There will be a meeliug of all re~ turned men in the Council Chamber on Friday evening, July 27th, to mike arrangements for attending Lhe unveiling ceremonies of the Memorial to the boys lying “Over There.†Kindly be“ this announcement in mind. The unveiling is to take place on Sunday afternoon. August 5th, the ï¬rst day ofï¬he Old Boys and Girls Reunion. 61-52 ver bell. 'The’duy is near wheï¬ nut-1.0 will be recognized as Cunad Us greatest, Scottish soprano."â€"-Tm-outa Globe. "â€"But it, remained for unuthr "mist, to add the true Scottish touch. Wonderfully sweet zmd appealing was the singing of Jean Anderson ’l‘uim. . She bus u. nmgueuc personality. and a voice rich, sleep. and vibrant as a. sil- :\ lawn social will he held uu [he Emuuds of SI. M.u~y's Church (0. of 1;.) Saturday afternoon and evening. The uï¬â€˜uiria under lheuuspices of [he \V.A, of Lhe church, and all are united to participate in the fesKivi- nus. Bill; WI“ be out lOulOX‘L‘UW ‘3 Miss May Greene, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Glen-me. Mill 5(., was lllthk'd to St. Michael's Hospital. To- x-uulu. on Sunday morning, at. which pmce she \vusx‘pemtt-d on {or appendi- uLis. Latest. reports state (In: her condition is very satisfactory. Mr. A. E. UuUllle, who Principal or the ï¬t. Oath: legiale Institute fur n. :1 years. was a. few d |ys ugu my the pupils and ath nut! ham: m .uuumu' Grundhuht- " The funeral of Um lute Lennard Curtis was largely attended on Thurs- day last. The sew ces Were conduct- ed by Rev. Mr. Bauuuhy, assisted by Rev. Mr. Haverstock. of Toronto, u hiend at the family. Garden Party, held at Lansing nu ‘urdrty utternuuu and evening, nu ...d grounds of St. Elwnrd's Onuuh, plOVt'd tn be u sucuessful affair, one and all enjoying them- selves immensely. u“ (h: (5031 The pictuxe ot Eu-l Duvns, a former empluyec 0t The Llllelul (mice uppeurs [u Spuluiug’s Ath-Iic Lib- xury in a group pllulu of the Gnu-e bay lmsebull team, he being a. memM-r Animal-eating letter [ms been n- cechd from Mr. Henry Muyle, who is M Lukrlse Hut Springs, in British Uuluulbiu, in search of rammed health and “301-. It Will appear in uur next Iza‘ut’. The following ads. “'1†he found on page 6 of [his izsue: The Ontario Wind and Pump (30., the Ford :|d., and tlm ml. of the Duuuuiun Department of Agricultum. Luuk Lin-m up. :Oummunity singing will 68 one of bvae bu: features of the Old Boys m d Uil'li Reunion Union Sex-vice m [be Park on Sunday evening. Augaht 5th. Uur Town Fathers are husin el- guged on the fm-nmtuvn of u. Building Bylaw for the Villngt‘. A splendid move, even though It, comes late in the days. Mr. J. E. Newton. High School Trustee. hts resigned. The tuwn councu appointed Mr. W. H. Pugsley as his sucuessor for the unexpired term. Miss Jean Andmsou 'l'bitue. dislin guished Scotti-h Supruno. ux' 'L‘munw, will sing at the PreshyLexiAu mech here next, Sunday uwnmg, Jum- 24th. Tue gnr.cge of the Richmond Hill Muwrs (Vandelluurg & Reid)†nemâ€" mg completion. Luuk fur change of ad. in our next issue. ï¬ï¬ev. Mr. West. of Duuville. Onl.. will punch in the PlEsbylell." Unulcn next Sunday, “mining and evemng. Chief Magistrate Ule and J. 1“. Miller. of Unllm. wen: tallers in [he V.lI.nge on Sunday. Lats-st, reports l'rmu the General Hnspitul, 'l‘umhtn, me L; the etfent, lhtll. Ulbx-L Mummy is )ecovenng mgidly. l Mr. and Mus. R. Sewwl. of St. John’s, N.B., visited \Vth the latter's sister, Mrs. Fetch. Bills ure now out announcing a big Dominion Day celebratv n at Maple un Monday. July 2nd. Miss F. J. Russell. 