GEO. KIDD vyv' ALA†\Boot and Shoe Repairer I 50 Foot Lot, on Rosoview Avenue, will f9un_d_nt.lou for small house laid. Heavy Chop ior Sale Quantity Re-Cleaned Buck- ' wheat Fit for Seed JOHN R. CAMPBELL VETERINARY SURGEON, Thornhill. Call by phone or otherwise promptly All Kinds of Boots and Shoes Repaired. Good Workmanship Prompt Service 2Doors South of Bakery on Yonge St. Is it not worth at least 50c. per ton that you are not buy. ‘ing a large percentage of dust which is bound to be in every car of coal; Desirable Lot an Richrdniéhrtriv Sgi’géf, North Siden60 ft. Ify «1 good deptLh. House. Barn, 4' MRS. V {wad-well. fruit, trees, corner Mill Road and Buthurst. ' 0n noth side Roseview. elegant brick clad house all modern improve- ments. hard wood floors. finished attic. aux-active grounds. mix-m: Frame house on Richmond fronting on three tau-vets. gacre. garden. trees. smnii fruit, in good shapu. 50 ft. lot, on Gear Iide ‘ovanker Ave.. with good garage and hen house only $700.00. Many peOpxe of this vil- lage do not know that 95 per cent. of our coal is screened before leaving-our yard. This is not done in any yard thfs side of Toronto. Brick clad house. stable and 3 acres, and, orchard. small fruit on Lucas Street. Two choice bargains on Centre St. East. House and Lot at Maple also a small farm in same locality. _ Acreage with large house. good spring creek at Elgin Mills. 4 Acres, 5 roamed cuttage, lug? hum, natural gas well, on the Mill Rnad. Stop 48. Will lend you money or loan yuur money. Insul'nncp. A good shipment of the very best Anthracite for summer orders. Yonge St, RICHMOND HILL Iar of Western Oats Now In BRUCE BROS. These ' Outs :n-c _veI-_v heavy and reasonably clean. Upon request we will Rp-Clenn Onts bet‘nrp crushing for 3k. per bush. extra. VOL. XLV. H. A. Nicholls PUBUG NOTICE Mill at Lot 35, Con. 5 Markham $1.50 per annum, in advance. The Real Estate Man . D. Ramer HAS FOR SALE FEED Custom Glinding. Z Flour and Feeds. \Vhole Grain and Mnshcs for Poultry. Baled Hay and Straw. Fertilizer at Half Price for Fall Whmu'Sowing. Deliveries Tuesdays and Saturdays. Phone 82 W. J F. BURR FOR COUNTY OF YORK AND ONTARIO Special attention given to sales 01 every description. Farms and farm stock sales specialty. Farms bought. and snld on commission. Allsaies at- tended to on shortest notice. and con~ ducted by the mostupproved methods. Patronage solicited. Indivldual Instruction. Night School Mondays and Thursdays, Newmarket. Bank of Toronto Blm k Barristers. Solicitors. Etc. Ofï¬cesâ€"Suite 51] McKinnon Bldg.. Cor. Jordon and Molinda. Sts.. Toronto. Telephone Main 3631. A. CAMERON MACNAUGHTUN FREDERICK A. A. CAMPBELL Mr. Campbell will he at. The Liberal Oflice. Richmmzd Hill, every Tuesday aternbnn. B.mnxs'r23. Somcu‘an. NOTARY E1! Tm-nntn 031cc. Richmond Buildin g 33 Richmond Street, \Vest. Richmond Hill Oflice (' Liherai Ofï¬ce}. every Thursday forenoun. Maple, Thursday afternoon. VVonde-idze, Saturday‘forennou. Mum‘y to Loan at Curl-an Run- SAMPLES FREE PAINTING, DECORATING Phone 806. King. MISS BEATRICE HOWELL TORONTO feacher of Fletcher Method Musical Klndergarsen Pupils passed for Consexvatory Ex- auxinatinns. STUDIOâ€"HOTEL RICHMOND. Richmond Hill. \Vrlte for catalogue. and you will soon ska why you should patronize our schnnl. Open all year. Enter ____ 1,7, any time. Arrange now tr: enter [his famous schoolâ€"famous for suinlly high grade work and for promptly help- ing students to spoure