Howard Atkinson is spendiï¬ng a . week with James Langstritt at. (Jordon Buy. M uekokri. l Miss Vei‘dellu Donor wns successful l in passing her Junior Utttltlttnptviliil with honors rit the mid-summer exam- inntion of the Toronto Cnnservntoi‘v of Music. The members of the W. .\l. S. rind l the Lndies’ Aid 'if the Methodist church roport it very enjoyable limo1 tit Llieii‘ [)ivlii‘: at Hand Luke l’niKi Thursday lust. lllessrs Murphy & Beynon, formerly the Furriier‘s (‘o-Uperitnc More, htnc added it motor truck to their delivery outtit. All phone orders “ill be promptly looked after. Mr. nirtl Mrs. G. E. Ihrirnige. of St. l Thonnis, who have been campiog'nt Luke Uoucliicliing. iii-e now visiting :it “anky Dell" wth the hitters farther. Mr. J. (2'. Alcnmlu‘nek. Manitoba. )‘Csleidny defeated ll pro- ‘ szed luv for the stile of wine an d beer in thut Provinci- by it tote nt" two to one. \Vinr.i,rcg’s majority against the law was 7.00“. The standing of the groups iii the Local House which meets next week is approximately as fol10ws: â€" Con- I0.‘Vuti\‘es 77. Liberals 1:3. i‘niied Furriers 15, Lulror 2, Iudr pend tr t 24 Mrs. J. P. Gloss acoomprinied by her son Lauder, and her daughters Phyllis and Lenore. left for Ann-l in- burg, Prince Edmud (Bounty. err Mn - iliiy. Mrs. Glues and daughters will remain for two weeks. Mr. “L: Collard, representing 'I‘lio Brown Process Limited, for the utilization of Feldspar. 1th King St. \Vest, Toronto. was in the Village yesterday “ilh tr view for the Company. Mr. Collnd was one of our High School boys. Workman Hi a bi sy these diys ei ei-t- in the Memorinltu the soldiers who it [during the war. When th‘ .\tntie pillurl are placed in position and the names of our lre‘rues engraved. we are sure the structure, when completed. will preacrit an imposing spectacle on the Public School lawn. Members of the Highâ€"School .\lom- me will rrczill the interesting address given by Mr. Staple-ford on neighbor-- hood work. Any member who \Vivllld like to make a donation for Bolton camp kindly leave it before july 20th with the Vice-President, Mrs. A. J. Hume. S. H. Suvuge, Sec'y. The men in the employ of the Hydro Llectrie, who have been trimming the Maples :rlmrg Yonge St. in the Village, are to be commended for the cure they are taking with the trees. The trees must, be trimmed on account of the telephone wires. but careful trimm‘ng improves the trees. instead of injuring them. Don't: let the mutter of your house or bus'nes‘s decorations lag, but cou- mence making your ai‘rnngeinenls now. Prizes will be awarded the best decorated building on Yi'ngc Street. from the north to the south 1. nndary. Don't. let your neighbor outstrip you ill the matter of decorations; let- every- body show his joy of welcome by a guily decorated main street rind towr . Three Weeks from Sunlay is the open- ing dayâ€"August 5th. 