JONES LUMBER C0 *7 Wk 1 Cor. Amold& Yonge. ' 18 open all day, and every day, except Wednesday afternoon and Sunday, for repairs to boots and shoes. Back of Drug Store. Having taken over the handling of Allisse)';-Hill‘l‘is Pants, I am prepared to ï¬ll orders for same. Lawn Mowers Shaxpened. S m's Filed. In fuct. IF IT IS DI‘LL \Ve Shfll'p( u 1T propel 1V A. ANDERSON Phone Day, 13â€"3. Night 75 Large Stocks of Pine and Hemlock, Shingleï¬ Lnth. Cedar Posts. Etc. for yum-quick convenience. Also dealers in Fibre Board, Ready Roofing, Asphalt Shingles, Felts, Etc. We operate our own Planing Mi“, SidingI Flooring. Moulding Frames. and Sash, Doors, Etc. Perfectly manufactured. We Solicit your enquiries and Orders. BUILDERS SUPPLIES Attention Sale Rough and Dressed Lumber Hardwood Flooring Pine Lach Doors Cedar Shingles Sash Fibreboard Rooï¬ngs Gyprock Tar paper Wallboard Building paper THE ‘ Rolfe Shoe Repair in L. Innes 81 Sons Yard Richmond Hill Street Richmond Hill. Next Dmr to Jones Lumber Co. - Arnold St, Richmond Hill Planing Mill and Lumber V.O.. has resigned his puï¬itinn willl the Licvnse [)epurtnwnt ML. Niagulu Falls, Ont‘, and has juim'd [he delec- live form" of the Michignn Central Railway. Mr. O'Leary has been con. ueclvd with the department fur twn years in Huldinmnd and erland Countivs. (YLeax-y was the ï¬rst soldier to Win l|)eV1«:t0l-ia Gums in the. great WBD. Sand, Gravel, Tile and Brick Contractors and Home Builders The Maple Sand, Gravel and Brick ompany, Lt'd. have on hand for sale. emenL drain tile. 3, 4, 5. 6 and 8 in. ulverb tile 12, 15, 18 and 20 inch (30 inches in lonth) Also Cement Brick Sand m-vael sold by the loud or near lnls. ‘(kadzu- pos's and telephone poles for Take Notice A nmtor bumservice ha: bPen insti- tuwd thwwu Newmurket and Bu: 1 11 . nmkinL' cumwctiuns wiLh the rad nl :- ilw. y, PHONE 27 T. COUSINS. NE\\'S NOTES Manager )1) Enter- “ nilloe hrl ILL gamb- l hv Sir liu'. nnd nous. 3‘ for East Y Cullefl L†“V of nlhvr f" Incul in- 1". y thrt w' :e in his "h' proud of "“ ‘irmidsl. 1"} U‘ Lea l y {m «m wil h “81 IN lag“ I'll an CHARMING MAJESTICâ€"The chnicely bred Clydesdale Stallion, by Majestic Bin-on by Baron's pl‘ldP. will stand at his own stable, lot 40 Yonge St, for the season. Terms $11 or 2 mares fur 320. E. T. Stephens, Stop 47, Yonge St. RED TAPEâ€"The Champion Imported Clydesdale Stallion lied Tape, will stand at his own stable. lot 40, Yonge Street. for the senson. See this horse before breeding your mares. Tex-ms 320. E. '1‘. Stephens, Stop 47, Yonge St. GENERAL KEYNOTEâ€"Pure-ll'ed im- gorted Clydesdale, the property of . A. Bowes 8: A. Bmmnck. Home stable; concord. Will stop at J. Brumwell’s. Kilgour Fun-m, Donalda Fnrm, Dollar, Maple. Edgeley. Terms 817. Chas. Boddy,gioom. Valuable 133 acres. 3 miles norlh of Lily limits, 80 rods frontage on Bulhul‘sb Sll‘t'et, 11 miles west nf Newton Bmuk; the property of the- lale A. Henry “'iltshire: Srnomed house. bank burn. hny burn, and nlhm- buildings, with p'enty nf water. Apply to E. F. \VIL'I‘SHIRE. Em†Executor. Thornhill. or to his Solicitnrs. Messrs. Clm-k. McPhersor. Campbell & Jarvis. Ken: Building. Toronto. 