Lxcensed Auctioneer for the County of York. Sales attended to (m 'shortest motioe and at reasonable rates. Patronage solicited Artist, Teacher in Literature, Expression, Reading, Dram- atic and Humourous Sketches, (We: and Markham. Dialect Poems. Professional Graduate of ‘Walter S. Jenkins [Rex Phnne Hill. 5048 ‘mmmwmwmoooouo 90¢“ Owen A. Smiley Studio. Address Miss Marguerite Boyle. Studio ‘Homewood Hall,’ Thornhill, Ont 30 tf 'Barmters Solloltor Notaries Tclophone Adelaide 2108 85 Richmond BL. West. meal { Toronto. Naughtcn Block. Aurora. Solicnor for: . Aurora and Richmond Hill. Thfli'DOWthipl of King. \Vhitchurch ELOCUTION Miss Marguerite Boyle This exceptionally ï¬ne property adjoins the southern boundary of Richmond Hill, and already has many conveniences. including electric light. The tax rate is lower, and prices for lots are lower than in Rich- mond Hill. Very Easy Terms of Payment spread over a period of ï¬ve years at 6% p. c. interest. Salesmen on the Property Every Week Day. Lots for Sale in this Beautiful New Residential and Garden Subdivision ELMWDDD 0N YONGE S'l'. ' JL'STSOK'TII Olv‘ Ix’IF'IIJlOND HILL NAUGHTON & JENKINS ACRE LOTS $250 AND UP Building Lots $4 per Ft. and Up Real Estate Dept. Exclusive Agents 46 KING ST. W, TORONTO - Phone Main 6215 CHARTERED TRUST & EXECUTOR C0. ‘MNWOWOOONNG OONOWWNOWN'ï¬ Robinson Block RICHMOND HILL 3.98 4.98 5.98 Ratine Voile and Dotted Swiss Great Rainbow Specialty Shappe J. T. SAIGEON Maple BIG JULY SALE J. Harry Nulighton Res. Elgin Mills Res. Phone 44.4 Reductions i SUMMER DRESSES One of the most succeslful "In-I a. ments ever held in Richmond Hill trok place at the Bowling green yesterday. July 4. Non lv 4 teams from Toronto] Milton. Olillia. Newmnl'ket, Aurm-n', StouFEville, Almira, \Veston, Union- viLe and Richmond Hill took pant. The competition was very keen throughout, and only after strenuuus conto’sts the following wele declared the winnpra : 2nd prize, 4 Mllitary brushes, S. Hill, Weston. 3rd prize, 4 Bowl bugs, C. P. Read. Onkwood. When play was completed the prizes were presented by the President, Mr. A. G. Savage. SEALED TENDERS, marked and addressvd lo the undwrsigued. will he received until noon. FRIDAY, JULY 20th. 1923, fur BRICK HOUSE ands LOT in the VILLAGE OF‘ TBORN The Pruperty mav be inspectvd nt any time. but the House will only he Open for Inspection on July 12th, 13m and 14Lh, 1923. lst. prize,-4C!uh bags. T. S. Baker, Oukwood. Terms of Sale may be secured haul the undersigned Agvnt for the Execu- tors of the Estate of the Late Francis M. James: HILL, on the South-“fest Corner of Lot. 23, Con. 1. Markham. House and Lot For Sale Lawn Bowling Toumament F. R. JAMES, 23 Seen Street, Toronto, om; Jt'. IV. Lu Sr. IV.~â€"Gr;urv Paris. 05’ wald Carter, Audtey Tm'k. Sylvia Butterslw. Allan Duncan. [)unald Hit-kl Mildred Sims. Kathleen Morris, Pete: Savage, Phyllis Glass, Frank Bmybon, Kenneth Brnybnn. Clarence Price. Clare Newport, Ethel Laslwr, john McLean. Alfred Graingor, Kathleen Mahony Dorothy Atkinson, Ida Blanâ€" chard. Sr. III to Jun IV.