Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 12 Jul 1923, p. 4

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Just before the Spring Rush on the ; li'a'irm you should look ()\'('l‘ the. Mus" get those Needed Repaiis. tumor)" and Ur, il‘ it's New Machineiy, “r can gi-t ll fur 3n“, \‘v’e have on hand for linlnmliuli- lloâ€" \Vilkiiisiiii \Vl‘wi-lbar- livery ('i:(:l::~liu}t l’liws, Plows. 1 Set (‘hain Drags. ‘rnws, lSocond-llaiiil (‘i vain Hl'llllr i1 r. Let us know your wants in Hui liiiz- ei y now. You should like advantage at lllt" lll'('>i(-‘nl prices of metal by iii-doling your E ivo-Tiongh, Rooting, Furnacis. or any other metal product, as i-Vi-ry- thing points to a substantiul increase in prices in the near future. Come- in and let us protect you with pit-sent prices. TEETZEL BROS. Tinsmitlis and General Agents lieutenants has 5 will cancel all th by the Election Day, the regards the appointments as age. The pnint is well taken the late Gover ing a precedent (is a ‘ w“! w.:-v::a.\:-e:e.-I: viz-13:14: #7 _ ~r r 1 \ I 4. Fine Eerguson Uzininet l’Rl“.\llEl‘. AND \liNli'l'lCll (>13 l'.l)l_'l‘,\'l‘l(l.\' lll‘ll. (i, ll, l9. mum p, K. (L, ll. .\., l.L.l)., (iii-ii‘illv. llim. \‘x'. l“. Ni'fllll'. K17. ll..\.. l\'§ii,:~fi ll. A'l"l‘0RNliY-G l“..\' lCll .\ l. Pl'lilili' \VURKH AND HIGHWAYS /lllll'. (i iig-H. lll‘lll_\'. ll, _\, l.l..ll.. lI-xt \ylrlli. I l’llllVINl‘lAl. 'l'lili \Ql'lll‘Illr (URI. \‘.'. ll. [‘iii- *, i{.t',, l.i. l) , l’ailiztil-n I‘llNl‘Nâ€"(‘liiis M"(‘ii-i. l(.(l.. Fllllll'lly.‘ I M H , ‘ ) PT‘T‘TJU AND Tl.\liilR~~l)r. l‘tilli ',\ (li'llll‘l 3;, Al“. l, l,_( I, and 5., \Vi-si Yolk. V v ‘ ‘4 Alilill‘l'li'l‘l'lll‘. r _lllllli S, \ltirliti. li :\.. 5 "‘ilzll Fi‘llilll. _ I. PltllVlNl‘IAl. Sl‘X'lll“,l'AltY-ljuinilii (inlui *. .\- ulh \\ vliiiigloii. ‘ Es'l‘i#.l:iiiiis \V. l.viin=v S'iuli Sis; .\l:iiio, , LAND“ AND FOR \Vl'l‘llOl'l‘ l’llllTlTOlilOr Hull. Thomas Dr. Looming Cziii Ninth Hastings. Sl’liAKlfillyi‘upl. Joseph lC. 'l‘liniii; TO BE ('AN( ‘l-Z'LLED One of Hon. Howard Fergusons aid that the Premier 0 appointments made late Drury tlovcrmnont snico ‘L’fiih of June, as he patron- though nmi'nt “as only l‘ollm'i- tziblishcd by tie PHONE 87W last (‘onservathe and previous . ,n y Governments. lion. W. Iu. bane) Sand, Gravel, Tile and Brick The Maple Sand, Gravel and Brick )ninpanv, Lt'ii. have on hand for sale. Cement. drain tile, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 8 in. (,‘ulvert tile 1:3, 15, 18 and 20, inch (3!) inches in length) Also Cement Brick Sand (ii-Gravel sold by the loadror in car lots. Cedar [ms's and telephone poles for sale. 