The Masonry of the Swallows. Why mention our Swallows, which. out of far Africa. as I learned, thréa.d« lug their way over seas and moun- tains. corporate cities and belligerent nations. yearly found themselves, with the month of May. sung-lodged in our Cottage Lobby? The hospitable Fathâ€" er (for cleanliness sake) had ï¬xed a little bracket plumb under their nest; where they built and caught flies. and twittered, and bred; and all. I chiefly. The Toronto Hospiial for Incur- Ibles. in afï¬liation with Bellevue and Allied Hospitals, New York City. offers a nix-ea yeus’ Course of Train- in to young women. having the re- qu red education. and desirous of be- comlng nurses. This Hospital has ado ted the eight-hour system The pup is {egoive uniforms of the School. a month? allowance and travelling expenses 0 and from New York. For fun-(hu- Information apply to the Superintendent. The mpean Corn Borer If you have a problem of power or transporta- tion bring it to us. There is a Ford or an adapta- tion of a Ford for every purpose. Great damage to corn crops in certain sections of Ontario has been caused in recent years by the European Corn Borer. To check this pest, follow closely recommendations of the Department. FORD MOTOR COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED. FORD, ONTARIO Dominion Department of Agriculture Arthur Gibgonâ€"Domim'on Entomologist Division of Field Crop Field Lalboratory, and Garden Insects, Strathroy, Ont. Ottawa, Ont. NOTE: Address all enqliflea to Domin‘on Entomo- logical Branch. Ottawa. Send nll spccimcnl for identiï¬cation to the Field laboratory, Stratlu'oy. Ont. NURSES 3. Baldock, Limited Richmond Hill {6‘5} Its Life History The moth appears about the middle of June and lasts until about the last week in July. In this period the female lays its eggs on the undersides of the corn leaves, preferably on the most advanced com. The Borer The damage is done by the borer stage. The "worm" devel- ops from the egg, eating into the stalks and cars. It winters in ahe stubble or stalks. The Eupa The worm changes to the pupa, which in turn develops into the moth about the second week of June or later. Egg Laying from the heart loved them. Bright, nimble creatures, who taught you the mason-craft; nay. stranger still, gave you a masonic incorporation, almost social police? For if, by 111 chance, and when tlme pressed, your house fell, have I not seen flue neighbony Helpers appear next day; and swash- lng to and fro. with animated, loud, long-drawn elm-pings, and antlvity al- most super-himndlne, complete it again before nightfall?â€"Thomas Cal» lyle in “Sax-tor Resartus." Before rising time: How they babble, 1' But I forgive them Their sounds are s 'Fhey tell of the mi The joys of springl Youth, love and lax Songs of birds, twittering at early morn, Birds at Early Morning. s are so sweet. the blhe sky. springtime, and laughter. ~V1rginia Wainwright. all e little rascals! 3523 Make the Forests Safe for Trees. One and one-half million dollars plus - â€"â€" is the amount of the protection supplied from all sources to the (‘ana- dian forests/The plus represents the interest of the people of this country in the forests and their Care in pre serving them from ï¬res. It is upon this latter the future of the forest and of the products of the forest are de‘ pendent. The money expended is largely used to guard against and counteract the carelessness of our peo- I ple with ï¬re. The total value of forest products In Canada in 1920, the last year for which complete returns e ‘9 available. was approximately 5316300000, says the ‘Natural Resources Intelligence Service of the Department of the Interior. To this, of curse, must be added the in- creased value due t) processes of manufacture through which wood pass- es in reaching its complete form. This would at least double its value, and make a total well over six hundred million dollars. The me and one-half million dollars, therefore, would repre- sent an insurance cost equal only to about one-half of one per cent. of the value of the product of the forest. We are in trouble without a match, when our newspaper is not on hand th\ e is a vacancy in our lives. and in numerous other matters the products of the forest are indispensable. They enter so intimately into the line of1 the people today that each and ' 'ez‘y one should reinforce this money ex- penditure with personal responsibility for care with ï¬re in the bush, as well as interest others and do their part in making the Canadian forests safe {or trees. Treasure. What have I counted as life's gold? A tree, the smell of autumn ï¬re; Some hours of peace I could not hold; Love. In a Western shire. Stars when you lie upon your back; Hills that hold a water-cup; All gleaming parallels of track, All brown roads leading up. LOW SPHRETED AND BEPRESSED A Condition Due to Poor Blood Nearly all women and mOSt men sut- fer at times from ï¬ts of depression and low spirits, from which they are un- able to free themselves. They cannot attend to their duties satisfactorily and are unable to get any pleasure out of life. People who suffer in this way soon lose their energy of mind and body. They lack vitality because their blood