“3, ELOC UTION Miss Marguerite Boyle 50 Foot Lot, on Roseview Avenue. will foundation for small [muse laid. Dosimblo Lut an Richmond btrout, North Side 50 ft. by n good duplh. House. Barn, 4' ques. gobd well. fruit trees, curner Mill Road and Bnthurst. 0n north side Roseview, (Ilvgant hick clad house all modern improve- ments. hard wood floors. finished attic. auructive grounds. Frame House on Richmnnd fronting on three strt'ets. {:ucre. garden. trees. small fljlljt, in good ghapg._ 50 ft. lot on ‘gest Iide bf Baker Am. with good garage and hen Imuse only $700.00. I Brick clad house. stable and 3 acres. and, orchard. small fruit on Lucas Street. 'l‘wuchuice bargains on Centre St. East. House and Lot nt Maple also a small farm in same chnljty. hAcreage with lairge home. good spying creek fit Elgin Mills._ 4 Acres, 5 roamed cottage, large barn. natural gas well, on the Mill Road. Stop 48. Will lend you money or loan ynur money. Insurancs‘. Artist, Teacher in LiteratUre, Expression, Reading, Dram~ atic and Humourous Sketches, Yonge St., RICHMOND HILL Dialect Poems. Professional Graduate of Owen A. Smiley Studio. Address Miss Marguerite Boyle. Studio ‘Homewood Hall,’¢Th0rnhill, Ont 30 tf Licensed Aï¬ctioneer for the County of York. Sales attended to on shat-test notice and at reasonable rates. Patronage solicited Many peOple of this vil- Zlage do not know that 95 per cent. of our coal is screened before leaving our yard. This is not done in any yard this side of Toronto. VOL. XLV. Individual Instinctinn. Night School Mondays and l‘hursdays, A good shipment of the very best Anthracite for summer orders. Newmarkct. Bank uf Tm‘nnto Blork Is it not worth at least 50¢: per ton that you are not buy: ing a large percentage 01 dust which is bound to be in every car of coal .‘j H, A. Nicholls NEWMARKET BUSINESS COLLEGE $I.5o per annum, in advance.] The Real Estate Man FALLHTERM OPEN PUBLIC NDTIBE I. D. Ramer HAS FOR SALE ENROLL AN Y TIME J. '1'. SAIGEOIN Maple In order to am; a better idea of farm conditions and farm stock in this pint of Ontario. Baron Byng. Governor- General of Canada, whd'hai“: been the guest, of 051. Harry Conkshutt, Ont- ario'aLieut.-Governor. mnde a. num- ber of motor trips last wvek, and mingled with representative farmers and business men. Last; Friday the party consisting of the above named persmmges. with Uni. Fraser. Aide to the Lieut-Govvrnnr, and Mr. Rogers, representative of Ontario Department of Agriculturk‘. Néwnmrket. visited this section and madea friendly visit to our Public School. In the forenoon they motored through Scmboro’ and Markham, stopped at the farm nf \V. G. Rennie on the Kennedy Road, and afterwards inspected the ï¬ne steel: of E. T. Stephen‘s on Yonge Street. Arriving at the Public Schnol about 12 o'clock. they were greeted bv near- ly 300 children. teachers, memblrs of the Board of Education. reeve and councillors and other citizens. Short addresses ware given by their Excel- lencies, the hero of Vimy giving the pupils a half holiday, for which he was lnudly chem-ed. Before leaving. Reeve Trench thanked Bnmn Byng. and his distinguished associates for the honor conferred upon our schools and village, and presented them with Honorary Tickets of Membership in our old Boys and Girls Association. Cheers were again given and the party were soon on their way to Aurora. where the “Rnycreft, Farm." the propemy of Mr. Shaw, was visited. The timetable for she High Schcol Departmental Examinations has recentâ€" lyfAeen-announperd. ' The Lower School begins June 12th and terminates June 15th. The Middle School is from june 18 to 27th, the Up: pa: Schogl june 14th to 27th. The High School Entrance begins June 27th. Their timetable is as follows: June 27ch.