Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 12 Jul 1923, p. 1

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“In Essentials, Unity; in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in all things, Charity.” XLVI. VOL. I PUBIIB litillliEl ‘ _ A full line oi John S. Marâ€"‘TODATE PAINT SHOP; and are now ready to takel your car in for painting. Highest grade materials used. v Experienced painter. Prices right. A trial solicited. W. G.Ealdock LIMITED Ford Dealers, Richmond Hill "norms‘“ tin’s' Poultry Feeds “Just as he feeds it.” Scratch Feed, Chick Feed, Growing and Laying Mash. Also Purnia. Scratch and Chowder. Shorts, Glutin, Meal on hand. Bran, also Corn Order your SUPPIY 0‘ coal J. H. Prentice 415 Bulliol St., Toronto. Phone Belmont 1347 LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR COUNTY or YORK AND ONTARIO Special attention given to sales ot every descrrption. Farms and farm stock sales specialty. Farms bought and sold on commission. Allsales at.- tended to on shortest notice. and con- ducted by the mostupproved methods. Pa:ronage solicited. now, as prices have advanced at the mines, and the great danger of a strike. Our coal is screened before delivery. / I. D. Ramer FEEDâ€"i Car of Western Oats Now In These Oats are ,very heavy and reasonably clean. Upon request we will Re‘Clenn Oats before crushing for 31c. per bush. extra. Heavy Chop tor Sale Quantity Re-Cleaned Buck- wheat Fit for Seed BRUdEhuos Mill at Lot 35. Con. 5 Markham JOHN R. CAMPBELL VETERINARY SURGEON , Thornhill. -Cs.ll by phone or otherwise promptly FALL TERM OPEN NEWMARKET :3 BUSINESS COLLEGE ENROLL ANY TIME Individual Instruction. Night. School Mondays and Thursdays, Newmarket, Bank of Toronto Block Macnaugliton & Campbell l Barristers. Solicitors, Etc. Officesâ€"Suite 511 McKinnon Bldg. Cor. Jordon and Melinda Sts., Tor-onto. Telephone Main 3631. A. CAMERON MACNAUGHTCN FREDERICK A. A. CAMPBELL Mr. Campbell will he at The Liberal Office. Rich n..r.d Hill, every Tuesday aternoon. Fall Term Opens ,lAug. 27 ELLIOTT VN [ gm 3 Yonge and Charles Sts.. Toronto. All Kinds of Boots and Shoes Repaired . Good Workmanship Prompt Service 2Doors South of Bakery on Yonge St. GEO. KIDD Boot and Shoe Repairer Arrange now to enter this famous schoolâ€"famous for strictly high grade work and for promptly helpâ€" ing students to secureemployment. None Better in Canada \Vrite for catalogue. and you will soon see wiry you should patronize our school. Open all year. Enter any time. W. J. ELLIOTT Principal. .__...___ II. A. Niels“. The Real Estate Man l Wall Hafngings ’ _ O .- Artistic Charm SAMPLES FREE PAINTING. DECORATING Phone 306, King. ,G. HILL, Oak Ridges P. O. and ‘ HAS FOR SALE “50 Foot Lot. on Roseview Avenue, -wih foundation for small house laid. Desirable Lot on Richmond Street, North Side 50 ft. by I! good depth. House. Barn, 4 acres, good well, fruit trees, corner Mill Road Bsthurst. On north side. Roseview, elegant brick clad house all modern improveâ€" ments. hard wood floors, finished attic. ettructive grounds. Frame house on Richmond fronting on three streets. 5 acre. garden, trees, small fruit. in good shape. 50 ft. lot on west lide of Baker Ave. '-wibh good garage and hen house only $700.00. Brick clad house, stable and 3 acres. " end, orchard, small fruit on Lucas Street. ' TWo choice bargains on Centre St. East. House and Lot at Maple. also a small farm in some locality. MISS BEATRICE HOWELL TORONTO *feaoher of Fletcher Method Musical Kindergarten Pupils passed for Conservatory Ex-l aminutions. STUDIOâ€"HOTEL RICHMOND. Richmond Hill. WILLIAM COOK BARRISTER. SOLICITOR, NOTARY E'l" Toronto Ofiice, Slt‘r dem‘al Building, AC‘T‘IRO k‘Vitlzhm I‘_”'g\ei.