Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 19 Jul 1923, p. 1

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A full line of John S. Mar- tin’s Poultry Feeds “Just as he feeds it.” Scratch Feed, Chick Feed, Growing and Laying Mash. Also Purniav Scratch and Chowder. Bran, Shorts, Glutin, also Corn Meal on hand. Order your supply of coal now, as prices have advanced at the mines, and the great danger of a strike. delivery. Car of Western OatsENow In Heavy Chop for Sale Quantity Reâ€"Cleaned Buck- wheat Fit for Seed JOHN R. CAMPBELL 09.11 by phone or All Kinds of Boots and Shoes Repaired . Good 'Workmanship Prompt Service 2Doors South of Bakery on Yonge St. Boot and Shoe Repairer {550 Foot; Lot on Roseviow Avenue wih foundation for small house lnid. Desirable Lat-m Richmond Street, North Side 50 ft. by 11 good depth. House. Burn, 4 uures. good we”. fruit. trees, cul‘ner Mill Road and Buthurst. ‘ 011 north side. Rnseview. elegant [nick clad house nll rundown imprnvvâ€" ments. hard wood floors, finished attic. Frame House on Richmr on three straets. {yum-e. gr small fljuic. in good shapg. 50 ft. lut cn \Fest side bf Baker Ava. wibh good garage and hen house only $700.00. nttfiractivegrounds Brick clad house. stable and 3 notes, and, orchard. small fruit on Lucas Street. House and Lot M Maple also a small farm in same locality. Acreage with large house. gond spying creek at Elgin Mills. Two choice burgains on Centre St East. Will lerid you money or loan your money. Insurance. V4 Kcrea, 5 roJmed cottage, large burn. natural gas well, on the Mill Rc Stop, 48. Yonge St, RICHMOND HILL VOL. XLVI. BRUCE BROS. These Oats are ,very heavy and reasonably clean. Upon request we will Re-Clenn Onls before crushing for 350. per bush. extra. Our coal is screened before PUBLIC NflTIBE H. A. Nicholls VETERINARY SURGEON, Thornhilla Mill at Lot 35, Con. 5 Markham v GEO. KIDD I. D. Ramer The Real Estate Man .50 per annum, in advance.] HAS FOR SALE FEED otherwise promptly Richmond fronting acre. garden. trees. We have opened an UP- TO-DATE PAINT SHOP, and are now ready to take your car in for painting. Highest grade materials used. Experienced painter. Prices right. A trial solicited. Ford Dealers, Richmond Hill 415 Balliol St... Toronto. Phone Belmont 1347 LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR COUNTY OF YORK AND ONTARIO Special attention given to sales 01 every description. Farms and farm stock sales specialty. Farms bought and sold on commission. Allsales at- tended to on shortest notice. and con- ducth by the most approved methods. Pakx'onagc solicited. Ne\vmarket. Bank of Toronto Block Barristers. Solicitors, Etc. Officesâ€"Suite 5H McKinnon Bldg.. Cor. Jordon and Melinda Sts.. Toronto. Telephone Main 3631. A. CAMERON MACNAUGHTUN FREDERICK A. A. CAMPBELL Mr. Campbell will he at The Liberal Oflice, Richmond Hill, every Tuesday aternonn. Indivlduul Instruction. Night School Mondays and Thursdays] SAMPLES FR EE G. HILL, Oak RidgeSP % ELLIOEIE V PAINTING, DECORATING Phone 306, King. BARRISTER. SOLICITOR. NOTARY E'Ir Toronto Office, 816 Federal Building. at 85 Richmond Street. \Vest. Pupils passed for Conservatory EX- aminations. Richmond Hill Oflice (‘ Liberal Oflicc). every Thursday forenoon. Maple, Thursday ether-noon. ‘Voodbridge. Saturday forenoon. Money to Loan at. Currant. Rate MISS BEATRICE HOWELL TORONTO feacher of Fletcher Method Musical Kmdergarten Fall Term Opens fAug. 27 Yonge and Charles Sts., Toronto Arrange nmv tn cntvr this famous schnolâ€"fzunnus for rtriclly high grade work and for prmnplly help- ing students to secure employment. \Vrite for catalogue. and you will soon See why you should patronize our school. Open all year. Enter any Lime. Macuaughton 81 Campbell N EWMARKET BUSINESS COLLEGE ENROLL ANY TIME Wail Hangings - Of - Artistic Charm Advertise in the Liberal FALL TERM OPEN STUDIOâ€"HOTEL RICHMOND. Richmond Hill. None Better in Canada - H. Prentice W. J. ELLm'rr Principal RICHMOND HILL. ONT.. THURSDAY. JULY 19. 