â€"â€"Grammur, Writing. Geography; June 28.â€" Arthmetiv. Litemture; June 29th.â€" Oou‘iposition. Spelling and History. ‘ The number of candidates for the Lower Schoul exnminatinn will be greatly lessened this year due to :1 re- cent regulation which gives Principals the right to grant certificates on all those subjects in which a pupil has dnne satisfactory work throughout the year. The annual conventinn of the \\'(un- en's Christian Temperance Union of Yurkuud Peel counties was held in the Ohriqtiun church, Keswick. on Tuesday and \‘Vcdnpsuay of last, week. 'l’he following ofï¬cers were-elected for the ensuing year: Pies.â€"l\l|~s. Western, Newmniket. Vice-PI‘PS.â€"BII‘S. 1‘. F. McMahon. Richmond Hill. Vice-Pres. for Peelâ€"Mrs. Lynd, Pail. Uredit. _ Uor.-Secâ€"â€"Mrs. Charles, Aurm-n. Rec.â€"Secâ€"â€"Mrs. A. L. Phipps, Rich- mond Hill. Trentâ€"Mrs. F. Brillinger, market. Following one day’s illness fri-m hem~tfailu1~e,George A. Merrick dipd Thursday at. his residence. Mill road. Slup48 Yonue sheet. Decmsed was the son of W. R. Merrick. nf Men-ickâ€" ville, and son-in-law of \Valluce Mc~ Lean, Torunto. In religion he was an Anglican and was of U.E.L. stock. Hls wif», fnurchildren. one brother and one sister. survive him On Friday evening. June 15‘, Mr. W. Green J12, was presented with a hand- snme gold watch, by the firm 0! j. H. Dunlap & Sun. Co.. Ltd. and fellow employes, on the oconsion of his de- pm-Lllrejul"l.)elmz'uil_, Miph. Mr. F. M. Dunlap in making the presentation extended the wishes of the firm and employes for his future success. SAMPLES FR EE PAINTING, DECORATING Phone 305, King G. HILL, Oak Ridges B. O, His Excellency The Governor-General Visits School Wall Hafng’ings .. O - Artistic Charm DEATH OF G. A. MERHICK RICHMOND HILL. ONT.. THURSDAY; JUNE 7, 1923 High School Examinations W. C. T. U. Presentation In Essentiats, Unity; in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in all things, Charity." POULTRY Light Brahma cockâ€"~L B Stong Light Brahma henâ€"L B Stong White Leghorn cockâ€"Robert; Stone- house White Leghorn henâ€"Mrs. Hodgins, 15b and 2nd Barred Plymouth Rock cockâ€"Mrs. Hedging. lst and 2nd BaYred Plymouth Rock henâ€"Robt. Stunehonse, A McLean \Vhite Wyandnlte cockâ€"F E Sims White Wyandotte henâ€"F E Sims Rhode- [sland Reds. cock â€"â€" W. Dixon, Is: and 2nd Rhode Island Reds, henâ€"\V Dixon. Frank Sims Best pair Black Langshansâ€"L B Stgngr. Orï¬ingtoncock, any other kindâ€" Frank Sims Orpington hen, any other kindâ€" ank Sims Bantam cockâ€"S. Rattle, L B Stung Bantam henâ€"Mrs] E Hudgil s. L B Stung Goose. toulnuseâ€"Rohert Stonehouse Gander, toniomeâ€"Rohert Stone- house Best dozen table apples to be named â€"â€"Jpnatfgan Bl-iilingrer Bast display of pigeonsâ€"A Mcâ€" Lean Best, dozen cook-mg applesâ€"Jona- thgu Brillinge; _ Best bushâ€"21 late potatoesâ€"Frank Sims Best half dozen maugoldsâ€"Wesley Clark Best'balf dozen red carrotsâ€"G. Yerex DAIRY BAKING, EI‘O. One pound butterâ€"C B Boymon. Mrs. K Clark. st. R \V Dove Bean ’7 pounds butter in pound printsâ€"Mrs. j Dixon Beat 10 pounds dairy buttonin pound printâ€":Mrs. R EV l_)_ove Best half dozen swede turnipsâ€" Wpsley Clark; By T Eamn Co. Toronto. Best ï¬ve pounds of butter in blocksâ€"Mrs.] Dixon One dozen hens eggs. white shellsâ€" Mrs. J E Hodgins. Mrs. R W Dove One dozen hens eggs. bl‘uwn shellsâ€"â€" Frank Sims. Lewis Sims One dozen duck eggsâ€"Frank Sims Best three dozen of eggs-Mrs. J E Hodgins Strawberriesâ€"Mfg. McGill, E Mc- Nair -‘- Cherriesâ€"E McNair, Gill Pearsâ€"Mrs. McGill, E McNair Peachesâ€"Mrs. McGill. Mrs. Judge Plumsâ€"Mrs. Judgb, M 1's. McGiH Crahapple jellyâ€"Mrs. Maui“, Mrs. G A Wilkle