â€"Azal.1 Denhy (h). Jns. Lnngstaff (h). Lucy Savage, Dun- uld Frishy. Ohrislia Andelsnn, Mur- jorie Tyndall, Margaret Plr-wman. Vern Morris, Dnrothy Hick, Helbenta Baker, Fred Saunders, George Hord. Agnes Robinson, Uarman Lowery, Mume Helmky, Winnie Stong. Thus. Coveyduck. (m hgnnrl. Jr. 11 to Sr. lIâ€"Honorsâ€"Daisy Manley. Phyllis Roberts, Nurevn Howarlh, Bartlr‘tt Smith. Bennic'e Healy. Morley Saunders. Jack Newton, Dorothy Duncan. Margaretta Healy. Roy Plewman, Katie Kozak, May Plewman. Mac Merrick. Jack Bowlden. Marv Fochnk. Passedâ€"Mae Shep- pard, \Valter Young. Elvanor Drury. Mac Tennyson, Claire Cook. ()litfmd Jenkins. Austin Tuck. Teddy Philoolt, Reggie Warren. Mono Kozak, Eliza- Deth Rumble, Adele Savage. To Firat Book [names iuranged ulph metically]. â€" E d w a rd Arnold, Grace Hxillinger. Lola Jone". Anna May Mahoney. Ualhmine Stanford, Margaret Trench. Frances Willougbby, M o t r o Forchuk. Recommended â€" Lenore Glusa Ruth Davis. Marjorie McUutcheum, l’atiicia Smith. Margaret Buchanan, llarxy Connor, Henry Roberts. The following will be given a test the end of Octoberâ€"Lawrence Haworlh. Queenie [‘rlmn, Helen \Vulke-r, Mar-gar: ( Whito, Carlin-Allen. Donald .\li:Kvnzie. Relay Hoppe‘r. A to Sr. Primerâ€"Honors â€" Elsie Paris. Malth w HPaly, 'l‘ilt'ond Hilts, Hurry KuZak, Marjorie Robpxts, Louiea Russel, Margaret. Rumble, Trevor Anny, Randolph Phinney. Thelma Armstrong. Passedâ€"Audrey Patrick. Henry Williams, Lloyd Reid. Tom Wallis, Margaret Frisby, Eleanor \Val- Iii. Frances Teetzel. B In Aâ€"Honoisâ€"Mary Jacnbs. Gor. dun McKenzie. Edna \Vade, Edna Suwgvn. Passedâ€"Ted Allen, Tmnmy Gillings, Edna Wade. Gladys Stanfmd, Murray Blanchard. Lilly Avery, \Vul- tor Uovryduck, Victor Bolton. C to Bâ€"llonorsâ€"Honry ROlDlnSUn, May Taylor, Solan Smith, Eleanor BoylP. Passedâ€" Fred Taylor, Lilly Hortin, Billie Buchanan, Lorraine Burns, Dick Patrick, Bobby Richards, Morley Chedzng. SATURDAY. JULY 7â€"Auctinn sale of household furniture and Effects, at the home of Mrs. Norman (,‘arr. Centre Street, Richmond Hill. Sale at 1.30 otmdard time. Reasons for saleâ€"fumi'y nm_ving to another part Sr. II to Jr. Ill.â€"He-nry Stanford h), Anna Phipps (h), Cecil Tuck. Har- nld Ronke. Howard Monis, Helen Brillinger and John Helmkay Pquul, VVinnifred Billings. Jack Finch. Belyl Sundemnn. Marguerite Thompson, held» Davis, Joan Hull. Alfred Stnng. Bessie Kvle, Lillian Burns, Graham Ellis and John Blanchard equal. \Villie Kendall, Norman Cook, Isobel Mc- naun. Recommendedâ€"Mary Drury, lyle Grant, Jimmie Grainger, Enoch Batty. Philip Graham, Kenneth Frjsby. (h) hnnors. St. I to Jr. ILâ€"Jenn Middlntnn (h). Iris Wondhead (11), Jean Deadman (h), Gladys Roe (h). Mm-y Brillinger (h), Marguerite Manly. Gilbert FUI'PSL, Norah Bully. Oliv» VVilaon. Gladys Helmkay. Elhel Cuvtâ€"yduck, Jack Shepherd. Blanche Dewshury. Alice Willougliby, Laurence Smith. Margery Snndersnn, Albert Balsa, Aileen Giant. Ennnie Finch, Ale-x. Forchuk, Nollia Hammond, (Hugh Carter promoted on his Lelm’s work). Hecunnuendedâ€" Georg - While, Albeit Morison. Victor Morris, Frvddv