This Is the Time Just. before the Spring Rush on the Farm you should 10ok our the Ma- Nt’t‘tlf‘tl Pit-pails. Chinery and Ht‘L those ()t', if it’s Now Machinery, “'0 can get: it. for 31m. “’t- have on hand for Inmictliate Dc- \\'i kinst n livcry (‘ockshutt Plow s, PlOWs. l Svt Chain Drags. \Vlioclhar- rows. lHi-cond-lland (‘1 mini Ht-ptr it: 1‘. Let. u: know your \\’iil‘.lS in Mat-hit - 'e: y now. You should hire advantage of the pit-sent [nit-es of metal ,lvy malt-Iin your Euro-'l‘rough, looting, Purina-vs, or any other metal piotliut, as marvâ€" t.l inir points to a substantial int-imisc in prices in the ncarfuturv. (‘omn- in ' and let us protect you with pxcsuiit. pi ices. TE’ETZEL BROS. Tinsmiths and General Agents ‘ PHONE 87 w Sand, Gravel, Tile and Brick The Maple Sand, Gravel and Brick ()ompanv, Lt’d. have on hand for sale. Cement. drain tile. 3, 4, 5. 6 and 8 in. Culvert. tile 1:2. 15. IS and 20 inch 9 I ' , (30 inches in length) Also Cement. Brick‘ Sand or Gravel sold- by the load or in car lots.‘ ~ . 'Cedar pos‘s and telephone poles for JEN]?- T. CO USle. Manager , . “Attention ' .’ “Contractors ' x and Home Builders .. Large Stocks of Pine and Hemlock, Shingles, Lath. Cedar Posts. Etc. for ' vour quick convenience. Also dealers ' in Fibre Board. Ready Roofiniz. Asphalt Shingles, Felts. Etc. We operate our own Planing Mill, Siding, Fl’l\0rilifl’.- Moulding Frames. and Sash, Doors, Etc. Perfectly manufactured. ‘We Solicit your enquiries and Urdeirs.‘ ‘ L. Inn es & Sons PlaningMill and Lumber _ Yard * ichmond Hill Street I ichmond Hill. ‘, Phonepay, 13-3. Night 75.. ~. THE Rolfe Shoe Repair . 7 IS . open all day, and every day, except Wednesday afternoon and\.Sunday, for repairs to boots and shoes. , Back of Drug Store. luauâ€"aw.“â€" Take Notice Having taken over the handling of Masseyâ€"Harris Paits. I am prepared to ï¬ll orders for same. , Lawn Mowers Sherpencd. Saws Filed. . In fact. IF IT IS lll‘ld. \Ve Sharptn l'l‘ properly. » a. ANDERSON Next Door to Jones Lumber Co. Arnold at, Richmond Hill JONES LUMBER C0 PHONE 27 BUILDERS SUPPLIES Rough and Dressed Lumber Hardwood Flooring Pine Lath Doors Cedar Shingles Sash Fibreboard Roofings ,, G yprock Tar paper Wallboal‘d Buildingpapzr Cor.T’\â€"moltl&TYonge. Optimism in Canada -, Although we are not back to prc- : war conditions, a tot-ling: of optimism seems to prevail in various parts of ,l the Dominion. We may Call attention to the a]- .vertisement placed in this issue by l turc. It is more than an advertist . ment. it is a call to united and cheer- ful