'l‘. COUSINS, Manager Attention Contractors and Home Builders l Large Stocks of Pine and Hemlock, Shingles, Lath. Cedar Posts. Etc. for your quick convenience. Also dealers in Fibre Board. Ready Roofing, Asphalt Shingles, Felts. Etc. We operate our own Planing Mill, Siding, 0 intends made without delay, but if they were SO very important. why not made before the election instead ( one of patronage. than :1 dozen men have made cation, and are expecting to receive a good position. that. the appointments be were they if directly after. ’ To say the least the act looks like Probably more apph- Governments keep hem open fearing that in pleasing One man they displease the other c'cven. The : enate A good deal of indignation has been aroused in Liberal circles owing to the action of the Dominion Senate in passed by the King Government in the House of Commons. to a discussion in several newspapers as to the advisability of “Reforming the Senate." As long as this country has a Senate it is not for us to say that the members should give their assent to bills passed by the Commons if in their opinion they are not for the good of the people. vettiig two or three mensurtl This has led The com- FH‘OI‘lnfiiMmlldlng FThmeSHWd 33%. plaint, however, is that. the bills Doors, Etc. Perfectly manufactured. vetoed are invariably intended to We Solicit your enquiries and hamper the opposite side of politics. Orders. ‘ The members of tlic liouse of â€"â€".~â€"â€"-â€" Commons are liable to make mistakes, but they are responsible to the L. & electors, and can be replacol by a Planing Min and Lumber majority vote at any election. The ~ Yard Senators are appointed for life. We need not boast (if Responsible Richmond Hill Street ‘~ Richmond Hill. Phone Day, 13-3. Night 75. THE Rolfe Shoe Repair 18 open all day, and every day, except Wednesday afternoon and Sunday, for repairs to boots and shoes. Back of Drug Store. Take Notice ‘ Having tiiken over the ll'llulllllg of Masseyâ€"Harris Pairs, I am prepared to fill orders for same. Lawn Mowers Sliupcnrd. Saws Filed. In fact. IF IT IS [ll‘LL \Ve Slini'pi I]i 1T properly. A. ANDERSON' Next Dmr to ~lonrs Lumber Co. Arnold 5L, Richmond Hill v . l JONES LUMBER CO‘ PHONE 27 < BUILDERS SUPPLIES Rough and Dressed Lumber Hardwood Flooring Pine Lath Doors Cedar Shingles Rush Fibreboard Roofings Tiyprocl: Tar piper v‘,.' 5,» .-;l hi me (if i\li . and :01]. Wilbert, on July lst. Those of their l Ve'laie i ,_ 1 Government as long as the Senate i privileged to undo what the Common have done. West Naple Union 9â€".â€" A family lfl>lllll0lÂ¥ was lii-lil :it the aid Mrs. Geo. Rerlditt family present were Mr. and Mrs. \Yilfred Reddit and daughter of Mount Hope, H150 their friend, Mr. Uillinuii; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Reddilt and son of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Reddiit of Mt. Pleasant, were unable to be present on account of ill- ness in their family. which all present regretted very much. Airs. Redditi’s only sister, Mrs. Jus. Sampson, of Shanty Bay, Urn, was p escnt. Other relatives weio Mr. and Mrs. Beasley and diughter, of Sheffield, Mrs. jas. Stoddan and dan- ghter, of 010. Mrs. llrdditt's niece, Mrs. H. Morrow. of Sheffield, was not able to be present us she is suffering from the bad elfecls of being in an automobile accident some few weeks iign.