1923 . G. Baldock WILLIAM COOK NOTICE ELLIOTT LIMITED “In Essentiak, Unity,- in Atnn Old Boys and Girls meeting Tuesday evening. H was derided In have a Community Dance, Monday and Tuesdav evening. Aug. 6 and 7, and at the concert Tuesday evening to expect; five minute speeches from :1 number of Old Boys present. Mr. Cotton will be chairman of the Decorat- ing Committee who will look after a good supply of hunting, flags, etc. Mr. Mar-den and Mr. Monkrrmn are the Booths Committee. There will he a, first and second prize for best decorat- ed store, residence. and float. Also a. first and second prize for best cali- thumpian. Next, rrweting Tuesday evening, July 24, ut, 8.15 sharp. The regular nwnthly meeting of the Richmond Hill Horticultural Society will be held on Tuesduy evening. July 24th. Mr. and Mr. J. S. McNair have generously extended an invitation to the smier Ln their home “(ledardale Farm," 2nd cnnl of Vunghan. hence the meeting will take place there. A request has been made that any person who is prepared to take his auto out on Tuesdnv morning to give the Old Boys and Girls 3 motor ride around the Town and vicinity, kindly make it known to the secre- tary, Mr. L. Teetze], before Tuesday, August 7. Members who can place a car at the disposal of the society, as nlso mem- bers who can accept Mr. and Mrs. Mc- Nair's gracious courtesy, will kindly connnunicule with the secretary on or before Monday, july 23rd, inst. that moan: of transportation may he arrangpd for all. The party will leave the High School Grounds at 7.30 (stnndm'd tinny). A govdly number is looked fur in re- sponse to the honour conferred. Citizens of Richmond Hill were a- roused from their slumbers Sunday morning. shortly before 60’olock, by the ringing of the fire H12" m. I‘he fire was located in a straw stack on the Arnold farm, now occupied by Mrs. L. Curtis. Firemen and other citizens were soon on the spot, and by laying 900 feet of hose from a hydrant on Yonge Streeb near the Anglican church, were able to play on the burn- ing straw. The stack was only ten feet from the barn. and as the fire started under the stack it, was difficult to ex- tinguish it. The stack had to be carried away by forks and spread in an adjoining field. Not until the middle of the ufieinoon was the fire completely under control. Mrs. Curtis and chil- dren had gone to Toronto the evening before to spend the Week-end. The origin of the fire is a mystery. The swimmng p001 is now cmnpleted. and fur the kindness of Mr. and Mrs. Percy Brillinger in permitting the same to be built an their pmpelty the gratitude of the Cadets is expressed. as also to Mr. and Mrs. John Shvardown for their personal interest. in hustening the work to cumpletiun. The O. U. hopes that every Cub of ti)? Corps will Ion-n to swim (way care will be taken to see Lhr-t the pnnl is made safe. The O. C. has extended the privileges of the pool to the matron of the Orphanage. and who has ns~mred ihe very great pleasure this will nfl‘md [he yuung hays place-d undvr her care. \Vhen the m-phunage company arv at Lhe pnnl. Cadets must. remember their duty as hosts and prove themselves to be gentlempu us the O. C. expects and demands 0f every Gadett nt all times. ‘ Orders following re the Ceremonial I for the Unveiling of the “181' Memorial on the Sunday of August the ; 5th; the O. C. expects to be obeyed to ' the letter. He is now conferring with the Committee as to the part the j' Cidnls will hke. and orders will follow ! in next week's issue of the Liberal. I The following dress order must be foilowed â€" Cubs. their regimental Whites, will the Cadet. mothers kindly see that We Cadets have their Whites emaculate for this parade. Juveniles. and Sehiors. they will con- fer without delay with Cadet Capt. Bert Grant. After the unveiling the Corps will be reviewed by Col. Clarke D. S. 0., M.C~.. as also Major Gibson, D. ‘S. O. the saluting baso being in front of the Stgrlilg Bank. _ _ The matron of the OrphanAgo is de- sirous of having eight 3! her boys on this parade and the O. C. is arranging to hava them in the rogimenml whites. Cadets Strznd to â€" the part that: you York Ringer Cadets