Red curmut jellyâ€"44w. Judgp, Mrs McGill Mrs D. McGill Canned Lumutoesâ€"L B Fisher Mrs Yew): Canned greensâ€"E McNail‘. Mrs Judge Uunned asparagus-Mrs Judge, Mrs Wilkie Uuuued chickequ McNuir. Mrs Yerex Tomato catsupâ€"Mrs McGill Mrs R \V Dove Sour picklesâ€"Mrs Judge, Mrs Gill Mixed mustard picklesâ€"Mrs McGill. L B Fisher 7 One dozen plain bunsâ€"Mrs McGill Mrs Jus Dixon One dozen lea. biscuitsâ€"Mrs Jus Dixon. Mrs Dovu Bpnngu cakeâ€"Mus. McGill, Mrs Dove Dark layer cakeâ€"311$ Dove, 3115 McGill One crust pieâ€"Mrs Dove Two crust. pieâ€"Mrs McGill, E Mc- Nair Meat loafâ€"Mrs R W Dove EMBROIDIRIES Irish crochetâ€"Miss McCutcheon, lst and 2nd Urochet yokeâ€"L B Fisher, Mrs Judge Thread lace (ï¬ne)â€"Miss McVean, )Iiss McCucheon ‘Thrend lace (coarse)â€"â€"L B Fisher, Mrs J D Graham men thread workâ€"Miss McCutch- eon, L B Fisher '1‘attingâ€"Miss )lcCutcheon lst and 2nd E Richmond Hill Fair PRIZE \VINNERS (Concluded from last week) FRUIT AND ROOTS (Continued tn page 8) CANNER (39.09% Mrs. M. Mcâ€" Mc- Liberal Candidate for East York, who will secure a SQUARE DEAL for YOU Toronto 86 York Liberal Headquarters INFORMATION BUREAU 41 Adelaide St. E. Central Liberal Ofï¬ce lmurs 8 to 10 rum. 1 to: 6 to 8 p.111. Oï¬iw and residenceâ€"Centre Church Slrerts Richmond Hill I No. 24. Forsyth 8: Allen BLYTH WOOD GARDENS Asters, bow and compact, separate colorsâ€"Heart of France Aster (deep red.) Mal‘igolds. Phlox Drummondi, Salvia, Zinnia, Sweet Alysuum, Candytuft, Ric1nus.(Castor Oil Plant) Stocks. Balsam, Cobaea Scandens. Blue, Geraniums. Hanging / Baskets, Peppers, Tomatoes, Celery. Early Cabbage, ready for planting. Flower and Vegetable Plants MILL STREET, PhonE 108 W 49 RICHMOND HILL We have opened an UP- TO-DATE PAINT SHOP, and are now ready to take your car in for painting. Highest grade materials used. Experienced painter. Prices right. A trial solicited. Painters.1)en0rntorszlnd IinrdÂ¥v00d Finishers. Estimates given. PhoneTB. B0120] AURORA LIMITED Ford Dealers, Richmond Hill, H. J. KIRBY, W. G. Baldock Harry Stuart CLARRY DR. J. P. WILSON THE STERLING BANK H. DAVIS SAVE, Becauseâ€"- Your hopes for the future will have a very real foundation if resting on a Sterling Bank Savings Account. NOTICE VOTE FOR â€"ANDâ€"â€" Secretary Committee OF CANADA 9 mm ["114qu and Engagenwnts At-cepted fm- High Class Concerta, Banquet“. Etc. iï¬e Mutual £1'fe ï¬ssurance Company of Canada THE POLICY HOLDERS OWN COMPANY Got your life Inlumnce at cost. C. H. BYAM, Agent, Phone 232. Maple, Ont. Denton, Macdonald & Benton Barristers, Solictorsuscc. MANNXNG ARCADE. 24 KING ST. WEST. TORONTO, CANADA . TELEPHONE MAIN 311 Cable Address: “Dedo Arthur A. Macdonald Fuank Denton Laura Danton. B. A A large stock of Funeral Furnishing Kept M the above places From the Toronto Conservatory ( Music. will acmpt a number (I pupil; in Piano, Vocal and RICHMOND HILL. THORNHILL AN): UNIONVILLE HO USE PAINTER, Glazier, Grainer and Paper- Hanger. 378 BEREBFORD AVE, WEST TORONTO Phone Junction 72. TWENTYâ€"FIVE YEARS' EXPERIENCE W. HEVVISON All Canadian Tenor and Choir Leader Sule North Parkdale Methodist Church, is prepared to receive pu ile n Richmond Hill on Mondays. Stu i0, Mrs. N. Bauy'st Arnold _St. Pal-piculagg ééh be ubtai'ncd by calling. Phone 22 Ring 11. 29â€" Iris Woodhead COMMISSIONER, CONVEYANCER Adelmo Melecci and Miss Rosalind Bush L T. C. M. WRIGHT BROS. Undertakers'and Embalmers REAL ESTATE "AND INSURANCE Thornhiil. JOHN T. ANDERSON PIANO TUNER . EDWARD FRANCIS NOTARY PUBLIC Richmond Hill, Ont. mail orders will receive prompt attention. [Single capies, 3 cts. Child Entertainer and Dancer 'or m Wm. C. Ruttan in Piano. Vocal an Thehry. -:- formation Plume “0 MRS. MYLKS. Na 4‘!