~Walerfoid Star. MAPLE aâ€"e (in Friday a league football game wiis playvd here between lidgeley and Maple teams which resulted in u draw, npiil‘or team smiing. The Union S. S. picnic held at on \Voilnvsdziy ivl‘ l€l>l week was gl‘t‘Ill SIZ(‘C< ss, unit ‘.1 iiiiiii‘ii. r (it :(‘lllitlfi living preéi-n'. .\ lll0_'l xlllllll’ of si'orts was (,‘Illl'll'll ozii, :ii.ii :l~‘ tho “rather \vis idvul m'vryi‘nv o f yiul Ill" i:u:int:. Weston Biiy~' {hind was pii-xrnt and delighted .ill with tin-ii s I: rtions. q u Bliss ll. Lei-k. of Mrutit Albert ix spending at li-\\ days with ‘i‘rs, llTL‘V.‘ Q“ ll. Rnlvn» it: it the II A Mr. mid Elia 'l'. l“. l'ii‘hiiii‘zrl ii... \iv v: j: " _ .\lr uni Mas. J. 1' Sir“ il )li 'l it ‘.:.~‘. 'l‘. K }'=, .l. ‘l‘. >~ u l if ll r .t \X L - v rlltlli. Sir Alluiii Hi- (‘iau ford. Sn .1 k. l{.ll.. l.l. l)., London: ".\ Nor iii-\Vesl ’l‘uiout 0'. ', .\l.B,, Hist l{.iinilton;J. R. (‘onki-, )SOIL Soul ' " North-13ml Toronto. l ; Headford School Report i pâ€"_-- \ Results of prom tioii examinations at Ht’ildfhl‘tl School: Sn. III to jn. [\'â€"â€"Vii~lor VVcllinnn, lluiiy l’iliirin, llarivld Clark. JR. lll loSIt. lll*\Vt'!~li’y Clark. Sit. ll lii jlt. Illâ€"Jack Spent-icy. l l i l . ‘ l‘illlltfl‘ ln'ek, l‘lll" (illisnii (Rec) seems a peaceful Mlpl‘ di-iigig \‘r’nn-n: rails; .41. .-.i .i i [ll illiii ll.l\ rsili'j'l ‘ I. ‘ I ‘ \iiml i. ;' r l-' -i r“ v‘i 'l ~ 1‘ mn- \‘l i l (OR Ni-lfli- le-is nml: h 9 oven: :1 » . l . . .. .r w .» '. .ilw munH-i shim else. ll.\ii\ l1.\, i._iiio iii.llii -ik.ll« .l Mi i.. iii , 2 |(\llll'l"ll ll il l‘iii- rlu‘z; pi'i \l >‘. (ilk “I‘lls’l‘v __.__â€".._.._..._. m -râ€"Iu‘mm ._ i a‘ r - '- .\ ~. i‘ \ 'rvl‘i . . . i .ininTni \\l.l. n il._ ..i l ll \l \i I [J “H 5,11," I'Hsh C M, and m“- ‘ipii , li- ' H 5". ' -"\‘ v \ l‘ ‘3 'Ii'mlii v low til 11 I'l'l" " all “'3 i \‘ ll‘ 'll\llll’|‘t'.l‘llllill lll‘ lllllEl H115. ' \ ("ridge plantnil by lllk' Amidi iris, hi l‘l «l Iii} I ‘ ‘ A _: WW. ‘” [:Ii- ;\ Illl - :iiiil llilul‘ 'y t l bi in}; lll ‘K l’i‘obalily no unlior , i TANTI‘II l r'l‘i lllli'lS for mu log and that timi- i-vvii :rwv. eiw' lg lnrii l' tlll\ 'l‘horuhill to place along the uni lr lino (it limol; m, humml “I”. 1.; 'p 5-11.»..HI.NF. ‘1,”1, L 1,. h mil like “his lll‘inlll' split , “H mm H“ n .‘p 2 ‘il il .‘T .- ll.illl whistli- snuinieil _ _,__. “fly”, ..- 1 i- i Him-s rind still llii-‘y lingered n-‘ I. i: ., up 0'“, “HIM "may "Ulutein 1r l'lV.lill.I|'llll(‘,'< \Vell, and ii now‘ I‘ hm. V r). anmmmv. G_ l>ii liliug i-rvctl’d fur the WWW“! l-‘izz wizii. if, i l inond llill R. R. 2 o \iiillli ' ii-itiirvls iiuil ri'llt- (if h '»Lo'e. £1 ' l ‘l ‘.\"‘- Bl” lhe lli‘l” ““‘ “m‘lly “Hi .‘a'.-\l.lCâ€"N~\v six lIIOIlll‘il llt‘lli‘t‘, b (l'(lt’(l, and the paily 3p ll iill thi ir l ,1 ,.,,,w0.,i(.n,.,,. ,,.,“,,,c. “a” . . , ,.,. ,_, , . that city w iy in Halifax, leaching: |‘~t'\ l’l' ll llll -r good in in s\ A _ . y i i .. pply illli‘lll 10 p. m. lVl-HIJCY liin'x'rox, liil‘lll‘jnlld llill. 