IL Artist, Teacher in Literature, Expression, Reading, Dram- atic and Humourous Sketches, Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York. Sales attended to (m shortest notibe and at reasonable rates. Owen A. Smiley Studio. Address Miss Marguerite Boyle. Studio ‘Homewood Hall,’ Thornhill, Ont 30 tf Dialect Poems. Professional Graduate of Barristers Solicltor Notaries Telephone Adelaide 2108 85 Richmond St, West, Otflces Tomato. Nuugbton Block, Aurora. Solicltor for 2 Aurora and Richmond Hill. Tho 'Downahips of King. VVhitchurch and Markham. Walter S. Jenkins Res. Phone Hill. 5048 ELOC UTIO N Mi_ss Marguerite Boyle Real Estate Dept. Exclusive Agents 46 KING ST. W, TORONTO - Phone Main 6215 This exceptionally ï¬ne property adjoins the southern boundary of Richmond Hill, and already has many conveniences, including electric light. The tax rate is lower, and prices for lots are lower than in Rich- mond Hill. Very Easy Terms of Payment Spread over a period of ï¬ve years at 6% p. c. interest. ' Salesmen on the Pr0perty Every Week Day. CHARTERED TRUST & EXECUTOR CO. ACRE LOTS $250 AND UP Building Lots $4 per Ft. and Up O.V YOXGE ST. JL'S'T SUIT/I 0F RICHMOND HILL Lots for Sale in this Beautiful New Residential and Garden Subdivision NAUGHTON & JENKINS Wmomuwm on†W Robinson Block RICHMOND HILL ‘Momuoowuommwuwmm Serge IJac-e V oil Enabroider; BIG- SALE -â€"â€"â€"OFâ€"â€"â€" REMNANTS J. T. SAIGEOIV Maple Rainbow Specialty Shoppe Patronage solicited These Remnants are from our own cutting rooms, and. will be sold for less than cost. [3’ Come early and look them ove} â€" SEE OUR â€" PORCH DRESSES AT $3.95 1. Harry Nau hton Res. Elgin Ml Is Res. Phone 44.4 Are you a mourner, or will you be a pail-bearer to help us bury all Doubt? Sell your hammer and buy a horn. There's a place in the proceuion for you. Make ready the spare bed-room. and prepare for the home-coming of Jack, Bill, and Mary. and. above all, come to tha meetings in the Uouncil Chamber: on Tuesday evenings.â€"(Cor.- tributod). AGarden Party will be held at Stop 43, under the auspices of Trin- ity Church, Thornhill, on Saturday, June 30th. A splendid time is pro- mised as (besides refresnments of all kinds) Jas. Esplin, Canada’s versa- tile entertainer, will be present, ssisted by Miss Evelyn II. Braitt- waite, popular soprano. The enterl tainment part of the programme commences at 8.30 p. m. ' Decealed wan the only child of Pessi- mism and Misunderstanding, and dur- ing his Ihort life here had gained a cer- tain number of friends in the village Ind community. There in, however. very little sympathy being expressed for the departed. because of the fact that all hope for hls life had to be abandoned when the enthusiasm of the l cal public undermined his constitution by exposure to the optimism of the non- re ident Old Boys end Girls who are preparing to come home for August 5th, 0th. and 7th. All Doubt as to the success of Rich- mond Hill Old Boys and Girls Rounion pugsed away a few day§ agq: _ Died of Expnsure THORNHILL Silk Not Heavy Chop tor Sale Quantity Re-Cleaned Buck- wheat Fit for Seed Car of Western Oats Now In Custom Grinding. Flour and Feeds of nll kind~1. Poultry Feed A Specially. Come and have them ground fresh. Our Fiuul- Prices an- away (1mm, consistent with quality. 001119 in and get Flour fI-nm the Largest. Millrrs in the Blitish Empire. Deliveries Tuesdays and Saturdnys. Phone 82 W. J F. BURR \Vell, if we can't have a. winning men's ball team. at least we can try the young ladies at the game, and that is just what we are going to do. Yours truly has been nsked to manage the young ladies team, and has consented on the condition that practice nighls will be attended by one and all taking partâ€"no team can hope for success without consistent and strenuous practice, both in the field and at hat. According to the fitness and plnying ability of the young Indies they will be assigned to the different playing posiLinnsâ€"the one they are best suited for. The writer would kindly ask the young ladies of the 'town to meet on the public school diamond in large numbers each and every Tuesday and Thursday evenings at 7 o’clock. standard time, for pmctice. Richmond Hill has