Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 12 Jul 1923, p. 7

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retrace.) oF Quali Va 1.3.1194 s and in packages HEALTH EDUCATION BY DR. J. J. MIDDLETON Provlnclal Board of Health. Ontarlo Dr. Middleton will be glad to answer questions on Public Health matc- ters through this column. Address him at Sputum Home. sandin- Crescent, Toronto. Let our thoughts turn for a few~Either that or‘his rate of mental pro- minutes torthe problem of the preser- gress during 1115 early year..- IS so slow vation of' child life, especially of the that at puberty, that 15 when he grows white races among our native-born V up to young manhood, he has no more opulation. In considering this prob- actual sense than-a boy of 13 years. em the most advisable way is in all] There is something wrong here._ If probability to look at the subject from your country is going to be great, 1f it the standpoint “Is it worth while?”xls gomg to _take its place among the Those who know, think that it isleading natlons of the world a high wqrth while, and they have facts and standard of mentality should be aimed figures to back up their beliefs lat. The fact that Canadian recruits In the first place, this Dominion‘ishow superior intelligence to those of and even the Province of Ontario,§the Unwed States mlght be due 1“ needs more settlers of the right kind.:50me degree to the fact _that a large Now there are two kinds of settlers'Pel'centage 0f the lwmlgl‘ants Who that increase our populationâ€"those come here are 0f BlfltISh StOCk afld that come to our shores as immigrants consequently 9f a hlghel‘ m?ntahty and those that are born hereâ€"our own SEandard due 1“ Part t0 heredlfiyy 611- children. A record of efficiency iostsiVITOTmlent and. the SyStem 0? UNIversal was made in the United States during‘educatlon Wthh Prevails "1 the old the war to test the physical and men- country at the Present time. ial efficiency of drafts of recruits 1-e- No figures are available at the mo- quired for war service. A comparison ment to compare the intelligence of: of the mental capacity of these reâ€"ithe average nativeâ€"born Canadian boy cruits was made with similar recruits‘im' girl with those of their race and from Canada, and it was found thutjkin across the seas, but it is safe to the Canadians were superior in intcl-‘say that Canada would hold her own ligence to even the white records of,in any fair test of this kind. It be- the United States army. What is tne‘hooves us therefore as Canadians reason for this? One reason is thatfinterested in the welfare of our coun- in the United States there is a heavy'try. interested in every condition that influx every year of immigrants from will tend towards producing a heal- South Eastern Europe and other parts'thier and more intelligent race of of the earth. There is also a largeipeople, to do all in our power to re- l *EASY TRICKS V0 86 negro population, native born, but this‘ latter group need not be considered; here, for their mentality ranks far be- low that of the whites. To be specific, the mean mental age of the negro; drafts in the United States army wasl 10.37 years. That means that the in- telligence of the average negro soldier! is that of a boy a little over ten years of age and a little less than an aver- age boy of eleven years. On the othcri hand, the mean mental age of the white drafts in the United States army was 13.08 years and that of} Canada 13.29 years. v Now, a comparison of these figures‘ with the actual age of the boy him-i self would seem to indicate that afterlwhich means that one child out of] a certain age, the average youth ceases to learn anything that would twelve months of age, we have some, qualify him as being called intelligent idea of the problem confronting us. duce infant mortality in Canada and to have facilities for the proper feed- ing and upbringing of the rising gen- eration so that this country can point with pride to the physical and mental status of its native-born population and feel assured that in health, men- tality, physical fitness and in social conduct, Canada can proudly take her place as one of the foremost countriesx as regards efficiency and progress. among the nations of the earth. To‘ reach this ideal, much work is yet; necessary, and when we know that the‘ prevailing rate of infant mortality in Ontario at the present time is, roughly speaking, one hundred per thousand: every ten born, dies before reaching .Eâ€"HOT JULY DAYS“ HARD ON THE BABY Julyâ€"the month of oppressive heat; red hot days and sweltering nights; ls extremely hard on little ones. Diarrhoea, dysentery, colic and 'cholera lnfantum carry off thousands. of precious little lives every