51‘52 are specially invited Lu be present. Thv‘ fullnwing SDedkPl'S will address Harry Stuart Cl/Iri-y's mailing :u the Willowdule Sclmnl Ivn [91-1.]st evvning an S o'clnck, Standard time : The candidut", AlexanderMM~GIGgm-, A. B. Kerr, and (Athens. john Mc- Kenzie will net as Chairman. S n'clock standard time. Major Bel-t Wemp: Joe Harris. M. P. fur East York; Hon. Geo. S, Henry, and others, will address lbé meeting. Juhn H. Sandelson will act as ch-Iirnmn. Ladies axe specially invited Lu [)0 pwsent. To-morrow (Friday) evening. at the Masonic Hall, at. 8 o’clock standaud time, a public meeting will be held in the interests of Hal-intuart Clalry. Liberal standald bearer for Eilat Yank. Mr. Olnlry will be presentin person and address the meeting. He will he ably assisted by the following speukers‘. Alexander bIch-egor, A. E. onokleaby (President North Toronto Libelal Association). George E. Lnshvr. and others. Ladies are specially invith to he present and hear the public questions discussed in a prm-tical man- ner. All indications point to n crowded houee to-nmr,rmv evening. A: Thornhill lo-mmrnw (F1 iday) evening the Liberal candidate. Hurry Stua: t Clarry, and others. will address a public meeting in Vir'toriu llull, Lndies me speciillly invited to be pre- sent. A Liberal Conservative Rally. in the intervals of Hon. Grunge S. Hemy. candidate for East York. will be held in Lhe Masonic Hull, Richmnnd Hill, 9n _$atilrd:1y Aevening. June 23. ul PLUMBING AND TINSMITHING HOT \VATER HEATING AND GENERAL REPAIRS THORNHILL, ONT. A meeting in the interests of the Drury Government and the candi- dature of Arthur \V. Roebuck, U. F.O. candidate, was held in the Masnnic Hull Ion Tuesday evening. when several addresses were givem The several planks of the administrntion platform were dealt with by the speakers. The audience was large and good naturedâ€"just a regular political meeting. with a few hecklers here and there: it wouldn't appear just, the same without them. Mr. Roebuck handled his arguments in u creditable manner. ‘ Farm For Sale Mr. and Mrs. Seneca Baker, (it Baker Hill. Whitchurch Township, Yoxk County, celebrated the fiftieth anniversary of their Innrxinge utthe fan) ly residence, on Friday afternoon. june 8th last. The sons and daughters, with their wives and husbands. and the grandchildren. numbering 42 in all. with about 35 other immediate re- latives, were p (-sent. Rev. J. B. Moore. now of \Vnter- find. N. Y., the minister who mar- I‘lEd Mr. and Mrs. Baker in “£73, was an honored guest on this I ceasirn. as was also a sister of the hride. Mrs. Alice Turner. of Toronto, who was bridesmaid. ' Addresses were given by the pastor, Rev. C. E. McLead, of Stouffville. who pre iderl; Rev. j. B. Moore, \Vater- furl; Mr. ansny Sinclair, Toronto, and Mr. Morgan Baker. Deputy-Reeve (If Whitchurch. one of the sons. Mr. Seneca Baker, who was formeily a \deen of York County. made a very fitting response to bhe congratu- ‘latory remarks of the speakers. The. sons and daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Baker, who are. trained vocalists. Rare appropriate selections during the evening A. C. HENDERSON The Ladies’ Aid of Buttnnville Melhudist, Church are giving n. garden party an the lawn of Mr. Cline Burr, on Saturday evening, June 30th. The Mnrt‘ Entertainers wi|l fmnish the programme. Refreshments will be served. Admission â€" Adults 85m, children 200. Stallion Register Celebrated Golden Wedding Political Meetings Bultonville When it is npprÂ¥cmted ihgt- “~th ha; been enumerated in the:mere:t out. ,O 7- __ millions of dollars. The rate of compensaliun to sh injured workman under the W men’s Compensaxion Act has hep cream-d fmm 557, to 66 2/33; 0 wages previously drawn