'A [)‘irly of Richmond Hill, motorists left on Stituideiy morning'last for u hulidny trip through several of 1h»- ndjoining states. Legge with Mr. and Mrs. Percy 0. Hill and daughter. ptirposed going “5 turns Mrs. N ~w York Mnd Atlantic City. J. H. Dunlop rind daughters. Dorothy and Lorraine, will go as for flS Nashua, N. H.. rind Boston, Mass. Omit. Inn, East. Aurora. N- Y. reports rill irip. At the. lust meeting of Markham fownship Council. the engineer and was iiistrnoted to prepare it re- port. under a clause of the Locn‘rlm- accordance with petitions submitted by the Ulnrtered for laying clerk provemvnt Act. in Trth and Executor Co. water main on Chllrt h Sn. ltiehnrom Hill. reg. plilll 2.353. The clerk of Rich nioiid Hill wrote that, the corporation would supply water to I‘llliiwutid Pink ~ sub-divisnn :LL 3.] cents per HMO grillons up to 10.000 gallons. and at 25 cent per 1.000 gallons for all over 10.000 gallons Markham town‘hip to pay adl cost of connection. ~ - ‘ . a..â€" Beautiiul Garden Lands fl , .4: l A writer in one of the Toronto papers a couple of weeks ago gave :r. descrip tion of n fruit farm which it claimed could not. he rivnlled in Province Shiiild the writer of article, visit the farm of .\l r. .I. ll. Ferrari. might h we a dilferent opinion. fiiiui contuins IOU acres of I) L‘ the son, Goorwe. in gran. hri , et‘. {'7 lowing about 20 acres which in Work: d r the us on orchard rind garden h hu', aided by N. horse scutï¬er. had experience in the Venetian gar- den: of Sunny Italy. h is only been on this farm for tire or six pairs, judged by the magnilicenx (llupluy of fruit trees, shrubs and virus < f every by and soil ‘tiop this year has hern \‘i-ry hurry. ..‘iti(l raspberries rind other small Illl‘lS -Sllt'l‘ the proprietor will lie plernetl to. Mr. and Mrs. \V. H. The entire putty spent Saturday night at. Roy Al list were Well llnd enjoying WEAS the the lot 27. con. 3, Vaughan. he The excellent land; but about 30 acres is managed by Mr. DeFerrriri. who former 1y . mm V x; -_u mam v main. >1 en Ili'l“. :iinl met'yihing in :i lienltliy ni.d protect L’i’lltllllrill. The >tr;i\\‘lrerry . giro promise of on :ibnrd .ir: yield. Libt‘lltl It prcswrtntivvs n ntwk :rgo, enjoyed :1 ph-uszint hour in “Hillilllg over tilt: uui'ilt-ii lflllil>, :rrnl we hll‘ extend the mine i'r.ti|'[t'.~‘_V to nin of his vieitin'r: lllt'lltl‘v. oo-â€"-â€"â€"..â€"â€" THORNHILL bâ€"F‘ Those who atlr-ndml the Eltllle‘n party on Siillll'dity tire Built tilt., tin» der the unspiees of the 'I. C. A. on the grounds of R. Fee. limp, thy kllll‘ per. ‘ mission) had it most. enjoyublo time. A most eXL-ellenr, progrnmme had been riirnnged Comprising sports for all :rgesnnil sexes. met-s. tin: of our, putting the shot, it l4wn tennis tourna- nient and clock golf. rill‘orded on op- poitimity for all sorts and ut'lrdiliulis of men and women to compete. There was no iinrple supply of in; “mm, drinkg and t'undies, together†with Side show: under the iri'inAge- ment of the Trinity Young Peoples L‘lnbto alloy the craving of such de- lights of summer. while the \V. A. sci-\ed ti. splendid menu, nppiecintion of which was shown by the crowdrd tables. During the nfternoon an orchestral enlivened the meeting, while in that evening little Muisia Duncan. oi' To-l ronto. charmed the crowd by her] dainty exposition of Highland danc- ing to the piping of Mr. George Pirrie. n youthful member of the Toronto. Scottish. The "piece de resistance" was furn- ished by those excellent entertainers. Miss Evelyn Brnithwuite Hnd Mr. James Esplin. their programme start- ed at nine o’clock and held the. oroud “f “Hm†“Wk In eastuclea for an hour and a halt. The versatility of Mr. Esplin and charming voice of MiSS Brnithwaite fully sustained the reputation which they made in the recent production of l‘o‘r L'in .it the llw_\'al .