01' Toronto. spent the Week-end with her sister. Mrs. H. A. Nicholll. Have you read ‘ letter on the front at) now. l"ull details uf the Garden putty lbeheld on Saturday, the 30m ut 1e, undertheuuspices of :he Undet 95, mil be lel)ll:I\Ud in uur next -. Keep Lllc evening tree, Satur- James McLean w visimr to Pnlmerm lush. Every voter shuuld use his franc-l and cast his bull-10;! Monday next Our Town Next Monday is the fatal day The left Newton Brook budget of news over until next week. )cial will he held un the St. Mary's Chm-uh (U. of ,y afternole and evening. 1; under the auspices of of Lhe church, and all are iLute fur n. numer few dlys ago plvsen :und abulf \VILh u hl my Grundfalher clock cLe’an wm-x a. business Pnlmerstun on Saturday b'l. UnLhan-iua’s Unlâ€" Chm-lie Storey's" page? If not. do umbcr of plusented t) u hund- has been h: g Come and bring your friends, and support the return of the Conservative Party and Responsible Government; JOHN H. SANDERSON, Chairman. The Candidate will be present and address the meeting. Other speakers are : Major Bert Wemp and Joseph Harris, M. P. for East York. ‘ AT 8 O'CLOCK, STANDARD TIME The Candidate will speak ; also Alexander MacGregor George E. Lasher, and others. Ladies S eciall Invited to be resent. a p y p THOMAS H. TKENCH, Chairman The Girls' Auxiliary of St. John’s Church. Oak Ridges, are holding an ice-cream social nn \Vednesday even- ing._lune 27. at Mr. W. R. Capell's. (opposite Oak Ridges School) at 7 o'clock Standard Time. Good pmâ€" gmmme. Everybody welcome. Ad- mia‘sionâ€"Adulbs 25a, children 15c. The \Vomen's Auxiliary of St. John's Church, Visited the Maple Branch on Thursday afternoon. Grind meetings are being held in a "2‘ leill 0113 book east of Yx-Iige SL, 0 1 Min ml n road‘tu \\'r a 1x Lake, by the Brethren. in Christ Church. Services every night at 7.30 and Sun- One of the favorite spots in tovn these cool evenings is the howling green of the Richmond Hill Bunling Club. The grounds are in excellent condition and ï¬nely situated, just north of the driving park. The club house ls duly In cider, and benches line the ends for the accommodation of visitors and players. Asplendid lighting systuu is being inltalled. The lawn-bowlers are progressive at any rate, and it would be well were some of our other sporting fraternities possessed of the same spirit. The ndjourned inquest, concerning the auto accident at Murgan’s Hill. in which Leonard Curtis. ofRit-hmond Hill, lust; his life. and Gilbert, Ramsay was sorloualy injuredp was hell at Tlmi-nhill on Monday evening. Several witnesses were called and testified. and the inquest further adjourned until Tuesday, july 8rd, when it ll expected that Mr. Ramsay will [0 present and give evidence. Once again the cull arms nut, in (mph and evexy HNMJHIL of Richmond Hill. calling for the nnmes and "(MI-95mm of all form 1' 0| Boys and Girls if ti 9 Lani). If vnu ki ow (if ons or mme will you kinle hund them in tn Miss Brown of the Public School. or to any of the