by the re out involving a. payment (if ovu- and a half millions in excese nf ‘ wages has been made :1 thing at the past. Twenty-five important. industries have been regulated, involving an in- crease in Wages to this the most help- less if her amounting to several gn invernment's resources that it has hwu able to iin~1ea~e the grants fcr wilurulinn from $‘i.302,487i00 in 1919 to $7 051.488.00 in 1922. mising the salaries of teacher, bettering conditions in the s hools, and extending the educational ftClllLlPS of the. Public Schools, the High Schools and the Universities. The Public Institutions of the Pro- vince have be(n run at, a decreased cast; per patient and their useful work has been extended by au additional expenditure of one million dollars. Huspitnls and Charities have been more generously supported. and $l.454.916il() was expended last year on Mothers, allmvnnc-Js. The Plovincinl revenue has been greatly incrpnsed by the Drury policy, ‘one of [he features of which has hem) the 5211:: of timber limits in open competition so [but this yen-there has been obtained in the Lands and Furpsti Depurum-nt; a. revenue of $4,373,100.60 as compared with $2 03-}.- 867.33 in the ldï¬t yenr uf the previous Government. This doubling of returns together with increased Succession Duties on large estates and taxes on race trucks has sn added to Lhei years. and to :lppeuluto ymi fur support on {ha‘t yery excellent record. As the Candidate supporting the Governement (If Premier Dun-y, iti: my privilege to lay before you u few of the nmny things accomplished by the Adminisu-aliun dining the past Ihree ‘UV Mr. Roebuck’s Personal Message to the Electors of East York Next Aï¬sociatinn meetingâ€"Tuesday evening. July 3rd. in the Cunncil ()hmnbers. Be on hand, everybody. Def-n anions Couiinitteeâ€"Ruheit En- denn, Harry Endean. john Ii. Dunlun, Mr. Amold, H. J. Mills. L. J. Oldfield, \Vm- Cotton, and H. Davis. The first named in each is the chairman. The fullmving two new committees have been named, with power to udd thvir numbers: Midxxay Committeeâ€"Frank Teetzel, CFCII Hurting, Sam Hal-ding, Bunny \Vhile, and Jack Lynett. 3‘ At the llrsi‘meeting the question of ' moving the 'I‘. & Y. R. R. track: to the i ‘ center of the street and the paving of Yonge Street through the village was brought before the Council. The esti- mated cost of the undertaking (by ihe‘ engineers) was stated as $41,000. This ï¬gure seemed to be out of the question ‘ in the Council’s opinion. and it was de- cided to meet the Engineer and go over the ground with a view to working out a plan at less expense. At the second meeting a donation of ‘ $50.00 was granted to the local Agricul- tural Society. 7 V a Another succetsfnl meeting Inf the Richmond Hill Old Buys Assncintinn was held in the Council Chambers on Tuesday evening, and much work ac- cmnplished. All committees are working enthusiastically, and these pllgtugeiher spell 'fSUUUESS.†Lack of gpace forbids our giving a full account of'1he meetinge in this Issue. In Two'meetings of the Town Council have been held thus far in Juneâ€"the ï¬rst on June 4th. and the second on June 11th. mnnsler Ior his action in bring- we "Cl-um Up" deal to :1 0011]» resulting in the exlr-nsion one ticket street, car sen‘ice to Tm'nnto and the hlnldinnr of [ADVERTISEMENT] More Committees Our Town Fathers Government has and px-omessive; accnm; lishment enforcement of lhe Minimum of women and gracefully lnw l thing 01’ the taut. industries vnlvinq an in- \Vnrk- hem] in- f; ()f the ‘9 re cipi- vH‘ two of “but » change \Vt X 360“? WOOMWOWWM WA...