Sloan’s Drug Store JONTEEL FACE POWDE JONTEEL COLD CREAM was cleaned which will go .1 ulllclx-nr-edw cadets. Thu-l luted flu" his maum‘. H1 The spacious lawn Stirling presented :1 attractive :Ippmrumu l vuniug lust, [he even hig Gnu-den Fetv. RH kinds We“) srnml. un luuwn-d to M u nuou and enjoy nu for the last val-snry nf the. p citizens (If uur n Lu be unngl-utul IIILHILS of the d drunraliuns Moi which Were mom A thiLion ii [winch the Villdge Council Lu c the County and the R \‘ieW of removing (,th centre «If Yunge strl’e would llke Lo see the R cvnu-e. bu: when the c.‘ Hill iï¬ given, $42,000, iL lthsume of Ulll' (:ilize bign the petition. A“ young Lidia: U‘lld baseball prru School diaumnd vv day. und Saturday will take part in ment un Tuesday, (lay of the big “t‘lll Celebrulimn Mrs. Junuthwu Blillingm' and MW. Szun Allen leave for Husseau. Mnsknkn, (0-day, whA-re Mrs. Brillinger will spend n fortnight with lacr «laughter, anti thelutter will spend the rust of Ihe. summm- with her hmhaml. where Mr. Allen is golf pr». it! (he Alontuith H muse. v. v. uncuua UA Illfl daughter Marjorie, motored out from Toronto and vicinity and presented hu- With a lovely miscellaneous shower in honor of her approaching marriage. . ,. V --.~ \--v|\ lllllLr ll‘ LIIC home of Mr. Geo. Forrester on Friday last, when a number-of fziends of his A-.._L. :- [h and in the. (“I ‘r. The sum nf lgithr- pub delightful Thu lnusmwi choir, four. church choirs uf hulding practices w evening in the Mason which angels “'01! Im the Mg union >(‘l‘\‘iCL‘ Sunday. August ï¬ll). raw u e um! nli little part in Hzccess, and y “an ticket, 'l‘lw nfliciul. of have issued it new ordinary man lmd pocket, us withm ne inmossihlc to in: time at 111.: v5: The l Lubbock lllg Lin: Turn“ to Howard P. ll H'tl The following: officer’s inadvertently omitted Masonic list in our Lust, issm J. Bluney. Directur of (7mm Mist»: UMI‘I'UI L-I Muriel \Vutson lefL ten d.Iys at tho. Training (Jump at 6. Thole will bu .'l “(mm-f Sale and 'SLl-mvben'y Outhnlic Church lawn. 3. ing. July 7~Stnndnrd til Miss JesSiL‘ Mumlie MacDonald with her and Andrew, of St. week at their hnmo ht " Remember the auction 5 hold furniture ut the ht Carr, Centre Street east, next. Miss Edna Gm-don, young people’s League St at, Elgin House, AIUakokz. In H. Hill-Squ Jefferson last ni by a score of (5-1. with every purchase of a box of zlven FREE mury man had huner many it in in km. as wibhmxl' it. it would :nlmm impossible to menu-miner [he mart time at [he \‘fllitlll\‘ emrimw Miss Jessi large numb Thu 0 ‘ by capahh pulmist, \vu lit and fun: ul evening Hunt) Pvenr tnok place at the I. n 1‘ unculg on SOC. Jar 0f following pupils of Miss Y. ‘ hue been successful in pus:- Elemeulary rxnminntiun ul Conservatory of Musiv Atkinson. hnmu's; Dmnthy honors; A-ice Innus. g ladies are invited to :Itâ€" ull practice «In the Public mud awry 'l‘uvsday. 'l‘lllll'a- ‘uLurdny evening. A team mm in Llne soft bull tnm'nu- esduy. AugmL 7th, the Lust ‘ig “Minion and Centenary H‘ill-ngnre lejlgue 50c. in muqu nf nur cilize Mru‘lfhun', Mundny uer ut seventyâ€"odd dollars nlmvv expenses. all of towards the erection of lmviuuniug-p ml for 11w ). C7. is to he congratu- Luoughtfulness in the ~z Uuingull’culilLUAl asking uuncil Lu cu-(ï¬wrute with ,nd the R-uilwny with :1 Wing the track but [[19 nge stl‘Pet. Everybody se‘the Rmilwny in the red Mu: prugrunum put it dayâ€"[he 50m anni- pl Ice as .t Vinny. Thu nt-ighhming village are lluLe-d nn the :urx-Ange- d.|.y, particularly the Jug the nnin street, at. credituhlv. m the cost to Richmond 2,0UU, H is little \Vnmlel' ll‘ citizens declined to gut ynur “11:â€:leal the Uhl Buysauul Girls 1'1. is u mu-msrl'gwi g u chance [1.) h we 5. In making ihu Rwunion H :u sun-10y wish tn have u valiuus \vn of Mr. H. B. u pleasing and mun on Saturday rening of the Cadets vareslunems «If all :In untdom- concert )1» m-Lists. the band ms kept, busy Lell- Langstuff and MISs' efL yostexdny (n spend lo. Um adi lll Girls in It (,‘ouuhichinu. the thr llll‘e league gume ght, the Uadels v uir, cvnnpxising thP ; of thy village, 5'19 (4 pry '1‘hur.