\ll‘.\:l- din. .\ ileuplï¬lhl :linl 5.l'|'|"‘llli illv Lluxtyl \rizn it.»- rinirilnrtivn 't' the pIi/i w l-_\‘ llil‘ l'."\'. .\. ll. r. min» 11 ill: ii~un1 '«pt \\'.r_\‘ r' 'li;;thil',l.~l- rl :rinlj Illr lll‘li Ill ol Hm I. t'. .\. l ...irl.t>.l nLll llltr‘t‘ \xlrn l. ltl l.~ q: 1 Hi .:i\' \‘r.t:\' lo‘ irrnkx- ill" dithering firl'll nu illu‘lllili-l llt‘il \llL‘t't'.\~. - 700’ Wonderful Value for $2.00 it is :i ~ourt'e of envision: \voyplm mi pnbli~her~s the world our how 'l‘le Film ly Iil‘l'illll and \Yt r-l\l_\' .\er if .\lontrenl can be pi iirtol :rml ninth-d to any part of (Innudn for tln- s'rrull enli- scription pi ten of two dollnrs it )eni‘. Some other papers rnny rprto :i lower Htl).~:0li[)t,ir>il prion Ivnt ilreydo not contain one-fifth. nor iir m.rny cases not even one-tenth of rho lendâ€" ing mutter published e'zv'li \ o k by the. I“ninilV “child and \VeI-My \lni'. People everywhere "11' now win-ling: Ilreir' lending innterinl with ulClttlr discriminntion than in the pdxl. lli- sleud of heing°l0uded with a lot of second. rule papers rind irragnzints', they tire. now saving money ny' (lisn carding the chalf lllltI subscribing lo the Family Herald and \\'i-ekly Star (if Montrealâ€"the one big rill-round journal that provides in itssl-ientyâ€" two pages ever y w 'I k :lll nmple volume illid vnr iety of reading to sniisfy ever y member oi the family. In addition to being the bv st in- formed. most practical iltlLI helpful paper for former-s. the Family Herald and \Veekly Star provides the best of serial and short stories, complete. de- partments for women and young folks, powerful editorials on the most im- portant topical: tf the day, a complete weekly digest of World news. in fact it \ er-itahle library of infnt‘nintion, enter- tainment and inspiration. 0r account of its clean, wholesome and helpful character, its phetrnnrenul value and powerful influence for good, it is not tun much to say that the Family Herald and Weekly Star of Montreal should I»? in eva Uanadlan home. While at Digby, N. S., GOLD i ,/ J GOLD MEDAL l to the pound. 3151131311 TWIN/1;)“ Why Farmers Should Buy and Use a PLYMOUTH ' THE Plymouth Cordage Company makes only twine of the highest quality, and for that reason they place their guarâ€" antee on each tag, so the user may know he is getting exactly what: he pays for when he buys Plymouth Gold Medal Twi’nc. Every ball is guaranteed to be of the average length of650 ice: 3 ) the members of the Canadian Weekly News- paper Association were much interested in the gathering of seaweed by farmers for fertilization, r MEDAL ' V BINDER TWINE It is Twine Service rather than twine that you must buy. The price per pound is not I T_ H. HAREWLRL bundles each pound will tie and the amount of time SEVCL. . . . . . .~ ) \ . through smoothâ€"working twrnc that is uniform in sr_c airn . . . , l quality. Buy Plymouth Gold Medal Trumc and save mom}. so important as the number of l It is made in Canada \T’hen you buy Plyi‘nouth Gold Medal Binder buy the best. but you co, operate in keeping a Canadian factory busy Sold by & SUPPLIESJHORMHLL I‘m-mum . van-.3: \Mdm- tn “cmâ€"cw w.“ ,m- .