Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 21 Jun 1923, p. 1

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To the Electors of East York Individual Inslxuction. Night School Mondays and Thursdays, Nvamm-ket. Bank of Toronto Blmk 9 50 Foot Lat, on Rosnview Avenue, wih foundation for small house laid. House. Bmâ€"n, [mi-1‘s, gnbd Well, fruit trees, corner Mill Road and Bathurst. Desirable Lot an Richmond Streét, Ngyth Siden50 ft. {)y n. good dopgh. 011 north side RosevieW. elegant. blick clgd house all modern improve- ments. hard wood floors. finished attic. ntu'activem-ounds. Frame House on Richmc on three struts. é acre. g2 smq’ll fruit. in good shape.’ 60 ft. 10!: on fiest Iide bf Baker Ava, with good gin-ago and hen house only $700.00. 7 Brick clad house, stable and 3 acres, and, orchard. small fruit on Lucas Street. Two choice bargains on Centre Si East. House and Lnt nt Maple also a small farm in 5:] me locality. Acreage with huge house. good spring creek at Elgin Mills. 4 Acres, 5 momed cottage, large burn, natural gas well, on the Mill led. Stop ~48. ' Will lend you money or loan your money, Insumnco. Yonge- St., RICHMOND HILL A good shipment of the very best Anthracite for summer orders. Many peepie of this vil- lage do not know that 95 per cent. of our coal is screened before leaving our yard. This isnot done in any yard this side of Toronto. IS it not worth at least 50c. per ton that you are not buy ing a large percentage of dust which is bound to be in every car of coal .I VOL. \Vho Stands for VVORKMEN'S COMPENSATION ACT, MINIMUM WAGE LAWS, MOTHERS’ PENSIONS, GOOD ROADS, HYDRO DE- VELOPMENT to Its Fullest Extent, and EFFECTIVE ENFORCEs MENT of the PRESENT . TEMPERANCE ACT NEWMARKET BUSINESS COLLEGE H. A. Nicholls FALL TERM OPEN PUBUB NOTICE The Real Estate Man I. D. Ramer VOTE FOR Arthur W. ROEBUCK ENROLL ANY TIME .50 per annum, in advance.] HAS FOR SALE XLV. Richmond fronting aqre. garden, trees, Progressive Candidate Toronto & York Liberal Headquarters INFORMATION“ BUREAU 41 Adelaide St. E. H. J. KIRBY, Secretary Central Liberal Committee All Kinds of Boots and Shoes Repaired . Good 'Workmanship Prompt Service 2Doors South of Bakery on Yonge St. Boot and Shoe Repairer SAMPLES FREE PAINTING, DECORATING Phone 306, King. G. HILL, Oak Ridges P. O. Toronto Ofi‘ice, Richmond Buildin g 33 Richmond Street, \Vest. Richmond Hill Oflice (' Liberal OflIce), every Thursday forenoon. Maple. Thursday afternoon. \Voudbridze. Saturday forennon. Momy to Law at. Curl-um. Rate. MISS BEAQ’RICE HOWELL TORONTO feacher of Fletcher Method Musical Kmdergarten Pupils passed for Cnnsexvatory Ex- aminatinns. BAamsTxR. Soucrroa. NOTAni E: r Fall Term Opens Aug. 27 minnow/7-” Yonge and Charles Sts., Toronto Arrange now to enter this fnmous schuolâ€"fumuus fur suiclly high grade work and [m- prnmptly hetp- ing students in 5901111-employment. Write for catalogue. and yuu will soon SHE! why yuu should. pail-unim- our schnnl. Open all year. Enter any Lime. v Wall Hangings .. of _ Artistic Charm STUDIOâ€"HOTEL RICHMOND. Richmond Hill. GEO. KIDD None Better in Canada RICHMOND HILL} W. J. ELLIOTT Principal WILLIAM COOK ~ANDâ€" In Essentiats, Unity; in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in all things, Charity.” The first. we-ekiy tournament of the Bowling (Huh will be held on the Green, on Wednesday evening. June 27th. at 6.30 p.m. ’stundard.) All members and friends are urged to be present: (0 [aka part in