is poor and ill-nourished, and their nerves are starved in conse quence. The only way to obtain new health is by building up the blood with Dr. Williams‘ Pink Pills. The new rich blood made by those pills will carry renewed health and energy to every part of the body. Your appetite will improve, your spirits brighten and you will be endowed with fresh energy and ï¬nd a new joy in living. Mrs. G. Reid. Napanee, Ont., tells of the benefit she found through the use of Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills. She says: “I have used Dr. Williams' Pink Pills on diï¬erent occa- sions and cannot emphasize too strong‘ ly the beneï¬ts derived from them. I was growing nervous, my complexion was becoming saliow and my eyes dull and listless. My vitality was poor and I did not sleep well. I became despond- ent, losing interest in my work. which seemed to tire me so easily. l began using Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and af- ter taking six boxes I began to enjoy life again and looked much brighter and felt happier. My appetite im- proved, I gained in weight and could sleep without any nervous wakefulness during the night. I also used these pills while nursing my baby and found them a wonderful help both to: myself and for making my baby better na- ture ‘. For these reasons 1‘ gladly re- commend them to anyone whc needs a tonic for the rebuilding of strength and energy.†You can get these P1115 from any medicine dealer or by mail at 60 cents a box from The Dr. Williams’ Medicine 00., Brockville, Ont. No Ticket to'Guide Them Having helped hL mother p12 seeds and place at the end of ea the pictured envelopes showing radish, there _a beet, nnd so on Edwin was quite distressed_ w! went out next day and found fl rainstorm had washed the em of! into the mud. know wb flies, the a Although supply the nea‘rly nothe and Weak Nerves. man 2.000 tor 1e medj TSSUE No. 25â€"23 100 nual world I â€"â€"Orriok Johns lel‘ plant the l of each row owing here a so on. little opi ‘ome up 1m would he grea 1n It is probable that very few persons lare aware of the fact that the full ‘xnoon gives several times more than itwice the light of the half moon. They may be still more surprised to learn that the ratio is approximately as nine to one. Stebbine and Brown, taking advant- age of the extreme sens-itiveness to light of a selenium cell, measured the amount of light coming from the moon at different phases, with the result labove mentioned. The reason for the remarkable difference shown is to be found in the varying angles of reflec- tion presented by the roughened sur- faces of our satellite to the sun The moon is brighter between ï¬rst quarter and full than between full and last quarter. I Fire. Lightnlng, Rust and Storm Proof - Metallic Roch shed clean Rain Wster Send Ponul Card for Folder “E†The Metallic. Roofing Co. “Metallic†Shingies Dissolve m boiling water Use enough to get a big lasting suds Big lasting sudsâ€"one secret of Rinso'a amaz- ing power to dissolve dirt. If you don‘t get lasting suds, you have not USCd enough Rinse. After soaking. only the most soiled clothes need a light rubbing with dry Rinso. Your clothes don't need boiling if you use Rinso. But if you like to boil your white cottons, use enough Rinso solution to get the suds you like. Rinse is made by fire largest soap makers in the world to do the famin wash as easily and safely as LUX does ï¬ne things. By simply attaching a Toronto Pumping Engine to your pump you can have running water for every purpose you desire. Think of the time and labor savedâ€"the freedom from tiresome pump- I’T‘g- _ . .. .. 1- VAJâ€" -â€"A --..Zl.. onceming Moonlight. lug. Toronto Engines with direct connected jack are easily, but securely attached to the pump. Specially designed for pumping service. Smooth-running and almost noiseless. Easily adjusted to any height of pump. Operate economically on gasoline. Ariâ€"independent pulley on the crank-shaft makes power available for operating the churn, separator. washing machine. etc. leited 404. 1194 King St. W., Toronto A Toronto Wale! System. Englna and Pump Jack will give you the advantages of cm walcr aerolce. See me about 1'! or ask me for book“ Ids. “Eastake†Galvan Ized Copper-bearlng 1}: Mi: direct cannula Lei This Engine Pump Your Water LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED TORONTO unau ï¬iaaï¬nALUs 499.000 Autos In Canada. There are 499,000 motor vehicles inf Canada. nearly half of these being 111‘ Ontario. 1' To prevent cheese from drying and moulding wrap it in a damp muslin cloth sprinkled with vinegar. Keep on a cool. raised, covered dish. ‘E‘REATWE EMT Soak an hour or more “$23 Smint, sprains and pains. overworked muck-.3, a, twinge ohhwmï¬m all of than am!- at once to Ken- dall's Spuvin Treatment. I“! _ spot - and hug! Kendau’c 1 1.-....“ ‘nr N (Colored doLhea only half an hour) V bundaginï¬. Auk ysnr druggist tor a bank tad-y soiled clothes need Lg} me .1 $3 3 amiiv SPAVEN Khadfl'c Deccan his ï¬ght in ï¬ho not. ‘ spot -‘ soodw‘. cw}! asd hush. Emma’s 59min Tzemefl. known far more than 6!) you: uchndau’n SpsvlnCumJum mica! and deanâ€"no massing“. no conï¬rmed rubbing. go qurnight \fywwt'ahâ€" R302