Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 28 Jun 1923, p. 5

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The following pupils lnve failrd in only One subject, indicated in liruckats ate!“ the pupil’s 1mm. These will be promoted upon pissing :1 supplementâ€" :uy examination in that. subject, to be held the first week in Sontombor: Frances Batty (Alg.). Frank Brum- well (French), Lorraine Dunlop ( L'Atin)‘ Mae Flawlla (French); Jennie Gill (AIL). jnlm H-u-t (Bug), Albu'tu Hewison (AlzJ. Rhno Hoan (Glum.l Nora. Johns (A151,). Mu'gnrol Mitqhol (Alg.). Lou. Perry ([Atln), Mulia‘ Simpson {Al .l. Duid Skinnlr (thin). Marian Sme lie (Inn). St-nl'y Snider (Latin), Ellis Sulykh fling.) The next "raclice and meeting «f the Fire I . 'ade will be held Muuiny evening, July 9th. at mu p-m. Full attendance requested. By order of the Chief. Suhofield Bdltexshy. Lottie; Ball, Kathleen Hassard. Ellis Klinck. Irene Lentherdnle. Ursul McCluskey, Frank Nicholson. live Paris, Charles Read. Agnes Siam, Gladyq SnWIgg, “'alter Shacklay. Margaret \‘n nderburgh, Allan White, Isabel Wiley. The following pupils inve failrd in Mr. and Mre‘ George (lowie left last evening for a trip to visit‘their old home and friends in Scotland. They purpose being away about two months. Mrs. George Andrews, 01‘ Massey, 01m, mrived in Lovu y9s(erd;ly to spend a few weeks with hp:- pun-Hts, Mr. und Mrs. E. Grant, at. the Hutel Richmond. -2 Then-a has been plenty( since election dewâ€"hope izx up until next, clecliun d round again. Mr. Wm. Popper. of Arkansas, who has been in the newspaper business for 60 years. has been visiting his brother. Mr. Thos. Hopper. Harold Grunt hus returned from a two weeks trip to the Pucific Coast. He enjuyed every minute of his wcH~ earned ho‘lidny. Garden ml-liea are plentiful at this souson of [H19 yenr. BuLtnnville’s takes place Saturday afternoon and evening. The Mun‘ Entertainers will he. the principal nth-action; Mrs. Bond and daughter wish In thunk their kind frienda for the hplp given during Mr. Bond’s illnesw: “140 for their expressions of sympathy and condolence In their great loss. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. \Vest. Mr. and Mrs. Norman West, Mr. (1}. Powell. and Mia: Harvey, motored from To- ronto and spent Sundav with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Burns, and concession of Vaughan. Faun II to The following pup" the four promotion French, Engl sh. and It is not often that the tiremlarm is sounded in Richmnnd Hill, butnncaeiun demanded its being hand on Sunday afternoon lust, when the residence (if H. A. Nicholh was discovered to he on fire. The fire was caused by alive wire. Loss amounted to about; $600. which was covered by insanmcp. There will he a meeting at all re- turned men in the Council Chamber on Friday evening, July 27th. to muke urlnngements for attandlng the unveiling cerenmnies of the Montorinl in the boys lying "Over There." Kindly bear this announcement. in mind. The unveiling is tn take place on Sumhy ul'tm'nnnn. August. 5th. the first day of the Old linv: und Girls Reuninn. 51-52 Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Brown and Mr. and Mrs. Andy Brown. all of Toronto, spent Sunday in town. the guests of Mn. \V. Jones. The following pupils have pussed in the fnur pl'onmliun suhjurzis, Latin, Fr_e_nch. English, nnd Algebra: Mrs. David Hill. accompanied by her sister. Mrs. John Hill, Peterbom, left early in the month by bus: for Regina. They expect to be absent about two months at Devonlea, the home of Mr. and Mrs. Victur Pugsley. The servicvs in the Methodist ('h'xrch next Sunday will he of specinl interesL. Rev. Daniel Norman, D. D" of Japan. will be the Speakvr at H mm. Al; 7 gum. a Pan-lung Ser‘vicp. Prove your lnve of country by attendance at church on Dominion Day. A one-day tournament will he hvld on the green of the Richmond Hill Bowling Club un \Vednceduy. july 4. Mr. ’1‘. F. McMahon left yesterday to attend the funeral of Mrs. P. Mc- Mahon, a aister-in-Inw, in Canfield. Ont. onceâ€"aunbspheric and political. Have you seen 14:. R. Fortne-r’s $20.00 three-piece suits? They are the host value for the money. Mr. '1‘. F. McMahon left yesterday to attend the funeral of Mrs. P. Mc- ‘ln An A _{nl~n-. l.