FIR/e. Phone Ros. Elgin Mllis \Hill. 5043 Bell. Phone 44.4 “NAUGHTON & JENKINS Blfliltefl Solicitor Notaries Telephone Adelaide 2108 86 Richmond 5L, West, 'Uxï¬ces { Toronto. Nlughton Block. Aurora. Solicitor for : Aurora and Richmond Hill. The Townehivs of King. \Vhilchurch and Markham. Mlalter S. Jenkins 3.98 Wu... 0â€â€œ m“: Artist, Teacher in Literature, Expression, Reading, Dram- atic and Humourous Sketches, Dialect Poems. Professional Graduate of (Owen A. Smiley Studio. Address Miss Marguerite Boyle. Studio ‘Homewood Hall,’ Thornhill, Ont 30 tf ELOCUTION Miss Marguerite Boyle Lots for Sale in this Beautiful New Residential and Garden Subdivision ELMWOOD 0N YONGE NT. JL'STSOL'TII OF RIPIIJIOND IIILL Great Ratine Voile and Dotted Swiss Robinson Block RICHMOND HILL This exceptionally ï¬ne property adjoins the southern boundary of Richmond Hill, and already has many conveniences, including electric light. The tax rate is lower, and prices for lots are lower than in Rich- mond Hill. Very Easy Terms of Payment spread over a period of ï¬ve years at 6% p. c. interest. Salesmen on the Property Every Week Day. â€" w__u__,, or la}ge lot, $2,500 Small cash payment and . easy monthly payments ACRE LOTS $250 AND UP Building Lots $4 per Ft.and Up 46 KING CHARTERED TRUST & EXECUTOR C0. Ra a1 Estate Dept. BIG JULY SALE 1. Harry Nau bton Res. Elgin MI !5 Res. Plume 44.4 STU 0069490 990 6+ T. W., TORONTO - Phone Main 621 Reductions SUMMER DRESSES W06 yï¬e Mutual fife .‘il’ssurance Company of Canada Phone 232. THE POLICY HOLDERS OW'N COMPANY House and Lot For Sale Got your life Insurance at cost. a¢¢¢oWwo¢oeM E C. H. BYAM. Agent, Maple. Ont. Exclusive Agents R. JAMES, 3 Scott. Street. Toronto, Unt n ny gvt them at Sloan’s Drug Store, ‘lle thl Richmond. (.1- ut the Llhm‘al ()mue. TI 0 lause l,- u w: r hy 01: . Chmles Browning. RiL-hm nd Hi I mtcher. had the misfortune to hrvnk hli’ left collar hone \\'hll~ at prnmice a few; weeks ago. and the kameu's Compouaatim Act does Lot cover such cnses. No mnrriod man can ufl’urd to lie idle under uch circumstunces. Let us all rally to the good wmk. Tickets arcs 25 cm an each. ()Hice. Chm les pitcher. his left c HI LLS-BROOK SQUARE LEAG CE In a hotly-contested game at Vi lm'iu Square vs. Thm'nhill, Victoria \‘q are». \\ iih swvot revenge. over their defeat Mt Thm'nhill, pnuuced on th» Thmnhill L: am in the tune of 16â€"9. ViCLOI‘ll Square are a well-balanced lenm and in L. Lehman haw. us nice :1 pitcher as any boys team in the county. They shnuld he strung cum. tendexs for first, place in the 2nd Division in the play off with Richmond Hill Cadet team. winners of the lst Division. for the Leagues handsome Silver cup. clias n ELY Line up Viutmiu Squareâ€"L. Lehman, P: B. Gannon, C; A'. Cunning; lat; B. Leh- man, 2nd; M. Brnwn,8rd; H. Nichols. ct; \V. Stevenson, 1L; 0. Lyon, 1L; Smith. S. s. Thornhill)~B. Hooper. 0.; A. Clap- mun. R; R. Fair. Isl: Perry, 2nd; B. Hopper, 3rd; A. Rice, lf.; 0. Mc- Donald, cf.; H. Wesley. If.; B. Mc- Donald. 5. a. a .- n ,1; Aluun-u, a. 'l‘hnrnhil'lnâ€"L’. Base hit. 0. McDonald, 3 huse hit. A. Rice. Victoria Square sun. The Flower Misginn Department of the \V. U. ’l‘. U.. under the superin- tendency of Mrs. \V. A. Wright sent. a consignment of ninplven dozen peonies. besides qumrtitiws uf Sweet \Villimn and other flowers to the Christie St.. Hospitnl, Tm onto. This donation was much upprvciutpd as the following letter of acknowledgement will show. Christie St... Hospital, Toronto, June 27th. Mrs, W. A. \Viight, Richmond Hill: \VP granlly appreciate tho kindness anlieladies in sending such a large donation of beautiful ‘ pennies and other flowers for the sick patients. All the wnrdl of lhe