Kendall, Mmiel Clarke. N uman Hammond. (h) honors. Uâ€"(Yhurlie HEnson. Katbeline Kelly, Raymond Taylor. Lula Heny. \Valter D‘nlr‘, Henry White. Fred Wilson. J. R. WATSON. Principal. Jl‘..llI. to Sr. [ILâ€"Jag. Kerswill (h) Ralph Mackie (b), Laverne \Vright (h). Hex-h Shin-pleas (h). Jnhn Wilson (h). Mmgaret Duncan, Eileen Roberta, Hazd Caldwvll. Donald Buyntnn. Bill Newport. Isobel Sanderson. Beau-ice- Caldwell. Edith Patton. Grant Innis. Marj.Grainggx-. flecnmmendodâ€"Irene The nbe weekfy Bowling Tmnna- ment will he held Monday evening, July 9(1). 7 p. n). (standard Lime.) As the ï¬nvst l-ghting systh in .-Onlnri(,~ has now been installed We vxpvut. everyone to be present. Thlte gzunos. bud, ".h)’ honorg, Mnrj.Gr.;\in er. Reonmmendodâ€"Irene Ueadmuny lice Innis, Ensie \Vood- -...V. .v.-‘__V , f" . tournament on Tuesday. August 7th. l.eL’s go ‘afler that $20.00 prize in earnest :‘we can't get it withont stren- uvus and consistent practice, Now girls, altogether; come out tonight. Let ts show the homeâ€"comers that, we are just as anxwus to keep the tnwn "on the map†as they were to put it there. All young ladies of the town are ask- ed to attend the ladies soft ball prac- tice at the public school diamond on Tuesday, Thursday. and Saturday eve- nings at 7.3!) o’clock standard time. Yours truly is quite anxious to get to- gether the‘best team pussible for the tournament on Tuesday. August 7th. nf countri. Tel-{us cash Snigeon, Auct. Sporting Notes Pub‘ic School Promotions Auction Sale Register IN OR )ER 0F MERIT Lawn Bowling The real summer weather is with us, and we have the goods you want. THE LBRNE BUICK FURNiSHING 8TORE in need ( have in s for house with win IIositrv, DRY GOODS - MILLINERY - LADIES’ WEAR QUALITY SHOPPE -:- Phone 53 Trench Block ._â€"-=_â€"-___â€"â€" WOOD _ FIRE and LIFE INSURANCE REAL ESTATE 'A. G. SAVAGE T. H. HARDWARE & SUPPLIES Limited Phone 33, - Thornhill, Ontario WWW SUMMER UNDERWEAR, SOX, SHIRTS, COATLESS SUSPENDERS, STRAVV - - HATS; also MEN’S OXFORDS, LADIES’ WHITE SHOES, and TENNIS SHOES, all We nmr‘ï¬â€˜ering all Millinel‘y Stock at greatiyq'educcd price. If wt! of Hats of any description, buy ‘now and save money. We in stock, :it popular prices, ladies and children’s dres€es, tuitabie ouse or street wear. A nice line of ginghams and chambray's trimmings to match in the newest patterns. Summer underwear. U')‘, i cindirg Holeplowf from 350. to $3.00 1er pair. Children's in the lew fancy silk and cotton weave. Insecticides and Fungicides General Agent, office at the Post Office - Richmond Hill COAL T. H. HARDWARE 8: SUPPLIES Limited See our Real Summer Ties, 50c. to $1.50 Straw Hats, from $2.25 to $3 75 HID PLAIN HANDLE . . . . . . S'l‘l’APPED HARDLE PARIS GREEN . . . . . . . . ARSENATE 0F LEAD ARSENATE 0F LIME TL'BEP-TONIC. . . . . . . . . DRY BORDEAL'X . . . . DRY LIME SULP'HUR SLI'G SHOT . . . . . . . . . . . Phone 33 Thomhill, Ontario MRS. NORMAN BATTYJ Norman J. Glass. ’case, and Lave satisï¬ed customers, try us. ‘5“me Hay Forks and SIZES 500 406 n 35c 45c 30c. $1.40 EACH . 1.60 EACH PER LB. - Phone 53