thatoul‘nxmenr. All previous records in Ontario. for the number of candidate: seeking election (0 the Legislature, wme broken on Thmsduy last, (Nomination Day)whpn 294 nominees filed thir pnpl-rs with the Returning Officers of Ontario's 1H Concftuennfes. The Conservatives lead in the field with 102 candidatus, Liberals with 77. Uni'ed Farmels with 76. Labor with 2|. and Indepegdgnts 18. But two candidates were elects-d by acclanmtinnâ€"Onu tn the Government, (Petpr Hoenan. U. F. 0. Labor mem- ber (orKenora), and the other to the Conservatives.(w. F. Nickle. K. 0., fnrrmer Conservative member for Kingston.) Four women are in the fieldâ€"Mrs. A. E. Baker, in North East Toronto. Seat "B." nnd Mrs. W. E. Groves, in Northwast Toronto, Seat. “B.” are supporting the Government as Pm- zlessivep. The two other womendue Libernls-\'r. B. 0. Allvn at Fort William. and 353 Isabel Armstrong. 8.! London. ' Brockton. Mass.. June 11, 1923. ’Richmond Hill Old Boys and Girls Asso- eiation, Richmond Hill. Ont: My‘Dapr Friends,7 East York has four candidates in the field: Hurry S. (Harry. Liberal: A. W. Roebuck. U. F. 0.: Hon. G. 3. Henry. Conservative; and J. Galbraith, Lnborâ€"I_ndependent. The Old Boys' Cryâ€"“ We’ll Be There" Yos, replies are coming in nicely from those who have received Invitation Let‘ tars from the Richmond Hill Old Boys nnd Girls Association to be with Lil upon the occasion of the Old Boys and Girls Reunion on August 5th. 6th. and 7th. Below will be found the replv re- ceived from "Charlie Storey." of Broekton, Mass. It reads as follows : The fight- promises to be a very warm one in several constituencies. Of oodrse yeu will want money if you I 7 rerl-Lilllj rviâ€"h EH50. Von-Vail" undr are to have a good chlebration. What , '1‘h901-y_ _l_ is itâ€"vo'untary contribultion or assess- For infm-nmtion Phone 110. ments? I want to contribute my share. Mus. M Yum. What shall 1 send you? With all kind wishes. Sif‘liéiiiilii‘é‘iéigym PLUMBING SUPPLIES O. R. STOREY. The writer shows the right spirit in ;every way, and the citizens of Rich. I The James Robertson, Co” Ltd l mond Hill have gr'eat reason to feel i therh no longus life; lasts. . - {‘BATHS’ EASINb’ W' F!" “th: l M‘Zniasom-ia:35°:sfilziiss‘3yle l MS and l EQLIPMI‘JNT. While I do not know, personally, any of the honorable ofilcers whose names appear on the head of the splendid invi- tation sent me. yet it is from Dear Old Richmond Hill. and, as I read this kind invitation to come home and be with you on those days next August. tea" of happy memories fl0w freely down my cheeks. I will always love and cherish. with no small degree of pride. the old hogne of m_v youuger days_. ‘_ I use the word ‘pride” ndvisedly. for. on the whole continent of North America. no vi§lage of its size can boast of greater accomplishmentsâ€" (Richmond Hill. you must remember. won two first prizes at the Great Semi- Centennial Exposition at Philadelphia in 1875). This was only one in passing in her daily course of evrnts. I can rt- cnll many events that in one way or an~ other Richmond Hill not only put her- self on the map. but. by continuous ac~ comp‘ishments. absolutely refused to be taken otf the map, and today 1 un- derstand it is only a question of time: whvn you will consider the annexation of ‘l‘orontoâ€" But don’t do it. As :1 suggeflion [offer the follo“ inst: If you are m hnld a banquet or a get- together ewning's entertainment. se- cure a few of tne old boys who will be home : allow