Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 28 Jun 1923, p. 4

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JONES LUMBER C0 Having tuken over the lnndling of Masseyâ€"Harris Pans. I am prepared to fill orders for same. Lawn Mowers Slurpenod. Sam's Filed. In fact. IF IT IS DI'LL \Ve Shm'pl 11 IT prupmlv. A. ANDERSON Phone Day, 13-3. Night 75 We Solicit your enquiries and Urders. Lurge Stocks of Pine and Hemlock, Shinglvs‘, Luth. Cedar Posts. Etc. for yourquick convenience. Also dealers in Filue Board, Randy Roofimz, Asphalt Shingles, Felts. Etc. \Ve “penile our own Planing Mill, Siding, , , -_.. -._.....,., mums, Flooring. Moulding Frames. a'nd Sash, Doors, Etc. Perfectly manufactured. 307. Arnold & Yonge, i BUILDERS SUPPLIES Attention in prices in the near futurp. Come in nnd let us protect you with present prices. TEETZEL BROS. You should t'lke advantage of the present prices of metal by ordering your Euve-Trough, Roofing. Furnaces, or any other metal product, as every- thing points to a substantiul increase my now. livery Cuckslnutt Flows. Wilkinsnn Flows, 1 Set Chain Drags, \Vlmelhnr- rows, ISecond-Hand Cl'Pilln Sep untr r. Planing Mill and Lumber Yard Richmond Hill Street Richmond Hill. Next Dnm- to Jones Lumhm-( Arnold SL, Richmond Hill Wallboux'd just, lwl'nl'p the Spring Rush on (he Fill‘lll you should look over the Mn- chiuery and gvt those Needed Repairs. Or, if it's New" Machinery, we can gPt iL fur you Contractors and Home Builders Rough and Dressed Lumt and the Lrvdsufer tuld n“ how “1- stoodâ€"(m u \‘my gnml funudulinn. Mr. Clark, who used tn wield lhu hickoryâ€"me; Mr. John Mnnshuw. Mr. (£90. Jumos, Ml. Milldlt-wm Mr. ,Suhmidt. and Mr. Baker, gaVe slurt talks and rem'hiscenCL-s of ivy-gone dayh Mrs. Middlvtun rend :L v_'l_\' interesling leltrr fmm her brat 9r, Sephen Agar. Mr. \Vm. Strum m- Ved a vote of thanks to Mr. Gmld- l'ng on behalf of the UM 'l‘inwlSund the: appreciation of offering his! I I Rl‘Ollllds‘ at, their service. This wus seminded by Mr. Huppur. andcarlicd by all. This is the Time Take Notice Let Us know ynur wants in Murhil _\' prock We huve on hand for Immediate Dv- We held our annual pinnin nn Sutur- day. June 9. at “\Vuudcxoft," Newt! n Brook. \Vhr»? Why. the NewLuu Brook Old Timers. Whure? \Vhy, that's the name. Gr. N‘ Gaulrhng givrs his place since husuld his I'm-m. We hnd a very pleasantuftemmm, meet» ‘ng all the old friends ()llL‘lf. again. We» rm'h brnught our lunch and the ladies nude us ten. and nt 5130 \V« all sat uuwn and dined. Afterward we had a programme. at which nur pastor. Mr. St. jnhn. was master of ceremonies. The Secretary gave us 1110 minutes, “nd the Lrvasurer tuld IH how “1- stoodâ€"(m u \‘my gnml funudulinn.3 Mr. ClarkI who used tn wield Ihc hickoryâ€"me; Mr. John Mnnshuw. Mr. l . Innes & Sons [16 Tinsmiths and General Agents PHONE 87 W 'CDORI‘C Jardwood PHONE 27 am r:- NEWTON BROOK Fl iing 0011f IE 1' The Stoufl’ville Fire Brigade Intend holding a grand Fireman’s denmnstrn. tion here some time in August. The service in the Methodist church next Sunday \vi‘l be at 11 o'clock in the morning. The honours of the day wax-a fairly Well divided between the three conn- ties represeuted. the champinnship medals going in :nltnn mid \Vent- womb, and the shield tn York. The outstanding nthlrle cf the day was H. Dyment, of \Ventwoi-th, who won four firsts, with