~day usonic “all. all of In: lhe surce 51f ice in the park on don, is attending the Igue Summer School. nakoka. 3 UK lll'lil)" H brought Elva 0H) md l\\o SSIN‘: Maj ‘oromonies _ unade Cooking 7 ten on the Suunday eVth HI'V cu‘iu Railway .‘uhlv, but the carry it in his night to ge verun and n-n “VHS [mum {rum lie of house- mc of Mb. I!) Saturday H0115 M rs citizens Wu 3‘ spent 1nd ames Alex. Lh e at. Won . .V Hum“, uu, and mm: d away with t mm pructchaI- ly ull the cluth in the shop, as well as six on seven neatly-made suits. to the value of ahnut $600. They entered by the back door leading to the kitchen. by buringu small hole thumgh the side oflhe screen door, which they were then able to open, and cut nut a panel of glass. in order to unlock the dnnr. The large pane of glass was laid carefullyaside, and the. clothes line was cut presumably to tie up the booty. Needless to say Mr. nnd.Mrs. Fortner’s manv friends svmpathize w tyh them in this heavy loss. The case has been placed in the hands of Mr G90.Th0mpson, Cuunly Constable. A party of midnight; prowlers Pnter- ed the prennses uf Mr. E. R. Former, clothier and tailnr'. Tuesday night, ..:I....â€" A-h , 7â€, N “Hum 'lheir friends and neighbors fnl' [heir kindness and flow! nihuu-s $9111. in their recent. bereavement. Zion's Ev. Lutheran Church, Skérwoad JET(‘.-\LFEâ€"OI1 'J Wesnrn. Thus. H of Ricnnond H Funeral Th daughter's re-sk Maple Cemetery Service and sernmn tut Are cordially invited. Hill. ,lmtusul the success of yhnveu'b got, on :00†as pmu’hle. pennant attache Lheir ('nrs, nnd Ll‘ lhv Old 805:; n Anguï¬t, 5th. (it!) also he appreuml >iding in Tunm would apply lur may he hud upr aucl‘olm-y, Mr. L1 The Would village Jr_)segh H. Hardware Phone 33 - Rev THE Plymouth Cordage Company makes only twin ~ highest quality, and for that reason they place the antee on each tag, so the user may know he is getting what he pays for when he buys Plymouth Gold Medal Every ball is guaranteed to be of the average length of to the pound. t is Twine Service rather thentwine that you rm The price per pound is not so important as the am buhdlcs each po‘und will tie and the airmunt of timl A.» through smoothâ€"working twine that is uniform in r quality. Buy Plymouth Gold‘lwledal Twine and save Why Farmers Should Buy and; Use ' PLYMOUTH GOLD MEDAL BINDER TWINE Daring Burg ary Old B CARD 0F THANKS [(1 Boys and Ginh Assn: in‘ ion 1k that all auto owners in the 1nd vivinity have the hhw attached to tlw Windshivld hf I“ and Id upnn :Ippliculirm to Llw Mr. Lnu Turtle]. Riclxnmnd us all do it little bit Lmvurds s of the affair. If you t [me mnw. let us knmvus \W hen you nd thus help in :59 and Girls operate in ‘n Tuesday. July 3. at is. B. .:\[Pt(:itlft‘. fmmt-l'ly 1d H H in his 7.9L!) year. Thursday fl'ulll his I-«asideuce, Weston; to You lose from 3/3 to 35 the food value of your corn by feeding it to your cattle as dry fodder. Corn stored in a TORONTO Wooden Stave Silo will give ou l00% of the value. Good ensilage will improve the ealth of your cattle and will increase the quality and quantity of your milk returns. Good silage must be made in an air-tight silo. The TORONTO Silo is made of selected spruce. double tongued and grooved to exclude the air, and specially 2 treated with creosote to lengthen its life. 15% extra , capacity with the TORONTO Hip Roof. § Let me show you how to save on forage. and increase ' the health and value of your herd. Information and ; full particulars gladly given. DEATHS Save I/:«. to 1/2 Your Carri Buringer me you Gold Meda ‘, Superior, Extra, nd Girls Reunion and 7th. IL \vn ed if the Old Boys :0 and (:lhel‘ plu Lhc pennants. Tl n :Ippliculinn to m Turlzel. Ric-111m suns wish to thunk Sold by '. HARDWARE & SUPPLIES,THORNHILL Lunau, Agent, Richmond Hill , B. 1).. Pastor 4 u’cluck. A] ,3 made in Canada buy Plymouth Gold Medal Binder not only buy the best, but you coâ€" keeping a Canadian factory busv PRICES: el'tis Company makes only twine of the lucc I‘m- 8s: Supplies, Limited Thornhill, Ont. ink‘r may know he is getting exactly '5 