empluymem. Fall Term Opens Aug. 27 mulch-n Yonge and Charles Sts.. Toronto Macnaughton & Campbell Wall Haggings - of .. Agtjisitic Charm . HILL, Oak Ridges P. O. ChOpping Mill NEWMARKET BUSINESS COLLEGE ENROLL ANY TIM E 415 Bulliol 513., Toronto. Phone Belmont 1347 LICENSED AUCTIONEER , COUNTY OF YORK AND ONTARIO pecial attquion given to sales 01 FALL TERM OPEN None Better in Canada SAM. SHEPHERD RICHMOND HILL, ONT.. THURSDAY. JUNE 28, 1923 aper hanger and Painter Oxford Street Phone 44 11 3‘2. WILLIAM COOK . ELLIOTT Principal. 08?) “In Essentiats, Unity,- in Non-Essentials, Liberty {in rentice n‘rcnt Rule 12-1f A few Indies of the Presbyterian churchmebah the bums of Mr. and Mrs. G. Cowie on the eve of their de- parture for Scotland. On behalf of those present, Mrs. F. Atkinson, in a few well-chosen words, wisle them :1, pleasant voyaga and a safe return, and asked Mrs. Cowie to accept, as a slight token of esteem, a beautiful leather handbag. Presentalinn was then made by Mrs. J. H. Dunlnp. Mr. Cowie. on behalf of his wife, thanked the ladies for their gift, and kind wishes. The Dread Messenger appeared in the village with awful s'uddennesg on Friday evening last. announcing the drowning, at \Vilcox Lake. of \Vullace Norman \Valtnn, teller at, the local branch of thF Sterling Bank. a ynung man of much promise. and one who was loved and impacted by all who had the pleasure of his acquaintance. He was 18 years of age. and the son of Mr. and Mrs. Noxmnn \Valton, of Aurora. As with all such accidents, so with this (me: many different. stories were cilculated as to how the {utniity look pluce and what, caused it. Probably the most correct account follows. secured from different sources : A nrly of four young people -â€"Wal- lace orman \Valton. of Aurora; Mins Louise Starkey and Miss Conny Bran- dreth. of Aurora; nnd B. W. Bowes bookkeeper in the Sterling Bank (Richmond Himâ€"Were enjoying a boat ride on the lake; The punt, a leaky affair. while in the middle cf the lake, quickly ï¬lled with water and sank. Walton, who could not swim, sunk a»!- mosl immediately. Bowes made an attempt to rencue him. but healing cries for assistance from the girls changed his course. He. too, wus overcome and had to swim back to the punt, to which he clung until rescued. Edward Brown, of 71 Holmcsdale Rd,, Toronto, teller in the Yonge Street branch of the Bank of Toronto, who was spending his vacation on the shore of Ihe lake, made a heroic rescue of Miss Starkey as she went under for the ihird tï¬ne. Miss Brandretb. after keeping Miss Starkey above water until rescued, saved herself. The punt in which the party were paling had been lying on the shore and the meat heat of the previous day: opened its seams. The leak was not noticed until some disloncv out in the lake. The funeral. which was largelv at- tended, took place from the fumilv residence. Aul'orn, (in Tuesday "fl-PT- llOull. internan taking place in King cemetery. The services at the house weue conducted by the four Aurora mini~lers. The pall-heuiers “me all young members (I! the banking fre- ternity, as follows: Mr. C. Rochell. Bank of Montreal, Aurora: Mr. A. D\“‘50D, Imperial Bank, Aurora ; Mr. M. Mchugnll, Sterling Bank. To- ranlo; Mr. W. ]. Jm-kmn. Sterling Bank. Lansing; Mr. F. Bowes, Slerl- iug Bank. Richmond Hill. and Mr. H. Buiden. Sterling Bunk, Aumm, The flul'al tributes of sympathy “’ore heliu- Iiful and expressive. one being from the general manager and directors of the Sterling Bunk, Turonm. A de- tnchment of 33 Richmond Hill Cndeia («minus and cuhs). under romunind of Lieut. Early Morden. 