etl'ort. a summons to the t'anaâ€" (lian spirit of thc “will to win"which lhas burned so brightly throughout Canada's historyâ€"a spirit which is so wcll shown in a message rcccivc'l in .Ottawa only a tow days ago from l’rovincc ofAl'ocria. He says: “it started to rain thc inst part. of the week, and this coming after the rc- ccnt heavy rams has put tht‘. soiliu a condition that it has not bccn in at llllls liiilt‘. ot‘ the yt-ar since ltllti: the t‘arincrs arc consc. picntlv very ,iuhiâ€" lant and it'optiinian could ply dcli's the farmcrs ofh' mum-n Ailmrta could by next. mt canc.‘l our National l)glit’. mm.â€" In drawing attention to t‘c pro- gress that is livingr made along Yonge street. and other parts of York County. it ar the cit ', the. Toâ€" ‘r- nto Globe 0;†I‘ridav s i_vs: “Richâ€" mond IIill w 1] double. in pnpul llltill in the next ï¬~'c _\cars it' the increasc cont.ii.u->s at it. _, irrsent rate." if no can get llUllS‘.~? hail: fast enough we have no duuh’. the tilohc is with- in the niai k. Spring Flower Show (â€"8“ The normal Spring Flower Show of the R H. H. 3., was held on the. even- ing of 'Juesday, June 19th in the Methodist. Schtol Room. Mme than fifty flower lovers mailed themselves of this opportunity of satisfying their line of the beautiful. Though the season has been trving. the flowers were really beautiful. Below is the prize list. Rosesâ€"Mrs. Pugslev Irisâ€"Mrs. Kcrswill. Mus. Blaney Pt oniesâ€"Mrs. L‘egge. Mrs. McCague Li iesâ€"Mrs. Hume, Mrs. Martin PJHSTQSâ€"MIS: Riley Columbineâ€"Mrs. McNair. Miss H. Switzcrr, Pyiethruinâ€"Mrs. McNair. Catnphell Oiiental poppiesâ€"Miss H. Switzer, .\Ii-s. Pugsley Sweet Williamâ€"Mrs. .\lcNilil‘ Collection of Perennials-Mrs. Camp- lwll, Mrs. Kerswill Garden Heliotropeâ€"Mis. Htiinc,.\‘lrs. McCague nag-apa- M rs. Rhubarbâ€"Mrs. Blaney, Mrs. Mc- Cagtm Ciessâ€"Mrs. W. T. Graham. Miss Brown lettuceâ€"Mrs. Graham, Miss H. Snitzet' Asparagusâ€"Mrs. Blaney Strawherriesâ€"Mrs. Graham; Mrs. Kerswill. Maple School Report m Sn. lVâ€"~Passed Entrance on nrincipal’s recommendation. Winnifrcd McDonald 8th,, “'illl‘l‘ll Johnston St. Gladys Ch-tpman Si. N. llie Berk 74, Grace Montgomery 72 _IR. [V to Sit. lVâ€"Bort MathHVSnn till. .\lnna Cousins 74, Jessie McLean 71). Hazel Humble 68. G\Vt-‘llLllll_\'ll Bt'ck (iii. Hcatri 'e Mathewson, “'2. Ruth Pollock 59. Sara Matlichcn 57, Zt‘llllil Pollock, 52. SR. 111 to JR. IVâ€"Fiances,Jnhu;im. 7i, Myrtle Ash (iii, Agnesglchean 6t), Arthur Langi-at‘ (TU, Minna Chapman 58‘, Edmund Harris 47, lrcnc Jones «11 .111 III to Sit. IlI-â€".