“h°”53' g“"‘1 at >5 Richmon I Street. \Vest. spring Cree n 2 gm . l s. . . . , . ' - * Aer", 5 “)0de counm,’ lamp RJCIIIIIOIILI Hill OflIce ( Liberal . A x v "1 , . barn. natural gas well, on the .\lill 03”" eve” 1"”“d“-‘ forenoml' Road. Stop 43. Will lend you money or loan your money, Insurance. Map e, Thursday aft: rnoon. \\'O»db1‘1‘1:t‘. Saturday forenoou. M "in y lo 1.0‘111 11L Currant Rate .__â€".â€"â€"â€"â€"Iâ€"Iâ€"- SL, Advertise 111 the Liberal. RICHMOND HILL, ONT.. THURSDAY. J ‘LY 12.1933 Union Sunday School Picnic The Union I’ILIIIC from the Methodist and Presbyterian Sunday Schools will in) lipid \VOLII‘,"S(IE1)‘, July 15th, to Exhibition Park, Toronto. Thcro \‘v‘lll‘ he organized sports of various kinds, undi r the or I-nngornent of committees! l'r run both schools. The. Cadet sporting club has been placed at. the disposal of this comlniltre. Lot t'\'(‘l y member of lire Sunday Schools and every parent ‘ Luv-operate in making this picnic :1 real event. Time of lezulog will be an- nouoced on Sunday. QOâ€"â€"â€"â€"- Death of Mrs. Shunk Many in Richmond Hill and vicinity will learn with regret of the death on June 27th, of Mary Hull, wife of Mr. A. .1. Shunk at her home in Rouloau, Sask. The deceased was formerly a teacher in the Patterson school and was loved by all her pupils, and by her genial disposition she had :1 large circle of friends. Her only son George, aged 17, passed away about two years ego. She. is survived by her husband and two daughters, Mary, a teacher. and Bessie a graduate. nurse of British Columbia. The many friends here ex- tend their sympathy to the family in their sad bereavement. H...- Obituary n.â€" Thomas B. Metcalf, eldest son of the late Robert and Mary A. Metculf. slept away, July 3, 1928 at his daughter's home \Veeton, Ont. Mr. Metcalt was in his 84th year. having been born on the second of Markham, on the 9th of. Jan. 1840. He moved with his parents to the second of Vaughanfin his second year having lived all his lifoin Richâ€" mond Hill. He leaves a wife and one daughter, one. brother G. H., and one sister Mrs. R. Graham. Deceased lost his son. Pte. Charlie L. Metcalf, of the 172ml Rocky Mountain Rangers, No. 637-150. in thelnte war. He died at Brnmshol’. Military Hospital. January 1917. Mr. Metcalt wasa '66 veteran having served in the Fenian Raid, .1 member of the Oak Ridges Cavalry in his 18th year. Interment. took plnce in Maple Cemetery, by the side of his father and mother, Thurs- day. July 5, 1923. And Still the Letters Come Tlmmins, Ont. July 4, 1923. Richmond Hill Old Boys and Girls Association, Richmond Hill, Ont; Dear Old Town,â€" It was indeed a. great pleasure to me to receive u letter from the old towu, and to know that you are all wide awake and want. the old timers to cal and see you again. As a Richmond Hill old boy I want. to assure you that I am now planing so that [can get away from my otfice and visit you once more, a visit that Will bring me far greater pleasure than any trip 1 have ever made. I feel that someone must be putting up real money to make this reunion possible, and I Would very much like to have you make. a call on me for a do- nation which I would gladly respond to at once. Please let me know lel I can do to help make this c‘elehrnlion a huge success. Sincerely yours, H. A. PROCTOR. â€"-â€"Oâ€".