ofï¬cers or \vrirkeis? No one ,hmild lie in issad, and the time is gel- ling shm't. Thanks. Interment will take place in the local cemetery. Fuller particulars of death next week. The death uf a Wt’ll-klluwu towns- man. Mr. Henry Bond. umk plncv at his hmne )estelday (\Vedne-sdayl uf- ternuun- Drum-sad was in the ti2nd year. The funeml will Inks place on Fridny afternoon service being held at, the house at. 2 o'clock, Stundul‘d lime. Interment {ill take place in the local "â€"Jmn Anderson Thixde. wlm possess-$95 :1 nxmlvelluus vuice, n. beau- tiful Scottish countenance. and a vm y pleasing personality, held the people spellbound us she swayed l‘hmn to and fro, sometimes in langhtm-und some- l:mes in tears, by the magic of her remarkable- sinzimz."â€"-The British American. New York. 1y afternooï¬s at? 2.30 LIBERAL CANDIDATE FOR EAST YORK IN THE MasoniciiHall, Richmond Hill FRIDAY EVENING, JUNE 2?. ‘ here was a large crowd at, Victoria Sqmue on Saturday libt. all of whom enjoyed the firm spun-Ls in the .nfu-l- Imbn and the content in the evening. The ul‘l'uir wue under the nuspices~ of the Methodist S. 8.. and in cnnnoctiun With the school's :umiversmy. T: e Sqntlny :ervicwwas also well attended. LIBER AL - CONSER VATIVE RALLY HARRY STUART CLARRYI Masonic Hall, Richmond Hill Saturday Evening, June 23rd OAK RIDGES Hon. George S. Henry YOU ARE INVITED ublic Meeting AT 8 O'CLOCK, STANDARD TIME CANDIDATE FOR EAST YORK IN THE INTEREST OF G )D SAVE THE KING TO ATTEND THE GOD SAVE THE KINGI IN THE INTEREST OF' F day conk stove, ï¬l-uclihnllycflgx‘v: with stove pipe. 0119 Reed hnhv smaller. PROUD. Roseview Ave. SO-tf .__..,.»V v. n u, u. Toronto’s must; bi’DRI‘PSSiVe snBurbs. For paltivulars apply to MRS. PHILLIPS, Hutel Richmond Hill. Out. 50 51 ESIDENTIAL PROPERTY FOR SALEâ€"House and lot situated on Rnseview Ave.. Richmond Hill. A good buy for those wishing the com- fons and conveniencu of one of 1 BENNET, Gehir; WEI: E135; drain hurrels. 51 c n. 2 phone F legged wm-k ho?se, in good con- dninn, suitable for any kind of furm Wnrk. \VHlseH very cheap. Appl JONES LUMBER 00., Richmond B“. 51-52 OUR BANTAM UHICKENS FUR SALEâ€"One master uhd three hens: hens are laying. Price $2.50. Apply to JACK SHEPHERD. Oxford St... Richmond Hill. ,,_,- . 51-52 Ij‘OR SALE-New 3 roamed bungalow on 50 ft. lot. $750; a sacrifice; also English piano in guod condition $250. Stop 51a Yongo 5!. MRS. BR()\VN. 51â€"52 1) men. All the comforis Apply to LIBERAL OFFICE. 51-52 0R SALEâ€"f hump, w automatic electric pump. h new, have installed town waver A. NICHOLLS. phnne poles. in nughlmulhnod of 75,000 ft. (if lumber. Imlnely, pint), hemlock. (mk, vlm. nah, goud wood Sinhs are good body wood. Hay WP huve 22 ucrvs good hay to he) taken off immediately. “"e have u largr- num- ht'r of good cpdur fence paste, anchor pmts and telehunï¬ pules. Apply UI’LANDS GOLF & COUNTY ULmz, Thornhill Out. 51 ROP OI“ ALFALFA AND RED CLOVER FOR SALEâ€"Aim Huppy Thought. range), will) “atmâ€" frunt. PLEWMAN. Stop 505. Ynqu St, \VEDNESDAY, JUNE ZZZâ€"Austin!) sale of hnrsos. implements, and standing grain, the property of llw lut- Loonurd Clirtis; nlsn the entire household effet'ts of tho Inh‘. \Vn‘. Curtis. The sale will be lwld:1t.ln. , Vaughan, th property ‘v~-| ‘EIST FOR ï¬ALEâ€"«wx l6. BERT 0R SALEâ€"Mare ru' gelï¬ixug. cheap BAG“, 1} eusL stop 47. Yonge 3: 0R SALEâ€"10 acres of clover and 5 More: uf timothy hay. Lot, 16, 1. 