\lildied Leathci- dale 91), Murray McDonald 82. Grant- .l: hnston 80, M vt'girct Graham ’72, Itcne Ront't-y 72 Eddie Martin 00'. Leonard Cunningham 6â€. Howard .\lathcwmn til, Ivy Peters .37, Murray t Malloy 4?. Sit. TI to JR. IIIâ€"Miriam Baring†7". Tommy (‘ouper 72)‘, Russ lttdimn 68, Margaret Pcttrs UH, Oll\'t' \Vhits ti‘_’. Florence Cooper 51', (icorge Lloyd .37, George (‘oopei- 51;. Thu St-nior Room te-opcns on Mon- day, Sept. 3. , The Junior Room opens on 'l‘utudav, 5 Sept. 4. A BElt'l'liA CAnizv. -O’-â€"â€"â€"‘ Maple Public School , Junior Room l. Jit. II to SR. lIâ€"Edith .\ch’tely Si . lt‘lvtlli lngrani. George Doncrnll 77. ,N»'l7ic Downey 7ti, (.\lulellc‘ Ingranv, it'hiil s “'hitwl ,74. Minnie Line 72. «Lillian .\l|illl‘ , goinery. Evelyn Thompson till .\larg tier, Rumble U7, (‘iilft id Reid till. , Pcicy Ash 63 SR. 1 It. .ln. llâ€"B.»hhie Manning SI". R":lliii‘€ .\lt'.\luhcn 74. (Biydon Lloyd, l‘l’tll Foster 7â€. (‘t’iiin‘ii 7t \Viunie l’ulltlt'k TU. ltl n D ilv‘iul ($7, Evclyn .\lalioy til», Allan . Rumble tltl. .lit. I to Sn. [ï¬lial l'i~' Mathewson r75. ‘ Pt: I‘. to JR. l~â€"\'i\'ian Routlcy 51°.. 1, iDcruthv Reid. .lini McLean! 7!. ' M..i:.:;i.ret 31 ‘Fecly 73, Alecia. “him 7], 1tAudiov McNaughton, \Vinnie Ha-i- . low 1 TO, iLil i In l'cster, Dorothy Kerr ,HS, Fraiin s Mathewson (l3. E. FRAXt‘l-‘S \Vizns'rER, tintshar. l i -___..- Ad\ ct tisc in thc Lille 1. the l-‘cdct‘al Department of Agriclil-l lone of the foremost farmers of ti 01 76, Gem-«go C‘li'ipnmn ‘ .llt. lln in. Il~t.\l=ir_v iniiiisnn, um i a IIAJ’LE nunâ€"n, - , The ticltl day under the auspices (f (‘tnnt .\laplet it)’ I. (l. l“. We" atti-ntt- ('d by is lum- nnmln-i of [It opl~~_ A piogmmmc of itlt‘lS and spoils \\'f|\,i thatliit-i' tuilmt- lit-int: l,’ |l'tiiitliill lllIllt'll in which {our lt-.iti;<l (‘aiiirtl out Oiitetwl. 'l‘lztiiiihill 1":illl \\'on tho, prim oi clcvi-n silk shiits ivy :i st'medt ln inc. t ‘ 3-1 against lllt‘ .‘lï¬â€˜llt‘ team. t-H-mnt: a ginml t'trllt t‘ll' was g‘ivt-Ii in .tht- cominunitv hall l-_v lairnl. firm, ,l'l‘wionlo, hilt-t \\ lilCil a dam-nuns llt‘ltl. .\\ llil‘ll ll-u'iy ilitt‘lltlt‘ll. 'l'wt-rity-tlii-ut- candidatt-s the entrant-c examinations at .\laplc (antic. Mr. and .\llS. l7. lirnwn and family of .\lCKE‘t‘SpUIi, l‘a . motorol hm.- 1 mt nook. and (ll't‘ vi~iilng at, .\lr. ll. ('. ilEailtxys, Miss .‘iliv liinnio, l'l]l.4‘i'illllil‘tl lltl‘ is ilihtth NI lltml teavht r, .\lis. Norman, land the tillict‘ llll‘liillt‘l.\ of her cl us at he: homo on [*‘i hid)" last. 'l'li ‘ lll"ll|lll‘l'\ of .