Word comes from England that an important weekly has begun the use of the new rubberâ€"latex paper, in which up to ï¬ve per cent. of raw rub- ber is incorporated with the pulp. If you are weak or ailing, avail your- self at once of the home treatment which Dr. Williams‘ Pink Pills so easily afford, and you will be among those who rejoice in regained health. These pills are sold by all dealers in medicine, or may be had by mail at 500 a. box by writing The Dr. Williams' Medicine 00., Brockville.'0nt. It should be constantly borne in mind that pale, bloodless girls need plenty of nourishment, plenty of sleep and regular out-ofâ€"doors exercise. But a lack of appetite and tired aching limbs tend to hinder progress. To save the weak, thin-blooded sufferer. she must have new, rich red blood and nothing meets a case of this kind so well as Dr. Williams’ Pink-Pills. These pills not only enrich and increase the blood supply. they help the appetite and aid digestion, relieve the weary back and limbs, thus bringing new health and strength and transforming anaemic girls and women into cheer- ful. happy people. Ambug the thous- ends of girls who have obtained new health through the use of Dr. “Vil- liams' Pink Pills is Miss Lyla G. Gar- neau. Freeman, Ont., who says:â€" "About two years ago I was in a very nervous and run down condition. I could not eat. did not sleep well and was fast becoming an invalid. I was subject to fainting spells which made it very embarrassing to go in company as I never knew when a fainting spell might come on. After several fruit- lessi treatments I was advised to try:- Di‘. Williams’ Pink Pills, and by the time two boxes were used I felt an im- provement I kept on taking them, and am now thankful to say that I owe my present health and happiness to this medicine, which I cheerfully re~ commend to other run-down girls." HW DELEEA’E'E {EIRLS ARE MAW". SWQNS “Advanced indeed have been the steps in the last seven years for the protection of public health. Milk, that prime incubator of germs and dissem- mator of disease, is now produced and marketed under sanitary conditions. In 1919 the Government appointed 3 Milk Commission whose members awakened the. province to the evils arising from unclean dairying and careless handling of milk. The recom- mendations of the Commission are om- bodied in one of the most progressive statutes of any State. The consumer now receives a supply measuring up to a strength, and delivered as carefully as_t_esting and inspection can ensure. Rich, Red Blood Needed to Keep Up Their Vitality. an active campaign in many ï¬elds of {aublic health activity. Here is an in- resting account of the work, taken from the Canadian Magazine of Nov- ember, 1912. In View of the tremendous advanr-es made in ublic health work in this rovince uring the past decade it Is nteresting to recall what was being done prior to 1912, and how the Pro- vincial Board of Health. though at that time handicapped by lack of funds, was nevertheless carrying on Only searching beagles know Where the little foxes go; Little flsh havs leave to glide With the worldâ€"engirdling tide Man bids lovely childhood bloom In this-pestilential gloom! Eaglets have no bounds or bar: Save the cordon of the stars; Provincial Board of Health. Ontario Dr. Middleton will be glad to answer questions on Public Health Instr tern through this column. Address hlm at Spadlna House. 8M1). Crement, Toronto. TWEN BEAVER WASH EGAR3§ UfINDURATEDHBRfl‘IARE outwearallotï¬em Tenemenf Children. HEALTH EDUCATION 01V .S'llf BY GWDCERS‘ M0 HARDWARE MHCMNTJ â€"Daniel Henderson BY DR. J. J. MIDDLETON s carrying on many ï¬elds of Here IS an in- kn The Belgian artxsan spends his led- sure in a. novel manner. He breeds a. special cock for crowing, and the bird that can outcrow Its fellows has reach- ed the highest'pmnacle of perfection. The plan adopted is to place the cages containing the roosters in a long row, as proximity creates the spirit of emulation Without which the proceed- ings would £2.11 flat A marker appointed by the organ- izers of the show is told on? for each bird, his duty being to note carefully the number of crows for which it is responsible. The customary duration of the :1: tch is one hour, the Winner being the cock which scores the high- est number of points in the allotted time. The greatest de the North Paciï¬c Guam, which is on The Liege dis for such compe Golng the Rounds “Jack hasn't ï¬ancee for years; but now the waltz is coming back, he's visiting every house where they shake a foot." Minard's Llniment used by Physicians- But think of me beneath the stars, All pillowed in the hay, With song of birds to waken me And send me on my way. What fun is