â€" I‘.... 2.. l‘-__[!_lJ l’\ L lust, Expressed the opinion that. if at small chemical uppzuntus had been used the. fire could have been ex- tinguished \vilhoul um h 1 nnmgv. In most cases the \vntm- damage c-xcwds the fire loss. “'nuld it, nnt he wise for the Council Lu take this into (on- ‘ sidernrion ? Ren ernher' BINplu’a b'g d y . n )lnnâ€" day next. } July Pictorial Review on sale at The Liberal Store. Manitoba went wet a few days ago by a majority of over 30,000. Both cyclones struck Onfario at onceâ€"atmospheric and political. I Have_ you segn #13. Fortnm-fs $20.00 The Ladies Aid wf ZiunflMolliml'BL (‘hurch are holding a sLx-nwbeny festival on Tuesday afternoon and evening. july 3rd. (m the luwn of Mr. 1‘ l’. Glendenning. In the evening a threeâ€"act, play, "My Brother’s Keeper," 3113“ be put on hy the Brooklin Di'nmulic ‘- ub. An plisurver at the {he on Sunday last], Expressed the opinion that. if a small chemical nppzuntus had been used the. fire could have been ex- High School Promotion Exams ‘nx‘m been plenty of “wind” davâ€"fhope iL _\\~und kwp II to Form III g pupils have paecod in nation {subjectm Latin. 11. and Geometry: xltexshy. Lottie Ball, ard. Ellis Klinck. Irene rsul McCluskey, Frank I to Form II ih)’. Lottie Ball, Ellis Klinck. Irene McCluske-y, Frank u‘is, Chm-lea Read. a Snvpga, “’alwr 21y 0011185 A quiet wedding \vnstsnlemnized in St. Mury’s Church, Richnmud Hill. on Wedrmsdny. june 20th, a l] n.m., the RH: or. Rev. H. Fr-nnciv Bnuexshy, nflirialing, when Gertrude Margaret E! is daughter nt‘ Mr. and Mrs, Wm. El is. (If Mann Ruad. was united in He bonds of holy munimony lo Sydn y \Valder. Of Mono Road. ful'nwrlv l'f Sussex. England. Mr. Wm. \ander, brother uf the groom. m-tell us lest man, and Mrs. Verna. Ledluw, Hf C-Ilh don East. aa-hridesumid. After the celomony, and lunch at the Rectory, the happy couple left for Montwal a. d Ottawa. 'Trinily Chumb (l‘lu-mhill) garden party lakes plume un Sulurdayufter- noon and evening. A full programan of sports is (0‘ he run Off, ull ending with a grand concert in the evening. Lwn pruminenl en (‘l‘t'liHEI‘S Icing present. namely: jmnes Esplin and Evelyn H. Bl‘ailhwmte. Y« 11 are invited to be present. T. H. Hardware 81 Supplies, Limited Phone 33 - Thornhill,0nt. The Church festival Your Wafer Sawfly Automaticâ€"Sure IHFW‘TU \‘5‘ THE Plymouth Cordage Company makes only twine of the hiohest mmhrv. and for that reason thev olace their guarâ€" PLYMOUTH GOLD MEDAL BLNDER TWLNE 1 highest qualityI and for that reason they place their guarâ€" antee on each tag, so the user may know he is getting exactly what he pays for when he buys Plymouth Gold Medal Twine. Every ball is guaranteed to be of the average length of 650 feet to the pound. It is Twine Service rather than twine that you must buy. The price per pound is not so important as the number of bundles each pound will tie and the amount of time saved through smoothâ€"working twine that is uniform in size and quality. Buy Plymouth Gold Medal Twine and save money! _observer at the {he on Sunday expressed the opinion that. if a chemical nppmntus had been Why Farmers Shouiid Buy and Use \‘V hen you buy Plymouth Gold Medal Binder Twine you not only buy the best, but you coâ€" operate in keeping :1 Canadian factory busy Sold by T, H. HARDWARE & SUPPL‘ES,THORNHILL PRICES : Go'd Meda‘, 650 feet, Suparior, 600 fiff, Extra, 550 feet, It is made in Canada 0R SALEâ€"~10 Acres of clover and 6 acres of timothy hay. Lot 16, con. 2. Markham. A. J. HELMKAY, phone Richmond Hill Central. 