\lr<_ Norman's class purpose holding: an icv-crc'im .\‘wr'i ll on the t-huicli lawn on ’l'Iie~tl:iy t'Vt‘lliltL'. lulv llltli. 'l‘ht- [ntwi‘t‘tis :iit' ln ln- donattxl to th- star l’rcsh 1\il' Fun l, \\'ltlll‘ -’ it tho i l o l Moo-~â€"â€"__ York Scores Another Victory from last. work wt-Ic ghen for the fiist points al‘owctl for lhc lilst The prize; were as t('iuntinucd l‘lilllions llJI'cc lull live in l‘lll’l] t-vcnt. follows:â€" GIRLS Evicxrs 50 yard dashâ€"lva Downer, Y: C. Monkman. Y: M. Ri\:lZ. H. 10†yaid walkâ€"ll. Rivaz, ll; M. \Vnod, \V: 1“. Campbell, Y. St‘tnding jumpâ€"P. Cinnpliell, Y; Iva Downey. Y: M. liawtcht‘, H. Pitt'tto laceâ€"l“. Campbell. Y; M. Ri- vaz. H: M. Lawrence. H. Throwing baseballâ€"M. IH: M. \Vood. L. \Vtmd. \V. R-lay R‘tt'eâ€"YOIk (G. Monknian, P. Campbell, I. Downeyzl Halton (.\I. Lawrence, A. Fox, H. McLean, M. RiVnZ). Champion gillâ€"Miss M’. Rivas. Hal- ton, 14 points (Silver Mcdal). Runner tipâ€"Miss M. Wood. \Vcnt- worth. 12 points. nors' EVENTS 100 yard dashâ€"H. Dyllll'llt, \V, 10 3-5 seconds; L. Hewitt, Y: MLCieady, H Law rencc, 220 yard dashâ€"H. Dym’nt, 24 4â€"5 seconds; M. MacArthur, Y; .\lcCiendy, ll. Half-mile runâ€"M. MacAithur. Y, 2 min. 155 seconds; 1‘]. Campbell. Y; E. Dchvitt, Y. ' Running broad jumpâ€"H. Dymcnt, W. 17 ft. 7%. in.: E. Campbell, Y:L._ Hewitt, Y. Running high jumpâ€"H. Dyment. \Y: C. Playtct'. Y; lnksctter. W. Running, hop, step and jumpâ€"C. Playter. Y, 35 ft. 9.5 in.: E. Orr, Y: D. MacMillen, Y. rPuttinn Hill). shotâ€"D. MacMillen, '1’;le ft. 1 in : Ori, Y; Bonhnm, W. Pole vaultâ€"E. Campbell, Y; Bon- ham, \V; \V. Scott, \V. - Boys’ relayâ€"York. 4 min. 8.5 ie‘. (E. Campbell, E. Ul'i', 'J. Playtex, M. Mac- Aithur): Halton. McCrt-ady, Cunning- ham. Walker, C. Wilson. Champion boyâ€"H. Dymcnt, \Vcnt- worth. 20 points (Sih er Medal). Runner-upâ€"E. Caitlpllt‘ll, Yolk. lti points. Standing of L‘t‘unliosrl. Yi-ik,112 points (Championship Shield); 2, \Ventworth, 54 points; 3. Halton, 4.3 points. t'm, NEWSPM MEN’S TRIP THROUGH The Maritime Provinces and Quebec City Annual Convention at Halifax, N.S. [Continut-d from last \v oi.) 'l‘hc patty left St. John 0in Sunday morning. citlssvd the Bay of Fundy, and airin at Uighy shortly after tl'lt‘ dinnt-i hour. Ilivincsmvire was conâ€" ducted on hoaid thc hoat by Rev. A. , ll. Moore, a member of lllt‘ I’m-rs 'parly. followed by a Song c(‘l\ii:t‘, ;. numlwr of splendid choirs and st in sings-rs living on lllliil'll. At Dinliy about forty tnottus “win again in uniting. and a plrasam tlll\"' \Vas made in and wound Ill†'l‘mvn which l’l‘ts much natural and lit-autiful scent-1y. J All wiic tetuincd to tho Railway ,dopot, and after partaking Ol‘lllllt‘llHIIi. the party proceeded by the Dominion ,‘Atlanti' R'lll\\'il}', the llt'xt eluppiii: :place living Annapolis lloval. Thi~ i very old town has .