Hospital have been made very bright. and cheerful. Sincerely. A. J. HARTLEY, Matron, Cllllatle St.. Hospital. The \Vnterwmks Conniliuinn whh to notify the water nuns in theVillaï¬e that steps are being taken to eliminate the present slight disngreeahle taste noticeable in the town water, which is attributable to the pretzel (:9 of Weeds in the reseivoixu Oï¬iuiwls of the Pro- vincial Board I 1 Health will visit the \Vaterworks this week for the pnrpnse of removing the weeds. and the Com- mission are installing n much larger equipment for hex-Ming? the water supply, and would ask the consider- ation of the public luv u few days whs‘n it is confidently (‘Xprctml that the qnnlily of the Water will have been brought up to its fnl'nlf'l high slundaxd‘ J I‘UNAU, Chairman of \Vuterwmkb (lullnnittee. A lillle Virginia-Creeper came to Live~for-Ever with Wild Rose, as she was fastening Bachelor Buttons on at Four o'clock. The Dandelion, in possession of the from lawn, felt the Baby’s Breath in his presence and let out a roar that frightened the Phlox of Old Hen and Chickens that were scratching for a liVing near the Old Man. The Old Woman saw the Larksâ€"spur the Cock's Comb and she dropped Sweet Pea, and yelled in the Elephant’s Ear, 'fJohnny-Jump-Up.“ When the Chinese Aster if she was going to Marigold, Sweet William or the Dusty Miller, Black-eyed-Susan turned Pink and handed him a Butter-cup full of “white mule" made from Com Flower,and applied Balsam to his Bleeding Heart with her Adder's Tongue. It being a foggy day, she accepted his Love-iuâ€"a-MiSE, he placed the Bridal Wreath on her head and handed her a Touch-me not, which caused the Bluebells and Bare- bells to ring out in sympathy. Then along came Bouncing Belty in her Lady Slippers and Monk’s Hood, carrying a Redâ€"hot-poker to light the Dutchman’s Pipe that had gone out. when he was scolding his daughters, Lily, Daisy, Violet and Rose Mary for not obeying'their Poppy. Job’s "SAY IT WITH FLOWERS†W. C. 'l‘. Re Water Baseball \ th ‘00-'4â€" ‘0- ‘ If: no tic, Slum â€"'â€"2 Base hit. Steven- and ce Plant and k Forget-meâ€"not. the use :x ticket 1e Park to- ;â€"â€"6.30 Dell" hnvn’t [‘“" Sknt'l's. YOU cheeks a THE [ERNE BLflflK FUREESWE STflRE The real summerweather is With us, and we have the goods you want. DRY‘Q GC ODS We in need ( have in B for house with lrin‘ IIo icry, QUALITY SHOPI Trench Block We nreoï¬â€˜ering all Millinery Stock at grcmly'r‘e eed of Hats of any description, buy now and 52m :in stock, at popular {.riccs, ladies and children's 101156 or street wear. A nice line of ginghams I trimmings to match in the newest patterns. Sun icry, iitcluding Holeprocf from 350. to $3,.CO per ; s‘in the new fancy silk and cotton “cave. Our aim is SUMMER UNDERWEAR, SOX, SHIRTS, COATLESS SUSPENDERS, STRAW - - HATS; also MEN’S OXFORDS, LADIES' WHITE SHOES, and TENNIS SHOES, all W WOOD FIRE and LIFE INSURANCE REAL ESTATE A. G. S A V A G E T. H. HARDWARE & SUPPLIES Limited Phone 33, - Thornhill, Ontario WWW OWWW Insecticides and General Agent, office at the Post‘Office - Richmond Hill COAL See our Real Summer Ties. 50c. to $1.50 Straw Hats, trom $2.25 to $3 75 T. H. HARDWARE & SUPPLIES PARIS GREEN . . . . . . . . ARSENATE 0F LEAD ARSENATE OF LIME '1‘ C HER-TONIC. . . . . . . . . DRY BORDEAUX.... DRY LIME SULPHUR SLI'G SHOT . . . . . . . . . . . I" [ to please, and ha MRS. NORM Phone 33 Thornhill, Ontario Norman J. Glass. .AIN HANDLE . . . . . . RAPPED HANDLE MILLINE Hay Forks and sizes atizï¬ed customers, try v.3 AN BATTY Fungicides 65c. PER LB. 50c. 40c 30c $1.40 EACH . 1.60 EACH \DII s and chambrav’s ummer urderwear. r pair. Children’s '1" e 11‘. 01‘16)‘ duced price Phone 53 ’ WEAR 9118 imited suitable