51-52 hens: hens ar Apply tu jACK Richmond Hill b‘ou SALE-New 3 roomed bungalow on 50 ft. )nt, $750; a sacrifice; also English piano in gnnd condition $2.30, Stup 51% Yonge 8!. MRS. BRO\V.\'. on Richmond SKI-eel. Richmond Hill. good gmden planted. and luts of f1 uit. A130 fur Sn)». 2 pmtable chiwken houses in gnod uunditmn. 1 “heel hue; ulsu (lunnLHy of 201ml sealers. Apply W. GREEN. 52»! I: UL‘SE 'J‘O RENTâ€"6i): room house UAKDERS WA NTED-Two gentleâ€" men. All the comforts of homo. Apply to LIBERAL OFFICE. 51-52 0R SALEâ€"Mind huy, clover and timothy. 15 acnes. Lnt 15, 2nd Cunceseit'm. .Apply U. RI'RR. pbqng .‘n. . range with w 510p 50a Yong .3121 OUR BAN’I‘AM UHICKENS FOR SALEâ€"One rooster urd three 5: hens are laying. Price $2.50. fly to jACK SHEPHERD, Uxfmd Sn. mmnd Hill. 51-52 ENT FOR SAL! BENNET. Cantu 0H SALEâ€"Lute CHM)"; H. DAVIS, Mill Street. VV ant- Ads (JR SALEâ€"Chin of alfui sinn. Apply niunville. vex POI)- r4c. I3ic. SALEâ€"16 x16. BERT Gentle St. \Vest. 52 also up of alfnifa. and ) Happy Thought frunL. PLEWMAN. NntS T THE RICHMOND HILL POULTRY FARM-\Vhit§â€"‘ LPg- hmn eggs 80 cents per setting. Baby Chicks 20 cents 9m h; u hire pokin duCk egg. 7 cents ouch. $5.00 per hundred; duck ings 35 CPHIS each. $30 per hund- dred. jIM ZIDEROFF, Pl'npl‘ietnfl enqufre at Murphy & Brynon's Sage; ARRVILLE CHOPPING MILLâ€"~ Will he clowd Tumduys. Thurs- dhys and Saunduys for June and july. A. \VILSON. 49-52 OTlCF‘râ€"E. Shaey .s prepnwd u L do all kinds uf lruvking and Eating in Righnmnd Hill and vicinity. Pan'ofiage solicited. Phone Richmodd Hill 98. . 42 tf OR SALEâ€"~01“; Quebec brighter (My (-onk stnve, prnclil‘nlly nvw. with above pipe. One Heed baby stroller. FROUD. Ruseview Ave. 50-tf $0R SALEâ€"Marr- m- geld BAGG, )1 (east Strip 47‘ TOTAL ASSETS OVER EIGHTY-THREE MILLIONS Richmond Hill Branch, J. R. Herrington, Manager Best fit CL do not mer Mere C; Gyproc is the new improved wall-ho made of wood but of gypsum. Gyproc fire-proof and will not shrink or warp. :E. R. FORTNER -:- ONTARIO GYPSUH C RI] {\I )‘JD HILL D3;\'. Let us send you our free booklet and samples. ve 3ou seen our $2cuoo three-piece Suits for Sum- If y( u have not, it will be to your interest to call 10 lot prclend to sell the cheapest suits, nu‘fe shoddy. But we do c‘aim to give ) 1e for Your Moneyâ€"goods, workmanshi F your progressive ideas are beyond the financial command, talk the matter 0 Manager of this Bank. (In over. ANING AND PRESSING NEATLY DONE“ smmnggisjg BAN K attic STANDARD SERVICE aid; P: ‘ermanent Ming, cheap [7. Yunggb‘} sClothier and Tailorfi. 50-1 \Val! \\' OF (SANAâ€"M Residence address '7 Vlctoriu Square l : ASTUIU t P r-ntllu-r THE Suturd Richmond ) Jkt A am; pH H. A. NIGHOLLS N 013an PUBLIC Commissinner, Urmveynncer, Eu Insurance and Real Estate 1‘95“: Tom and LTD.. PARIS. ONT. L. IVNES. & S )N LICENSED AUU’I‘IONEER FOR THE COUNTY OF YORK Putrumuzv and influence lespectfully snh'cfted . EARLE NEWTON PIANIST RICHNIOND H can ithout Plaster van-board. It is not Syproc is absolutely avs wr nf Piano-Playing at, the nu- Conservatnry of Music St. Margdl'eL‘S CullegP. Apply juHN mm: 58 j. ‘rc Justine Pragrru 4 for cattle raising resources at your ex with the local 1 Hillâ€"W ~ (Tun pa lmve 11.0 eduesdays and INEY PD. address Gonnley. HR We 11 [C1135 ‘ou the tor we of th Chmnn‘

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