‘. Old BOys and Girls Meeting The interest in the meeting Tuesday evening showed that the citizens an Warming up as the dry: draw near fin the 50 year’s celebration as a village, on the 5th, 0th. or (1 7th, Auguzt. Mr. Johnston, chairman of the Ad- Vertising Cnlllnilltt‘f‘, reported that the Souvenir Programme was well on the way, and large posters giving parâ€" ticular-s would be printed next. week. If your greeting ad.. Mr. Merchant, has not been handed in yet for the Souvenir Programme better attend to it AT ONCE. Mr. B. “hire and Mr. Lynett. re- ported that the midway would be Well looked after, under the chairmanship of Mr. F. Tcetz I. Mr. Multlclr “as made chairman oi of tln- Refreshment Committee, uni 311'. Greene was mixed to furnish duck ul' drill hunting fur four large stream- ers. 'i'ho suggrstion was made that householders along Y4 nge Street pre- pare at once for decorating is one of the m id: nces of a. warm reception E r our welcome visitors. Next meeting in the Council Chamber on Tuesday evening MARRIAGES ROBINSâ€"SIM urnâ€"At the Parsonage, 'l‘uesdny, luly l". 1025', 1y Rev. H. 5 “Km 13“. )Iinifiv Sioc'it uto Cirrrn‘.‘ M, Ruhr»; bcth . l Toronto: Public School Promotion .lu inrn Met in: n- Lowery, Sir-n ,\14‘|l or Jenkins, James Slurry r, I’.i~,~ml Marv (-i I irigs. Evelyn Ilvdgt- )In-y Nc‘d'prul, lvlirjmio (.I'iliilm, Chrsley “'uldors. In 53:1: Ki-mlzvll. lint-ormncndlul ('oin ICrnmelson, \Vill Emmet-son. Mun] Buchanan. , llu .‘y Kt’llllt' I) Ileulrnaii, gROSEVIEW l l’..-~-‘ ‘- ilh honors:â€"-‘ All'rcil link i. Nor M n Newton, Agnesl ,Calducll. Everett Heard, Rolph Keene. [Single copies, 3 cts. GARDENS RICHMOND HILL .â€"_q liuildlnrz Lots, $1.00 to $10.00 per It. $1.00 per ft. cash; l-ulancc, your own tern s. \Vorkman's Cottages. $300 to $500 ,caeh and eusy monthly payments. Absent thmuglr ill 8 s reromxncndcd ' These cottages will be built of brin k or Kelly, Lorraine Kelly. 0. Village Council Council met in the Ciel k's office. on July 0. 1923. Present the Reeve and Councillors Lunau, Batty. Monklnnn. Accounts to the amount of $933.40 were presented and on montion Were ordered in he paid. ' Mr. George ’I‘aylor presented a re- quest for the use of the norlh field at the waterworks property, guarantee- ing proper precautions as :o p «slur-ing cattle. On motion the. matter was I. it in the hands of the Reeve. The Clerk reported tl at complaints hud been handed in, stating that certain parti. s have been in the habit oi bathing in the creek supplying the waterworks reservirir. immediate‘actit-n iu the matter. The Waterworks Engineer reported that his equipment for aerating the water Is not adequate for present require- ments, and that it is necessary to have a larger installation to keep tho water up to standard. The chairman of the waterworks was instructed to arrange for an adequate equipment as sug< gssted by the Engineer. A letter from the Canadian Fire Underwriters Association was read promising that the matter of reduction of insurance rates for fire risks Would receive early attention. A letter from \Vilson and Bunnell. surveyors, was read, upon which no action was taken for the present. Tire Clerk Was instructed to write Mr. Gillson surveyor, with reference to Stl't et\lines and levels etc. A letter was read from the Chair- man of the Memorial Committee ask- ing the Councils co-oporutlon in the matter of erecting lighting standards in front of the Memorial. That. the Clerk write the Chairman of the Comâ€" mittee, that. the Council will be pleased to oo-operate in the matter. A letter from the Canadian Exhibition Band competition com- mittee Was rend suggesting that Rich- mond Hill Band enter the competition at the coming Exhibition. The Clerk was instructed to reply and also to hand the latter to the