A direct plain message to the pubâ€" lic often carries weight whgn moye Elaborate methods of Yublicxty fgnl. fimsfle statements terse y told, str1ke he__ma_gir.1ation. ‘ ‘ , "Hygiéne- can“ prevent more crimes than any law," is one of these. ï¬n... H n.1, ,,.A,_A_A 41-444.“ 131-. Why is this message effective. Be- cause it stimulates thought, and when once the public begin to think serious- ly about any subject, that subject be- comes a topic f interest, the news- papers get ho d of it and many avenues of‘ publicity result in conse- quence. Many a ban or woman on reading khe remark, “Hygiene will prevent more crimes than any law," will be ltempted to ask what the word hygiene means. A good opening for education results, forï¬"hygiene†is very compre- hensive and includes both personal and community well-being and every- ï¬hipg that promotes ghis wellâ€"being. x In some Sway and by some manner! we have got to get health messages across to the average, ordinary man or woman. The reason for this is plain. There are so many people of this kind. There are a few highbrows and a few house-breakers and autoâ€" mobile thieves, once in a while a desâ€" perado who will not even stop at murder, but the great majority of people we come in contact with from day to day are just plain ordinary people with an average amount of common sense. Many of these good eople “come from Missouri," that is, hey have got to be shown. Some cir- cumstances or experiences in their lives have perhaps given them the im- pression that little of good_ can be done by hygiene or all that it repre- Sents. If you can prove to them that they are wrongâ€"not by preaching long-winded sermons, but by a few will sooh become your frlends and supporters in the good health crusade. -- - 1‘,___-.._ uccuuu v- .0. I was talking to a Toronto alderman a few days ago and he thought people were just as healthy before any of these upâ€"to-daoe methods of public health propaganda were introduced. It seems strange that an alderman should say this with the record of the Toronto Health De artment so obvious to everyone. hy, the in- Fant mortality rate alone has been cut In half in Toronto during the past ten years. Typhoid fever has been prac- tically abolished, communicable dis- eases have been very much reduced In numbers, and the milk supply is practically all pasteurized. The gen- ral surroundings have from a health ptandpoint been very much improved nd yet 0 e of the eldermen does not ink that1 much has been done. He 063 not know what is going on in ealth work. Education along health lines is what he needs, and as soon as ;he becomes acquainted with the work Find aims of the health department he will be a far more useful servant of thg_people. cm; ~Aun ‘ How can hygiene pre crimes than any law? raises the standard of citi: femoves as far as possibl ï¬nances and circumstance: |to a low state of moral c0 akes people more nearly ence not so likely to con‘ a'giajnsk society. ha‘ETad little or no t hygienic standpoint Lug has been at fault. ad the advantages of home; they have grow and developed bad ha outlook on life. £6112 ï¬n gem HEALTH EDUCATION tern mmugi’ihgvchï¬x’m. Address mm at. Snadinn Hausa, sud-m Crescent, Toronto. Provincial Board of Health, Ontarlo Middmaborn will be glad to answer quesflonl on Public Health mat! ï¬su: No. 29â€"'23. BY DR. J. J. MIDDLETON a nearly no 37 to comm moral conscier Jrevent more Because it itizenship. It ible those in- ces that lead conscience: it mmit crl Hygiene tends to remove all influ- ences that will prevent a man or wo- man from leading a normal, healthy life. It is one of the ï¬nest words in the alphabet. A Common Experience. "It is» a. fact,†said S-tirttler, “that my wife is able to dress on comparativel) little money." “What!†exclaimed Bi‘tfl'ear, also a married man, "Come now! What do you mean by compmtively little?†“I mean on Mttl‘e compade with what she thinks she ought to have.†iTREATMENT If you are doing good work, don’t Worry; somebody will ï¬nd it out. Get a bottle at your drugglsf ’s loa'ay. Regular forHone Treatmentâ€"Reï¬ncdfor Hum an use. DR. B. J. KENDALL COMPANY. Enosburn Falls. VL, U.S.A. "Menus and me ono co y or ~nur TREATXSE 05' THE HORSE. I have mod your cuda. l'u Spnvln Cure for over eleven yum: and found 1c one of tha best ltnlmz-ntsl hnvn ovu- uml for all kind- of sores. (signed) 3!. ZEAIAN." A Honeymoon Willie Bee's idea of a honeymoon. SPAVIN @[EMWS IF you roll your own ask ((5? FUWE @QJ (keen hibel) THE SAPHO BULB SPRAYER $1.00 FLIES FLIES FLIEs FLIES FLIES In the Kitchen? FLIES In the Dlnlng Room? FLIES in the Barn or Dairy? FLIES or Insects on Cattle? LICE or Mites on Poultry? GRUBS on Plants? H O POWDEJt Ontarfo Agent: Continennl 81ch C kE'NIWérSi/WMEQLBOH MONTREAL Or use Vi SAPH What the thtfe Eels Mlssed. A proï¬teer bought a luxurious coun- try home and avert about making it even more luxurious. Money of course was no object. One of his plan-s was to have a flshpo-nd containing eels. “But you can’t keep eels in a pond," suggested his neighbor, to whom he had conï¬ded his idea. They have to go down to the see. every year, you know.†“Well, I wom't [have ’em. then!†ex- claimed the proï¬teer. “I always takes the missus and the kid‘s every year, but I ain’t going to take no eels.