-»,mu-:._.n_w in a moon kJnicuunl S A 1 whole, so every branch every Link in a branches, and is a link circles the world and of clients. is a vital unit, closely 'Wuu..a-â€"'L ..-. . . . .\.l --r...4.. :4. ~~ v)“ hflmâ€"Wnâ€"m sea-n can h‘if‘ï¬m" 1â€"w- . (llnlnâ€"laJâ€"mMs-l- Chain is an indispensable wart and contributes to the strength of the and so branch of this Bank united with all the other in a strong chain which en- ’ guards the financial safety THE STANDARD it? 0 F CANADA ,9, TOTAL ASSETS OVER EIGHTY-THIIEE MILLlONS Richmond Hill Branch, A SPECIAL TWO WEEKS SALE of Sum mer M llirrery At. n.0, TllOltNlllLl, MILLINERY “FORE, beginning JULY 3 to 14. of Hate, ranging~ in price from $3.00 J» .__. “4‘ J. R. Herrington, Manager v~*\ ,__ l)AS'l‘Ultl£ â€" ()zin pasture hirer-s or- cnttlc : have 100 acres of llr' rest. Apply JOHN SLINEY. RiCIIUlDI' Hill; phone 68 J. 43‘ j. EARLE NEWTON PIANIST Tent: wt of Piano-Playing at the Toronto Conservatory of Music and St. Margaret’s College. (0312,00133 [[ALI.‘ pulpit; consist, Richmond IIlllâ€"â€"\Vednesduys and log of Transparent, Mohair and Snthi'tltiVS. Tulle. White Milan, Taffeta, or Logâ€" horn Dress Hats, and a good variety 0ft‘olored Fabric llats for all ages. An Extra Value in School Child- ren's Milan Hats, Miss E. G. Barker A.‘ c. HENDERSON PLUMBING AND TINSMITHING HOT WATER HEATING w- 'F. (}. 14 Y (D N LICENSED AtltYI‘lONEER FOR THE COUNTY or YORK Patronmzeund influence respectfully solicited Residence address P 0. address Victoria Square Gormley, It It H. A. NICHOLLS NOTARY PUBLIC Commissioner, Conveyiincer‘, Etc AND GENERAL REPAIRS ( Insurance Hill] “Pill Estate THORNHILL. ONT. RICFIM'.OND I‘IILL 83 4 to 10 fl. length: 32" wide, 3â€"8†thick L. lNNES 8: â€"all you need is a hammer, a saw and :1 few nails. venient ceiling-high sheets, and is applied the same as any ordinary wallboard. ed with “Gyproc†will never crack. able insulating. qualities of “Gyproc†makes it not oï¬ly the most economical. but the new work, remodelirro or reâ€" pairing. 5e ’ e Flt‘f ’Gyproc / :is quickly ‘- .and easily applied 1 l “Gyproc†comes in con- Ceilings and walls cover- Thc ï¬reproofand remarkâ€" fcst wallboard to use for A Gyproc booklet and sample sent free upon rc- quest. The Ontario Gypsum Co. Limited lers, RICHMOND HILL met? If you have not, it and look them over. Have you seen our $20.00 three-piece Suits for‘Sum- will be to your interest to call We do not pretend to sell the cheapest suits, for we» __â€"~_________â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"-"â€".â€" but 7 description, x u: might. lh ink it h rd. taken 2 i j.'L‘.ll‘< for out) .1 ’:: .iwth. Thy Whole ill acres is przrct'v div f: n» from w m5: of any kind. In fil'Cl th* Gown.- :1) tit I‘lxp ': 11"» .1 ll L. n. L‘.‘.\'I) noili- iri; ml. i ~‘ “ i": :r r'v'.‘.;.aisvu of I'vi;.'.. . . . l in "I W ’ u. . ii !.t‘ _ .rlii .:::t 1": i ._ ‘2 1 A X. i Twine you not only l l do not handle shoddy. But we do claim to give you the Best Value for Your Morieyï¬goois, workmanship, and ï¬t cansidered. CLEANING AND PRESSING NEATLY DONE‘ ’ i A l \i do n- ' v.1, . or, i “ i‘.f\.i. . y ’l‘ H “ ’ - r‘ n» n ., r o m won .0. ‘ ~‘ li a“ l. / - . . l , . A 34 ll‘Vdi‘e - . "-1! .11. ...;».o .x on». -4. .. “4-x . o A u :L L 3‘ » V. "0‘ a.“ ‘Mp’: ~_-_....'_- __... _-..oJ "$1.. f. 7“ g H 5.. an. a.) - I, J