E. Campbell. of King, second. Miss M. Rivaz, of Haltun. was the champion girl with 14 pulnls. and Miss M. \Vood. of \Ventworth, 5900111. The five gills and eleven boys of York who won plucings put their old county on Easy StlePt fur the champiuuship shield. This beautiful shield. whirhwasput up by [he JI. Farmer’s Improvement Association. will he put on exhibition in the winan of the Express Herald. Ribbons were given fnl‘ the first three, but points ullmved ful' the first five in each event. A full list of pi-izv- “’lnllt‘ls will nppom‘ in our next. lSall“. mm in ("m i 1;; dub ildi Apr The girls from Victoria Squall accepted A challenge from Hallow County for a game of soft hull. York girls were rather newnt the Soft lmll ‘gnme, but their experience with the whard lmll stood them in good stve«d. After the second innings. during which Hnltun got. a big le..d, the gills from the Square got dmvn to hudness and began to score. In the eleventh inn- logs with the Score 11-7, York held thwnto one run. and in their turn held a little swat-feast and brought in four runs. The final score stood 12- 11 for tho Halton girls. The teams hoth pl-lycd gond b ill. and excitement ram high throughout the t'ntire gunw, with a rlimax in llmlnst innings.when it loode as if the York girls weie go- ‘ ingto tie up the score. PLUMBING AND TINSMITHING HOT WATER HEATING AND GENERAL REPAIRS THORNHILL. ONT. The running bop. step. and jump. brought. out; seven men, with the first jfuurjumping within one foot of llw winner. In the half-mile nun Ilu- nmx'uthonex-s of York showed up to better advantage. Mac Mchthnr. (.f Newmarket. set such a pace that, while ten started only four finished, three wele from Newmarket, and nna from King. The girls 50-ymd da<h was an close that the jungs had diffit-nlty in picking the winners, but when it Came to thrnwing the baseball. Miss Law- rence. of the Hnlton Bu” [mm]. left, no douhtus tu the winner of the Red Ribbon. neulsux «:1 WHO mu boy's IUU yard dushund the 1 mile why. In the IHLIEI‘ Hultou and York each onlm'ed u Uva of funr men. Ymk gained cnn- sldemhle load in [he first pnrt. hut Haltun had their strong mun on the- last 4-10 yArds, and in this stretch it was practically a daeh for the entire- uiistance. with York crossing Hm lzlpu with a small mmgin 10th? gnnd, Spcnnd Anunnl Athletic Fivld Duy ( “19 J. F. I. A. of these- cmmlies, nu lhecumpetitinn in many events \Vn ox en hnllvr than the weather. There was at h g vntrv list for plan tic-wily :III the events. running an higl :1324 girls in throwing lhe baseball and 21 hays in putting the shut. Th §prints wvw nil clusp. lmt tho (‘lnsos heulsof «11 WHO the boy's 10” var: l I p S . The vote on Monday showed plainly that lion. Mr. Ferguson and lthe Conservative party will have :l clear majority in the House over Liberals, U. I“. 0., Labor, and Inâ€" dependents. IIon. E. C. Drury and five of his cabinet went down to deâ€" feat by the cyclone that passed over ‘ every part of the Province. The ten Conservative candidates in To- ronto were all elected by large majorities. and the same 0411 be said in East, West, and North York. The resultgoes to show that the (‘onservatives gained in many rid- iiggs where tlura were three candi- dates in the field. the Liberals and [1.15. O, practically standing on tic same platform, but dividing the v "(‘5' The electors will no doubt be anxious to