‘l l eatiliful >l'llrlli n} ‘ on a [it'lllihlll l h -I u: cu the liver and i l in t'sllllly If thJ lasiu which ll9ili>l "ts name Thv thun, aftt-r yt-ars oil lt‘l‘i il‘l» cxpn icrvt s of war. has scttlcd . dour. to 1- on d-wt, unprcntcntiousl prospviitv. ()ll“t fits leading.V indus- trivs is tho (‘lllil‘LI of li~h for the \Vrst lilLllt" an i Srnth America. The surâ€"l imiu'linr: c unity is rich in finest. and Lilac tin-intii i» s of lumhv-r ate sliipiwd ~acl‘. )‘cm The town is tize L'lilluilt‘t.“ to ll‘it' Valley, whinh his lll'ltit‘ the name of .‘xllii'tll'lll< flili‘dl‘ amt tug ‘,.p[ilol \‘f‘iS tlii‘ “Oil i t:\ t‘l'. 'l‘nc tliirt‘ initicst of Annapolis, ‘ .‘itiivvvcr. lit»: in it: lii~!t iin lit’it‘s. in l'iOl the party «it DeMI his lirtili‘ll into this l-:i~in, and multitu- Frmirhnuin dilighted with its beauty, obtainin a grant it lllt' land. which he t'nllt-tl Port Hwy .1. Fiance gave of her coldest and inst I'lliV:lli _v til, luring. tlhiistianity atal «Evili/aiit n to this land. llcr lztlarrs \vcic rewarded, for, ,thv wonvvision of [he old chicf Mem- iwt'tuu was [licï¬ist Conquest cf the Christian ieliginn in North Amelie I. it was. also. for many long years the1 theatre of the terrible struggle le- .‘l5~t‘.('i‘l- Fiain'r- for tho,l :‘l‘t Ads_ ,tWHh England land Wm“ 55:0†I l iii 5 North American con-l 4 M ’ ‘ ‘ V jiii t‘n l'Iv iv :.lll‘<‘l and it -'.\';.\~ (ifl I OSl‘ (lit 81 “.\\ ltlLâ€"l‘mni Xuilh Illlt' town is lliilllllt (l ivy (Lo limp..- .,fl 1 l iont ~. lwo lug horSt-s. llva‘c . , . , , . ., ., ,mun (Clt‘ltlillltl in the annals t-t Lh- l “ “'9‘ L. .\l.\u,litl.\~.v -14:â€" Lilllsdiiliu l l‘“. in~lud 11.: Champlain, ll)“ l4‘i||-"\l-, ltrl'itllll‘. lhon l\l‘lt\\t‘l t. t~ l_.' 1' 'esse pl w. l ‘ , i I .‘\llll‘|||"l ’ No“ mv no .\ll' iiglmll in _ _ has lln'l ‘llt‘ll it ‘lltl I'llll Illl‘lt‘lllt‘tl lii>» l, A\ PM“ SAI'IV: A) l l†'3‘ "FUN. it) v, Thrcc tinH-s il was Illi~ll»“t‘-â€"l l vii-\rt. .ls'ltc and llllltiiliy, tullv Illl'lt‘kl d 21:,d llx.‘ tum-s 3 ilu-n hr "li‘l‘ }' Nil" “Iii. I‘.‘ M ‘ \\'1 till n’." l\. tln- linglisir ’l‘vxii-t- ~l"! nzvd in \ :iin 30' gt‘ -“l (Palmer litlllll. l ' -‘- nuâ€"A~-~.. _.__._ ,A‘- ._....â€".-â€"â€"â€"~â€" -" liy lh.