them. my about ten m‘r- utes each. to tell some of the old inter- esting things that happened when they were boys. Nominations Were Plentiful ONT.. THURSDAY. JUNE 21, 1923 If you have a bit of news. Send it in ; Or a joke that will amuse, Send it in : A story that in true, An inexdent that's new. “’9 want‘tq hear; from you-â€" Send it in ; Never mind about the style. If the no“ a it worth the. while It mav h-lp or cause a smile-â€" SIND IT IN! Bowling C!ub Send It In mm. One of the best-known residean of North York. in the person of Jamel Ryan. died on Thurad-ly. June 70. Deceased is survived by his wife. a. son, and a daughtPrâ€"Gordon, :1. accountant in the Home Bank. Tc- xonto. Who resides at home. and Mrs. G. E. Giblin, of 112 Rainsfm-d Road, Toronto: also two grandsons. The funeral, \Vhlt‘h was largely attended, 'Lnok plaice from the family residence Ymk Mills, to St. Luke's Church, Thornhill. where high mass was eflebmted by Rev. Father Kelly. The pull-bearers were: J. Ryan. W. Harrington, j. Sheppard, J. Depgnn A. W. McRne. and \V. Carson. the first, four named being nephews of the deceasad. Liberal Candidate for East lYork, who will secure a SQUARE DEAL for YOU We have opened an UP- TO-DATE PAINT SHOP, and are now ready to take your car in for painting. Highest grade materials used. Experienced painter. Prices right. A trial solicited. ! Richmond Hill Phone 13 r 2 \Vill gladly furnish necessary infor- mation and advice. regarding your ‘ roquiraments. Ford Dealers, Richmond Hill. From the Torontn Consm'vntory of Music. will accvpb a number of pupils in Piano. Vucal and -: Theory. -:- For infm-umtion Phone 110. Mus. MYLKS. Systems will provide water for any inlballntion. Adelmo Melecci and Miss Rosalind Bush L T. C. M. W. G. Baldock Ask for our Septic Tank Circular Our local representative, Outside the Villago our Pressure Harry Stuart CLARRY Ambrose E. Phipps Death of James Ryan NOTICE VOTE FOR IMITED \ DR. L. R. BELL DENTIST Office Trench Block. two doors north a» Standard Bank. Hours9n.m. to 5.30 p.m. Telephone 32 ifie Mutual £ife assurance Company of Canada Demon, Macdonald 6: Demon Phone 232. Barristers. Solicitors. an. MANNING ARCADE. 24 KING ST. WEST. TORONTO. CANADA I‘ELEPHnNE MAIN 311 Cable Address: “Dedo Arthur A. Macdonald F.-ank Demon . Laura. Danton. B. A. .â€" Office hours 8 to 10 mm. l to 2 and 6 to 8 p. m. Office and residenceâ€"Gentle and Church Slreets'Richumnd 11211 Phone No. 24 A large stock of Funeral Furnishing KBDL at the above places Forsyth & Allen WRIGHT BROS. Undertakers'and Embalmers RICHMOND HILL. THORNHILL ANE UNIUNVILLE HOUSE PAINTER, Glazier, Grainer and Paper- Hanger. Leave Olders nt Sloan's Drug Store, Richmond Hill. All maii orders will receive prompt attention. W. HEWISON Canadian Tenor and Choir Leader Salt-vial North Parkdule Methodist Church, is prepared to receive pu ile n Richmond Hill on Mondays. Stu i0, Mrs. N. Bntty's. Arnold St. Particulars can be ubtained by calling, Phone 2 Ring 11. :9. Painters. Decorators and Hardwood Finishers. Estimates given. Phone 78. Box 20] OOXHICSIONER, CONVEYANCER. ETC REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE Thornhlll. THE POLICY HOLDERS OWN COMPANY Got your life Insurance at cost. C. H. BYAM, Aacfl't, TWENTY-FIVE YEARS’ EXPERIENCE . EDWARD FRANCIS NOTARY PUBLIC JOHN T. ANDERSON PIANO TUNER DR. J. 1:" WILSON [Single copies, 3 cts. Wm. C. Ruttan AURORA No. 51 Maple. Ont.

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