president of the Build. A letter from Our eyheare and Nut"? liter-ing u pier-e of land to the north of the WaterWorks reservoir \vztl read. the Clerk was instrurted to reply stating that; the Council was not at present in a position to purchase. A letter from the Canadian R d Cross was read asking assists-n e for the Typhoid sufferers at Cocbranv. On motion lllt' treasurer was instructed to forward a cheque for $25.00. The matter of a sewer for Centre. S . East. was taken up and discussed In sumo length, and it was decided to de- fer action until informationcould he obtained re size of pipe necessary. costs etc. A recommem‘stion from the Bont‘l of Health was lreso ted wihhaview to having a. asIe-r izntion cluu~r added to the milk Hyl nv. On motion the Clerk was Instructle Io irepare a. Bylaw to this czfect and a'so to order a new blade. for the grader, and Council adjourned. Rod And Gun erase... â€" seesaw; D.-nling extensively with the allure. tlons lf Ontario, in the W. y of fish rig, huntii g and camp ng, and p vinllng out tllv numerous ad: Inlu,’ s of the pro. vi. co with its splen lid r-n d :. line Lotti u- ommodution and uh tl e advantage which await the tom-st, lh.‘ july special tourist issue of Rod and GI It in Canada is one of the most alum t \‘r issues of the mngnzinv, wi ll its spt-clu. cover, its numerous~ l)e.t'rt ful illus- trations, and interesting :n-Iiwli-s. In addition to the extrt sci-t I n. ti." July issue. full Ilfflil.(131lrr e . J. EDWARD FRANCIS . Noll-IR} PUBLIC ‘oommserosrsn, cosvsvaxcen, REAL ESTATE AND lNSURANCE Thornhill. SAM. SHEPHERD Paper hanger and Painter Oxford Street I’l;_»x:e It r 3'2. The Uouncil decided to take ' on terms walkACr‘firllvrl M :llett, Sandy frame as desired on thirty-foot lots in - east of the Fair Grounds. For full particulars w: ito or see W. J. LAWRENCE. 1971 Yonge St. Phones Hudson 1515â€"1170. .â€" ... .wr.-s._.. ,PLUMBING SUPPLIES The James Robertson, Co., Ltd, 215 Spadine Ave., Teronto, Ontario BATHS, BASINS, W. C's., SINKS, Laundry TUBS and ALL NECESSARY EQUIPMENT. Ask for our Septic Tank Circular. Our local representative, Ambrose E . Phippse Richmond Hill Phone 13 r 2 \VIII gladly furnish necessary infor- mption and advice. regarding your requirements. Outside the Village our Pressure Systems will provide water for any installation. Denton, Macdonéld 6: Demon Barristers. Solictors. arc. MANNING ARCADE. 24 KINe ST. WEST, TORONTO. CANADA . TELEPHONE MAIN 311' Cable Address: "Dedo Arthur A. Macdon'ald Frank Denton Laura Denton. B. A. DR. J.'P. WILSON Office hours 8 to 10 am. 1 to 2 and 6t08p.m. * I~-~~ Office and residenceâ€"Centre. and Church Streets‘Richmond Hill Phone No. 21. WRIGHT BROS. Undertakers’and Embalmers RICHMOND HILL, THORNHILL ANE UNIONVILLE A large stock of Funeral Furnishing Kept at the above places W. HEWISON HOUSE PAINTER, . Glazier. Grainer and Paper- Hanger. JOHN T. ANDERSON PIANO TUNER Leave Orders at Sloan's Drug Store, Richmond Hill. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS' EXPERIENCE All mail orders will receive prompt attention. ___â€"_â€"_â€"â€"â€"-â€"-â€"â€" Wm. C. Ruttan Cnnudian Tenor and Choir Leader Solo-Isa North Puritdule Methodist t‘hurch, is prepared to receive pupils n Richmond Hill on Mondays. Studio, Mrs. N. Betty's. Arncld St. Particulars can he obtained by calling, Phone 22 Ring 11. 29-, ETL' 12h” Adelina Melecci and Miss l 0 salind Bush I.. I. C. M. lFrom the Wnservatory OI .‘111‘1|:.A“'111 accept a number of pupils in Piano, Vocal and -: Theory. I For information Phone Mus. Bivrxs. "no

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