know it Mr. Ferguson will now bring in a. temperance ‘ i measure “that will please everybody.” The Junior Fnrnmrs nf Ontuxiu nn-L in fliendly can the Exhihiliun Punk, Tux-mm 20th. 10 sollle for nnnllle 1- yé-ur is who” in nthle ius. This v ll) Henry \Vi York Scores Another Stu ‘133 l) urn, [my t with plen E. F. Wu MAPLE ruh Conservative Victory throwing Ike,“ Inlselum, putting the shut. The {lclusm lmt tho olnsost Ill )perty of ire: S-rno Monday showed Mr. Ferguson and party will have N n the House over L, Labor, and Inâ€" n. E. C. Drury and Mcth 11R} This was the Fivld buy of counties, and x of Cvnh I cumhut, ‘m-untu, Jul West j nthe “"t. Victory I)? june "who nigh mr‘ ht. John, WM 130 p. In. On waiting augunmk the numbers tn luncheon an gnu the Board of? Rubdiu The Editor of the Liberal. and his Wife accompanied the Canadian \Veekly Newspaper Association on a tnur lasting ten days. with annual meeting at Halifax on the 18111 and 19th of June. In this and three or four following issues we shall endeavor tn give a shout descuiption of this country travelled through, with notes by the way. The party, numbering ahaut200, left Tut-unto by special train. l2 coaches, C. 1’. ll. at 3 p. In. June 14. stopping for numbers and their wives at Montrqu and other places airing the IiuP. The unity first left theears-at Fred-airlnn, New Blunswick, where hey \ere met by autos, Friday, June l5. n: :ubout 5 o'clock, and driven tn the dining,r pHIlOIS of the Methodist church, where dinner was served. The party were Welcomed bv the Lieut. Governor nnl Premier Venoit. after which an auto trip was made to Mary:- ville, and other important points, winding up the day’s pl'UCt‘fâ€"‘(llflgi with a. ball at the Parliament Buildings. Fredelicton is a. city whirh cannot fail to be interesting to tourists. It is beautifully situated on the bunks uf St. Jnhn River, about 70 miles from its mouth. It is the. capital of the piovince. and formerly was the site of an Acadian settlement while a f-w milvs distant was nu Indian village. famous as the, site of a House uf Assemth in which the Indians held their periodical pnwâ€" won 3. Afim‘ leaving: Montreal the tlain th'LVVlled for about 200 miles through the st le of Maine. U. S.. and on arriving at Mm-udam Junction. t'ir huunday line, all Hlighled on the pint- fnrm (if the depot and rung lustily, “Gud s-IVl‘ lhe. King." l“l'#d!'rlcl(ill itsPlf is both pretty and intn'irsting. Many of its public buildâ€" inns and clunch rdit’iu-es ale artistic in .vlrliitw turul design. whiln- a building wf pal timilar lii~t0rirtal value is that in ".‘llich the first sessinn nt'llu- Logis- lalivc Assembly was held in 1758 after 'hr r-nnital llfttl boon i'!‘.'ll\<furlp1l rm... non aevc uling Lhn 1t (liltan :e is Ql THROUGH The Maritime Provinces and Quebec City NEWSPAPER MEN’S TRIP I hope tn return my thunk~t to lhn Brigade in a. mole tangible (vrm later on. Thanking you. Mr. Editm'. l mmain, Your: [III_\'. H. A. Nurnmms. Upon closing. I fixight suggyst that the Council should arrange some fire- ulnrm system thmngh ll):- telephone officm which was in vogue during our hue Mr. Sundorsun's term, um] ulsu at the time of alarm "if the town wore divided Intn walda as it used to he yams agn" members \vnuld know at once the location uf the fire. I [rust these rumbling remark: will he brought, to Hm atlenlinn uf the Council, the Brigade, and