enough athletic young ladies to piactice with two full teams. from which a iplendid ï¬rst team can be se- lected: also a splendid second team]. No better exercise can he. found than the at! onuous play of outdoor baseball Let. us get down to business and have in team which will he a credit to one and all alike and a pleasure to the Old Boys and Gil is of Richmond Hill when they visit us in August next. It is more than likely that a game will be arranged for the Reuniun between an outside team and the hume girls. VETERINAKY SURGEON, Thornhil]. Call by phone or othexwise pmmplly That 'way buck in the eighties tl.e Maple Leafs of Canada claimed the Worlds lnuelmll championship? And that, in those days gloves and masks W818 unknown, and the catcher, if he was prudent, played far behind the halter. Fouls caught, on the filst bounce put the lmtter out in those days uf gloveless hands and gnallvd, twisth ï¬ngers, wht-n it was nothing nut 0f the nrdinary for a team to some 50 or more runs. A JOHN R. CAMPBELL \Ve lwlieve most. of our citizens want a baselall team in town. 'l‘h greatest, help to a ball team is a big crowd at the games. You ran do n u better to advance gund clean sport in Richmond Hill than In turn out in full force when a. visiting team is here, and the boys (an do no better I ban practice faithfully. and they need it badly. If we int: nd tn have a hockey team worlhy of [he good name of the town next \\ inter smnothing should be done immediately in the mutterâ€"the lab of August is rapidly npprnucliing. \Vhy not have a meeting called at micr? There is :1 danger thnt wamay lose one or two of our best plziyels hefone that date. Let’s keep awake at. all times. BRUCE BROS. {\Iill at Lot 35. Con. 5 Aurora and Newmaxket gix-ls’ base- mu clubs are having some exciting games this summer. And now. what aboul R'chmnnd Hillmrnnging - few games with the above teams? The Iocnl Juvenile Cadet baseball team won another Hillsâ€"Square League game on Sutuxday last. defeat- ing Victoria Squat-u nn their own grounds by ascm'enf 8-4. The Meals are now on top, having lost butune game. These Outs are very heavy and reasonably clean. Upon request we will Re-Cleun Onbs befnxe crushing for 350. per bush. extra. The local seniors played a league game at Aurora on Tuesday evening, and lost, out by a score of 6 to 2. Newman-km has not. suffered a de- feat in their distxict of the Tri-Counly League. » 0: “IL-1 is leading the northern group of the Tri-Cnunty by two wins and no losses. Chopping Mill Mill at Lot 35, Con. 5 Markham Sporting Notes Paper hanger and Painter Oxford Street Phone 4-1 F 32. SAM. SHEPHERD GIRL BASEBALLERS DID YOU KNOW? FEED See Our Line of Remnants of Dress Goods and Coatings for Women and Children We have a very Complete Line of Hats, Caps, Shirts, Ties, Suspend- ers, Sox, Boots and Shoes. All at Reduced Prices. MEN’S EASTER TIES, Regular $2.00, for $1.50 THE LURNE LUBK FURNISHING STORE We armï¬â€˜ering all Millinery Stock at greatly reduced price. If in need of Hats of any description, buy now and save money. We have in stock, at popular prices, ladies and children’s dresses, suitable for house or street wear. [A nice line of gingliams and chambray’s with trimmings to match in the newest patterns. Summer underyvear. Hosiery, including Holeproof from 350. to $3.00 yer pair. Children's s>uks in the n‘ew fancy silk and cotton weave. DRY GOODS - MILLINERY - LADIES’ WEAR â€"â€";â€"â€"-â€"‘~â€"-= WOOD .‘FIRE and LIFE INSURANCE REAL ESTATE A. G. SAVAGE QUALITY SHOPPE -:- Phone 53 Trench Block Phone 33, - Thornhill, Ontario WOOWMâ€OOON OOO“WW NEW PERFECTION 'O'JTCB‘ditï¬câ€"niés'éfd'évébé New Perfection Cook Stoves Our aim is to p‘ease, and fave satisï¬ed customers, try us. General Agent, office at the Post Office - Richmond Hill COAL '. HARDWARE & SUPPLIES Limited Phone 33 Thornhill, Ontario . HARDWARE & SUPPLIES Limited Norman J. Glass. MR S. NORMAN BATTY and Thermometers for Ovens. .95 OVENS . . . . . . . . $6.50 and $8.50 For Three Burner Stove For Four Bunner Stove. 11.00 Two Burner Three B'urncl Four Burner For Two Burner Stove..$ 7‘50 PRICE \VITHOI'T CABINET $1.25 & 1.50, for $1.00 $1.00, for 75c. CABINETS Phone 53 $23.00 36.50 28.00