2 i'l‘o be continu all i 1 OST Olt STllAYEllâ€"Fium North H (NPR i J Tniontii, two big horses. Please ' llinlii'y C, MA'r'riiicws, 2142 Dul'fei’in l'l.l‘:\\'.\ .\\‘. Hii l) 1 St" T‘Jm't‘“ PhUHH Kenwood 68443.18. llllll’ ()l“ llAY .\ \l) FOR S.‘\lll‘:71\l<‘) ll ill-W 'l‘liiiu; ht I'mrn- for $7. A. l'). 3W, Rll'humiid Hill. 2‘ ' O TIT‘:T>AUl)fill'lul~\ii"‘ ii i m5, , l (“TUEâ€"E. Sliiiey is prepared to Mus. L. W Gi'i'ris. Piio 9 Na, 1 do all kinds of trucking and 2,3 1 outing in Richmond Hill and vicinity. Patronage solicited. Phone Richmond Wanted for Hill 98. 42 If (ll) toils ml (‘0:1l. s“ 5| llii‘hiiioiid Hill. '1 ‘ l‘IN'l) l‘lRSi’l‘i‘liili-rs ll’illlllig ah nit J“. H m ML H_E,],m pulp.“ Mabel ' lwii- p'il‘lll'lll‘rlls apply il. ‘l MIL! r', l UR SA Llfâ€"Uuo Quebec brighter (,‘Iiitis, JhSt'Pll (iibsim. Mary l“ull('r. U 'llil‘i‘ Sli'wteiisl. 2 ‘ day cook stove. pi-iiciiviillv new, Similin (Fiiliaiiiziii, lA(’ln€ll(l Wollmiiu. W'wilh stove pip... (Jim lipid. biihv ll. lllsmw, ieachri'. ‘ ' " , siiolltr. [-‘iiui’ii, “USQYlt‘W Ave, 50.6 3? I m" “'“"“""' ' '- ,___ __.__ DR. E10] 2R- l F OR SALEâ€"One Grundfulhei' v awry i c i (k ovrr 15“ mars Illll ~l on i S. S l\ arkham and Vau han I 1 .' l ' L l - l ' ' 1‘0 2 4 A g llfllv‘e 'l‘ii itch Block. two doors north of Apply MPH" M" “L‘NIVEL BAKER. “It'llâ€" _ ' SM”de lump 'I'I'f'ln‘l lllll. Phone 4.) r 31 Richmond The flak)“ng p"th 1m”) hm”) ll(|lll'5.{l:l.lll. to 5.5“) pm. i LL 12 successful in their promotion examin- unions. in. IV to SR. TVAHlll‘l'y Banks. Doris Tomlinsnn. Earl Richards. SR. [[1 in jR. lV,â€"llunn:ili \Viay, Doris “Mu-man. _ln. Ill in SR. Illâ€"Jessie, Evelyn Wai-iiian, David Culrns. Warren Ri-aman, Giiidon Jacksi-n. 'SR. II to JR. Illâ€"«Marjory \Vi-hher, Wm. Noble, Geo. White. Florence Wells. JR. Il to Sit. ll--[filllllt' (.‘iiims, Nelles Ball, Wm. Banks, Berkly Ball, Ed- ward Fee, Gordon Morning. Unis; l to JR. IIâ€"Domthy Frewin, Sidney Teare. Erin \Vnrmnii, Nellie ML'Cul‘f, llnrry \Vniman, Peter Brown Eileen Froddery. NEWSPAPER MEN'S TRIP THROUGH The Maritime Provinces and _‘ Quebec City i J. . Annual Convention at Halifax, NS. (Continued from last Week) In our last infill“ \iehad arrived at King‘s County. "'1 he Land of Evangeline. ” This district is redolent. with llllel‘lfll romaucv, and amply lllt'n‘d‘d with fertility if loll, aided by a iiiodi‘rate Mid favorable Cllllllllt‘. It is one of tho \Vesiuin Counties in Nova South, with the Buy of Fundy .o the ninth and l\l.iins Basin t0 the misi. 'l‘h - North Mountain, jutting out into Minus B-tslll, ghes anipli- pin- evil! ii twin iiiniherly winds to the Valley district. lying between this and be S Hill] Mountain, extending along the son “0111 border of the county. iwiitviilv, the shire town of the count' is 72 miles from Halifix, the most important A lin ic in Canada. The history of the thorny tiikrs the reader back to 1671 when the lirst ulllt'llll‘l-l. wiis made by Acadia!