- l“it‘lil'll :llttl ludians, and hair lllllt’s :ilmntit nnd or i" >l4tl't‘tl to l’i uni-r. Twit-c Sllt‘l-(ld. who > by pirate-s in ltilltl, and oncu lift l'nittvtl Status ltt volalinr- :Iry lulu-s in 175]. in lll!‘ your l7ltli Port Royal wa . tinaliy captuivd h_v it c 1 ~ ‘ ‘ English. and gin-n its [lll'\llllt nan e { ‘_"'_"‘ L“jun. Apply (. lil'ltlt, [tit-Hi o in honor of llli'll‘ SUVt'l't‘lqli Qurui l "lll l lIlHnVlllc. .vZ-l Anne. Many yet†passed. hour-\t-r. lIJl'otc pcaco l't‘:,‘.Illl'tl ii. llll‘ lllllt' M'l~ [7] Di \l‘l it) Rl‘..\ lâ€"\i.\’ loom l-ous: llt'illl nr, ’l‘hp pit-sent inhabitants mu, L “It Richmond Strict, Richmond ilit- (lt‘St'l nil UH“ (ii' .\7» u; l':l l.tli‘lt'|\“ ll‘ll. g'vt (l t'd'tlull lilzttit: (l, uml lots (if who ('f‘tiitl’ in 17-“, at t‘. of this :i [titles l l'll'f- AlsH ltvr, 11 pin talilo (1.3. km, ll Hw- in gt od l'tilltlll‘l'll, l uhctl lit 1; rï¬â€˜illi H \l,l‘:â€" T.‘l'.l‘ tuiiili-tg‘t- Ill nuts, ll. ll.\\‘l.\‘, Mill .\tit'el. 53-1 I: (ill S:\l.Fâ€"Mixwt hay, (‘lliVl'l' and timothy. If) at-ics. lat 15,‘.’.i(l “'llH :tl‘lt-l‘ lllt’ li\'tvl<it}t-t'.i:v “or, W'vllllll It hmnt- undi'i ‘vllt‘ lit iii~li llng. "if" ’jllilllld)‘ ll con tl .‘I'illt‘l‘. Ali,in l‘ i l..l-ly tho lll' at pt-acv-lul .\lit'l lN \‘ - “HP-EN. 52-1 lllllll‘ tlzt- trim u .'r ‘\\'tl rat out Is mm mmâ€" tnfllt': ltl rm?“ 'rif- humiint. sri‘l lU'llt‘iiâ€"E. .w-W ..~ p...p.i..-i to standing :ll'!’ tl‘w vl'iict-is‘ Illl’lllll'4,i l ' (it! all Lii'i‘ls of [jut-king Hm] which ;:it~ int-audio; anl in! tlnult CUM“): in Ril'ltuwml Hill and tit-intv. l|ixttllv‘ll~‘ in lll sci P-‘Ill'rul'iuv solititt-tt. l’i one liit-lnnt nd \\ t‘l c t'UllNldl‘t't d 42 it‘ [Ip‘w' and H“. r,1,1 ,,,.\\.l(-y magaziim, l llill its, huilt manly tlixt‘t‘ t‘n'iit'uits “LIâ€. “'“l still in tXCk‘liPlN "'llillll A l"'1"ll'lâ€â€˜ ‘ (ll: ‘4 ‘ ' . , . .\ Litâ€"(l . I ‘ ' ilrli l\' duuurmu. 4 ll ll H l ‘l""" ' '7 l" ‘t l‘ dav rook “Till/‘1'Qllililillï¬ï¬‚lldlilgh'ts'l undor the rt'npaits. l:"<tVl“‘.-E lid" i pipe ii“;- Vlit‘l‘tl‘ H l 1,†.int old p] um l or train “1"†i‘:llri"‘ll pp ~ I', .1: n r. 'H8 m KN†Vina lhwugh 1h" All“ 'p' “g m‘“;tll i), In 5U .e.\ AH. ..L-tf Valhw.‘ poswhtv tho (TIF;|lI‘\l :tliplu T 1<i| < . ‘ f . 4 . I H ,_ l‘. 't .\ ' ‘ll‘l'K‘l 0“ ll‘“ """ll""'“l‘ lh†1T†s AL\ l’tll'll 'llPYRll“ \lll’ \llli\\{?llittl:illAI-“L wipe in full lil‘wln, and to‘ passral-‘ngr hm n 413,5. so rentsxin risotting Baliiv 5 ll“ twi nt} 01' ll‘lll." WW" "‘ S‘m‘l Cilit ks 1†cents i-ach; \\l1le[l(‘kili duck owli till was a slqllt to lit-hold. Mum!" my,†7 (nm- (nu h $ti 00 [wt hm (lied . v W h . . x . a . . . W ; "quilt lllt‘l thn raity at lwntvtdc. wntl (lucklintrs 3.3 ('wllls much $30 per himt‘- drove through that great fru tl-Inll. ‘ m...