all others inteH-st‘od, and some gnvd may result therefrom. The public should be onlvnkns only if they cannot Work, and let the Chief. who is fully competent, give the old- ers to those particip'tting. The Council should see thutthe caps on the hydrants me well oiled and easy to nmnipulute. and nnt. be content with mukingun annual imp Nun. T119 memhms of the Brigade should mwke the-msehes thoroughly unquuint- ed with the workings of the hydrants. lmse, and be sure to have wrenches and ()lhel' {50015 Mb command and ready for use on the instmt. About 200 fee chased at once; nozzle. Annual Convention at Halifax, NS. Fire protection is un essr-ntLd. nnd. Whilst we havo :1 good wlnter supply and plenty of fnrcv, \vl- are lat-king in equipment, and the Council will find that money spent, on eswnlinls will never be questinnpd by the l'ntepayens nnd_wi|l'bn cheerfully paid. To the Editor of The Liheml: Dear Sinâ€"I wish to thank. through the columns of your pnpvr. the fix val 'and others who' helped so lll;ll(‘ll"lly at, the fire at my Hsldrnfl‘ (In Sunday last. Spvcinl mention might he In le' of some who, nlthonah m-r, lit-l! nging to the Brigade. m rkvd like lH'hH‘F. and whom, without m *ntinning mama», the onlnukms could l‘l‘HdllY rvcng‘nize. It mlght lie well at, this time to draw the attention of all cumml m-d to a few matters ousin xemsdiod. Dear Sinâ€"I wish the columns of you: and othm's whn'lwl [no-st: nf th- l'Trude. C s hentiful nx‘s Squaw Sunday’s Fire fthI-( t of Hos}, shoqu be pur- nl<o another up-m-dale nut m manning mamas, uld rvndily rs-cngnize. II at this time to draw in contained [0 a few medicd. )nvoyud ise" for § RICHMOND HILL MOTORS A H U g Announcing that after July 2nd we will be located in our E New and Up-to-Date Garage on g West Side of Yonge Street, just § soUth‘gf‘the High School,where 9 W‘NOMMC PHONE 109 W. A. VANDERBURGH Aim and St. many found origin AYE In the m-mngw by dam indulgv. another luv-ml and on which culrm, 1604."; a. Genuine Ford Parts Gasoline and Oils Cup GreaSe - Tires and Tubes Battery Repairs Vulcanizing Oxy-Weldipg GeneralRepairs v â€"-â€"O-A uvnlvul, VV liClC We Wlll pleased to serve the requirements of the motorist. lurrwuus. ‘Jlns manned in ml the visitvr who \entums [0 mt hf King SH‘vet. rmw mm “1' indpul business thoroughfares M1 v, will he standipg _0n_ theslu l yuu n sulncn iher Agents for the Celebrated Durant and Star Cars is mus (To be continued) hn ii. for (attractith evvnil Announcement l‘h This l‘hu Imperial." WW “1050 who he Vrnvliam (1‘ Baldock, Limited, Richmond -nnment is is chiselled 'l‘hvntl lll‘lh‘ 112nm; nglnlld 1' int: ‘T‘Gi’ZL‘I'L’A SPECIAL to [h “1' Ih( ily iSand, Gravel, I Tile and Brick sale. (3t) invhee in II-nga) Also Cement Brick Sand 01' Gravel sold by th in car lots. (‘edm- pos's and telephone Miss to $12.00, at, HA L1“ 1 ing of 'I‘ransp'n‘ont Tulie, While Milan, T horn Dress Ma‘s ,‘md of Colored Fabr 0 Mat An Extra Value in ren’s Milan Hats. The Maple Sand umpunV, LL‘d. hu elm-“L drain tile. ulverL tile 12. l At LLC bTORL of liars Su m mer Miiiémry ‘(A KC?) m T. CO USINS. H. W. REID [:1 a ,‘md 11 good v lbl' 0 Hats fur all: NHILL MILLIN mm: J LILY 3 t( , Gravel and Brick so on hand for sale. 3, 4, 5. 6 and 8 in. 3. 18 and 20 inch in lt-ngth) . Barker Mull he IOL Hummer polvs for loud or ll] lll‘ and CW

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