0n the recommendation of Hon. W. E. Huxley. Attorney General. Mr. F, R. Dewal-l. has been nppuinled clerk or the Tenth Division Cum-t. u position vacated by thedenth of the latu Mr. E. Tl. Dnggnn. Mr. Dewmt is a son of the late Rev. Dr. Dewm-t, n former editor of the Chlistinn Gu:udi.m. and brother of H- 11. [)v\\;11L.K. U. The following Department Superin- tendents fux Vaughan Township ws-re uppoiulml at their late c nventinn: Elementary. Mrs. A. \V. Galbraith; Teen-age. Girls, Mrs. S. F. Robinson; Teenâ€"120, Boys, H. . \Varren ; Telu- pvl'anct‘, Mrs. \V.E. utcbison; Home, Edgar Ben-Van: Adult 8.0.. J. A. Roae, Missionâ€"A. \V. Galhxuitb; I‘ezlcber Twining. Rev. J. C. Amott. Cul. Ponlon, of Bellevillv. has ac- cepted the invitatiun of the Old Boys and Girls Association Lu deliver the a ldness at the unveiling uf the Mem- eniul on Sunday afternoon, the 5th of August. A petition was presented by RH’. R. S. Frallck, with 36 signatmes, ut, the l4st~meeliug of Maikhauu Council, ask- ing that a night watchnmn he appointâ€" ed for better pmlvctiou for Thornbill villhge. A gruntuf $50 was made tn- wm-ds pmcuuing ï¬le-ï¬ghting appara- tus for that plnco. The Thmnllill and Richmond Hill branches of the 'Wumen'a Institute will hold a juiub meet.ng in Thurnhill (m Thursday, june 2lst. The meeting will be held a: the home of Mrs Bronkey, Stop 40. There will he a speaker from the department. and an enjoyable afternoon is p (l'niSt‘d. All members me urged to attend this nu-eting. Leave on the 2.36 car. standard time. Hope 8. 5. Anniversary sen iI'PS will he held next Sunday at 2.30 and T p.11). Rev. Hon-hart \Vau-ren, (If Richmond Hill. will UfHCidLP. Music at. buth services by the Dulforin St. fleshy- Leriau Church choir. ing.Junethe19th. Melulmrs nf the Richmond Hill Society will also be welcome. Mr. \Vilshire has a must interesting gut-den and nmny unusual plants. Those wlmguby Radial will please take the car leaving Richmond Hill at. 7.36 p. [ILâ€"MARY bIMI’SON, nfï¬ce’ in the Federle Buffdingl No. #5 Richmond St W., Suite N0. 516, Toronto. Mr. \V. Wilshix-v, uf 462 Rlythwmwd R'md, Tm'unto. inrlles the members of the Thomhill Horticultural Sucit-ly to visit. his garden on Tuesday even- James Ryan, "grid 64 years a team- sLer. was fwun-i dead in [he RUSPd-‘llé‘ laVi- e. hpnenlh the WW h Slur-hum! e sin-ct. blidze. at 7 o'clock Thursday mm-ning last. H:- hld been living “‘ilh his married daughtm' at ms Davenpmt R-nd. Yestr rd uy mhming ho nruse early and 19ft (he hnuse. it was thought. lo feed hii ll()l‘~'9~‘. His de.|d body wus fulllld by a friend, Ralph McGrth. 155 Blu'u‘ SU'CI‘K east, whu was walking along the ran inc. duy, ] unu Orchestra Mr. William Cook, Barrister, :m- nnunges that he is moving H) his new East York mmmmtion in Town Hall Markham, Thursday, June 14, from 1: noon to 2 o'clock. Vnting Monday Jane 25, how 8 a. m. to 6 p. m. Toronto, hns been secuwd. and will bring one of hi! inspiring messugeu. Scholnrs of the Sunday School will sing choruses speciully-prppared for the occasion. All interested friends are cordially invited. The annual] picnic will be hPld at Bond Lake nu Saturday, June 80th. Will H) Stirling’s June 24th is in be (\hserved as Sun- day Schoinl Anniversary at, Hendfo (1 Church. In the morning, “(10.80. the regular minister will speak, this being his ï¬nul svrvice at. Hendford. For the evening Mr. C. R. Cnnquergnud. of Miss P. M. Rummy. who hus been visiting with her sister. Mrs. \V. Snedden,at the home of Miss Heise, returned to Winnipeg Monday night. Miss Ramsay was a delegate for \Vestern Canada at. the National Con- vention on Social Service Work. held in Washington, 0.0., after which she visited in New York. During her stay in Richmond Hill Miss Ramsay “visit- ed some nf the Orphanage Institu- tionsin Toronto. and spent Superin- tund's Day at the Nurse-3' Conference held in Toronto last week. GENERAL KEYSOTRâ€"Purebred im. orted Clydesdale, the property of . A. Bowos it A. Boucock. Home smhle, concord. \Vill stop at J. Brumwell’s. Kilgour Farm, Donalda Farm. Dollar, Maple. Edgeley. Terms 517. Chas. Buddy, groom. Annual u'd's H. Ml UH) sh, boil Sunday W ll pre in H‘( In Uburch, Many luau-dun ll) “It moth [11. to 6 p. m rLy xtu M inme'hull Lvum suits :u'c fl'PSllly lnun- drivle 'CddoI-Sm'gt. Lamhm-L Atkin- >ou and Elmore Han-ding, [in- Juvenile Lmui; and Undeb Harding Burnaby the Jefferson team. ,. 'l'ha Senior ()ub Hockey Team will see that their jerseys and White shorts are likawise prepared, Cadet-Corpls. Allan. Duncan, and Brawley being re- sponsible therefor. The athletic departure of the Corps is no he thus fittineg demonstrated tn the Inspecting Ofï¬cer after the Grand March Pots» and exhibition of physical drill. Cadet-Corp]. Bruce Innis is Guard Commander uf the junior Guard. Clln- sating of Cadets Louis Sims. Pete Savagn, Hnwald Atkinlun, and David Stirling. Their- training is now in hand by the 0.0. A Canteen wiil be operated at the Review, the fullnwmg young ladies assisting: the Misses Loraine Dunlap, Betty Hewiinu, Francis Batty. Alice Innis, May Greene, Murirl \Vulson, and Gladys Gmnt. Undei-Curp), b‘reddie Greene is Field Oldt‘l'ly Lu the 0.0. and to Cadetâ€" Capt.» Beg'L Grant. The following Cuos will act as Pla- tnm leaders tor the March Past: Cadets Lyle Grant. Enoch BaLly, John McLean, sud Frisby. Uadet-Lieut. Bernard \Vhite will have his Signallers there on the word “Move.†and Cadet, Hal-old Muhouey will demonsl rate flvld messages. Tue llmnks of the Corps is expresm'd In Mr. J. A. Greene and to Miss Rich- ;u‘dsnu for their assistance in the mat- ter of re-ï¬ttiu g of the uniforms for this Review. ' SATURDAY. JUNE lGâ€"Anmiun 93!“ u 20 news mixed hay. 3mm-s alfnlf hay. and 20 acrgs nlsike, Int, 26, um 5. Vaughan. the property nva. (‘_ Murray. Terms 4 Inunlhs. Salem 2 p. m. J. T. Saigeun, Auct. are yuu u subemiher uty Auction Sa.e Register Mlle Ml t {ll The “Master Four†Touring Model 23-35 B1515 There are 15 McLaughlin-Buick Models to Choose From A “Four†That Sets New Standard ntuls drill. McLaughlin-Buick Cars carry class A insurance rating. Built in Canada by an organization with a 50â€"year record in the production of ï¬ne vehicles, this model furnishes transportation with a degree of com- fort and economy unsurpassed. In beauty of appearance, dependa- bility, and economy of operation, the McLaughlin-Buick “Master Four†Touring Model has established an en- tirely new standard for four-cylinder cars. DAVID HILL 8: C0. Dealer, Richmond Hill an HIV dctuiled 50 special In Sharpie-gs and 11 see that their are fl'Pshly laun- . Lambert, Atkin- v11) 1: Lheir Ll) the ite ‘1 L1 fr( [Bis OR SALEâ€"UMP Quebec bi‘ightfl' day cook stove, practically new, wth stove pipe. One Reed baby suollur. Exam). Rnseview Ave. 50-1! F UR SALF’FOI'd half-Lon [rm-k wiLh 04b and 54 inch hux 3200. Would trade for roadster. G. HERCHER, 1m; 15, Con. 3, Vaughan. (Samuel Winger Farm.) Phone Maple 1W2. 49-50 "ARRVILLE L‘HOPPING MILLâ€" \Vi†be Clo-Pd Tuesdays. Thurs- dhy~‘ and Saturdays for June and July. A. WILSON. 