Is it not worth at least 50c. per ton that you are not buy. ing a large percentage of dust which is bound to be in every car of coal .I Many pe0p1e of this vil- lage do not know that 95 per cent. of our coal is screened before leaving our yard. This is not done in any yard this side of Toronto. A good shipment of the very best Anthracite for summer orders. Twu choice bargains on Centre St. East. House and Lot nt Maple also a small farm in same locality. Acreage with large house. good spring creek at Elgiu Mills. 4 Acres, 5 ummed cuttngo, largp ham. unlurul gas well, m) the Mill led. Stop 48. - Will lend you money or lmm your money, Insuxnncm Yonge St., RICHMOND HILL 50 ft. lot on west side of Baker Ava. with good garage and hen house only $700.00. Brick clad house, stahla and 3 acres, and, orchard. sum“ f1 uib on Lucas Street. 0n noth side Roseview, elegant brick clad house all umdnrn imprnve- meats. hard wood floors, finished attic. attractive grounds. Frame House on Richmond fronting on three slrc'ets. {5 acre. garden. lg'ees, small fruit. in good shape; rn 1-. a “ OV“ Hduse. Barn; 4 acres, fruit. trees, corner Mill BathursL. I’SO Fool: Lot on Rosoview Avenue wih foundation for small house laid. 'Desimhle E0} on Richmond Street. .I "-1 Boot and Shoe Repairer All Kinds of Boots and Shoes Repaired. Good Workmanship Prompt Service 2 Doors South of Bakery on Yonge St. JOHN R. CAMPBELL Car of Western Oats Now T - Heavy Chop for Sale Quantity Re-Cleaned Buck- wheat Fit for Seed Eall by phone or othelwise promptly BRUCE BROS. Those Outs nreï¬vex-y hemty and reasonably ell-um. Upon request we will Rvâ€"Clean Outs bofm-e crushng for 3.50. per hush. extra. PUBUG NEJTIBE VOL. XLVI. VETERINARY SURGEON, Thoruhil]. GEO. KIDD Mill at Lot 35, Con. 5 Markham The Real Estate Man HAS FOR SALE FEED . Ramer . Nicholls er annum, in advance. u good depth. ale-{93. good well. Road and ISABRIS'I‘ER. SOLICITOR, NOTARY E1! Tcrontn Ofï¬ce. 816Fedm'al Build ng, at E5 Richmonl Street. \Vest. Richmond Hill omce (‘Libeml Ofï¬ce). every Thursday foreuoon. Mapfo. Thursday aft noon. Wm dbriage. Saturday forenoon. Mum y to Loan at Uul.0 :1 Rate BARRIS'I‘ER. SOLICITOR- '7 __--- SABIPLES FR EE PAINTING. DECORATI: Phone 806, King. “w_ -v. Pupils passed for Consexvatory ' mninntinns. MISS BEATRICE HOWELL _ TORONTO feacher of Fletcher Method Musical Kmdergarten n Telephone Main 3631. A. CAMERON MACNAUG FREDERICK A. A. CAMP Mr. Ca mpbell will He at Th Oflice, Richtmmd Hill, every aternoon. Barristers. Solicitors Ofï¬cesâ€"Suite 5]] MoKh Cor. Jordon and Mplindu m. ENROLL ANY TIME Indivldual Inst: uct inn. Night M Mondays and Thursdays, Newmarket, Bank of Toronto LICENSED AUCTIONEER wok COUNTY OF YORK AND ONTARIO Special attention given to sales of every description. Farms and farm stock sales specialty. Farms bought and Sold on commission. Allsules at- tended to on shortest notice, and con- ducted by the mnstapproved methods. Patronage solicited. NE WMARKET if BUSINESS COLLEGE \Vyito for catalouup. and 'm I! soon sue why you shnuld put! our schnnl. Open ull year. any time. Arrange now to er. school â€" fzuunus f- grade work and fox ing students to 59m . HILL, Oak Ridges P. O. Fall Term ï¬pens Aug. 27 W8†Hingings - O _ Aï¬iflic Charm Custom (hinding. :Flour and Feeds. \Vhole G’rain and Mushvs f: Baled Hay zfnd SU'JW. Ft-rlilizor at Half PriLe Wheat. Sowing. Deliverisas Tuesdays and 1 Phone 82 \V. STUDIO Macnaughton & Campbell onge and Charles SL5 None Better in Canada Chopping Mill WILLIAM COOK \V. J. ELLIOTT Principal Paper hanger and P. Oxford Street Phone 44 r 32. SAM. SHEPHERD a. ancenuon given to description. F sales specialty. Id on commission tn nu «31...... _A. sales of arms and farm Farms bougm - Allsulesat- J F. c: 415 Baninl St, Phone Bell Telephone ELI-3071' â€"HOTEL RICHMOND Richmond Hill. RICHMOND HILL. ONT nit? 5]] MoKinnon Bldg“ and Melinda Sts.. Toronto and Mushos for Poultry .. um. JUI'UHIU Belmont 1347 enter this famous fur strictly high or promptly help- ‘oure employment. UACNAUGHTUN . A. CAMPBELL I'enlic be “'3 Th9 Liberal [1. every Tuesday “In Essentials, Unity,- in and yuu will 'm-nntu ATING Night School v Etc. ’ainter Suturd