0.0.. and (lupi. Bert. Grant and Lieuts. Belnxrd \Vhita and Rand Phipp=. attended the fund rnl. going to Aurora hy Ipecinl cur. The cubs looked splendid in their flatly legimeulnl whites. After the services at the house Cudet-Sergt. (l Mautin sounded “The Lair. Pout." The Cudels marched as far as ths Mothndizt Chmch, whole they lined np(in line) and stood at salute ntlen. Lion while the funerul curtego passed . They returnflltu the Hill afterwards. In hi. lust. tulk with his mother on Friday nmrning. before lenving for his duties nt the bank. he spoke enthusi- nslicnlly to her (If (he Cudets and their \mrk, relatisz In her the detail: of the Splendid military review held in Rich. muud Hil“ lRHl \Vednosdny awning. At. the request of the cuunty pr-licp, Sl~1perintehdent Austen Saunders of the Lifvsming SPI'YiL‘e new, Ufl’ix-er Calder and crew with n lmal, tn assist in the SPBI‘Ch fur the lmdy. Dragging of the lake wae curried on throughout the night nnd fullmving day without 5m cvss‘. but it was ï¬nally located and brought to the smfaca nn Sunday morning, nhout. 9 o'clruk, by the Amom searching pmty. who had le- lieved the hard-working and tiled-out. patlol purtyfwm Torqntp‘. ' The (rngédy cast. a shadow over the towns of Aumm and Richmond H1“. Mr. Harty Mon-den, local nmnagpr ‘vf the Sterling Bank. reuched the lake shorlly after the fatality. and at, once notiï¬ed the bereaved parents. The a-hnck to Mr. Mm-dun was a great on», for he was much attached to his faith- ful assistant. Wallace Norman Walton Drowned THE FUNERAL Presentation A nmeling mu “Fill in the Council Ulmnilwr Tuesday evening to discuss a manufacturing enterprise for spark plugs. The chair was taken by Reeve Trench. who stu:ed the oth t of the meeting. The President (f a roinpanv. Mr. Bowrlan, doing business in tho Unitid Suites, explained [h ll thPy had a factory at Allentown, and wished to establish another in a CAnadiun town. The company had secuwd an option on a site near the C. N. R. station. They wish the citi- zens to show an interest, in the en- teiprise by taking shares to the amount of $7,000. Every member of the Village Council has subscribed for ten share: each ; also a. number of other citizens. The proposition looks like a good one. A well-known and highly-esteemed residknt of the village passed away on \Vednesday afternoon of last. week. in the person of Hem-y Bond. Deceased WM in the 62nd year of his age. and had been in failing health for some time past. His condition was not con- sidered serious until about three weeks Ago, wh n he was seized with a stroka. Mr. Bond was born in Markham town- ship. when he farmed until about 10 years agn, when he moved to Rich- mond Hill. Sincp that time he has been engaged in the carpentering busi- ness. His widow and one daughter, Mrs. R. Hislnp, of Unoksville. are left to mourn th’e loss of a kind and loving husband and father. Letters of acceptance are daily being received by Secretary Teetzei from former old boys and girls of the town. the following being from A. G. F. Lawrence, Barrister. 01 Toronto : L. B. 