“ on the tidal lituils i-f Griiml l’ll', Mild soon .illvi- this time Minus lecullle‘lrlle of the most flourishing pantsuf Ai-u in. ~inco named NUVH Scuiii. T'ese lands l‘vll lllk‘l‘ into the p sst-s.~ion of England, and in ITliU were Occupied by English settli-is. In the meantime the dykos |~uilt by the French to protect the tidal lauds from thi- Fundy tides had been broken by heavy storms, and It \\ as sometime before these- could be repaired and the fertile lauds shut in from lht‘ salt \vnter. Tun: the uplnnds . f the H unty were not. iially :idaptuhlc l'iir iiuit growing wiis amply (lt-‘llll n sll'alrd bi the English selllvl’ by the vigorous growth of apple tit-es brought nut by the early St‘llll‘ls from Normandy and giowu by them furl i-idi-r purpiiSi-s. The grant PXpUl t fruit [ industry in in this part mi Noni Sl‘llll‘l , to Europe has develode as .‘l iisult ufl iuipmtntiuns of named \'.:rielies l'iuils from Europe and the l'niteil, States made by the eiiily English: witleis. There are approximately ‘ l15,0(lllfiOl‘tNlll()I'l’llilld‘3lll[hi5 County iiinl limit) news for ~grains and llll_‘. ‘ ills ltSJ‘llCQ“ and po~sibiliiie~ as an agiiviiliuiul li cility :iit- perhaps the iiiust iiii’ipii' of tiny L'Il'llll)’. tlw fei'lilr- ltl_\'l(l’(l l)\_\' luuds, \vlil l. ndjnin Ml(‘fl~‘ \llllal’ild ft‘!‘ lli‘lil :ilitl V’gr‘ldl‘ll' L'lt 1“ ‘ziiiil liu'i mowing, iiziko possible :in_\‘ 'lznn of filming one may wish. Til-- valley section is par ll ‘ulnry illl‘tllll‘ll'lt‘ ‘Iii lingo and small fl' it”. \'t‘,..'lt\l'll> iinl Untying, and [lie iiiiwii;'.iizi l l ~ “Limb l‘uini>liiui,; rxl'i‘llr‘lll l.i~.vl~ not at l '* . only for field c:in l‘l“lllijil.ll. l ‘ixi'elleut pvtu: ig~ >1 r-k l .i " iy. .. LL: _;,. (if. Telephone 32 l , 7 .. T. SALGEON Forsyth & Allen Maple v . _ _ . Licensed A'ictionevr fur lllr‘Uilllan'lT l<iiii.~heis. Estimates given. A York. Sales attended to on Mimi->6 l’lll'llP 73. Box 201 notice and at reasonable riitee. AURORA l Patronage solicith J. l’uilzti-is. Decorators and Hardwood Your Water Sup Automaticâ€"Sure . Continuous serviccâ€" day and mghtâ€"always under pressure. A TORONTO Pneumntic Water System will give you this serviceâ€"noise- less and best of all, absolutely auto- matic. Operated by Electric motor or TORONTO Windmill. Enioy this convenient service now and save yourself and family from the continuous drudgery ofpump- ing and carrying your daily water supply. TORONTO Outfits can be quickly installed. Dmp in and let's talk it over. Prices and full information gladly furnished. See me to-day. J. Lunau, Agent, Richmond Hil Man‘s work, today, is meaâ€" Sured by what he can do in a given time, with the aid of modern equipment. ____..__â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"~. The motor car sets twtlay’s pace. If you are afoot you are badly handicapped Overcome this disadvantage. See us regarding Ford terms FORD MOTOR "~Y OF CANADA .T.TAP..'O 4.23 5C23.

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