Plymouth Gold Medal Twine. man-mane that you must buy. 0 important as the number cf and the amount of time. saved me that is uniform in she and , ... “v aux, (Anu Lllï¬ ll)\.ili will compute for a prize of $20.00. B:- sides the above excellent programme there will be the customary foot-raceF, jumps. etc, and pitching horseshozs matches for the Old Boys who were adepts at the game in their younge' days All other committees are making rapid pragress also, and er. the 5th arrives everything will be in tip-top shape for the receiving and entertainâ€" ing : four visiting Old Boys and Girls. All heads of committees and commit tee members are urgently asked to at- tend next Tuesday -evenin2's meeting in the Council ()hamhpr, 'l‘hn hm... an 9 0R SALEâ€"One Grandfather clock. over 150 yeah. old, chm-n. Apn'v MRS. MATHANIEL BAKER, Rich. nmnl Hill. Phone 45 r 31 Richmond Hill. 1-! A good time is mivvrtised at Carrâ€" ville Church, S tnl‘day of this week. Football match gawk-en Thornhill and Langwtaff. Supppr from 5 Lu 8. TickeLs 35 09 ‘ts. tee members are urgently asked torï¬aé- tend next Tuesday evening‘s meeting in the Council Chamber. The hour is 8 o'clock standard time. Don’t be late. please. goes wunout saying. '1 he Iavrmse match will bring together the Maitiands anp Davenports of I‘oronto. two of the best. The football tuurnamvnt “H bring six teamsâ€"four- league teams from the west. Map'e. Edgerey. Wow?~ bridge, and Elder’s Mills: 'J‘hvrnhi‘ll from the south. and \Vexford from the f , V .7 A .' edst. 'lw0 prizes Will be gn en. ï¬rst to the winner of the ï¬nal game. and secnnd to the loser. 'l‘hree Indies soft ball l teams (two from uutside and Hm Imam {)eI-Fniitiï¬g have ï¬nish itv That the 50th C of the Incurporati Richmond Hill and Boys and Girls, to 5th. 6th. and 7th. cess is now an as ation w wi- c and save monc Old Boys 14c. Strawberry Festival The people atï¬t‘errvl‘di‘r' :ill be treated to te for a prize of $20.00. Be- above excellent programme )3 the customary fact-races, , and pitching horseshom H: the Old Boys who were the ï¬nal garrTé. éï¬a-éeCt>r;5 Three Indies soft ball pm nutside and the 10mm 7th, \\'i“ bl an assured The Spor their Work :h Centenary Cele} )ration of the Vi†and the Reunion ( s. to be held on A Associaï¬on Meeting 6 their guar- ue new on August will be a great sucâ€" sured fact (weather Sports Cummittee work. and ï¬nished a attending the Cele- ‘ated to one of the ts programmes ever DU Icct untested lacrmse ditlands D of the |nt “H teams Ri -_ uâ€" â€"â€" lag» of of Old August 1: sucâ€" ration We do not pretend'to sell the cheapest suits, do not handle shoddy. But we do claim to give y Best Value for Your‘ Moneyâ€"goods, workmanshi ï¬t c<.nsidered. hTORE, beginning JULY 3 of flats, ranging in price from to $12.00, at; HALF PRICE, c ing of "I‘ransparenr; Mohai Tulle, White Milan, Taffeta, 0‘ horn Dress Hats ,and a good ‘ of Colored Fabric llats for all An Extra Value in School ren‘s Milan Hats- Have you seen our $20.00 three-piece Suits for Sur mer? If you have not, it will be to your interest to c: and look them over. Miss E. G. Barker At the THORNIIILL MILLINERY ‘ mnn“ SALE 0f Su [11 m er Miliinery A SPECIAL TWO WEEKS I Ti) Parents A. C.“HENDE RSON PLUMBING AND TINSMITHING HOT \VATER HEATING AND GENERAL REPAIRS THORNHILL, ONT. TOTAL ASSETS OVER EIGHTY-THF Richmond Hill Branch. T. R7 T-TP E. R. FORTNER CLEANIM L. INNES 8: SONS, Dealers, RICHMOND HILL , d V..- -- .v vvlll. I'm regularly, and when college days site funds are ready, and the edu< a drain on the family purse. KING AND PRESSING NEATLY DONE“ STANDARTD BANK OF CANADA JULY 3 to 11. LOOK ,' Mohair and ‘aifet'a, 01' Leg- a good variety 3 for all ages. Clothier‘.‘ and Tailor. COH Child xespvcifu Residence address Vich in Squaw Richmond THE CANADA DPHL Hill: p 15 h [JASTURI nnrlln . Oommissinner, Unnveynncer, EtL Insurance and Real Estate furnnt um! i T. A. NICHOLLS NOTARY PUBLIC RICHNIOND HILL Y-THREE MILLIONS '1. Herrington, Manage}: LIFENS 1tU0; have ApMyJonN hone 58 J. EARLIL Ilill--\V [’IANIST smal‘ ilboard Ill 1H) INEY P 0.21 Gm mlev [(1 hn