'I‘eetzel, Esq. Sec. Richmond Hill Old Boys and Girls Association. Richmond Hill, Ont. : Dear Sir :â€" i beg to acknowledge with pleasure the Association’s letter advising of the Reunion to be held in August next at Richmond Hill. and enclosing honorary membersnip ticket therewith- I desire to thank the Asso- ciation for the honorary membership. and to express the hope that the eiforts of the Association in holding this Reâ€" union will be awarded the thanks they are entitled to receive for the time and trouble taken in bringing this event about. I simply wish. as one of the Old Boys. to thunk the Association for tak- ing this matter in hand and seeing it through. I trust I shall be able to be present to thereby assist in milking up the numbers that will make it a success. Yours sincerely. A. G. F. LAWRENCE. .From far and near they are coming HOME for the Old Boys and Girls Rm union in August. You attend the meet- ng in the Council Chamber next Tues- day night. We have opened an UP- TO-DATE PAINT SHOP, and are now ready to take your car in for painting. Highest grade materials used. Experienced painter. Prices right. A trial solicited. The funeral took place on inday afternoon last, and was very largely attended by villagers Ind those from the countryside, all of which attested to the high esteem in which tho de- cmsrd was' held. Interment took place in the local cemetery. Ford Dealers, Richmond Hill. There will be no service in the Hope Methodist church next Sunday morning. From the Torontn Conservatory of Music. will accept, a number of pupils in Piano, Vocal and â€": Them-y. -:- For inforumtion Phone 110. Mns. MYLKB. Adelmo Melecci and Miss Rosalind Bush L T. C. M. W. G. Baldock Coming, Coming, Coming Death of Henry Bond NOTICE Proposed F actory ail things, Charity.†LIMITED Hope 215 Spadina Ave., Toronto, Ontario BATHS. BASINS, W. C’s., RTNKS. Laundry TUBS and ALL NECESSARY EQUIPMENT. Ask for our Septic Tank Uil‘cUIar. Our local representative, Ambrose E. Phipps Rkhmond Hill Phone 13 r 2 \Vill gladly furnish necessary infot- mation and advice. regarding your requirements. Outside the Villago our Pressure Systems will provide water for any iultvullatinn. Ofï¬ce omce hours 8 to 10 mm. 1 to 2 and 6 to 8 p. m. Oï¬iCe and residenceâ€"Gentle and Church Streets‘Richmond Hill Phone No. 24. Barristers. Snlictor. Aw. MANNING ARCADE. 2-1 KING ST. WEST, TORONTO. CANADA TELEPHONE MAIN 311 Cable Address: “Dedo Arthur A. hfacdonald F.-ank Denton Laura. Demon. B. A. WRIGHT BROS. Undertakers'and Embalmers RICHMOND HILL. THORNHILL ANE UNIONVILLE A large stock of Funeral Furnishing Kept at the above places Canadian Tenor and Choir Lender Sohoiel. North Partdale Methodist Church, is prepared to receive pu ile n Richmond Hill on Mondays. Stu i0, Mrs. N. Butty's. Arnold St. Particuiue can be ublained by calling. PhoneZ Ring 11. COMMISSIONER, CONVEYANCER, ~ MU HOUSE PA 1NTER, Glazier. Grainer and Paper- Hanger. Leave Oldera at. Slrmn's Drug Short Richmond Hill. All mail order: will receive prompt attention. PLUMBING SUPPLIES .‘Tï¬e Mutual L’ife assurance Company of C’anada Denton, Macdonald 6: Benton Forsyth & Allen THE POLICY HOLDERS OWN COMPANY Got your life Iuluranco at cost. C. H. BYAM. Azont, Phone 232. Maple, Ont. The James Robertson, (10., Ltd J. EDWARD FRANCIS NOTARY PUBLIC TWENTY-FIVE YEARS' EXPERIENCE REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE Thornhill. ‘ainters, Decorators and Hardwood Finishers. Estimates given. PhoneTR. Box20] AURORA JOHN T. ANDERSON PIANO TUNER DENTIST Trench Block. two doors north of Standmd Bank. HOUFSQIIJH. In 5.30 [1.11). Telvphone 32 . HEWISON [Single copies, 3 cts L. B. BELL MT. 1’: WILSON Wm. C. Ruttan