every Week Day. ELMWDD 0N TONGE Nl'. JL'S'T SUL'TII OI” RICHMOND HILL Real Estate Dept. Exclusive Agents 46 KING ST. W, TORONTO - Phone Main 6215 ACRE LOTS $250 AND UP Building Lots $4 per Ft. and Up CHARTERED TRUST & EXECUTOR C0. Value for Every Dollar Spent Robinson Block RICHMOND HILL Rainbow Specialty * Shoppe .; Want Ads. WOMENS OR SALEâ€"White Leghorn Pullets. good laying hens, 81.25; 9 months old. Ask for A. Beeliak. at Eden Bakery. Richmond Hill. nest. Hill; ARGAIN FOR QUICK SALEâ€" 2ACI‘0I garden soil. fall plowed. h use. barn. driving shed. etc. Bond Lake, amp 57. Apply at LIBERAL Office, Richmond Hill. 36t RICK HOUSEâ€"Good six Ijoom solid brick house fnr snlé on Church Street. Large lot hmh room, reception Hall etc. \V. .GRAHAM, Richmond Hill. 3843. OTIOEâ€"E. Sliney is pyepnred to do all kinds of trucking and outing in Richmond Hill and vicinity. Satronsge solicited. Phone Richmond ill 98. ’ 42 tf ASTURE -- Can pasture horsvs m- cattle: have 1L0 acreg_t_1f the ALED HAYâ€"A quantity of billed hay and straw for sale: also loose hay fillld a quantity of White Wave natfi. Rnnd enuugh for seed. L. CURTIS, Richmond Hill. 46-48 "O-R SALEâ€"Rhnde Island Red and Plymouth Rock hatching eggs, $1.50 per Setting. Apply HARRY MUYLE, Richmnnd Hill. 45-41% OR SALEâ€"A Hupmobile car in good running mder. cord tiree, almost new, license for 1923. self stunner, batteries in best of (“‘68 . szu‘e tire and tube, new. Price $285. Phone 63, ’01- write box 35 Richmond Hill 47.43 Hill Apply JOHN S phone 58}. SLISEY, Richmond 43-lf The Richmond Hill Public School gave a very interesting prngmlmne in the school grounds 0n Empire Day. A large. number of parents and othm- friPnds Were presept. qnd'thox-‘oughly enjoyed the patriotic Ss‘lectinns in song and i-ecitations. A number of the pupils showed marked ahilily along the line of public speaking. their gestures and power of expression being very impressive. Encouraging ud- dresses along school lines were given by Dr. Llngstaff. chairman nf the Board of Education; W. \V. A. Trench, P. S. InSpg-ctgr: and Rev. E. by Dr. Llngstnff. clxalrmnn of the Board of Education; W. \V. A. Trench, P. S. Inspector: and Rev. E. Kelly, member of the Board. Principal VVntson who presided thanked the parents for their atten- dance nnd loyal support. Ice cream furnished by the Home and School Club was sex-wed at the close. u Ilulvu u- .. |._.r He mentioned briefly that he was go- ing back to the Anglican church. and that this was his last sermon in a Presbyterian pu1pit. He also bade a kind faroWtho his congregation. the reople of the sister churches, and the twnspeople generally. The good W‘shes of the people of Richmond Hill go with him to his now field ef useful- ness. Team of ponies 12 hands and undelâ€" Mrs. C. Gilbert lsfiti tnd 2nd._ Tandemleamâ€"Buckner & Thump- son. Mrs. C. Gilbert. Boy or gir] riderâ€"â€"M. Baleman. Mr#. 0. Gilbert, T. MCEIlragntt. Rev. \V. M. Hay preached his farewell sermon last Sunday evening to a large and represen ative congregm tion This discourse was a masterly one and showed hifi exceptional capa- bilities as a pulpit ornator. i‘travceflâ€"Mrs. C.‘Ci1bort, T. Ml"- Eflragoth Specialâ€"Clarence, Graham CATTLE Sbnrthr rn Bull 2 yrs and overâ€"E. T. Stephem Bull lyear â€"C. B. Boyulon. E. T. Stephens. Cowâ€"E. T. Stephens. Hoifm 2 yrs â€"â€"E. T. Stephen‘s Heifer l yrâ€"E. T. Stephens. Specialâ€"E. T. Stephens lit and 2nd ' Grade Cowâ€"O. B. Boyuton. SHEEP Cotswold Ram, 2 shears and overâ€"M. J. Kehoe lst and 2nd Ram. l shear-M. J. Kehoo. Ewe, 2 shears and overâ€"M. J. Kohoe lst and 2nd Ewe, 1 shearâ€"M. ]. Kehoe l and 2 LCiCEstk‘I‘ Ram,2 shears and over~Wm. Clark- son. SOD. vvi‘iwe, l shenrâ€" \Vm.