49-52 OTIUEâ€"I am open to “waive a l few more orders for mmving and raking. J. '1‘. JENKINS, P. 0. Box 179, Rivhmond Hill. 49-61 FOR SALEâ€"Duck eggs 75 cents per setting. Mus. JOHN SMITH, Elgim Mills. 48-50 O'l‘ICEâ€"E. Slmey .s prepared to 1 do all kinds nf Lruvking and cm ting in Richmond Hill and vicinity. Palyonage snl'cited. Phone Richmond Hill 98. 42 If PA’STURE â€" Can pasture. honws m- camle : have 100 acres nf thp mar. Apply JOHN SLINEY, Richmond Hill; phone 58 J. 43-Lf Numbex 11ml ts. nu garden to t MISS HEISE n Rosev 00d buy for ups and c cmntu's mo ‘or palticul )ldin ‘VOR SALEâ€"Mare or gelding. cheap. BAGG, 14 east stop 47. Yunge 852. 50-5‘ IILLII \V i SIDENTIAL PROP SALEâ€"House and Ior those \Vlshlllg the com- couveniences of one of most, prngles~ive suburbs. iculal's apply to MRS. Hotel Richmond Hill, Ont. 60-51 House and Hex. Richm those wish ouvenience: SD prngle stree I‘H md Hi ng UH 0t situated ml 111â€. A 3.! I Y FOR ints and d dishes cles seen 60 [1116 “hmme H. A. NIUHOLLS , NOTARY PUBLIC Arrival of Spring Suits ommissinnet‘ Insurance RICHMOND HILL Why Waste Money Daily! IDRDNT‘ R. A. LISTER & CO. (Canada) Limited a! (New Address) Head Office, Hamilton. Ont. Montreal, Toronto, Winnipeg, Regina, Calgary, Edmonton. Of all farm machines, the cream separator is the one on which you can take no chances, for the smallest of cream losses soon mount into dollars. The Melotte has been the farmers’ best friend for over 30 years. It is the machine with suspended bowl and enamelled bowl casing. Hanging naturally on a ball- bearing spindle, the bowl is perfectly balanced, and is guaranteed easier to turn and to wear longer than any other. My stock of spring suits has arrived, and having ordered same before the price of woollen had advanced. I: can sell suits from $17.50 up mo shoddy goods,) those who have bought suits already, pronounced them the best for the money they have had for a long time. Come and see for ' yourself. ' Ladies and Men’s suits made right here by band. 535 and up Ladies’ and Men’s own cloth made and trimmed at very reasonable prices. To the Ladiesâ€"If you went a suit or coat not made to order, I can save you money by taking you to Jno. Northway & Sons‘, factory and let you select one there. On account of the recent ad- vance in raw materials, it is impossible to guarantee present low prices for any deï¬nite time. Ten-year guarantee with every machine. Write for ‘free descriptive booklet. Don’t delay. z- :E. R. FORTNER CLEANING AND PRESSING NEATLY DONE m Unnveyuncer, Etc nd Real Estate Save 1/3 to 1/2 Your Corn You loss from to 34 the food value of your corn by feeding it to your cattle an dry fodder. Corn stored in a TORONTO Wooden Stave Silo will give on 100% of the value. Good ensilage will improve the lieallh of your cattle and will increase the quality and quantity of your milk returns. Good silage must be made in an air-light silo. The TORONTO Silo is made of selected spruce. double tongued and grooved to exclude the air. and specially treated with creosote to lengthen its life. l5% extra é capacily_witl1the ‘TORONTO Hip [Roch ‘ )ERSON INSMITIIIN HEATING “up.-.†...- - _.v-.v_ _ 7. Let me show you how to save on forage. and increase the health and value of your herd. Information and full particulars gladly given. ONT 1 J. Lunau. Agent, Richmond Hill Clothier and Tailor; AIR 1( Re‘sidvnco address Victoria Squaw juruntn md St . nerrm LICENSED AIW TIONEE FUR THE COUNTY OF Yal- PMx-«muqmmd influence leâ€"‘SDPCLfUHy solicited EARLY; N E W‘TON PIANIST Murg Have you seen the wonderful LISTER MILKER Simplicity Itself! 1n \l'E {E all P.0. address lm » y,RR Of