unize u Enter fur Full Block l2-tf \Vithin a few months nf half a con. tury has elapsed since 1 first saw light of day in the precincts of Richmond Hill â€"â€"in the Wellâ€"known “Hmmypnl"â€"I trust its name has kept me sWeeL evur since. So you see your village andI are "twins"â€"both at the half century mark. . One of your famous old medical menâ€"Dr. Langslnï¬â€™, a man whose mune will ever live in your community for his nuble workâ€" - ed me out on 'life’s journey with a healthy body. And from one of your pioneersâ€" Rubel't" )Ianir. a. kind and good ' friend of my parents~l got one of my I names. So you can undsrstalfd what a close place- Richmond Hill has :0 my hv‘nrr. As the shldows of the eveutide 0! life begin to creep quietly down on us. we are inclined no live a great dule in the assure yvn. toti. that my aweetégt‘re: C(INPCUIHIS' of over thirty years of teaching are those connected with the 9m) spent in your village school Twenty-ï¬ght years, with all its juys Ind \‘iclssitudes. have sped swiftly by D:'\nn Y , u. . ...A_'a. A since I went to your village in 1895 to assume the Principalship of the scbocl where those noted boys and hlilliunt maidens attended. Not, on? of them h-Is slipped out of memory. I - â€"...- â€"-., .v..u. Miss F. M. Brown, Sec’y. Old Boys' and Girls' Re- union Com , Richmond Hill, Ont; Dear Miss Brown.â€" Bv a somewhat circuitous route your very kind invilatinn to the Reunion reached m:- n few days “go. and so de- lighted am I that. I mu not going to .038 any unnecessary time in una‘VPl" ing and must heartily uccrpting the lame. The following letter is from Mr. Geo. R. Unombs, a. former Principal of the Public School, and one wlm expects to be with us and n-new nld ac- quaintances and visit the familiar nooks of his boyhood day 143 Uambxidg * Guelph, June 2..w.16. That the death of Leonard Curtis of Richmond Hill, who was killed by n Metropolitan radial cnr near Thornhill on June ll, was purely accidental, was the verdict of Coroner W. L. Bond’s jury, which sat at an inquest at Thorn- hill. Tuesduy evening. The mntnr- man in charge of the car which killed Curtis, was exnnemled from all blame. According to the (wide-nee r-f several witnesses. Curtis drow- llis mntorin from; uf the car, and the motorman was unahl - to stop in time [0 “(NHL :n accident. Gilbert, Ramsay who wm driving with Curtis, was severely in- jured, but was nble to give evidence at. the inquest. There will be it Lawn party in com nectinn with All Saint's Church on Maple Avenue, Tuesday next. the Will of July. There will he a football match between King City and Victoria United for tho John Ros- Robertson Oup. Richmond Hill Band in at- tendance: also Maple Choral Society. Tun will be served at (So'cluck. Mr. Keith. Member-Elect, will give an ad- dress. Admission 50 and 25 cents. The three-year old son of Mr. and Mrs. James Armstrong was severely injured about the hand Sunday noon when he was struck down by a motor cur driven by Mr. W. Baldock. The little fellow was returning from church with his father, and leaving the hut»:- utepped in front of the auto. An ex- ray reveulod a fracture. but his con- dition is Said to he fuonhleto com- plete recovery. He remuiliéa £139.; nvrlvt'iThi‘sllgjouc-‘tér ad: vised him to be quiet fora few daysito help heal the wnund. __ -....~..‘ , Ont“. whan he was spending the WGt‘k end: on diving he struck a piece of broken crockery 0n the |wd of the lake. The cut. inflicted on his leg. 19- quired a dncror us two or three stitchss were necessary to close up the cut. Mr. Frank M. Dunlap met with an accident at "Ki-rkfiehl Inn," Kirkfiek'. “'ith a. key of gold [hp Orphanage at Elgin Mills‘ was opened Monday. The ceremony was attended by nhnut 1,500 people, including many prominent representatives from various lodges of the Orange OldPl‘ throughout the Province. About, 80 children unived that'day from the Plcwn Orphanage “rhinl. . which {s now cinevd This Letter Win Warm Your Heart Cordon Armstrong Injured Orange Orphanage Opened Accidental Death Accident in Diving King City Non-Essentials, Liberty ,- .. THURSDAY. JULY 5. 