there in wandering If you must always know Where every road will take you to And where you want to go? Give me the road where every turn Will bring a fresh surprise Of cozy farms and apple trees And shade to rest the eyes; So take the highway if you will‘ From town to smoky town, And rest you in a stuffy inn When velvet night comes down; Roads. Oh, you may take the smooth paved road, The highway, if you will; But I will take the country road That straggles up the hill. The duslty mad, the country road Where friendly birds fly 10W. Where lazy carters ramble past, And~scented breezes blow; Where ruts are grown with tufts of grass And daisies spring between; On either side long ï¬elds of grain That billow gold and green. cent. of the death rate, while the rate for consumption is not more than eight per cent. Nearly ten thousand chilâ€" dren die in Ontario every year. The campaign of education in charge of Dr. J. W. W. McCullough, Chief Ofï¬- cer of Health for Ontario, who is as- sisted in this particular branch of the work by Dr. Helen MacMurchy, is be- ing diligently carried on, that the ing diIâ€"igently carried on, tfaét the mother may be informed and the child given a chance.†He who runs may read circulars, pamphlets and booklets issued under government auspices on all subjects pertaining to sanitation and health. Prevention rather than cure is the new gospel. The physician of to-morrw is the sanitarian. The baby is an object of no small concern. Infant mortality occurs at a rate that is an economic loss. Infant mortality is about twengyreigiht per ing under his care. Vaccination IS compulsory when in the opinion of the authorities public health is menaccd. The province has been divided into health districts and each district is in charge of a medical ofï¬cer with ample power to carry out the law. He owes his appointment to no local body and is. therefore, beyond local influence. The sanitary campaign is being waged- dilligently. Travelling exhibits show how to ventilate the sleeping room and the sick room, how to feed the baby, and how to care for the consumptive. “Going the rounds, eh miles. This exceeds the grea mm height, Mount Everest, by feet. Cock-Crowihg Contests. â€"Abigai1 Cresson s a famous centre sounded is r the island 6 feet short 9n tes Doesn't hurt a bit! Drop a little “Freezone†on an achmg corn. instant- ly that com stops hurting, then shortly you lift it right off with unpers. Truly! Yéur druggist sells a tiny bottle of “Freezone†for a few cents, sufï¬cient to remove every hard corn. soft corn. or torn between the toes. and the cal- luses. wivhout soreness or irritation. The term Al was originated from the Lloyd’s Register of shipping, meaning ï¬rst class. It is the opinion, the interests, the ideals, and the goodness of the aver, age man and the average woman which makes the character of the na- tionâ€"Colonel E. Kitson Clark. MONEY ORDERS. The safe way to send money by mail is by Dominion Express Money Order. Attractive Proposition Lift Ofï¬ with F inger°s in Lhis trick you discover, by means which seem mysterious, the age of your friend. There is one iitt'e drawback to the problemâ€" it. will work only if your friend is older than you are. I SUDU'BCt your age from 99. Let your friend mentally add the re- mainder to his age. Then he is to take away the ï¬rst ï¬gure of the total and add it mentally to the last ï¬gure and tell you the result. It You will add the number he gives you to your age you will have his age. For example: Suppose you are 18. Subtract that from 99‘ That leaves 81. Ask your friend to add (mentally) 81 to his age. It his age is 33, that will give him 114. When he takes away the ï¬rst ï¬gure he has 14. Adding the l to the 14. he has 15. Adding your age. 18, gives 33â€"and there you are. (Clip this out and paste it, with others of the series, in a scrap. book.) A For man with all round weekly newspaper experience and $400 or $500. Apply Box 24, Wilson Publishing Co.. Ltd.. 73 Adelaide Street West. 7 America'u Pioneer Dog- Remedies A 13001. on 114 EASY TRlCKS Liqowbw ISSUE No. 24â€"'23. I’ll Tell 3 WRNS OUI Mndls Tanlac Vegetable Pills are Nature's own remedy for constipation. For sale everywhere. Letting a man follow the wrbng course because he is your friend is mistaken kindness. Tanlac is for sale by all good drug- gists. Accept no substitute. Over 37 million bottles sold. A belief common in Japan is that to live long one should sleep with the head pointing due north. weak I could hardly dress the children, to say nothing of taking care of the household duties. “However, Tanlac gave me back my strength, and I’ve enjoyed perfect health ever since. I gained nearly ten pounds in weight, have a wonderful