†“Whyâ€"er," E hlesdmti-om, "‘wk and ma mot'he the same day.†MONEY ORDERS. Remit by Dominion Express Money Order. It lost or stolen you get your money back. StrangayCojngi‘dgpce. "Now, Tommy,†‘ $7917? flisé‘ui’éacher, “give me an example of a. coincidence.†“Whyâ€"er," Said Tommy, with some hesitation, "‘wh‘yâ€"erâ€"why, me father and ma mother was bothgmaxrried on We cannot make progress towards perfection ourselves unless we earn- estly seek to carry our fellowmen along with us.â€"â€"Prof. J. C. Shairp. se with Sapho Powder The wrong road never brings you to the right place. MLmrd’a Llnlmem 'for sale everywhofl Here is a puzzle with seventeen matches or toothpickg. Arrange them as in A. Call to your friends’ attention the fact that you have arranged the seventeen matches to form six squares. Their part of the trick is this: They are to take away five matches and leave three squares. At the conclusion of the trick all twelve remaining matches must be in use and none of the twelve must have been moved. It you have kept your eyes of: B, you will ï¬nd this to be a prob- lem that is not very easy to solve. B, however. gives away the secret. (Clip this out and paste it, with others of the series, in a scrap- book.) The Mysterious Squares EASY TRICKS 1SUMMER EOMPLAENE TIN No. 38 ‘4 Adelaide St At the ï¬rs-t sign of illness during the hot weather give the little ones Baby’s Own Tablets or in a few hours he mc ,r be beyond aid. Those Tablets will pre- vent summer complaints it glven oc- casionally to the well child and will promptly relieve these ‘ come on suddenly. Ba lets should always be home where there are ten. There is no othl good and the mother ha of a government analys absolutely safe. The ’I by medicine dealers 01 A Mald's Id Mrs. Blake was and proud of the v “Whe be very It is “I can see it is ma’am," replied t maid sympathetically; “but I dare s we can make it last you the winter we’re careful." cents Medic Her Intuition. He, savager (attempting to start car)â€"“This~ selï¬smrter won’t work! There is a short circuit somewhere." She (sweetly)â€"“We11, Why don’t. i'ou lengthen It, dear?" The parent’s life is the child’s copy-book. Mlnard’s Llnlmcnt used by at Bathe with plenty of Cuticura Soap and hot water to cleanse and purify. Dry lightIy and apply Quticura Oint- ment to soothe and heal. Soap 25:. Ointment 25 Ind 50:. Talc“; 25:. Sold throughout theDominion. CanadlanDepot: Lymuu. Limited. 344 SI. Paul St.. W., Moulnnl. Cuticura Soap shaves without mug. America's Pioneer Dog anneal†A Boot. on Cutiéura Heals Rashes LMER {IMPLALNLS KILL LITTLE ONES UNLESS you see the name “Bayer†on are not getting Aspirin at all Accept on!) Hand am he sta upon h y safe. The Tablets are sold :lne deal-ens or by mail at 25 box from The Dr. Williams ‘ Col. Brockvllle, Ont. 01d cians f1] Toothache Earache DOG DISEASES 'nnd How to Feed Mailed Free to any Ad- dress by the Author. 1!. cm Glover Co..1no. 129 W est 24m Street New York‘ U«S.A‘ an a of a Rug hich Contains d :11 child and will m troubles it they Baby’s Own Tab- be kept In every HT he parlor, Mary is beautifud rug 1," replied the but I dare say rowing o‘hdld- medicine as the guarantee that they are Physician:- emian rug )1'. “Hum we brought voianting to years and 1 Headache Neural'gia ken packag ‘7' F. HAVE TON lI REMEMBER Tells How Lydia E. Pinkham’sN eg- etable Compound Relieved- Her of Inflammatien and Great Weakness Attractive Proposition West St. John, N. B.'â€"- “I was in a general run-down condition following the birth of my twin boys. I had a great; deal of inflammation, with pains and weakness. Finallg m doctor recom- mended Lydia E. inkgam’s Vegetable Compound. He said that your medicine would be the only thing to build me up. I am sure he is right, for I am feeling much better and am gaining in weight, having gone down to ninety-three Bounds. I was in bed for over amonth, ut am up again now. I have recom- mended the Vegetable Compound to my friends and give you permission to use my letter.â€â€"Mrs. ELMER A. RITCHIE, 82 Rodney St., West St. John, N. B. There are many women who ï¬nd their household duties almost unbearable ow- ing to some weakness or derangement. The trouble may be slight, yet cause such anno ing symptoms as dragging pains, wea ess and a run-down feelmg. Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com- pound is a s lendid medicine for such conditions.It as in many cases relieved those symptoms by removing .the cause of them. Mrs. Ritchie’s experience is but one of many. You might be interested in reading Mrs. Pinkham’s Private Text-Book upon the “Ailments of Women.†You can et a copy free by writing the Lydia E. Pipkham Medicine 00., Cobourg, Ontario. Classiï¬ed Adverï¬ RECOMMENDED l: SOLD BY DRUGGISTS 601'! Mm“ 503 mu. 2v: CAM boon MUAINICOJHI For man with all round weekly newspaper expel-lance and $400 or $500. Apply Box 24, Wilson Publishing 00.. Ltd.. 73 Adelalda Street West. WEN SHUNWINDDUST éCINDERS D 0\\'NERS AND A( 5i VEfEnS WASHINGTON HAND PRESS‘ IRRITATED BY TWIN EMS Bayer Crou Rheumati Neuritis 211T in. Pain [RY FOR A WASHING- mnt wlll aka I Due: 01 PubUshlnl 00.. m. 18 yer Tablets of worked out by bv millions for 1d looâ€"Drug; tablets, you TS EVERYWHERE hln'cnt. A wonderful somentz. r Compdny Apply Auto ! Mono-