†DJ,“ y-Dmmmi v [1 ,, "at. passing tlit‘olull W“lf"lll"' †l"“"‘ "f etitpr‘rc uL‘ \lmli liv ’x' lsivnl ii'l slin . . i _ i '_ i an, . u. M. Wii l‘. stou' >Li o‘lri. haliy bountiful been -i_v and beautiful lil'l'l'll“‘, 5,,1 landingus at Grand Pic, the home of ‘ ' Evangeline, a short desr‘iiption 0f whichcot t vil l' 'v- ' isn‘t m w I u t n r on. L. n. BELL issue. DENTIST ()ï¬it‘e Trench Block. two doors north of Standard Bank. Hours il a.m. to Tclrphone 32 F orsyth & Allen Painters. Dcroratms and liaidwood Finishers. Estim’ates giVPll. Phone 774. Box ZZUI AURORA (To he continued) .. â€".- ,4; »__,y.- . 7- ‘ .. - v ‘4‘ -»~~~... - .‘7/1’9 Mutual £ife ï¬ssurance Company of Canada p. m. 'I‘HEal-‘OLICY HOLDERS OWN COMPANY Get your life Insurance at cost. C. H. BYAM. Agent, Phone 232. Maple. Ont. “Christ Church Cathedral, Fredericton Fredericton, the capital of .\cw land (‘hrist Church Cathedral. one of Brunswick, was one of the cities,thc Stateliest religious trdii'it-M in visited by the (‘anadian Weekly Press .Eastcrn t'anadri. Splendid motoring Association on their itinerary overll'Oilds "onlll‘ï¬'t With the main iiileâ€" the Canadian National Railways re_l\va_vs of New Brunswick, Nova Scotia Gently. The City, located on the St. and the New England Status. Tho John River, is one of the prettiest inlllllomgrilph _Slm“5 thrift ‘vlmn'h the Maritime Provinces. It has a (, “Inch is patterned after population of 1000') 1nd to I. “the t3pe of old ’Lnghsh churchcs m’my bc'ul‘iful 130v†m f). ‘ “lime toand in the moth rland. It contains ï¬gfliamo‘ï¬-Y Wat-1:}: “011 Lllt‘la beautiful stained glass rhancri Na ' B: I {111' litâ€">1. lhanel‘SltY Oliwindow presented by the Episcopal en iunsmclt, (ac-Logical .\Iusenmlc‘hurch in the United States. SELF-OlilNG â€"'SELF-REGULATIN G With the Strongest Tower Built it's the "Toronto" Self-Oiling Windmillâ€"requiring “oil only once a year". All gears operate in a bath of special oil affected by neither heat nor cold-every bearing and working part thoroughly and automatically lubricated. . . If you have a "Toronto" Windmill now. you can obtain this selfâ€"oiling feature by interchanging the head and using your present wheel. Most Toronto Windmills, too. can be made absolutely sell-regulating in operation. The "Toronto" Tower will stand for a lifetime because it is the heaviest. strongest and best-braced one built for any windmill. See this new Mili nowâ€"or get my booklet. j, Lunau, Agent, Richmond Hill \vvv ...-..._..... -‘w,