“ g RICHMOND HILL MOTORS H U l My candidature was the result of a written request signed by a cansidmv- able number of electors of Enst Ymk "to whom my thanks are tendon-d for this honor. The time fur cam- 'palgning is very shun so Lhnt I canâ€" not, see ~nll electors personnllv but I inn) fortunately very well known in the riding as I have lived nearly all my life [in Toronto und hRVe been active in , the public affairs of the PrOViDCP lml h ’hero and in Northern OnIario for a considerable number of years. I am opposed to {he return of [he I am opposed to {he return of the bus or the sale of liquor by any other method, and if I am elected I will sup- port the Pfï¬r‘ient. and effective enforce- ment of the present; Temper-ante Legislation. and will do what 1 cm to assist in the perfecting of of the Act. My stand is outright on this question of Temperance. and f 7,, Tmeu u. Lclul'lulhlllit'. mm 1 ‘ A_ \V, ROEBI'CK. WWWâ€WWWOOW†{PHONE 109 W.’A. VANDERBURGH lino 0f what, has been nccnmpfiahed you are during the past, three and a half years. stuntiul and that. the Govornment has can-in by [he on under exceptimml difï¬culties. I the Tem fee' that, I am justified in l‘vlying on sgeclfully this excellent record in asking you to wmk an support the GuvelnmenL by going tn If “PM the poll: and voting for me on Monday [holy “d the 23th inst. GASOLINE, OIL, GREASE &C' Always on Hand We Specialize in BATTERY REPAIRS VULCANIZING ACETYLENE WELDING AUTO ACCESSORIES and GENERAL REPAIRS Now is the time to look after the repairs for your car so as to be ready for the warmer Weath- er and better roads. L. INNES & SONS, Dealers, RICHMOND HILL BEFORE PURCHASING A CAR SEE’US ABOUT THE NE\V DURANT AND STAR MODELS FOR 192:; 4fol'0ftlengfhs 52W: 4’s'thick :}"'//7’/./ SPRING IS HERE The ï¬féPFOOJ’allb card E§§ Gyproc walls and ceilings can be painted, tinted or papered tlle same as any plastered Wall. It is absolutely ï¬reproof and a wonderful insulator against heat or cold. \Vrite for a sample ofGyproc and Booklet. UeHects can be obtainâ€" ed through the use of Gyproc “'allboard. Because of its unshrinkable and non-warping qualities, “Gyproc†can be used on the walls and ceilings of the most costly homes. Unlike ordin- my wallboard, Gyproc stays put regardless of temperature to which it is subjected, form- ing a beautiful, perfectly flat surface without a wrinkle or roll. 6 Tbs Ontario Gypsum Co., Ltd 'aris EAUTIFUL PANEL l the Tettlpergnce movement, 1 re; I {veclfully submit that yttu shan ) wmk and vote In my §upport. I l If (40(2th you will find man- "tiu-ly udvucntmg ptogrms in edu- ‘wttion. over tvudy to assist, those tn lthe lwspituls and institution; unah'e to mLe (are of tlemsflves, and an 'ent-nest supporter (if all Wellï¬l't‘ legislatinn. I will support Mother Mothvrs’ Penmmï¬ \Vulknten‘s Compen. sntion Act, The Mnimum Wag» Laws and uthm' kind-“(l le-aislution. I am an advocate of good roads t‘n'nughout the Provincu and of Hydro development to Its fullest- axtent. - ‘ On these and nt‘uwgmundannd on this lOCOl‘d. I-nppeal tn ytu lfn' your support If myself and of the (intermittent of the Hon. E. U. Drury un Monday the 25th of June. and I thank you in ad- Vance for the honor you muy accotd me on that date. Fuithfully you: Ontario H. W. REID ‘ICCOIII plished ,03‘.