()larkenn l "lid 3 Donet Hurn _ Ram, 1 shearâ€"S. Ruttlv. Ewe.25he:us and overâ€"S. Rattle Is: and 2nd Ewe. 1 shearâ€"5‘. Rattle [st and 2nd Hampshire Oxford Run), 2 shears and overâ€"S. Rattle. Ram, l shvm-â€"â€"S. Rattle, R. Stemâ€"- house ~ Ewe. ‘2 shears and overâ€"R. Stone- henge, 5.1{ullle 1C\\'l" lsheul'is. Haul», R. Stum- Hour. 1 your and overâ€"\V \V Boyntcn [st and 2nd Bunl‘ over 6 months and undsr ] yearâ€"\V W Buynmn Ist and '2nd 80W. any ageâ€"W. \V. Bo} nton [st and 2nd Sow. 6 months and under ] yen:â€" W. W. Boynton lit and 2nd . Tamworth Boar. 1 year and overâ€"«C. B. Boyn- ton last and 2nd Boar, over 6 months and under ] yewâ€"C. B. Boynton lst and 2nd Sow.any ageâ€"v0. B. Boynton l and 2 Sow. 0 month and under 1 yourâ€"O. B.Bnynt0n Brst pen of bacon hogsâ€"Robert. Stonehouse, \N’. \V. Boyuton. hmut Ram Shaw "1‘ OR SALEâ€"5 choice. young pure t bred Uulham bullafm- sale. For p:i e and parliculari. apply E. T. =1 EPHRNS, Stop 47. Yonge SK. 4645’ Imp. Yurkshirc, white Boar, uver 6 months â€"R. Slum-- house Sow.0nmnths and under 1 yearâ€" R. Stunehuuse Is: and 2nd Berkshire “Boar. [ yml‘~ annfl overâ€"\V \V lst 0R SALE-A good new Pexhction nil store. 2 burner: and back :al iner. H. SHARPLESS, Stop 48. lnlam Auct. "I‘URDAY, JUNE l'hl'('~‘bing (unfit 51. the properly Sale at. 2 u c'ock :ilm, 1 shearâ€"Win Ul-Alkeun 1 and :2 AV», 2 shears and ll\'cl'-â€"â€"\Vll|. Clark- we, we. we, 2 shears and (NH and 2nd we, 1 she-;u~â€"â€"Ulurn= St (Balance next week) I’RESBYTISIH.\N (llll'RCH Richmond Hill Fair (Continued from page Empire Day at Auction Sale Register she-nrâ€"â€"Ulurn= Shaw, Grade shears and overâ€"S. RnlLla shearâ€""Ruben t Sumuhou: 9. Shl'll{)>‘lil't‘ shears nuLl SWINE ‘â€"â€"Auctinn sale. of at Elgin Mills, stop of M. Stonehnusu Term: half cash, he. J. H. Prenticr, Clare Slm w Clare THE LBRNE BLUBK FURNiSHING STORE We have a very Complete Line of Hats, Caps, Shirts, Ties, Suspend- ers, SOX, Boots and Shoes. All at Reduced Prices. n u u H $1.25 & 1.50, for $1.00 u f: ‘f “ $1.00, for 75¢. i.‘ See Our Line of Remnants of Dress Goods and Coatings for {Women and Children We are offering all Millinery Stock at greatly reduced price. If in need of Hats of any description, buy now and save money. We have in stock, at popular prices, ladies and children's dresses, suitable for house (1‘ street wear. A nice line of ginglmms and chambrav's with trimmings to match in the neWest patterns. Summer underwear. Hosiery, including Holeproof from 350, to $3.00 per pair. Children's Books in the new'fancy silk and cotton weave. lux' aim is to please, and have satisfied customers, try us. DRY GOODS ~ MILLINERY - LADIES’ WEAR ‘WWOOWW‘ QUALITY SHOPPE -:- Phone 53 Trench Block MEN’S EASTER TIES, Regular $2.00, for $1.50 â€"â€"~â€"â€"â€"â€"=â€"â€"â€" WOOD FIRE and LIFE INSURANCE _ REAL ESTATE A. G. SAVAGE T. H. HARDWARE & SUPPLIES Limited Phone 33, - Thornhill, Ontario wwwwummuwmm NEW PERFECTION biCdQ’IZ’ 376%.; and Ovens T COOPER’S HARDWARE 1? TRENCH’S BLOCK Spades, Shovels, Forks, Building paper, Tar paper and Roofing,Harness Sup- plies Sweat pads, Breast strap, Hame strap, ' Heel chains, Curry combs: and Brushes : Stoves tand Ranges -: c. N. COOPER Richmond Hi1 New Perfection Cook Stoves General Agent, office at the Post Office - Richmond Hill COAL T. H. HARDWARE & SUPPLIES Limited Phone 33 Thomhill, Ontario MR S. NORMAN BATTY Norman J. Glass. and PHONE 93 Three Burner Fur Three Burner Stove OVENS Thermometers for Ovens Four Burner Two Burner ‘01' Two Burner Stove..$ 7 ‘0: Four Burner Stove. 11.00 PRICE \V ITHOUT CABIN ET CABINETS $6450 and $8.50 Phone 53 $23.0!) 28.00 36.50

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