summer. The mother must be constantly on her guard to prevent these troubles or if they come on suddenly to fight them. No other medicine is of such aid to mothers during the hot summer as Is Baby's Own Tablets. They regulate the bowels and stomach, and an 00 casional dose given to the well chlld . will prevent summer complaint, or it the trouble does come on suddenly will banish it. The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockvllle, Ont. W ‘ The timid man never creates any-. thing. He who would make must dareiJ The Clothes Brush For this trick you'll need a clothes brush and a friend. Say to your friend: "You think you are observing, don't vou? ‘I‘hen. perhaps. you will tell me how many times 1 brush your back with this clothes brush." No matter how observlng he is. he “'1” be wrong. The chances are that the laughs of those who are looking on will acquaint him with the fact that there is "a trick about the trick," before you haye brushed 1113 back more than once or twice. The fact is that you do not ,brush his 'back with a clothes brush at all. While you appeared to be doing this, you were bruslr lug his back with your hand while you were bruslng the front of your own coat with the brush. If you will try this you will discover that it is impossible to tell, when the strokes of the hand and the strokes of the brush are simul- taneous, whether the brush or the hand touches the back. (Clip this out and paste it. with other: of the series, in a scrap- book.) __¢.___ House Mottoes. Formerly it was a custom in some lp-aris of England to put mottoes over ithe entrances to houses. Many of I.these were very quaint. ; One of the best is over a door at iMontacu'te. Somerset:â€" Through this wldeopening gate lNon'e comes too early, none returns too late. On a porch at Beddingtonz~ To those who cross the threshold of this door A beauty welcome, both to rich and poor; One favor only we would bid you grant, Feel you're at home, and ask for what you want. To this may be added the following appropriate Shakesperean motto, on a house at Dltohling Road, near Brighâ€" tom: Come hither â€" come hither â€" come hitherâ€" Here shall you see no enemy but win- ter And rough wee.tlb:er.â€"”As You Elke It." And on the door leading to the lib- rary: both." 0 MONEY ORDERS. on sale in five thousand throughout Canada. A Buslness Mistake Farmerâ€"“Did yer sell them pota- toes an' cabbages I had on that stand?" Hired Manâ€"“Sure I did. Far1ner~“\\'al I bejlggered! Now we halnt got no good samples t' show them ortymobeellsts w'en they come by!" â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"{0â€"â€"â€" Mlnard'a Llnlment used by Physicians. -â€"-â€"¢____._ Looklng Forward. Small Sonâ€"“Say. daddy, when peoâ€" ple go to heaven do they become angels right away, or have they to pass a lot of stupid examinations first?" Vultures are said to fly at times at a rate of more than a hundred miles Sh eâ€"“Evcrybod y says hardly keep your head above water." lieâ€"“\Vell, that's only when I'm on dry land." you c? n o .o ls it true, as a cynic asserts, that. we cordially praise only those men who rise without overtopping our- selves? MLm-d'a Llnlmen‘. fol-sale everywhere an hour. - Keep Stomach and Bowels Right By giving baby the harmless. purely vegetable, infants' and children' s regulator. brings astonishing. gratifying results . in making baby's stomach digest ' fl; food and bowels move as " “‘ they should at teething time. Guaranteed free \ I. from narcotics, opi~ ates. alcohol and all .'. harmful ingredL ‘ ents. Safe and ‘ satisfactory. ‘ ISSUE No. 23â€"‘23. Open locks, whoever knocksâ€"“Mac-I Dominion Express Money Orders are ‘ oflices . SHIP OPERATOR OUT WITH FACTS "Tanlac did so much for me a year] ago that right now I am feeling even: better than before I got sick," declare‘ John (‘roy-sdlll, 8 lialdinmnd St. Que- bec. P.Q. Mr. C‘l'oysdill, a ship telo graph operator, is well known In Quef bec, having been for four years opera a-tor at the Citadel. ‘ "For two solid years I suffered from' stomach trouble. My appetite was so‘ poor I couldn‘t eat much, but even, then. after meals, my heart palpitatedg so badly from the pressure of gas on; my stomach I would be miserable neai- ‘ ly all day and couldn‘t half sleep at; night. The result was I felt tired and wornout. most of the time. “It Wasn't long after I began taking Tanlac that my appetite had a new start and the stomach trouble was los- ing Its grip, and now I'm always eager for mealtime to come, nothing distress- es me, I sleep soundly and feel line all the time. Tanlac is a splendid, reli- able medicine." Tanlac is for sale by all good drug- glsts. Accept. no substitute. Over 37 million bottles sold. l Tanlac Vegetable Pills are Nature's own remedy for constipatlon. For sale ; everywhere. w:.