2, Markham. A. j. HELMKAY. one Richmond Hill Central. 51-52 : OR SALEâ€" \V , V"......, nu. "Hwy-by adjoining the Villuve of R'it-hmond Hill. See bills for full particulars. J. '1‘.‘5aigenn, Allcliuneel. OR SALEâ€"Um- QIIMIQ}: i‘n‘nghten 0A RDERD‘ WA NTEDâ€"Twoigvnllh OR SALEâ€"IAA goodr big clmm lum he!“ pales. Auction Sale Register ALEâ€"\Vnud. slubs. hay, er. ff‘ll(:8 posts. and tele- les. in leghhuulhuod of of lumber. numely, pivw, wk, 01!â€. “all, goud \vuod good body wood. Hay WP ant Ads. t! it pull] [1. N92! [17y ZZZâ€"Auction sale lbs, and standing ty of llw lutv nlso the entire “'03! (-0 H». OTICEâ€"E.'El'uey .5 prepared in L; do all kinds of trucklng and outing in Richmond Hill and vicinity. Patronage solicited. Phone Richmond Hill 98. 42 tf ASTURE â€" Can pasture horses or cattle: have 100 acres of the best. Apply JOHN SLINEY. Richmond ARRVILLE UH()PPING MILLâ€" \‘Vill he (-lnwd TI-lvaduys. Thurs- days and Satmdays for june and Jnlv: A. \VILSON. 49-52 Hill; raking. J. T.‘Jaxml~is[ P. 0. 36576; Richmond Hill. 49-61 dred. UJIM erbrï¬ï¬vbï¬g,Wi’ï¬ï¬rietnr} enquire at, Murphy & Beynon'a Sm a! 50-1 OULTRY FARMâ€"White Luz- hnrn eggs 80 cents pvr setting. Bahy chick: 20 cents each; white pekin duck nga 7 cents ouch. $6.00 per hundrpd; ducklings 35 cwuls each. $30 per hund- ATPTHE RICHMOND HILL Arrival of Spring Suits TOTAL ASSETS OVER EIGHTY-THREE MILLIONS Richmond Hill Branch, J. R. Herrington, Manager OTlUEâ€"I an: open In rvmnfv a, few mim‘gI (IrdvI-a f r mmving’ 9nd Apply JOHN SLINEY. Richmde phone 58 J. 43-“ My stock of spring suits has arrived, and having ordered same before the price of Woollen had advanced. I: can sell suits from $17.50 up (no shoddy goods,l those who have bought suits already, pronounced them the best for the mone) they have had for a long time. Come and see for yourself. _ , Ladies and Men’s suits made right here by hand, $35 and up Ladies’ and Men’s own cloth made and trimmed at very reasonable prices. To the Ladiesâ€"If you want a suit or coat not made to order, I can save you money by taking you to Jno. Northway &. Sons’, factory and let you select one there. Changing the Motor- ing Habits 0f a Nation 'o Investors There are 15 McLaughlin-Buich [Models to Choose From CLEANING AND PRESSING NEATLY DONE The superb elegance of appointments and ï¬nish of the McLaughlinâ€"Buick “Master Four’i Sedan has been no small factor in establishing the prepondâ€" erant popularity of the ï¬ne closed car. Dealer, Richmond Hill DAVID HiLL & C0. md :E. R. FORTNER Clothier and Tailor. or CARAâ€"DA THE Reside-n09 address Vicml iéu Squaw Snturd Richmond H. A. NICHOLLS NOTARY PUBLIC Commissioner, Conveyancer, Etc Insurance and Real Estate ‘cl and constant touch with the well equipped to secure sound (0 place any bonds you may Teac aer Toronto and St J. EARLE N E WTON RICHIVIOND HILL LICENSED AUCTIONEE'R FOR THE COUNTY OF YORK Pan-unazv and influence respectfully solicited avs of Piano-Playing at, the Ounservntory 0f Music .' Margaret's College. Hill~â€"VVednendnys and of Piano-Playing Cunservntory of obtain infonnation 3812 PIANIST P 0. addst GurmlayJHc 131616