Straw Stack on Fire HELP ! HELP 1 Citizens’ Meeting Monthly Meeting Non-Essentials, Liberty; in all things, Charity." wili take will prove that to those who. upon the sacrificial :nitnrnf Empire, laid down their lives. you are not for- getfulof: be, therefore, worthy and live worthily, that this great sacrifice was not made in vain. Get the glori- ous vision in your young lives of Serâ€" vice, and as they. so aim serve, fur greater love hath no man than this, that. he lay down his life for his coun- try, and which was our CANADAâ€" your country. The second weekly tournament. took place it the Bowling green on Wednes- day evening. July 11th. having been ad- journed from Monday evening. Teams were presant from Aurora, and Almlm. About 70 bowlers took part. The following were the winners: lst C. A. Patch, Mrs. McLatclxy, G. Moodie, Hurry Endean, skip. 2nd W. Scrivener, Mrs. Henington. J. R. Harrington, H. Spofi'ord. skip. The rim: of Mrs, A. G. Savage. com- posed of J. P. Glass Mrs. 0. Wright. and Donald Atkinson also won a. prize. After the presenmtinn of prime by the President, thu Ladies servud re- freshments. The thild game of the_sm-ies was held Monday evening, with the following result: 15: prizeâ€"Mrs. Gloene. Mrs. Juckson. J. A Mcngue. G. \Villis, skip. 2nd pliZPâ€"F. J. Munsl ridgv, Mrs. H. Endean. E. Bauer, J. \V. We lman. skip Four sugar sticks. wrapped in tissue paper. were Wut] by M. M Loan. “1. H. Pugsley, H. Endean and J. R. Heqrington, skip. The "prizés filers presented at the close by Rev. Mr. B‘nttershy. Saturd Residence acidress Victoria. Sq mire Richmond COMMISSIONER, CONVEYANCER. ET C H. A. NIGHOLLS NOTARY PUBLIC PLUMBING AND TINSMITHING HOT \VATER HEATING Commissioner. Conveyancer, Etc Insurance and Real Estate Tenc “Aer nf Piano-Playing at the Toronto Cunservatury at" Music and St. Margaret's College. REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE Thornhlll. . EDWARD FRANCIS NOTARY PUBLIC A. C. HENDERSON . EARLE N E WTON PIANIST LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE COUNTY OF YORK Patronage and influence respectfully soliciied RICHMOND HILL AND GENERAL REPAIRS Paper hanger and Painter Oxford Street Phone 44 P 32. SAM. SHEPHERD uvs THORNHILLJ ONT. THE STERLING BANK Hillâ€"\Vednesdays and Bowling nent prosperity can only be gained by saving. No matter how large your salary, perma- P.(‘). address Gonnley, RR OF CANADA 215 Spadina Ave., Tomato, Ontario BATHS, BASINS, W. C'S., SYXK‘ Laundry TUBS and ALL NEUESSAR EQUIPMENT. Ask for our Septic Tank Circular. Oub local representative, PLUMBING SUPPLIES \‘Vlll gladly furnish necessnry infL matiou and advice. regarding Your requirements. The James Robertson, (10., Ltd Systems will provide water for any insmllation. Denton, Macdonald 5: Benton Barristfirs, Solictors, &c. .MANNING ARCADE. 24 KING ST. WEST, TORONTO, CANADA I‘ELEPHONE MAIN 311 Cable Address: “Dado Office hours 8 to 10 mm. 1 to 2 and 6 to 8 p.111. OffiCe and xesidenceâ€"Cenlre and Church Streets Richmond Hill Phone NO. 24. Arthur A. Macdonald F.-ank Denton Laura. Dentmh B Glazier. Grainer and Paper- Hanger; A large stock of Funerail Furnishing Kept at the above placeg Undertakers’and Embalmers RICHMOND HILL, THORNHILL ANE UNIONVILLE Leave Orders at Sloan's Drug Store Richmond Hill. All mail orders will receive prompt attention. Cunudinn Tenor and Choir Leader Solniaz North Parkdale Methodist Church, is prepared to receive pupibs n Richmond Hill on Mondays. Studio, Mrs. N. Butty's. Arncld St. Particulars can be obtained by calling. Phone 22 Ring 11. 29- W. HEWISON From the Toronto Conservatory~01 Music. will accept a number of pupils in Piano. Vocal and -: Theory. â€":- For information Phone 110. MRS. MYLKS. Richmond Hill Adelmo Melecci and Miss Rosalind Bush L. T. C. M. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS’ EXPERIENCE Outside the Village our Pressuxe HOUSE PA INTER, JOHN T. ANDERSON PIANO TUNER Ambrose E . Phipps DR. J. P. VVILSON [Single copies, 3 cts. WRIGHT BROS. Wm. C. Ruttan Phone 13 r 2 No.

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