___ The Irish Sea is nowhere more than 710 feet deep. ‘ America'- Pioneer no; Remedies Book on DOG DISEASES and How to Feed Hailed Free to any Ad~ dress by the Author. 8. Clay Glover 00., Inn 129 “feet 24th Street New York. U.S.A. BABK ASHER - TERRIBLY Mrs. McMahon Tells How ‘She ‘ Found Relief by Taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Chatham, Ont.*“ I took Lydia E. Pinkhem’s Vegetable Compound for a runâ€"down condition after the birth of my baby boy. I had terrible pains and backache, and was tired and week, not fit to do my work and care for my three little children. One dayI received your little book and read it, and gave u tak- ing the medicine I had and began skin the Vegetable Compound. I feel muc better now and am not ashamed to tell what it has done for me. I recommend it to any woman I think feels as I do.” â€"â€"Mrs. -J. R. MCMAHON, 153 Harvey St., Chatham, Ont. Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com- ound, made from roots and herbs, has ornearlyfiftyyearsbeenrestorlngsxck, ailing women to health and strength. It relieves the troubles which cause such symptoms as backache, painful periods, irregularities, tired, worn-out feelmgs andnervousness. This is shown again and again by such letters as Mrs. McMahon writes, as well as by one woman telllng another. These women know, and are willing to tell others, what it did for them; therefore, it is surely worth your trial. mswmsrows smup ‘ 3 Women who suffer should write to the Lydia E.Pinkham Medicine Co..Cob_ourg. Ontario, for a free copy of L dla E. Pinkham’s Private Text-B00 upon .“ Ailments Peculiar to Women.” 0 ' EUZEIVIA IN RAS Classified Advertisement; N l:. FORD OWNER. A 20 I‘OSTAL CARD A lnvcfiimnt ulll save you $1.75 rash. Answn l ad . Imnmdlfllc response nucossnry. Write Amo fllvcrlully to, hum-bore. 0m. () \H .\1.\.\'- l.\' I-lAt‘lI (‘OI'NTY TO API’OINT hem: to sell our ".‘Inulc Gal." A guaranteed lrl'dd‘l. 31 box gives sou mill-s. Sell! on llth 59.” lZL‘lI'Iiii' cosy. \Vrllc quick. Web": BM. Aluandlfa. Our. r . â€"_~____ WASHINGTON HAND PRESS. â€".â€"â€"â€"â€"~________ ‘V I: HAVE AN l-ZNQI'IIH' FOIL A \VASIIING< TON llnnd l'rrss that will into 2 NEE: ol . m, lung. Wilson I‘ulvllshlnl Co.. XML 13 Adelaide SI. \V., Timrntn. Serious Mistake. Host Ho guest. a retired doctorlrâ€" "And did you ever make a serious mlse take in your diagnosis?" Guestsâ€"“Yes. one serious oneâ€"I once treated a patient for indigestion and she could easily have afforded ap- pend icitlsl " mpg There are more women than men voters in Sweden. [lg/NE You Cannot may New Eyes ‘ . But you can Promote a Clean . Healthy Condilloa m5 EYESUIE Murine Eye Remedy "Night and Morning." [up your Eyes Clean, Clear and Healthy. Write for Free Eye Care Book. Ilium: mummy no.9 Eu] emsmwmme Attractive Proposition For men wlth all round weekly newspaper experience and $400 or 5500. Apply Box 24, Wilson Publishing Co.. Ltd.. 73 Adelaide Street West. é Minards-‘Klng of Pain Excellent for Rheuma- H tism, Neuralgia, Back- . E ache and kindred ills. Hill 9 YEARS 0n Scalp, Armsand Limbs. Lost Rest. Cuticura Heals. “Eczema broke out in a rash on my scalp, arms and limbs. The itch- - ing and burning were ter- rific. Myhairbemme lifeless and dry and fell out in hand- Eula. My clothing aggra- vated the breaking om. and . , I could not rest at night on , account of the irritation. “The trouble lasted about nine years. My mother tried many dificrem remedies but they did no good. We using Cuticura Soap and Ointment which complete- ly healed me." (Signed) Miss Bea- trice M. Closson, No. Sedgwick, Maine. Feb. 20, 1922. Give Cuticura Soap, Ointmentand 'i‘alcum the care of your skin. . ammo Hall. Address: "I. Lh- man so. Paula, W.. Montreal." grimy! - where. Soap fie. Ointment 25 and 50c.Talzum t‘. Cutie Seep shaves without mug. UNLESS you see the name “Bayer” on tablets, you are not getting Aspirin at all 3.? \\\\\k . KT. mum Accept only an “unbroken package” of “Bayer Tablets of Aspirin," whicn contains directions and dose worked out by physicians during 22 years and proved safe by millions for Colds Headache Rheumatism ' Toothache Neuralgia Neuritis Efi‘rachc Lumbago Pain, Pain Handy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tabletsâ€"Also bottles of 24. and 100~Dmggists. Aspirin is (ht- xrade mark troglstsrnd in Canada» of Bayer Manufacture of Mom» , acoUcacldamr of Failcyllcacld. \Yhile i'. In ueli known that Aspirin means Buyer 3 manufacture, to assist Ihu: rattle against imitations. the Tablets of Bayer comp“, 1 will be stamped with their general trade mark. the "Bayer Cross. ,

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