appetite and sleep eight or ten hours every night and feel so well life is a pleasure. Tanlac was a. godsend to me. No medicine in the world can equal lt." “I had suffered from stomach trou- ble for seventeen years.. Many 3 time I was In such agony I didn't think I could live through the day. I had awful smothering spells, terrible head- aches. and was so nervous I was al- most frantic and sleep was practically out of the question. Why, I was so Mrs. German Says She Didn’t Expect to Survive Her Trou- blesâ€"Praises Tanlac. "Three years ago, before I got Tan- lac. if anyone had told me I would be alive now I couldn't have believed it." said Mrs. Hannah German, 414 Arthur St, VVIndsor, Ont. IS SURPRISED TO FIND SHE IS ALIVE Ml,oard’s Llnlmem. for sale everywhere We carry a full line of used auto- moblle parts, magnetos, carbur- etors, gears, and new accessones at low prices. Torohto Automobile Wreckers 179 Queen St. West Toronto ï¬utomobiie Supplies Cuticura Soap to cleanse and pu- rify, Cuticura Ointment to soothe and heal and Cuticura Talcum to powder and perfume are ideal for daily toilet purposes. Bmplo Huh Free '0 Mail. Address: "I. no, Mm. Red, 341 St. {51:1 ._ W., “gum†old every- ,,,--_V_- .. u: a mun-,uuu- “J, 3“ St. Paul éLTW; MSn “ ' " “gold every- where. Soap 25c. Ointment 25 and 60c. Tnlcum 25c. Cuï¬cura Soap shaves without mug. “This trouble lasted about three months before I sent {or a free sam- ple of Cuticura Soap and Ointment. I bought more and I used two boxes of Cuticura Ointment with the Cuti- cura Soap when I was healed.†(Signed) Miss Gertrude Harrington, 1010 Delaware Ave., Butte, Mont. “I had eczema on my scalp! It broke out in little pimples which formed a hard crust. My scalp itchcd and burned so badly I was up half the night. My hair fell out terribly and I could not comb it. In Pimples. Formed Hard Crust. Hair Fell Out. Cuticura Healed. UNLESS you see the name “Bayer†on tablets, you are not getting Aspirin at all Accept only an “unbroken package†of “Bayer Tablets 0! Aspirin,†which contains directions and dose worked out by physicians during 22 years and proved safe by millions f1): Colds Headache Rhel‘jmatism Toothache Neural gia Neuritis Earache Lumbago Pain, Pain Handv “Raver†boxes of 12 tabletsâ€"Also bottles of 24 and 100â€"an3151} will be stamped IWEï¬EN FRBM % FEW Tfl FEFTY At the Montreal sale of the Canâ€" adian Fur Auction Sales Company the best silver fox skins brought $825, a few sold for $200, but most of those of fair quality fetched between $70 and $125. The American import duty of ï¬fty per cent. on furs kept away many buyers from the United States. ANTED-~FEMALE CLOTH mm ‘ Veloun. l‘olou. 914‘. Hanan mm DIM. Apply Suman Maanth Co.. Lat. Bra-Inflow. Onurlo. UANTITY CXG to 10110 BEECH TIMBER Reid Bros, Ramwu“. Ontario. YEW FORD OWNERS CAN ENJOY LUXURY. romrort and economy mm the lam: nach- ment. In unrepreth (armory one mu ‘0: MI FREE. wmc Auto Spoon": 00.. Pemboxo. Oat. When women who are between the ages of forty-ï¬ve and ï¬fty-ï¬ve are beset with such annoying symptoms as net- vousness, irritability, melancholia and heat flashes, which produce headaches, dizziness, or a sense of suffocation,they should take Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vege- table Compound. It is especiallyadapted to help women through this crisis. It is pnepared from roots and herbs and contains no harmful drugs or narcotics. This famous remedy, the medicinal ingredients of which are derived from roots and herbs, has for fort years proved its value in such cases. omen everywhere bear willing testimony to the wonderful virtue of Lydia E. Plnk- ham’s Vegetable Compound. Women who suffer should write to the Lydia E.Pinkham Medicine Co.,Coboux-g, Ontario, for a free copy of L dia E. Pinkham’s Private Text-Boo ‘ upon “ Ailments Peculiar to Womem’f 0, Winnipeg, Man.â€" “Lydia E. Pink- ham’s Vegetable Compound has done me good in every way. I was very weak and run-down and had certain troubles that women of my age are likely to have. I did not like to go to the doctor so I took the Vegetable Com- und and am still taking it right along. recommend it to my friends and to any one I know who is not feelin well.â€â€" Mrs. THOMPSON, 303 Lizzie t.,Winni- peg, Man. Will Be Interested in Mrs. Thomp- son’s Recovery by Use of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound ‘ and Heavy. use Murine. I: In- stanrlyReliwcsthacTiredFeeli -Makcs them Clear, Bright an Sparkllng. Harmless. Sold and Recommended by All Druggists. R 95595 Wéary Eyes Win Your Eyes feel Dull Minn-G's takes the "hurt" on! of them Also a soothing bath (or note. tired feet. Classiï¬ed Advertisement - CORNS - BUNIONS FOR SALE. mg ....._...- ~ japan,