1923 ' \Vorkman's Cottages. $300 to $500 LIFISll and easy monthly payments. ' bese cottages will he lllll“ nf brick or name as desired um Lllll Ly-fuot lots in)- modizltely (mat of the Fair Grounds. For full particulars w: ile or see Ford Dealers, Richmond Hill. We have opened an UP- TO-DATE PAINT SHOP, and are now ready. to take your car in for painting. Highest grade materials used. Experienced painter. Prices right. A trial solicited. Phones Hudson Building Lots, $4.00 to $10.00 per ft. $1.00 per ft. cash; balance, your own terms. abode again. ROSEVIEW ‘ GARDENS Miss Brown is the secretary of the Association’s Opnsns Committee, and has been an indifatigalile wmker from the commencement of arrangements for the Reunion. But she has not bean aloneâ€"others have given unstintingly of their time. and are dning so still. There’s roum for YOU. and a time and place to do something towards making; the affair the success It is going to he. Attend the Tuesday meetings in the Council Chambers. Six weeks from) to-day (Thurlduy) and the ReuniOn will he a thing of the past and many nf the Old Boys and (ill-ls will have returned to their place of nlvuin Ah“... Adelmo Melécci and Miss Rosalind Bush L T. C. M. 'mm the Toronto Conservatory of Music. will accept a number of pupils in Piano. Vocal and -: Theory. -:~ For information Phone 110. MRS. MYLKS. Words' are entirely inadepuate to ex- pross the feelings of the heart, but. I trust that: the Reunion will bean-ell “oldâ€"time getâ€"together," and that old friendship will be renewed, and cmnented gunmus springtime glow fondfl' and sweater! Thank God for tho sweet menmriev of life! And so with ")9, nwmm-y is now holding qwny. l. llwlefure, shall greatly enjov rP- turning to (hp old haunts once again, to meet some of my old pupils. to associâ€" ate with some of my old friends, to puy a tribute to the memory of the de- parted, whether from civil or military life, and especially to my my homage to the grand old men who were Trus- tee: of the school when Iwaa teach- ing â€"- Trench, Glass. McOnnncbr, Newton. Naugbmn, Boyle. Switzw. and othersâ€"most of them ale-ping in your lneautlfnl cemetery,â€"only a law left tn uphold the old traditions. pastâ€"in the memory fivqu of morning of life. How the fliends. the scenes, nnd the pleasures of glminus springtime glow fnnde-r SWPPter! Thank and (m um -. RICHMOND HILL . G. Baldock NOTICE more strongly than ev'anr Sincerely yours, GEO. R. COOMBS. 'mvn is the secretary of the "’5 03135"; Committee, and THE STERLING BANK in all things, Charity SAVE, Becauseâ€" gnu'rED W. J. LA \VRENC} 1971 Yang 1470. v’the mendé. a'ï¬d pleasures of that OF CANADA the (‘OMMISSIONEIL CONVEYANCER. I REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE Cnnudian Tenor and Choir Leader Soloist North Pnrkdule Methodist Church, is prepared tn receive pupils n Richmond Hill on Mondays. Studio, Mrs. N. Batty's. Arndd St. Particular:- cnn be nbtainod by calling. PhoueZ Ring 11. 20- Leave Oldars at Sloan's Drug Short, Richmond Hill. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS' EXPERIENCE All mail ordef-s will receive prompt attention. 215 Spadina Ave., Toronto, Ontario BATES. BASINS, W. C's., SINKS. ,' Laundry TUBS .nd ALL NECESSARY I EQUIPMENT. HOUSE PAINTER, Glazier. Grainer and Paper- Hanger. A large stock of Funeral Furnishing Kept 8.1: the above places WRIGHT BROS. Undertakers'and Embalmers RICHMOND HlLL, THORNHILL ANE UNIONVI'LLE Ofï¬ce hours 8 to 10 mm. 1 to 2 and 6 to 8 p.111. Ofï¬ce and y-esidenceâ€"Cenh-e and Church Slreets‘Richnmnd Bill' Phnne No. 24. . Barristers. Solictors. &c. MANNING ARCADE. 2! KING ST. WEST. TORONTO, CANADA I‘ELEPHONE .MAIN 311 Cable Address: “Dedo Arthur A. Mncdonnld Frank Denton Laurel Dentnn. B. A. requirements. Outside the Villago our Pressure Systoml will provide water [or any installation. ' Danton, Macdonald 6: Benton Ambrose E. Phipps _ Richmond Hill Phone 13 r 1 \Vill gladly furnish necessary infor- mation and advice. regarding your PLUMBING SUPPLIES l'he James Robertson, Co., Ltd . EDWARD FRANCIS NOTARY PUBLIC Auk for our Septic Tank Circular Our local representative, JOHN T. ANDERSON PIANO TUNER . HEWISON Thornhlll. [Single copies, 3 cts Wm. C. Ruttan -J. P. WILSON No.